Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    Hello Nicolamc,This is my first time on this page.I am so very happy to find it.Long story short,I had a Severe TBI almost 5 yrs.ago.I have along the way ended up with being paranoid about bugs more than ever.My health,especially my immune system is awful due to Lupus,SLE.This is the one that attacks the organs.And I never knew our skin is the largest organ we have.Lupus,is like your good antibodies attack your good antibodies.So pretty much my body is at war with itself.Just so you know I had my thyroid out in the 80's.And my body doesn't produce vitamin D and C.So I must always take pills and whatever I can to keep up.But,the problem is My skin.Always being very dry as to where I get out the shower apply really expensive lotion and absorbs right in.But at the end or the day,especially if wearing black,looks like dandruff.Now,I have been having these little bumps all over my face and behind one ear.Went to the Dermatologist and he just took a punch biopsy.When I went back again to have the stitches out,I had something like hives,all over my arms and swollen from the itch,well again he did 3 more punch biopsies on my arms.Ok,so he said it was Pruritis!!!! let's just say,I think he only made things worst,he stuck me with STERIODS,gave me antibiotics and also some Muprinison cream.

    Ok,this last two months have been like a living hell on my face.One morning I woke to find these white tubular looking things on my face,so I have this Jewlers magnifying scope,put them on my mirror.Omgosh,they looked like little tiny mites of some sort.UGLY....So,I washed my face and EVERYTIME I washed my face,more would come out,I had so many that I was crying as why me,what is this crap?Then in the very corner of my lips yesterday I was looking at this one larger pore that the Dermatologist tried twice to freeze off.Now I know why there was something there,I could see it moving and I got hold of it only to squeeze a portion of this thing out.I used a dental cleaner hook,cleaned of corse.I know it didn't belong to my body as no pain when trying to pull it all.But this bugger was hanging on to the inside of my cheek.One thing is after I had got half,then blood poured out and it felt like it was poking me with needles.Also has left a hole about the size of a pencil eraser,and I can see it moving around....The one above my left eye,right below the eyebrow,another one.It feels hard like it needed to come out.Again,the same thing,have to fight it and as well as the first one,it bleed for quite a bit.and another hole.I have also noticed that where these two holes are there is always another smaller hole,maybe for air or a quick escape.My son took me to the ER last week,and even took all the slides of these things,she said all she could see was skin.She didn't even go out her way and take the slides to the lab for them to see.Well,now I have more slides.My son sees my face today,he will be very upset.I personally don't care,I have plenty of evidence.Oh,and the place where I fractured my skull in the back of my head has been swollen and scaring with thick gooey crap coming out.I am afraid that I will have a infection and die before they say,wow she was so on point.I am so tired of the headaches and stiff necks along with all lymph nodes.I am at a lost.I have used Apple Cider Vinegar-With the mother. Cocnut oil,pure.also used alcohol and peroxide.My Dr. Said not to used the Peroxide as it will ruin my skin...Like how much more can it get...WALKING AROUND WITH HOLES IN MY FACE.I am so afraid I will go blind in the left eye and the back of my head.The ER,I think they are rude,laugh and say things it's just your imagination......Also want to say when I poked thru this thing,I didn't feel pain,so I knew it didn't belong there.Now my mouth is swollen and still oozing out crap.....I even seen bubbles coming from the one above the eye...Anyone have any idea of how to get attention to someone who really cares? so there it is.My son says just stop picking,leave it alone...EASY TO SAY HARD TO DO........

  • Posted

    http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150508-these-mites-live-on-your-face    Incase you cant click it - There are two species of mite that live on your face: Demodex folliculorumand D. brevis.
    • Posted

      Thanks Honest, I just had some sort of worm eat through the cartilege at the top of my nose.   It took them some time to get through, I didnt realise I had a problem and kept sniffing all the time.  People kept asking me if i had a cold, maybe some thought i may have been a charlie head or something lol.  When the skin become infected i could see the holes they had made and the things themselves. 
    • Posted

      sorry to hear you are still struggling with this ı had thought you might have beaten it by now.

      in my search to find answers to our problem/s ı revisited a remote community where i used to work and sought counsel from some elderly travellers of the land.

      ı was initially laughed at for my naivety and for being so outta tune with nature. "the death march is upon you" they said.

      basically our bodies are emitting a signal to parasites that we are ready for disposal. so if you do clear it and get reinfected the signal is still there. it is quite likely you have more than one variety of parasite too.

      what is needed is to treat your underlying health condition (some of you may not know you have one). and judging by the state of our men of science you may need to seek several opinions. stop poisoning ourselves with western foods. help your body fight it. get you body back in balance.

      when fighting the parasites cover all angles: internal and external; worms, fungi, bacteria, etc. give it all youve got.

      good luck to us all.

    • Posted

      Hi Chrissy,

      Thats makes sense.  I have been symptom free for about 2 weeks now.  Fingers crossed.  Maybe they are just hiding though because I just done some lymes tests.  smile

      Couldnt wait for the doctors to test me properly any longer.  The Morgellons specialist in London turned out not to be a specialist at all, he thinks its Delusions of Parasitosisl.  Bit naughty really though, you think of all the people with Morgellons that have paid to see him. 

      For the first time since it all started I have no lesions.


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      Pathogen symptom free anyway.. still a few fibers but seems less.
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      ı thought morgellons was psychological??

      and i just read that 1 in 25 patients in britains university hospitals die of a parasitic infection. Any man of science should understand the laws of nature. do doctors in england still believe they are god? dont give away your power insist that they do their job.

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      If only it were.  What you should be asking is why are they lying about it?
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      What is consistent with all these doctors, not one of them will look at what you are trying to show them.  Even though you take your skin to every appointment and its easy to find.  When i run a nit comb through my hair I can see bright blue fibers without a microscope.  These pics are on a nit comb.  The little alien was on my back.
    • Posted

      how do u post pictures? it feels like ive pushed every button. my worms were very different from your photos.

      I initially believed there was only one parasite. however, the one I wanted to show was responsive to ivermectin and i havent seen any evidence of them since. however I have 2 types of fungi infestation I still have to kill. your last photo resembles the Mongolian death worm but much smaller.

      as far as doctors are concerned I have to demand respect especially as all our systems are linked so they know everything about me which is not necessarily pretty. I have written down words of wisdom from this site and others as I decided I would not accept such disrespect. once i made that decision it changed everything.

      I state clearly why I believe I have a parasite and then zip my lip and wait for a response. If I get a negative response I let her/him know that I find the response totally inappropriate bordering on incompetence that being crazy/a@@@#t and having a parasite are not mutually exclusive and that this requires more than a cursory glance. I have even asked if he was being arrogant 'unfortunately arrogance in your profession has severe consequences'. shame the idiots.

      additionally as we have an epidemic here we have the option of taking a fellow sufferer with us provided they are not on murder charges. that wasnt a joke either I now know 4 murderers since 2014 can only think it must have hit their brains. one mum slaughtered 6 children. if they fail to treat us it can have a much wider affect something else to point out.

    • Posted

      Hi Chrissy,  I have lots of photo's of different things at different times.  All breeding cycles can have totally different symptoms, its like ever changing.. always has been.  Ivermectin is effective, all it does is slows down the rate at which they breed though.  It allows us to heal when it finally kicks in but will never actually cure the problem. 

      The treatment we get is disgraceful.  You know, to sit there as a sane person while people tring to treat you like you are mad is a seriously strange situation to find yourself in. 

      I am just hoping my lymes tests show something.

      How you post pictures i, see the little boxes top right of the comments box, the one with the little dot on a hill is the post pictures option.

    • Posted

      If you go on that website where everyone posts videos begining with Y and search Morgellons Worm Hybrid - A worm with a hand, my latest video will make you laugh.  It is a worm with a hand.  I have some other creatures on there too.
    • Posted

      Hello I am desperately trying to find out what all has invaded my body and skin. I have a derm apot finally in 2 weeks but I am scared to go because of all of the crap I have heard. I have pics of these tiny white worms with like little hairs or hook things on the end of them. I am so tired I can barely move and I can't remember thjngs and I am almost certain that I had a seizure and it horrified my little girl and my husband thought I was on something! I am at the end of my rope with this and I feel like things would be better if I was just not in the picture with my family anymore. So I am trying this one last time to reach out to someone to see if I can get some advice before I go to derm apot because I know what will be said and I just need to know what to say to get this doctor to help me and not get on an ego trip ....I have pics but not sure where to put them here . Also what site do I go to to see all of your pics and hybrid morg worms and things. Want to see if mine match smile Thank u
    • Posted

      hi ami I dont know how to post pics either know what to look for but cant find it. only discovered that there was something strange happening n I wasnt crazy in jan this yr.

      I was stonewalled by a few doctors until I made the decision not to take it. arm yourself with words that will cut through this unprofessional behaviour, do this stoically, do not raise your voice, talk slowly, confident posture, imagine you are talking to a child and of course you can take support. (a social worker is good as they may be on the job and therefore be independent and witness to the doctors conduct). state why you believe you have an infestation then say nothing until the doc has finished speaking (this step is CRITICAL even if you don't like what has been said). act like his equal. stick solely to the point any deviations weakens what you need to communicate.

      your concerns are real about your family as I have inadvertently passed this on. dont share towels bedding clothes etc.

      good luck with your appointment.

    • Posted

      Hi Ami, I discovered something with these things inside our bodies and it was lucky that I did because I nearly had a nervous breakdown when a large organism in my body started attacking me from the inside.  If i had to guess its size I would say about 5ft long.  This would apply to to people with Morgellons or any other fungal infections so parasite infectitons.   I dont know if I started out with Morgellons or did I get it after the doctors ignored me for so long when I was complaining of a parasite infection.   

      EMF radiation, which is the radiation we get from all wifi devices, so mobile phones, routers, wireless controllers etc causes fungal infections to grow at an excellerated rate.  Even the CDC have acknowledged the existence of these unknown organisms.  Basically mutations.  If you google "weeping new microwave sickness morgellons" you will find a report on it. 

      I purchased an elecric recliner sofa which turned out to be ffaulty, it was emitting a radiation reading of around 1350.  I contracted what I thought was a parasite infection in October 2014.  There are numerious ways we can be exposed to EMF in unsafe levels.  Levels have been unsafe for a very long time but you look at it, how much is the industry worth?

      While most people arent going to get a reaction for it, maybe not of r a few years there will probably  be a major health epedemic or cancers and what not, somebody with a fungal infection could find their symptoms worsen considerably because basically the fungal infection is growing faster than we can kill it.  We cant kill it because the doctors are dismissing most of us as crazy.

      My last attack by the big organism which wised me up to the cause, I already knew of the creature by this stage was I had just come off my iphone and i felt the creature travel up to my head and it was on top of my head and in my neck and in my cheek area.  To say i was freaking out was an understatement.  I was just frozen to the spot crying.  I couldnt even go to the hospital because them buggers refused to scan me for what was actually pertruding through my skin.  Scary place to be.  But I'd found the trigger of my attacks.  I contacted my mobile phone company and got them to turn off the data on my mobile and went into the settings of my router and disabled wifi.   I work in IT also so the levels i was exposing myself too considering i had an infection was high.  I could be setting up multiple laptops on wifi then go home and sit on my radioactive sofa on my ipad and so on. 

      I will post a picture of the creature i am talking about in my neck, it was massive.  It was a couple of hours before an attack.  When it attacked it was wrapped around my leg like a snake trying to push its way into the nobbly bit of my knee.  I was just pacing up and down thinking if i keep moving maybe it wont be able to do whatever it was trying to do.  The attack lasted over an hour.  I also have a pic of the creature pushing all the skin out over my hip bone.  It made a triangle shape which suggests it had a few legs although it was long like a snake.

      The severity of EMF and fungal infections is huge, stop using it all.  Those sods were refusing to scan me even though I had something about the size of a koi carp running around in my body on the basis I must be psychotic.  The bloody thing was biting me at the hospital while they were refusing to scan me.  I showed my video footage to the consultant and she went from looking at me like, oh yeah here to go.. to horrified. Then she went off to talk to somebody come back and said, sorry we cant treat you.  Any normal sane person with a creature running around in their body would want a scan, its common sense. You want the thing removed!

      If you google the thing above you will see the report about what i'm talking about.

    • Posted

      thank u so much! I got really sick and had to cancel appointmentI appreciate your help and i am going to follow your advice smile I started a great pro biotic and it has helped me some but i believe my skin has a fungus. I washed my hair with nizoral and i found a springtail in it!!!!!! So i have all sorts of crap and need a derm just so freaking nervous they will  say i am crazy 
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      This blows my mind i am going to google...how did u get it out and how are u doing today?
    • Posted

      Hi all, I just wanted to know if anyone knew what these are??

      Some of them look nasty, They all came from my nose...

      Got a digital microscope from aldi for $50 to take the pix...

      Any help is appreciated..

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