Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    p.s. antibios and ointments make it worse too! so if this is you, please lemme know.
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      I really need your help

      i have exactly what you've described. 3years it's been now. I can't do this any longer. Plz help

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      I am thrilled to help! I've been waiting for a cure forever and if what i described sounds like you; we've been treating for the wrong thing.  Ointments they give us keep the fungus moist and happy and thriving...same with antibiotics; they cause yeast infections , right? so these dr.s have really been doing such an injustice to our bodies and minds.  You can look up all the different types of funguses; becuz there are so many; but this one with those black glitter specks, etc. I described is one of the body or facial types so drugstore athletes foot, ringworm and nail fungus cures will not work.  Okay, here is what i am doing.  I am treating myself inside and out.  Providone Iodine can be diluted with water til it looks like the color of tea and that makes a perfect antiseptic for starters.  Tbat won't kill it though...but the following stuff does.  Get yourself a bunch of vanilla yogurt, the acidipholus/probiotics destroy the bad bacteria.  You put a small amount in with your yogurt and eat it daily.  Then you can put the apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball diluted with some water and put directly on your problem areas.  Get yourself some antifungal/antibacterial wash for the tub and add a small amount of CASTOR OIL and EMU OIL (can be ordered online).  These are antifungals/antibacterials and skin protectants.  There is one kind of fungal medicine over the counter that helped me somewhat; but must be in conjunction with the home remedies aforementioned and that is the turbenefine cream.  Careful with how much and where you put it cause it's not really for this type of fungus, but i read that it is more of a broad spectrum antifungal than the others at the drugstore.  I did find i felt a little raw and sunburned temporarily after using it...but the rest of the stuff didn't even irritate my skin ...and finally, since i didn't want to shampoo my dry hair with apple cider vinegar remedy recommended, I ordered a shampoo online .  There are many kinds depending on what you want.  I pretty much wanted to stick with homeopathic so i got one containing three types of tea tree oil.  It kicks butt.  Oh yeah, add tea tree oil to your bath , your hair and on skin.  It's not offensive and it works.  However, i used it alone prior to coordinating it with all this other stuff and it doesn't work alone.  It's not enough by itself.  So look for a shampoo with KETOCONOZOLE and PYRITHIONE ZINC.  You can find the best choices online or at a health food store/herbal meds store.  because you can find one shampoo with both those indredients mentioned PLUS tea tree oils that will keep your hair from drying out and breaking off.  I'm a walking miracle after using these treatments for just a short time.  I see a dramatic difference and they don't "fight back" at all.  We can win this with these treatments.  I am goind to stay on for about a month and prolly stay on maintenance forever.  Remember, fungus/bacteria /yeast can come from mold and mildew so use something to help that around your house.  If you have an old house with black or green moldy looking spots on the walls or bathrooms; because it may have been the orifinal source of congation.  Mine looked so much like worms, i had a video of what looked like worms squiggling out of my neck and one dr. was like OMG, lemme get you to infectious disease Immediately, and yet again, another dr. dropped the ball and found nothing.  My opinion of drs. has really plummeted.  Negligence abounds with this.  Took me decades, but i had to do it without all of them.  Pitiful.  But YAY.  A cure!  I hope some of you out there have this too so you can finally get the help we have desparately needed.  Oh, and don't freak when the fibers start coming to the surface; cause you will see all kiinds of weird brown spear looking things almost like caraway seeds, white fibers and black glitter stuff coming out in droves.  But it's not coming out to spread or move around anymore, it's coming out to say GOODBYE finally! Godspeed.  best of luck to you! Hope this is your cure too.  Sherry  
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      woops error above.  I meant put apple cider vinegar in your yogurt to eat.  i said put yogurt in your yogurt or something. lol.  i am just excited.  Drinking that new aloe vera juice is helpful in keeping it at bay. oh and garlic; it hates that so you can eat it or make a paste with it.  that last method I didnt try but it was one of the top five homeopathic remedies for this ugly disease that has robbed many of us of so much.  again, good luck.  more info churning in my head but you should see results day one or day two following the above.  Ironically, my neices daughter something the vet couldn't fix and i tried the apple cider vinegar/yogurt inside and out on her too and the dog got better.  It was a different bacteria/fungus than mine; but similar , she had an inside out yeast infection; which is treated as described above as well.  So bathe your pet with small amount of apple cider vinegar and also first use the diluted providone iodine on any bad spots.  the internally, they can have 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar in their food with a couple tbsp of vanilla yogurt.  my pets gobbled it up.  I'm going to continue treating them a second week.  okay....try this stuff i listed above.  It's so worth it. It works .  I got rid of this after 25 yrs of torture!  Peace, love and light....
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      Sorry ya'll; i'm just so excited for those of ya'll that will be helped by this as i was.  I know some of you may have something different ; but i predict more than half of us have this according to the posts i've read! So i just want to share everything and I am A D D and i keep thinking of more.  So i apologize if rambling.  Okay , that acidipholus i mentioned that's in the yogurt; if any of you want , you can take that in supplement for; get probiotics at the drugstore. ....and plz plz guys, don't forget to post. I can't wait to see how many of you actually get cured and FREE!!!


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      I'm not discounting your opionion/experiences/research ect however are fungus' a living organism that only thrives outside the body? I don't believe what your experiencing (sound eerily similar to me) could possibly be a fungus for the simple fact it seems to be living and breeding in the body.
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      No.  We have fungus living inside and outside of our body. But, certain conditions can cause us to have an overabundance of it, which results in fungal infection.  ppl have it in their digestive systems often and left untreated, it spreads to the bloodstream; then you get the skin symptoms subcutaneously which results in ugly looking squiggly things that emerge from our skin.  There are over 100,000 types of fungi; which would be impossible for drs to remember them all, but they need to get a clue.  All of those are divided into just four Phyle; zygomycote, ascomycota, busodiomycota and deuteremycata (forgive my spelling).  So treating them really shouldn't be such a mystery in the medical field.  It doesn't bother me if I don't convince anyone; not everyone may have this; but if you see black glitter specks and things under bumps in your skin that look similar to caraway seeds, white fibers, pain, movement of rash; what have you got to lose by doing your own research on it and deciding which cheap home remedies are best for you.  I am gonna probably stay on maintenace treatment forever.  There are foods to avoid, and ppl with immune system problems tend to have more complicated cases.  I have systemic lupus, which is why i think mine got so bad , oh well and of course the fact that all the drs i went to were oblivious.  It takes a while to get rid of, but you can feel them leaving , you can see all kinds of debris coming out.  Also, fungal infections are perfect breeding ground for other parasites to live internally; so some of you may have worms as well...i was treated for internal parasites which i didn't even know i had. But, the ivermectin and the mebendezole did NOT get rid of the wormy things in my skin making holes and bumps.  Some people have it so extreme and severe they can lose parts of their face.  I thought i would hit the floor when i saw how some of the more dangerous fungi ate away people's facial features.  It was horrifying. I just hope some of you consider doing  some of these harmless home treatments if no other treatment or dr. has been able to help you.  I know ive finally figured my condition out, because it is going away dramatically and drastically after 20 plus years of torture .  Good luck all whether you consider my suggestions or not; i hope everyone gets rid of this mess!
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      Well... Youve just made things a hell of a lot more daunting now havent you! 🙃

      So far I'm getting some positive results with Albenzerole and over the counter Body Lice lotion (Benzyl Benzoate) not which is working but the hair like 'worms/parasites/etc' that have been making quite the home for themselves in my skin the past year are exiting my body and seem to be rather lifeless or heading that way which is promising. Waiting for further test results from my GP (she was so helpful and accommodating).

      I have 200 units of Botox in my forehead and top, back a&aside of my head as well as my neck and shoulder muscles today (I have massive issues with these suckers invading my eyebrows and eyes that I can't pluck or wax them without major issues and swelling ) so I'm thinking Botox in that large a quantity (10 times the typical quantity used for cosmetic anti wrinkle Botox) should paralyse any I welcomed guest in the area killing it long before it wears off...?

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      Wrong dude fungus can live inside any body cavity where there's warmth and moisture.

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      I can back up some of your stuff sherrysherry I've got similar symptoms and have used the same type of treatments u talk of and they do work..

      Nisoral 2% shampoo from the chemist is a big winner!

      And vinegar on the skin and a 1/2 a cup deluged with water swallowed works a treat.

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      I'll be trying this immediately. I cannot believe you have lived with this for so long. What a tough cookie you are. Thank you for sharing and I will be letting you know how it works for me and for my dogs. Have a great day.

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    Hi Everyone

    Dried Ground Coconut Meat can dislodge parasites in the gut. There was a study on this that said that Indians use it to dislodge parasites within 12 hours. I've noticed that a lot of people are talking about pork and shellfish being what is causing it. 

    Pork and shellfish WILL definitely cause parasites. I know a person who cannot give up shrimp and lobster, yet tells me that she feels something is eating her brain. 

    Also, a lot of people don't even cook these things themselves. They eat it at restaurants and hope that someone else has cooked it properly. 

    I would look up Jewish Kosher laws, because many of the animals that people eat is what gives them parasites. These foods are not kosher. There is a lot of genius in the kosher laws, they aren't just some biblical commandments.

    For example, pigs, cat fish or fish without scales, bottom feeders (lobster & shellfish), horse, etc. Some things were not meant to be eaten by humans. I know some people just can't give up shellfish, it is hard, but imagine how much better your health will be.

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      Absolutely, my husband was in Panama for operation just cause and says oh yes they ate monkey on a stick and they would catch the ferry to a restaurant that served them massive platters of seafood and the soliders loved it, I have been married to him for 25 years and after he came home from the desert he had a rash on his arms that military doctors claim is some type of allergy and still has it and I am wondering if it is something from panama or the desert.
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    Hello to everyone , I am new here but I have been dealing with this parasite actively for 2 years I am so glad to see that I am not alone, thank you all for being able to say it outloud!
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    Hi all, so sorry to read what I have but unfortunately we know all too well,

    It seems my partner has the exact same thing. We are in Australia, Victoria.

    I was worried he was loosing it n just picking at himself.. But these glass bulb type things that come out of "pimples" and lesions, is just insane. And the pain he goes thru... :"(

    The scarring is terribly bad already.

    Has anyone got any idea what we can use to.. Eradicate his skin from these fibery worms?

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      live in far north Queensland it seems there is an epidemic here yet no one cares. I was treated with ivermectin which seemed to work but I am sure as others around me still have it I became reinfected. the medicine had horrible side effects. i am on day 7 of nicotine patches doubled up and placed near spine and this is the most hopeful I have been. at first I thought they were rampantly spreading until I realised I could simply wipe them away. my sores are disappearing and I am no longer in pain or irritated. thank you to the person in this forum who suggested this.
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      Hey Chrissy, its terrible to hear ur suffering the same thing. I honestly thought Steve was loosing it when he said he had worms in his face, buy I know more than better now.

      Its scaring the hell out of me how many people seem to have this, the only answer I could find was a disease isolated to the middle east, and I know for sure he hasn't been anywhere near there.

      The nicobate patches are working? Iv found that showers , warmth, make "than" easier to remove... But after a bit they get extrememley agitated, I end up rubbing hand sanitizer on his skin, they hate it, dries out the moisture this crap seems to thrive off.

      But its not erradicating them.

      Do the vets prescribe ivermicin? Or the doctors? Its something that hasn't been tried yet.

      Its only been brought to my attention over the last week , these worms, but Steve's had them for years. They have gotten significantly worse over the past week let alone few days. He says he has never felt them thru his back and what not, but now he can, they are getting more aggressive, I found one in his ankle last night.

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      hi jaymie things are looking promising and my sores have healed over. whilst ı attributed this success to nicotine maybe its a combination of all the things ı have done in this battle. my first indication that this was something other than psychological was when some medicated anti dandruff shampoo dripped down on to my legs. since that day ı have washed head to toe in this shampoo since. ı also got a script for ivermectin which was successful but ı didnt cover up or stop mixing with others who are affected. i have used 2 14mg nicotine patches on the spine for 10 days. the first few days it seemed like they were multiplying but it was simply them exiting my body. ı have also been swimming in the ocean or salt water pool daily. use weight to determine the right dosage if you have to resort to pet equivalent ivermectin. hope things improve.
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      I'm so glad to hear something seems to be working.

      I've started him on nicotine patches, it may help with the smoking too wink fingers crosses. That too, has gotten worse since this happened.

      He gas done three days on 24hr patches of 16mg, I've just put him onto 24ml 24hr ones, he is over six foot, and closer to triple digits rolleyes

      He definitely thinks things have kicked up a notch since the patches, and he is able to take more out, I find him almost constantly now with tweezers walking around the house picking sh*t out of his face.

      Last night he found a large ball in his chest sad

      What shampoo are u using? I'll have to get some in the morning

      Spoke with the chemist, they say it can't hurt him. He thinks they have become more aggressive in the last few days.

      I'm curious as to how u think u got re-infected, and how do u think others may have gotten infected.?.. Via skin contact, bodily fluids, helping remove these things? Or.. ?

      I'm worries I may get it, if not my daughter.

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      ı believe they lay dormant and become active when you are out of balance. my mum went to ghana some years earlier. she developed cancer and ı went to visit her but before ı flew home (the day before she died) she insisted ı lay next to her. this totally feaked me out because my whole body felt it was crawling. a year later ı developed leisions. and for 4 years ı believed the doctor that ı was messed up. it wasnt until the anti dandruff shampoo in a gold bottle starting with S (dont think we can use brand names) that ı discovered the worms. when ı tracked down everybody that has stayed with me during that time ı realised just how communicable this is. ı suggest wearing jeans and shoes and not to share towels or beds. clean the toilet and floor around every time your hubby takes care of business. these things must also get into our brains as at least 4 are in jail on murder charges 3 others have developed cancer. check out worms and cancer on the web. maybe a barrier cream might protect you and your daughter. good luck with everything

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