Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    You have Morgellons disease, every doctor you see will tell you that there is no such thing, they will send you to someone else.  No one will help you.  Millions of people have this and the Doctors profession say it doesn't exist that it is all in your head.  
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    It is called Morgellons. I to went through HELL just as you are. I know how you feel and many other people do to.  I went to every Dr. around, several dermitoligists, and even disease center at OHSU, Epic where they did a scam of my face and head.  When It was all done ... they all said I had nothing wrong with me that I need to quit picking at my face. LOL aww hello I had a hole in my face the size of a hard baseball and I'm pretty sure there is something not right with this.  Every Dr. had there own theory and would never take in what I had to say about it.  I thought I was gonna go through the rest of my life with never knowing what was wrong with me.  The Disease center was my last hope, I was so excited to go there cause they would find out what was wrong with me.  Oh how I was so wrong , The Dr sat about 6ft away from me with his head cocked and legs crossed and said "ARE YOU A TWEEKER" I just sat and stared at him and said "Excuse me" "what is a tweeker"?  he said very bluntly "DO YOU PICK YOUR FACE", and said to him as I wanted to just crawl under a rock as my self esteme was far gone by now "yes I do pick at my face because if I don't these things get way worse"  and I left.  I have had surgery on my face 3 times. The second Dr. who did my surgery cut off the side of my face and pulled my neck up hoping that he would get any parisite that my be in my skin, all he did was scar my face with huge stitch scars and a vein that you  can see as though it was a string pulled tight in my neck, half my chin gone.  and when done said well there is nothing more I can do for you. Oh and yes my face started with its hole again right after the surgery. I had a friend call me one day and told me to look up Morgellons, I did, I cryed, I found what was wrong with me.  Then I started to deal with it on my own.  The Best thing I found for it was a square clear bandage, they are very sticky, I would put it on one side of the hole on my face, Pull it very tight as it would squeeze the hole together. I did this every night before I went to bed.  It wasn't pretty when I woke up as my skin was wrinkley from having it pulled together and it would drain all night.  A few months later i got it to stop and is now gone... These things are smart, agressive, and don't like to stop.  I tried every over the counter everything you can think of, some things kinda would work but it is like they adapted to it.  They have to breath, thats my opinion as i had morgellons for a few years before I found out what it was, and I always felt like they like the mostiure from anything i put on it.  They did not like the pressure of being squeezed with no air and drowed in the infection in my face. Sounds gross and was but It is gone and that was the only thing that worked for me.  Now there are different forms of morgellons. Different stages,  Google or youtube Morgellons.  Don't always listen to rediculous ones but there are some good info ones there too. Find what best describes yours and work from there.  Your not alone there are thousands of People, Dr.s, Lawyers, Baseball players, Actors etc.. Us that all share Morgellons Disease.  A GOVERNMENT COVER UP GONE WRONG.   They blame it on meth saying people pick there face so people don't talk about it . hahahhah The Government is so EVIL.  I hope you get some relief from this, Ps try not to stress, Morgellons loves the stress.   Government created this disease to Make people go crazy.  A messed up Project coverup.   I would spend days in my bathroom, days.   It almost ruined my life.  I beat it. 
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      Best thing I did was go to a foreign doctor from a third world country. I don't trust doctors especially after experiencing what you did when I visited. I also parked my car for almost 4 months in the sun before that I had it sprayed inside by a professional . I also threw away everything I owned I mean everything, the things I could like paper work and pictures and bagged in black bags and left them in the sun for three months. I soaked in a pool naked outside as someone bagged the clothes I was wearing. I soaked then went inside and took a shower, got the head lice comb and combed my hair with it over and over (I did this for a month )then bleached the bathroom when I got out. I had body lice as well ,plus bed bugs plus those worms in my face. The body like some of them embedded themselves on my nose,chest ,and hairline ,it's need a year and the ones at the tip of my nose are half way gone. I do facials and mud packs but those are really deep inside the skin you can feel the bumps. The worms were very scary when I first saw them I cried and scream and was totally disgusted with them, I believe I was cursed, I know what a lot people think about that, they say it is hog wash to think that,but I am sticking to my belief. I put Vaseline on the hole to suffocate them when I take it off I would try to get them out with twrezers,but they were determined to stay,they would look irritated ,I had a very high powered mirror which you can say either helped or scared me more to see these disgusting things. I put a concoction of need ,tumeric bleach,baking soda ,cow pesticide stuff,diamaceous earth,roach spray ,a pesticide used by bug professionals, pretty scary but the last concoction with need sent a lot of the body lice to embed themselves in me. At the end I had to leave everything behind. I miss some of my stuff that I had they were things I can live without but still liked. Go to a tropical doctor and most of all save everything put them in vaseline take pictures. I watch monsters in me, when I see that I say it could of been worst
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      Don't ever feel alone, I went through the same hell you are going through now.  Crazy as it sounds I put the bandages on my face at night, I stopped stressing, and would talk to those things and told them that if I died they to would die, , and that  I don't care if they are in my body if they would just stop destroying me.  And we could possibly live together.  That's how bad it got for me.    They have stopped and besides my memories and destroyed face, I almost have a normal life again...... I guess they wanted to live.  And every now and again they want to start up again and I just remind them .  Am I crazy! I don't know but it works for me cause they stopped and thats what matters.  Story goes that Government put these things out to make people go crazy, not sure who they were meant for but someone made a mistake and let it loose.  MY opinon.  Or its Alien.  Its been on Aliens Unsealed Files show, Nasa talked about them, Ancient Aliens show has talked about them....
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    I personally do not suffer from what u are all going through however my little sister does. For years she has been trying to explain it to people and being ignored. The way I read ur discription is exactly what she has said to me and like the pictures she has drawn saying it's like the fibres are and knotted and pulling inside putting pressure in one area. I have also seen holes in her face and her skin all collapsed in and it was horrible.

    She hasn't actually said she has seen things out of her skin lately but the tunnel lines are still there often and sores still come up on her face, just a bit less intense than they used to. She does still claim she is electric too and any fibre she ever does remove she said always wants to stick to her like static.

    It's not her skin or the holes though that I want to ask about now, what is really getting her down at the moment is her hair. She has blonde long hair up until about a year ago when she basically pulled it all out. She now has hair about an inch long that she says is not her own hair. She also seems to have one side longer for a short period of time and then a week later it's short again. Like the hair is going back inside her head. She says it is moving and depending on which area it is focusing on makes the fake hair move that way.

    Does anyone else have a problem like this and a solution so that she can grow her own hair back again. She tells me she doesn't think her hair will ever grow back and she will be wearing wigs from now on. She is only 27 and I can see how much it is affecting her life. Please anyone help if you could.

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      I watched an episode of monsters in me,a girl had it please have her go to a tropical doctor. They sound like worms in her head,please hurry too. Watch that episode it's on you tube .
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    This is my first post.  My bugs may not be the same as everyone else.  I don’t think, at this time I can say anything that hasn’t been said but I do have some picks.  I feel like I am living in a science lab and have become a MacGyver on these problems.

    I have been dealing with this for 5 years but about 3 months ago I figured out it was not flees.

    If you have any idea of what these things are I would appreciate any help or suggestions. 

    I am a visually oriented person and believe that a picture is worth a thousand words.



    If you have any idea of what these things are I would appreciate any help or suggestions. 


    • Posted

      Have commented but they are waiting for moderation. Please search cercaria star shaped larva and there's some (vague) info and more pics there. Sorry for all the replies when they come through, I posted before I read the info!

      Good luck, and hopefully if identified then your doctor may be able to help you, or you could try the protocol suggested on the first few places that come up in search.

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      Summy, thinks for the suggestion.  I don’t believe that the larva are the answer but at this time I am grasping for any ideas.  My pest control people can’t identify them and I have sent picks and samples to the Ar. State entomologies and he said it didn’t look like a bug.  I am sending him the new picks of the ones in my eye to see if he still thinks I am a nut.  Again I do appreciate any ideas
    • Posted

      If you look at the lymesphotos it explains that it is a spore stage that splits like that, please don't be mislead by the search term, it is almost a pre- larval stage. They have many forms including mite/nematode. You will see that there are lots of photos on there identical to yours, the gallery is at the bottom of the page
    • Posted

      I am not sure why they are blocking my post.  I went back and reviewed the picks and I found some nymphs that look similar to some new things I found last night.  The more I use this endoscope the more I learn about what is actually on our skin.  Scary stuff!  The bugs have started early tonight and I am setting here catching them with duck tape.  I have had a rough life, been through a lot but I think these bugs may be what kills me.  Again thinks for the suggestions.  Every little bit helps.
    • Posted

      I am not sure why they are blocking my post.  I went back and reviewed the picks and I found some nymphs that look similar to some new things I found last night.  The more I use this endoscope the more I learn about what is actually on our skin.  Scary stuff!  The bugs have started early tonight and I am setting here catching them with duck tape.  I have had a rough life, been through a lot but I think these bugs may be what kills me.  Again thinks for the suggestions.  Every little bit helps.
    • Posted

      It is called Morgellons.....  You Tube it or just google it.  I have it and it almost destroyed my life.  It's called 

      Government Cover up You won't find help for his and you are not crazy. Thousands of people have this and Government is trying to say it's just in our heads that were basicly just seeing things that are not there.  Mine started out in pollups ,  kinda what a hair folical looks like and then went from there into something like yours, with a razor like sheild that would cover it. My skin would heal as fast as I would pick it open to get those things out.  I went for years before I found out what I had, thought I would never know and thought I was the only one that may have had it.  12 Doctors 2 of which was disease center, dermoltoligists and no one could help me or even wanted to try.  All they did was hack my face up and just left me saying there was nothing.   These things are smart, agressive and can do some damage.  A clear through bandage , pull as tight as you can across the hole that the bug is in and leave it on,  the bug has to breath so when you pull bandage tight it squeezes up to surface and it cannot go no where and sufficates it.  ONly thing i found that would work. I tried everything you can image.......

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply.  I have given consideration to Morgellons, read several blogs and watched a number of videos and I haven’t completely ruled it out.  I have a couple symptoms that point to Morgellons but most of the problems I am experiencing don’t really fit into what I have read.

                I have already run into people that think I am hallucinating.  My pest control people questioned my sanity after the second treatment with no results and the state entomologist said he could not see the bug attached to my eye in the pick I sent him.  From the wording in the reply he sent back, I don’t think he even looked at the picks.  I know it there because I picked it off with a pair of sharp tweezers.  Besides that I took pictures for documentation.

                I understand how this problem has ruined your life because the last few months have put everything on hold for me too.  I have gotten to that point in my life where more everyone I know is dead and I have broken contact with everyone else to prevent the spread of my problem.

                Did you get rid of all your worms?  The bandage idea sounds good.  Did you ever consider crazy glue?  Even the doctors use it for cuts instead of stitches.  Might be something to think about.


    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply.  I have given consideration to Morgellons, read several blogs and watched a number of videos and I haven’t completely ruled it out.  I have a couple symptoms that point to Morgellons but most of the problems I am experiencing don’t really fit into what I have read.

                I have already run into people that think I am hallucinating.  My pest control people questioned my sanity after the second treatment with no results and the state entomologist said he could not see the bug attached to my eye in the pick I sent him.  From the wording in the reply he sent back, I don’t think he even looked at the picks.  I know it there because I picked it off with a pair of sharp tweezers.  Besides that I took pictures for documentation.

                I understand how this problem has ruined your life because the last few months have put everything on hold for me too.  I have gotten to that point in my life where more everyone I know is dead and I have broken contact with everyone else to prevent the spread of my problem.

                Did you get rid of all your worms?  The bandage idea sounds good.  Did you ever consider crazy glue?  Even the doctors use it for cuts instead of stitches.  Might be something to think about.


    • Posted

      Nope did tried crazy glue, the badage did work and so far it has stopped, not sure if he banage is what stopped it or if I just got to the main core and dug it out.  Are they gone... I don't think so, I think they are there forever bu they seem  to stay dormat for now..  I do notice that they want to start again if I have a lot of stress going on.  I feel that is what gets them going but intirely sure. The banage is used is View Guard Transparent Dressing Semi-permeable 2 3/8 x 2 3/7 Manufactured for Dynarex.  I oreder them online and only used them at night and thats because I had to wear it on my face. I think the glue might night work Im not sure but the bandage squeezed my skiin as if I were pinching it together and he tape seals your skin so they cannot breath and they drown or sufficate because they cannot get away because of the suction of the banage where as the glue has no suction and they can just travel elsewhere under the skin. You must understand there are many forms of morgellons that I have seen online.  Mine is more like yours maybe I only had it in my chin and cheek and thats because I chased it up further into my face and thats when the doctor decided to cut off the side of my face and pull my neck skin up and left huge stich marks and scars in my face, told me he would do skin graphs aferwards but when the time came he said there was nothing more he could do and that there was nothing wrong wih me.  I stopped the bug myself. All the million things I tried nothing worked except the bandage.  They do not seem contaigious, my daughter never got it and none of my friends never.  I always bleached the bathroom when I was done in there and just made sure knowone used anything I did like my makeup  or washrags things like that.  Try the bandage for a while and see if maybe it helps.  If you do please let me know if it works for you.
    • Posted

      Sorry meant to say  "no I did not try crazy glue" in my  last replay.
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      Another thing that crossed my mind during this conversation: There is a chemical sterilization called benz all.  It is as good as you can get without buying an autoclave.  It is noncorrosive and has an excellent killing time, very affordable.  Also for instruments you may be using, a pressure cooker will do the same process as an autoclave sterilizer that is used in the medical profession.

                The chemical works well in a spray bottle for counter tops, sinks, floors and any other hard surface.  I even sue a small amount in laundry.

                I hope things are getting better for you.


    • Posted

      Another thing that crossed my mind during this conversation: There is a chemical sterilization called benz all.  It is as good as you can get without buying an autoclave.  It is noncorrosive and has an excellent killing time, very affordable.  Also for instruments you may be using, a pressure cooker will do the same process as an autoclave sterilizer that is used in the medical profession.

                The chemical works well in a spray bottle for counter tops, sinks, floors and any other hard surface.  I even sue a small amount in laundry.

                I hope things are getting better for you.


    • Posted

      Have you tried the clear bandages that I mentioned? That completly stopped it for me, or atleast I think it did.  It was either me digging it all out or the bandage killing it.   I tried everything I mean everything a person could possible buy at the store for it, I even tried bleach once.  They say morgellons never stops multiplying in your body, that it just sits dormat.  Which is scary, so what does his mean>> that someday when it acts up again I am going to turn into a walking morgellons.  Have you noticed how everyone says the same thing how every doctor says the same thing.  I find that so odd since so many people have it, that have to know that something is going on, or atleast I would think so.  I still say its a huge cover-up. There is no known fiber on this planet that shows anything near to morgellons.  That is a proven fact.  And they cannot kill morgellons with high heat either.  Has anyone noticed little fuzzy things flying off there skin yet? and you see it and are just thinking it was just fuzz in the air?  or little black specs in your sink when you digging at them.  My sink would be full of black specs like I took a pepper shaker and shook the hell out of it.  And I never once seen them fall out of my face.  I used to take the strings out of my face and stick them to those photo seals so I could look at them but they were stuck between the sticky plastic so they could not do any harm I still have them from years ago.  They are all dried now but there is a super hard something in everyone of them.  You could actually see the eyes in those things. And those razor sharp sheilds is what I always called the thing that covered the worm and hole. I sure hope you all can stop those things or atleast make them dormat so you could have a life again because if you are anything like I was I had no life at all because of this worm.  Comes from Hell is where they come from.
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      The liquid band aid someone mentioned sounds like 'opsite spray' or germolene 'new skin' in the UK.
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      I tried crazy gue a few years ago, but at that point they where only in my mouth as huge nasty ulcers, crazy glur did not work, what seems to helping my mouth is fungus fighter I bought at helth food store made by newton homopathics, its the best the ulcers have felt or looked for years, I also am wiping my sores on my body down with cat or dog bacteria cleaner, this seems to dry them out, and baths twice a day with vinegar, perixiode, salt, tea tree oil, iodine, and baking soda, this also seems to get them out, I also take scram bought at health food store, Hope this helps, am going in July to a doctor who believes in this disease and will let you all know what he says
    • Posted

      When I take my baths, the bath tub is covered with those black things, what are they????? They also are all over my body and near the sores during the day, along with lots of gold glittler, and white fuzz balls, and coming out of the ulcers I have black or white about 1/4 inch things that stand straight up, under the microscope they all look like parasites to me.
    • Posted

      Your not alone.

      Is that the begin stage of the worms. A white gray puff that floats?

      Yup, I've seen it try to attach to me.

      I have the white worms and after a year fighting my poor 4 year old son has them too.

    • Posted

      Look up commenalism and begin searches looking through the pics. I believe I have the same as you. The black lines or longer white line's are the bugs stacked in to end making a long line of many of these teeny thing's.

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      This is a picture of a bird mite. They are clear transparent like a piece of translucent tape. They are as thin as that as well. They burrow into your clothes to hide and then they transfer to you when you wear the item. They tKe fibers with them when they transfer and I have seen many of them cocoon in a ball of fibers. Also, they 'piggy back' on each other creating a long worm like appearance. This is what I have found to be true in my case. I have not found a cure that works so I can't help with that part but look up northern fowl mite or clear bird mite and it may help you with an answer.

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      I have EXACTLY the same thing - taken many photos - Did you discover what it was or how to cure it?  
    • Posted

      Mitee yesterday I found a site by googling gram negative and gram positive bacteria with spiralchetes (?on spelling) 

      After reading I found things that kill both of the above.

      Dapsone gel or topical was one of them. I pretty sure that site is for MD’s to use.

      I’ve never found a more informative site.

      If you can’t find it, let me know I’ll look up actual site name for you. 

      Once on site; you can search actual symptoms it will give you a list of questions to help your search.

    • Posted

      It is what I mentioned!

      It’s the same!

      Florazone cream from health stores or Walgreens (online) helps a lot too!

      I was able to close my open sores, but still in my skin underneath by my mouthsad(

      Animal fungus sprays were a huge help also.

    • Posted

      Hey there! I know exactly what your talking about! I jumped into a pool a month ago and it looked as though someone had dropped. A load of feather like/cotton on top of the water.. In Alabama we call them noseeums....as they float through the air and appear to be dust however they are not! That along with tape worm is what I am leading towards...Someone must begin helping as SO MANY ARE INFECTED. Based on my experience I think this may simply take a long time to be noticed by person infected... So when we do realize something is terribly wrong it has stronghold on body...along with a terribly weak immune system already, most other parasites become interested in our bodies as well..opening the door to WHO KNOWS WHAT...I have literally tried it all...seriously...Recently I tried boiled onion water and baking soda. Rubbed a freshly cut onion on my hair and was able to get a brush through it...so I'm still doing fenbendazole, invermectin, moxidectin and pyromantle pomate....and drinking baking soda/water once daily, and yummy onion water...honestly think baking soda and onion are helping me...will let you know if I get any new info..HANG IN THERE AND HAVE A BLESSED DAY

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