Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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  • Posted

    Consider having Bioresonance sessions.  The Bicom or Asyra machines are very good and can detect imbalances, deficiencies, parasites, etc., and deal with them.......
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    Nicolamc, i feel your pain i have had the samething you have been describing. Have you found out yet what it was. I am getting so angry with doctors because nothing they give me seems to help or take away these sores on my face.. they now have moved up into my scalp my back under my arms pretty much everywhere. I am going nut.
  • Posted

    I feel really bad,for you OMG.. i dont have worms or fibers yet.but similular sores like in your pics.i really hope you can find a cure. I am currantly taking anti fungals oral and creams they seem to help but dont take everything away completly??
    • Posted

      I've been replying to her thread as well...

      I read her most recent post,my understanding is that she finally got a diagnosis of a facial Parasite.

      I'm here trying to find anyone that has anything like me...something is in every pore of my skin...it's visible,only itchy and rash-like,during times of lowed immunity but if I squeeze of vigorously rub at my skin,for example the crook of my arm of my face,gooey,booger-like,crap is the result,almost as if they're defending their territory. I posted a reply a few ago,explaining my horrors with the dermotogist. I'm gonna just hope for a reply at this point...

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    I cried, upon opening your pics...

    Although my situation isn't pin point exact,I have been praying to find someone.... ANYONE,that has something alive in their pores. Matter of factly, after trying to 'phrase' my condion to 'Google', in which would not send me to a Demotex definition,I searched 'Something alive in my pores',your story was my breath of sanity.

    I don't have worms in my face...something is in every pore,every inch of my body and has been for over a year. A close friend transmitted 'thjs',it's highly contagious,very real and I need help.

    My friend was told it was scabies... Permetherin was a joke. You only itch,when your immune system is down slightly,for example, working 3rd shift and not sleeping for 24 hours. Also,scabies aren't visible to the naked eye,these things are as I've said,in each and every pore,are thread like but resemble a grain of rice\worm. My friend lied to me as well...saying she saw a derm,he diagnosed her as having a rare but serious mite that usually lives in wood but will infest human. I went to see this derm,he never heard of her, I was insane,he was a pro fessional and I was seeing Things. What is in my pores' and please,if anyone has any insight please....

    • Posted

      You have whats called a round worm. You need irvermectin and also something to kill the adult worms that live in your intestine. You may have eaten a salad that had worm eggs or got the worm from a cat dog or animal or even from walking bare foot outside. Insisit to your doctor to give you the proper treatement google irvermectin read it all then goodle how to kill the adult worms.you need 2 medications. Please let me no if this helps you
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      Have you used a medication and has it worked well no everyones different also with different things that I have read I worry that with my wife having an ass and her immune system is probably lower than mine she may have she says that she doesn't see things like that and I only do and I'm crazy but I don't understand how someone can say that when you keep saying the same thing over and over and over not a day or two or a month or two even longer and at the same time possibly changing up what I thought it was but all in all roughly the same also if my cat had eaten something off my plate I'm like that if I didn't know he did eating and there anything from Lake Rite Aid to use to spray on body yourself she thinks either bed bugs or scabies also seen on the news channel 9 about in New Hampshire human itch might in the scabies family we had rented a room from someone who had said they would run into someone forward to someone before us that had had scabies and he had cleaned everything and constantly used the cream just for preventive measures
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      Is the other the in vermitteln lotion also when I start itching and start scratching and spikes splinters whatever they want to call I'm start falling off if my wife walkthrough barefooted and had walked over 1 will she get them or do they die once they leave the skin
  • Posted

    I have what you discribe. I have at times looks like cotton threat that can come out with worm like characteristics. I have been treated with antibiotics and it come still now and then. I tried everything until I found a cream called durman. It is for athletes foot but has non of the properties of lamisil or any other brands you will find. It has been the most affectable thing I could find it hope this helps out.
    • Posted

      Thomas google round worm and irermectin i had this when i was a child.. its a worm that lives in intestine and can go into your face lungs even brain and really do damage if not killed.it causes dermitis and all that crap on your face.you can get it from pets eating salad that could have had eggs that you did not see ..you need the cream and a pill to kill the adult worms. mesage me if anymore questions
  • Posted

    I have what you discribe. I have at times looks like cotton threat that can come out with worm like characteristics. I have been treated with antibiotics and it come still now and then. I tried everything until I found a cream called durman. It is for athletes foot but has non of the properties of lamisil or any other brands you will find. It has been the most affectable thing I could find it hope this helps out.
  • Posted

    Also I would like to ask have you ever taken acutane For acne ? The way the drug changes the way your screen excrets things I think there maybe a connection to that and possible vitamin E. I believe it locks fluid and bacteria were you would have acne and over time it festers. Let me know cause ima sue the crap outa them if my conclusions are correct. It's been a life problem and it's serious.
  • Posted

    Yes you wouldn't believe mine is very bad first started noticing spiky type things in 2011 still getting finger cut off I think I started then till now have been told I look like I have AIDS and then kicked out of places to live it looks so bad without picking and when I do my wife says that I should stop abusing my medications and with some that I take making it worse sometimes saying things that you don't think we're there saying that I feel like I have bugs crawling under my skin then being called crazy and telling Doctor this and other people and being put on medication and 4 cc dirt in certain doctors when going to show a doctor because of it never actually is acting up other than me looking like I have sores and then wanting to test for deadly diseases knowing that I must have something to look the way I do like I have been up doing PCP for example was sad and accused of by Doctor the shuffle to the other doctors and tell them the same but isn't that bad they never seem to believe but I feel like I have bugs are crawling asking for any type of medication that would help clear of bed bugs or lice always using head and shoulders or selsum Blue having extremely bad dandruff flaking off thinking that's what I had waking up to wiping out of my bed then my wife start itching and/or everywhere we live thinking that I have brought something or ran into somebody or brushed some type of bug on to and brought home not knowing the whole time that I was the host and the more I would not shave my face and the longer it would get the worst I would it and but the less you would see the spikes that would push through my skin and as I would shave more I would see it more of what I knew it was tried showing wife still I'm crazy consular getting antibiotics being seen at walk-in clinics and given some type of cream like mupirocin cream telling me just read that on an infected area and I had nothing wrong with me and being told by countless doctor just to use Vaseline because maybe my living environment and all the medications I was on my body was drying itself out then not agreeing with it and sucking itself dry and or maybe thinking that the cat we had had gotten something from him or he's the one bringing the dirt and bugs into the bed for us to be itching not knowing what to use except for alcohol constantly to get a little relief sometimes in the past when I've tried using peroxide on a silver or something I've squeezed it would get really really bad fester up twice as big and I would think it would make it better but if I didn't wash it off immediately on numerous occasions it would end up starting to turn black being told I had had Mercer I am very concerned because of recently lost insurance when I had just found this site with all these people who just like me have same type of situation and that I know finally I'm not crazy and can prove to my wife once and for all that maybe I should have listened to her and went to a dermatologist because she was sick of hearing about but they're going to tell you you're crazy you don't have bugs and they're not crawling under your skin and peeking out when wanting to visit with other wormlike friends kind of like a beaver in a hole wondering if it gets all over your body anywhere and everywhere and was told to make sure not to try and do anything to clog pores I read because somehow I had done I think with the peroxide and that's the whole reason my face started doing the way it did when it gets really really bad and noticeable and sores also picking I have people saying to my wife that why would she be with somebody that look like me when or does he have herpes or something and have been tested for everything but at the same time my wife is has MS which makes her immune system way lower given that does she probably have it as well how does it occur if once in awhile it doesn't get as bad as it does but I constantly itch and have squeezed because have a bad temper and it ends up getting worse or feeling bad to touch or sister up or the spikes coming out and all the other things I have read but what I haven't found is any medication that will help but not knowing what it was because I've been diagnosed just being crazy anyway is there anything over the counter that I can go purchase from Rite Aid right now and would washing with lice medicine help have been blamed that I was study and never showered to look that way when thinking at least once a day was good but yet as bad as it itches sometimes they fall everywhere do they still live when that happens or once they fall out of your skin they die everyone has eye boogers in the morning sometimes is what I was told by Doctor never being able to wake up and show them you you wipe your eye out not thinking and then it would start getting worse to the point where I felt like I had a eyelash in my eye and was pulling a weird coding from over my eyeball an ore mine all around it would feel like somebody poured dirt in my eyes and around it it's been a ridiculous battle but I just kept believing that eventually I will figure out what this was but never hear the way from saying that there's bugs crawling or hacking in my skin thank goodness for social media and autocorrect redirecting what I was actually looking for and had changed one word and pulled up your guyses marvelous websites to all who have i of all people know what everyone has gone through but don't know the ins and outs and anything i can buy over the counter until I can get to a doctor or even what to ask and the correct antibiotics and or if I can give them a specific name to test for or biopsy or what have you finally or just send them the link to this anytime I let my hair grow and didn't shave my face rides if I shaved with a beard strap above below where have not shaved actually it's the worst and welted leaving hair so I started shaving every where I grew hair and yes manscaping and anytime doing so fully it lasts in when leaving any patch of hair anywhere and then for months months on end or even once a whole year being shoved down with the life and just thinking that I had had scabies because of them pushing the lights on the all the time and them saying if you have you know whatever that you know constantly doing why you must have that I'm glad I'm not crazy and keep trying to wake my wife up who is disabled and doesn't believe me ever sick of hearing it actually when nothing is really going on other than in my brain does anyone know what I can use to spray on myself or would it be okay to rub cortizone. 10 + on me to help soon my skin No yeah from constantly feeling like its on fire and maybe get a job being a janitor because I constantly have or should get a paint brush to use to dust myself off is the best I've found so far I've tried tons of stuff and don't know what to do and/or if just washing my clothes when soap when washing obviously that it kills whatever the parasite is or do I need to just start burning everything and starting from scratch once I get on the right medication and it's finally over and don't ever get a parasite again its just my wife and I both disabled I have to take care of both of us also with this n does my wife actually have because of I have I have lots of questions wonders I can keep reading and have been writing down as much as I found four different stuff so far I don't know what to say that nobody has said already accept I first noticed in 2009 or 10 it happened so it's never totally been taken care of and people think oh well yeah you know things like that when people all the time and you know have dots on their clothes that its bed bugs in your must have bed bugs and have read up on bed bugs shaking I'm so crazy that bed bugs bite me and then stupid baby egg in my skin you name it and keep saying that and asking Doctor is it possible for bugs to be crawling around under your skin expecially when you can feel your skin crawling expression it surely true truly 6 years to just now be able to start being able to do something about it for good but also do both of us have to do medication at the same time and is there anything we need to do where we set once during medication or like I had asked if you they died when they come out of skin you should hear when I tell people that if I feel like I have an ingrown hair and try and pick at it with a pair of tweezers it would I get it once and then it wouldn't want to come out and then it would move and then when I find it I try and it wouldn't and then when I finally did they say I pulled it out by the roots because I would say have you ever seen a room look like clear clear and shiny blue that shimmers or sparkles and again I'm crazy even though I can show them in hand that most of the hair that come out of my face have what look like clear glue you are that's just your skin around when you pull on your route and would never come out and movie that's not glue it's my army mess blues
    • Posted

      Dude you have round worms goto your doctor and say you ate salad that you later found eggs and seen a worm in.thats what happened to me.its a worm that will tracel to your lungs lay eggs then go live in your intestine and keep repeating the cycle. They need to come out to your skin to lay eggs sometimes and yes they can travel to your face back even brain ..these damb doctors now a days are a joke i honestly would love to torture some of them so bad
    • Posted

      Or your cat has worms and gave them to you.you need to keep an eye on your catt as well your cat might need to be treated aswell
    • Posted

      Hi Guss, gosh what you are going through sounds awful.  Just people not believing you is enough to drive you nuts in itself.  Even if you didnt have Morgellons, it is possible to have things moving around on and in your skin so I dont know why doctors tell us it isnt possible.  I would be worried if you are getting the crawling feeling you may have Morgellons because with Morgellons things really do crawl.  The only way you are going to know for sure is if you purchase a microscope, a cheap usb.  You can pick them up for next to nothing.  If you had Morgellons, you would see fibers and random weird stuff anywhere you have a sore and even in areas where you dont.  There is no mistaking what Morgellons looks like because it is very unusual.  I hope it isnt that of course but if you are getting the run around from the doctors, you need to find out either way.  i warn you though, looking at things through microscopes isnt for everyone because sometimes you see things you dont want to see and that can be scary in itself.  I hope it is something like dab1 says and turns out to be a genuine parasite infection and then at least you can get it cured.  In the meantime, salt baths are good for drawing things out of your skin.  I sometimes use 3 cups of salt, 2 vinegar and 3.5 cups of 12% food grade hydrogen peroxide. You can see the bubbles from the Hydrogen Peroxide locking onto cuts and things like its doing something good to them.  I dont towel dry either so that the water just dries naturally ones i'm out of the bath leaving (hopefully) a residue of the stuff.
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      Even if you looked at your comb or brush under a microscope you would see something very strange with my illness.  It is worth ruling it out.  Even if you dont have it, maybe it would pick up something that you could show your doctor.  Whenever i get a crawling feeling, which i'm not getting at the moment thank god.. I run a disposable razer over the area and then look at it under the scope to see what it was.  It will pick up whatever is crawling.
    • Posted

      Hey Gus sounds really awful what you are going through. Unfortunately, it sounds as if Nicola could be spot on and you very well could have Morgellons. Plenty of us do and the sprkling shimmers, glue-like sruff coming out, and the shards or spikes really sounds like it. You asked if there is anything to help ease the pain and there is. First of all like Nicola said baths do help to calm the nerves - try adding epsom salts and regular bath salts and baking soda and just lay with water up high around your head and breath slowly and deliberate - almost like a meditation. Then go to Walmart or pharmacy (cheaper at Walmart) and buy Bactine spray and Bandaid wash. They both have lidocaine or benzocaine in them. Put it directly on your sores and it will take away the pain for at least an hour of relief. Advil helps also and even helps the itching. Sorry it is making you feel so ill!

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