Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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  • Posted

    I'm the same, 8 doctors, 5 antibiotics, 1 for 3 months - staph infection was my diagnosis though I was sceptical, bloods and swabs kept coming back clean so I was put on MRSA antibiotics which did nothing. Meanwhile I'm a broke Ken down blubbering mess and my 2 year old is showing symptoms also so I ha e him out on antibiotics too which do nothing. He goes through stages of crying and grabbing at his skin which no one understands unless you e got this god awful whatever it is!

    I've tried just about everything in the chemist. The doctor told me he couldn't prescribe me Ivernectin as it was on an authority script and only a Dermatologist could prescribe it so I have to wait (it's already been a year and hundreds possibly thousands of dollars) but I suspect a GP can prescribe...?

    It breaks my heart seeing my toddler pinching at bugs in his skin crying because it hurts and there's nothing I can do.

    I'm not delusional but I sure might need anti-psychotics if this doesn't end soon!

    • Posted

      Yet you can buy ivermectin equivalent over the counter at any vets. Dog worming medicine includes treatment for whip worm and hook worm. A word of caution I had a severe reaction to ivermectin which includes blackouts seisures and incoherent speech
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      I'm going to the doc today for it, if they don't give it I'm getting it from the vet I don't care about side effects because they aren't as bad as having this thing. And I'll tell the doc that hopefully scare her into prescribing it so I don't have to. I've put worse on my skin. Phosphoric acid works they hate it- they come right out of your skin one after the other but it hurts, not from the acid the worms. My mum passed away from cancer and I'm afraid of anything that's a carcinogen and I still used it on my skin!

    • Posted

      My mum had cancer too theres a whole heap on worms and cancer. Think I may have had the start of it but after ivermectin I think it came away. Lots of black dead looking worms as well as the white/cream ones. Still have the odd sore as I think I'm getting reinfected with those I mix with who don't believe me.
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      I have both black and white I'm pretty sure. After 10 useless gps I'm about to threaten a malpractice lawsuit if I get the 'can't help you' speech'
  • Edited

    Plz Plz read this if you have felt little white "worms" or seen them coming out of your pores, or moving, spreading,...if they react to different remedies you try applying to them but DO NOT react to antiparasitics such as ivermectin and albendezole, etc.  You feel biting, especially if you have seem what looks like black specks coming out of bumps under your skin.  They almost look fluorescent at times.  If you feel them biting or getting worse when you try to kill them or get them out,  HEAR ME!  I have suffered for 20 plus years with this.  Doctors have told me i had delusional parasitosis and discounted me for decades because of their shortcomings.  I have tried everything over the years including some dangerous things that burnt my skin.  MINE WAS NOT WORMS at all.  I would have bet you a million bucks two weeks ago.  I think a great percentage of you may actually have a FUNGUS .  Yep.  Not ringworm, jock itch or athletes foot typs; so the stuff in stores prolly won't help except i see some improvement with turbefine.  This BLACK DOT (slang term) fungus can be on your scalp, your face, your neck, back, legs, wherever and doctors are so ignorant with these type of funguses.  If you have it on your face, look up facial funguses, some may be way worse looking but they look all different kind of ways.  It's freaky.  But it is alive, it moves away and spreads when you try to eradicate it.  It wants to live.  I am using home remedies and kicking it's A** for the first time in a quarter of a century.  I see weird fibers coiling out ; they look like worms..but they're all dying off.  My skin looks better than in forever .  I am amazed this crawling rash is what is is.  But i think alot of you may be diagnosed.  The doctors misdiagnosed me with a few things prior to their "crazy' conclusion' but their treatments made it worse.  They gave me an ointment.  The fungus loves moisture.  They put me on antibiotics; fungus/yeast/ coming from mold and mildew loves this and it breeds.  Anyone interested in some inexpensive things to try EVEN if you doubt i'm right in your case, please contact me.  None of it can hurt you.  ...and i'm telling you , seeing it disappear, i felt like i won the lottery but am still in shock.  I thought the worms were in my brain and omg what torture these years have been.  It's hard to focus on other things when something terrifying like this is going on .  I always thought i'd be on the national enquirer one day when they found the worms lol or that i'd possibly kill myself .  I actually went with the flow and got on anti psychotic meds for a while for the delusions.  I calmed down but saw the same things; as they were never delusions at all.  This is the majority of dermatologist and parasitologists are clueless and my nightmare is over.  I am scarred, my skin and my emotions; but IT IS OVER and I WON!!!!! god bless.
    • Posted

      I will try anything even nicotine patches over the sores. So please share your home remedies they may work on the worms too. Pretty sure it is a nematode as I extracted one that I photographed enlarged just enough to keep good focus saved it and repeated the process at least 10 times. Because some nurses suggested it was screw worm I sent this photo to bio security who emailed it to colleagues throughout Australia all believed it to be a nematode but were unable to identify which one
    • Posted

      Hi sherry, I've been reading even thing in this blog,

      And I've got to ask, do u have the medical name for this "fugus" and what can be done to treat it?

      I can't stand doctors thinking my partner is psychotic and I'm delusionally playing along his beliefs lol

    • Posted

      It's so funny I came on today and read this as just the other day i was thinking parts of skin (around my nails) looked kind of fungus like, but i was so positive it was some kind of insect, anyway i covered myself in a talc made athletes foot, and even tho it didnt clear up, i thought the little white hairs/fibres looked less, so perhaps i am suffering from the same thing u r, can u please let me know what u r using, il try anything at this stage,

      thanks ever so much.

      i'm so glad u r now winning your battle. i really hope i'll be saying the same soon...

    • Posted

      What is it that u are using? I also have huge ulcers in my mouth on my gums that have been there for 5 years,all along my back and arms. The itch is so bad that sometimes I have to take a fresh razor blade to scratch it.
    • Posted

      Don't take my word for it but it sounds like you've got morgellons? You ask what I use? EMP. Bob Beck's done DIY. I will try anything once and been using it for months now. It helps but if you really want to make it go away check out Jim Humble MMS2. Might sound crazy to actually Ingest pool shock but it has helped me more than anything else. Follow his protocol and you will start to feel better. If not then no harm. There can't be anything poisonous in it or there would be a lot of sick swimmers. Plus table salt will kill you in a high enough dose. I made up 25 pills and have only taken 4 in 48 hours and I feel 25% better and will continue to feel better the longer I take it. This I just know because of me knowing my vessel. This stuff will kill HIV, and has been known to stop cancer in its tracks. I'm in know way responsible for what you all do. I'm just sayn what I've done. Please look into MMS2? I think it's great.
    • Posted

      It's funny, way in the beginning I put straight bleach on my oral sores, as I owned a horse farm and that is how we cured thrush in the horse's feet, after 5 years I will try anything. I tried albendazole just recently and it caused the sores in my mouth to get way worse, and on my back and all over my arms. By 5 at night I am ready to start crying from the pain, I have to drink in order to eat the pain is so bad, they have eaten my gums away, and my teeth have fallen out from my friends. These are a few pictures anybody have any ideas?????
    • Posted

      Please share what kills these things. The pain is the worst I've ever experienced. My finger tips are filled with these shards of glass that only go away if I dig and dig until there's just a bloody mangled finger. The pain of what I have done to my fingers pales to what these fiber based worms feel like. Please tell me what will eradicate them. Thank you

    • Posted

      I experienced something similar to this so I'll tell u what I did to fix mine.

      U need to clean your keyboard and mouse every time u finish using it & before u use it with a big soft paint brush to flick off any remains if the bugs. Don't wet clean them or the surfaces around your PC, just use the paint brush and sweep them away.

      With your

    • Posted

      Fingers clean them with a pH balanced wash (femfresh works best) then clean under your nails and cut them short don't cut them so short they bleed.

      Then use a scabies wash on your hands let it soak in for at least ten mins then wash off. Dry your hands and put band aids over any cuts / holes u have in your fingers. Change them every day till they heal.

      Pm me if u want more help cause there are a few more things u can do if this doesn't fix it.

    • Posted

      Wow, I thought I was crazy. Thanks for letting me know I'm not. The paim is ridiculous isn't it? Right at your fingertips where the nerves are. Where you pulling out fiber looking things that looked similar in shape?

      Well I'm going to try your remedy today? Thank you so much.

    • Posted

      I'm worried that I've had these things internally for a long time. I've had a bowel disorder that hashe ruled my life for as long as I can remember. What can I take to kill them from the inside out?

    • Posted

      Hi i have the same issue i used ivermectin i had some mite n a worm came out of my nose which loked like a small white curved see thru thing it was moving and had one black dot inside which were the millions of dots i found all in my bed n onmy skin i caught them once or twich moving around only at night the ivermectin worked. But never left my hair i now have been finding. Small white round n curved tiny curved skin n worm looking things that come out of my hair like dandruff n my skin like white heads i feel like they came back in a different larvae growth cycle i feel it growung in my hair i was myself now in cattle horse powder which is some sort kf strong killing horse dewormer . the itching n movement is almost gone but now besides the scaling i have to cover my hair because thhey go into my wounds n cause huge blackish colored scabs that are huge n never heal they just fall off from moisure ive gotten pimple things which bleed intensly. They feel better when i pop some n these weird white scaly skin comes out some scab with black borders that are quickly scrathed off in a long dry black skin texture sime are moist but once pushed out off my skin they dry up quickly my peircings in my ears r swelled shut with this sticky glue like substance that secretes. From my ears i even find lil sharp horn like objects inside the ear. That are attached when i pop my many skin colored n black head looking bumps. Besides hard brown rice looking things that have two segmented scaly bodies whuch blood clots that take awhile to push out my skin i also have huge whiteheads that come out nonstop like a worm starting with black into white long lokking yeasty white heads..im going crazy i have to use a lice comb to remove the large scales that grow in my scalp when its dry.if i dont they grow thicker n fall onto my vagina from hair down there or onto ny face from my scalp n go into my wounds ..n the cycle starts all over ...scabs. In a few hours n over night grows intk a larger black scaly scab which drapes into my hair eyes lashes. N make me itchy scaly infextions exc exx...i need help also my skin on my feet n scalp semm to have a dust like substance interwined with fibers. All differnt colors with a grennish mold to
    • Posted

      Omg! I could have wrote this myself, except I haven't gotten my happy ending just yet. We sound so much alike.

      I've been suffering for around 7years now. Much like you, I believe ignorant doctors have made it worse with thier "guessing medicine!" I cecently started wondering about the fungal possibility, since I've been on every antibiotic, steroid and anti-parasitic out there with no improvement. Until recently, I had given up going to doctors and was close to either suicide or an insane asylum, but then my 16 daughter(my only reason for being) started showing symptoms. Well, the fierce protector in me came out ready for battle. See I've lost all hope for myself and my condition, but I will b damned if this is gonna ruin her life! Then I read your post. It sounds so promising! What type of tests are used to diagnose? What treatment? I so look forward to hearing back from you!! If it is what you say, and I get my life back, I sure would like to meet you one of these days, as you will officially be my new HERO!! SERIOUSLY!!


      New Orleans, La.

    • Posted

      Are you free of the fungus what worked best it's been almost 5 years any suggestions is appreciated

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      I think if any of us is crazy I may be the craziest of all. I have had this little problem for only about two weeks. At least that's when I started noticing it. My family thinks I'm crazy or on drugs. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm crazy and beginning to think that I need drugs. I'm losing my mind over these little white things that are poking out of my skin. They always come in pairs, one on the top and one below it anywhere from about a centimeter to an inch, sticking out of my skin with their little sharp fang-like processes. I clip them off and they come poking right back out immediately. It is so freaky it blows my mind. Try explaining that to the fam! I could not believe it myself and didn't tell anybody for several days until I was sure that I was actually seeing these things. What a mistake that was. Now my family looks at me like they feel sorry for me. My skin constantly feels like it's crawling. If I mess with any of them all of them seem to get upset and I have intense pins and needles all over my skin especially in my hands. Everywhere that I have these little things, the blood vessels underneath look strange, if that makes any sense. My dogs are also infested with them. Both have developed ear infections in the past few days. And when I look inside their ears I see those little white things poking out of the skin and little white "fibers" and tiny white "balls" that everyone else believes is just dandruff.

      They showed up in my finger first. I was looking for an earring under my couch and ran my hand one way and then back the other way and felt like I had been stabbed by a piece of glass. When I looked at my finger I didn't see anything. The next day I had a little black spot on my finger that I thought was a piece of glass. I tried to remove it and it would not come out, so I decided to wait a few days to see if it would fester and come to the surface so I could squeeze it out. At that point I took a needle and tried to dig it out and ended up finding hundreds of these things under my skin. I went from a tiny little dot to the enter tip of my finger peeled off. They line up in uniform patterns under the skin. So insane! They are shiny and look like a piece of glass at the top and look like a little white triangular shaped spear coming out of the bottom. If i rub across them witg the clippers, they make a little "tink" soubd that skin does not make. It sounds so crazy I can't even believe I'm saying it. I'm a registered nurse and I've heard people in my profession making fun of people like me. Now I'm that person. I trust what I see I trust my mind. But I also feel that they are in my brain. I've been experiencing some sort of almost like dizzy spells that feel like an electrical charge going through my brain, and it seems to coincide with taking my nerve medication. However, this has never happened before these. I'm forgetting little things that I should know like certain words that are common to me. I'm dropping things and falling down almost daily. I'm terrified for myself and for my dogs. I feel like these things are going to kill me or that I'm eventually going to kill myself at some point because I'm going to go crazy with it. And I feel like it will all be in vain because nobody will ever believe what is going on with me. Everybody says my dogs are fine. I see that they're miserable. I get out of the shower and the bottom of the bathtub is lined with gooey little blobs that I feel have come out of my hair and my back. I see so many possible cures that it's overwhelming and I don't know where to start. I have to get started on this now because I can't let this go on any longer than it has to. Oh and my ulcer is flared up all the time now for the past two weeks. I've taken more Pepcid the last two weeks than I've taken over the course of my life. Somebody please help.

    • Edited

       Hi Sherry. My name is Steve. I live in Lee Summit Missouri in the United States. 

       I am curious what type of stuff you have found that is killing it. I am not sure if you have the same thing as me but I waver back and forth  trying to decide whether it is a fungus or an insect  of some kind. I have had this s**t for over a year now and it is literally driving me crazy. I cannot get a single person to  Believe me or take me seriously for some reason. Not even my good friends! 

       The stuff that I have pulled out of my skin is absolutely terrifying to look at. There are so many different types of forms that it takes  that that time I find it almost impossible to believe what I am seeing as it is unreal and surreal.  I go through periods of doubting myself and my perception and swing back to the other and being completely convinced and self-righteous in my conviction . Tonight as I drove home from work I pulled out of my neck and arm some of the scariest looking creatures yet. And for the first time during this year long affliction I actually saw one of them move and struggle as I tried to extract it. I have tried everything. There are some things that do seem to have an effect on them but it scares me the amount and size of the things that come out when I apply certain things like bentonite clay or black charcoal. It seems as though every time I assault them with something powerful they respond by sending out the scariest looking ones. I don't know if I am reading more into it than what is actually going on but it just seem like this is what is happening.

      I would appreciate any suggestions you might have 


    • Posted

      Hi Vicki

      I would like to talk to you?!

      Send me a private message!!



    • Posted

      I have been struggling with this bullsh't for 1 month and have the exact same stories as you lot lmao(hopefully its not too late for a reply 7 years is a long time). i went to the hospital as i thought i had some next tapeworm infection from the Zimbabwean slums even though im from England. could feel these worm like things everywhere but i have a theory. a fungal infection entered my ear last year and when i went to spain i thought the salt water cleared it out. anyway randomly after eating a bunch of sugary foods for a 3 weeks or so i could feel worms moving about in my bowels, i went to the hospital the same day and they said its probably a threadworm infection so they put me on mebendazole this helped for abit but it was destroying my immune system so i stopped taking it, the next couple days these things started going nutty moving into my arms, chest, back then up my throat into my mouth, outer neck, head, sinuses and face, i went to the hospital every other day for a week and obviously the NHS dont give a flying fk and they told me i had mental health issue and psychosis but hopefully from this message you can see im quite an outgoing and charismatic person. the only thing giving me mental health issues was the flipping MEDICAL SYSTEM ITSELF. anyway i sort of came to the conclusion after days of focusing on this distraction to life that it was a fungal infection probably connected to rice, potato and mucus, also the reason i knew it was something alive was because when i ate spicy food while it was in the top of my throat it stretched out and scurried underneath my brain and thats how it was able to find my synuses and face (this scared the living st out of me). the worst part was how i am so aware of the movements and pathways i know my body so well now. Actually the worst part is how noone believes you. even your mates think your going abit mad. i have been taking black seeds and black seed oil daily for 2 weeks now and its killing it off but i need to go into full acceleration do you still recommend the apple cider vinegar mixed with yogurt or has there been anything more productive that you have figured out? thanks for listening i have gotten 0 help from anyone about this and had to do my own research heavily for the past couple of weeks(i cant believe the doctors almost convinced me this was psychosis )

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