Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    I found this information....

    omg... i was watching the DHC just the other dy and a lady had came into the hospital with her husband she was complaining about feeling something crawlin in her head... the doctors examined her and notice two small holes in her head... they push down on it and these two larvae things popped out...it was so gross... They said that they believed it came from when she had traveled outside of the country...something laid their eggs in her hair and the burrowed under her skin when they hatched...so yes it is possible...not necessarily the face... but any part of the body where the egg can latch on and survive... it can happen.typically where there is hair


    normal no...possible yes

    • Posted

      This was the one i had that gathered in my  neck just before an attack, that is one creature.  I have also had different ones on my face.  Big things too.  The awful thing is you learn to deal with it, you have to really.. because there is nowhere to go. 
    • Posted

      This is the creature that was in my neck during an attack a couple of hours later.  Thats my hip and it was travelling over my hip to wrap itself around my leg.  It was attacking me every day for about a week before I worked out EMF was triggering it. At one point it was on top of my head tickling my neck with something.  The human brain isnt designed to deal with terror like that so i could feel my brain starting to close down on me.  It attacked me in a car park a couple of days after that.. i was so lucky I didnt get sectioned, if anyone had called an ambulane or the police they would have locked me up for sure.
    • Posted

      Did you happen to go outside of the Country? When I researched it, stated that if you get bit by this particular parasite it will burrow and happen like what's happening to you... My heart definitely goes out to you!! You would think technology today that they could IV wise do something to rid you of them...that's enough to make someone crazy...so sorry
    • Posted

      I've found something that they dislike, and it seems to aid them in dying off and coming out on their own!!! They are nowhere near as active as normal, along with nicotine patches. Steve thinks its starting to work.

      "Foot works. Cucumber fresh cooling body spray" I know its weird. But something in it, they hate, its an Avon type product steve came across and thought he would try it. First spray on his skin his body went nuts.. Glad he wasn't in public when it happened lol

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      If i had to make a guess, I would say the fungal parasite infection I returned from Mexico with which was ignored by doctors which then mutated with EMF radiation which then led to Morgellons.
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      hi nic theres been a suggestion that emf radiation from technology is a cause of this condition. its only since i discovered other people on the net that I started connecting. (using a new type mobile ph)

      i have pretty much avoided technology including a microwave oven for years. very occasionally I may watch television but thats about the extent of my exposure.

      also ive never ever eaten at McDonald's or hungry jacks, etc. been a vegetarian all my life.

      it would be nice to find a common link but dont feel its this one. if it is I'm an anomaly.

    • Posted

      You get it from pets, cats, birds, dogs! Basically it's skin mites unless u have heartburn/tummy issues! A cream for shingles's is available over the counter from Walgreens, try a test area 1st, it's suppose to sting! Rub in your skin slowly, let sit 10 minutes wipe area with a paper towel and cold water, dispose in a sealable plastic sandwich bag

      Good luck


  • Posted

    My daughter is struggling with worms in her face at this time, and she puts the tincture of Black Walnut Hull/Wormwood/Cloves on her skin and then the worms come out.  That upsets them.

    From what I understand you should see an Infectious Disease Specialist because parasites are their specialty. 

    What a nightmare!

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    I just joined and don't know how to post. About 5 years ago during a very stressful time I got about 100 cold sores in my mouth, they went away and 6 weeks later I started to get the craziest things out of my mouth. I started collecting them and went to the first of the 41 doctors Ive seen, she told me it was food, but I insisted on a test it came back that I had candida tropicalis. The ENT tried meds that did'nt work and got rid of me. The itching was beyond anything I could imagine, I never could spend 1 second not scratching my gums. Than one day in Wal mart I ate a peice of cheese and all the sudden hundreds of little white balls came out of my mouth, they did not smell and no doctor knew what they where. Than I found a worm and took it to the next specialist that agreed it was a worm and took so many tests but found I have this disease Mgnus, nothing about my mouth. I started to get this huge ulcer in my top right gum, that I still have and never went away in all these years. Than other ulcers started to form in my mouth but they went away and came back. I've had the huge ulcer taken out but it always comes back, with the itching, and pain. I had a internet test that said I had candidia, went to gastro dr. that went into my gut and found nothing, he said I had burning mouth syndrome, put me on Haldol and something else, the ulcers went away I became a zombie, the oral surgeons tested for mouth cancer and kept taking teeth out, they would promise this would fix my problem. Than I got huge eruptions behind my ears the upper back shoulders, at the bottom of the ear , in the ear, and around hairline. They heal and come back, and all itch. All my doctors agree on one thing I am crazy I cause all my problems by scratching, if I did'nt scratch everything would heal, and I have OCD. Finally upon reading on the internet if you suspect parasites put gum of turpentine oil in the area's you believe might have them. The next day I got 3 bags of bugs out, took them to ER ( thought I have proof) the doctor admitted they where bugs but told me to see a shrink as he saw no bugs in my mouth and thought I collected them. Than about 3 months ago I had worms dropping onto my tongue for over a week, collected them brought them into a vet's office where I lied and said they came out of the cat, he looked thru his micrscope and said these are parasites. Unfortunately I still have no doctor as no infectious disease will treat parasites in my area, Mayo denied me as my internist sent the wrong info, called CDC, Health dept, everyplace that's says it treats parasites, and unless I have a diagnosis nobody will see me. I need a doctor who can find out what I have. I have no social life because around 3 they start acting up. I am on pain pills for the pain. I so need help to regain control over my life. I am seeing a heart dr. who believes me, but also thinks I have blocked artiries, and wants to clean them out before addressing the parasites. I live in Sarasota FL and would go anywhere for help, does anyone know of a doctor that can help me. Also I did see a acupuncrist that helped but they came right back.
  • Posted

    Please Google "salt and vitamin c protocal" it was made for people suffering symptoms related to lymes disease (not by me or anyone I know, I found it when I had almost given up) multiple worm/helminth/ bacterial skin infections and everything stopped in a few days. I have had no itching, my skin is heavily scarred but no new lesions and taste like a salt lick. I really hope this helps some of you. I bought everything I needed on amazon for under £20 for 6months + supply and used pink himalayas salt and filled empty gel capsules myself with the salt and the vitamin c as the taste would have made me sick. Please check the site, to my knowledge I do not have lymes, but definitely the symptoms of the skin worms you all describe. They cannot survive a high salt environment- all the info you need will come up on the lymes photos website, I thought I was definitely going to die so had nothing to lose.
    • Posted

      Same situation here sunny. Unbelievable how medical community simply does not know what this is. I tried ivermectin from feed store for 30 days. Astounding relief!! Plus doxyciclin from my local Latin grocery store who carries it over the counter. You are having very real parasites, as am i/was/better now.
  • Edited

    go to your doctor and say you have disseminated strongyloides.  say you want  Elisa strongyloides antibody test and make sure you wash bedding daily in hot water. its super infective and it can be deadly.    if you get no response from your doctor then go to the hospital.  dont tell them about worms in skin just say youve been in contact with strongyloides and you think your infected.  Alternatively you can go buy ivermectin horse paste.  Make sure its 1.8 ivermectin and nothing else. get it from a horse supply shop or animal supply shop.   take the required dose for weight. Ive done this many times and at first was scared but the releif it brought  was unbelievable.  you measure the amount, squirt it in some juice and drink.  It tastes nice, especially the apple flavour.  Eqavan is one of the names of a trusted ivermectin horse wormer.alternatively you can buy human ivermectin online from an online pharmacy., its name is stromectin but its more expensive and its made in the same factory as the horse wormer. just in pill form instead of paste.

    take single dose for your weight (usually 4-6  tablets.for 2 days, then stop for 2 weeks then repeat.  this should kill them....if it dosent, repeat the dose again 2 days on 13 days off untill it goes away.....  make sure you have something for your kydneys like milk thistle or boil 10 lemon or lime leaves for 10 minutes in 1 gallon of water and let cool then drink.   also take a bath in 1 cup 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 cup of mule borax (from supermarket)  this will get the fibres and junk out of your skin.....

    You need to change your diet....No sugar or sweet juice, and cut out complex carbohydrates.  Cut out sweet fruit also.....just for a few months after you are cured.  Eat lots of smelly stuff like garlic, curries, cayenne pepper tablets,

    every morning take 1/2 teaspoon baking soda with half a lemon juice or lime in water.  do this at lunch and bedtoime.  It keeps your body alkyline and the worms die.

    Hope this all helps......


    • Posted

      This is exactly right Leanne! My experience too! I took the horse paste for 30 days on a row. Plus doxyciclin from Latin market, over the counter. Have found wonderful relief!

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