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Constantly depressed college graduate in a job search as I lost my last one due to drinking. I went to a detox center and was sober for 2 weeks I am currently back to drinking as it started Friday. Part of my reason is I have nothing to do and can't handle my stress. I am seeking therapy currently. I was always so popular and a star athlete in college now I'm so scared to leave my house with anxiety and depression it's reallly killing me. I don't want to give up alcohol for good as I'm only 23 but I need to learn to handle myself. I'm so frightened I'm going to have a seizure every day for some reason as I suffer from anxiety. My drinking habit started as relief for my anxiety which it did an excellent job as I would drink every night in college but now it's making me feel hopeless. I don't think I would ever drink if my anxiety and depression but my symptoms are serious and no medication is working I hardly sleep. I'm afraid of wvetything this absolutely sucks

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55 Replies

  • Posted

    Jake, here's one thing you can check out and put into action while you're still drining:


    I used it quite successfully and have seen it help many, many people. This is but one type of Medically Assisted Treatment for drinking, so if you want to get rid of the bottle, you can do it even if you don't have the willpower to stick with the cold turkey route. The method above worked for me even after 30+ years of drinking every day. I now drink well within low-risk limits (no more than 14 a week for men, no more than 4 per day). Before, I was drinking over 80 beers per week.

    I'll send you a PM too. If you don't know how to check your PM's on Patient, here's a link:


    • Posted

      ADE, BTW, that link no longer takes you to TSM, it now goes to this link.


      The TSM page seems to have disappeared. I've tried to search it, in case it is under another heading or slightly revised link, but it seems to have gone.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the heads-up, RHGB!
    • Posted

      Have spoken to the Content Manager at Patient and unfortunately, the link to our TSM page has been removed.  Here is what she replied:

      ‘Yes the leaflet has been removed.  As part of our redesign process we now have a policy of removing third party content and we are replacing it, as appropriate, with our own material.’

      As the page was provided by C3 Foundation Europe it was a third party inclusion, and hence it unfortunately fell within their pages of removal.

      Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this.  It was good while it lasted and it has helped lots and lots of people whilst it was there and I do thank the Patient website for having this information available for the past 18 months.

      As to whether the doctors at Patient are going to write a similar page, I have no idea, but somehow I wouldn't expect it to be high on their list of priorities sad

    • Posted

      Owner of patient.info

      'EMIS Health, formerly known as Egton Medical Information Systems, supplies electronic patient record systems and software used in primary care in England. The company is based in Leeds.'

      They are a for profit organisation, amongst the many things they do is, the patient records and access to your own medical notes at your GP.

      Anyone who reads any pf the emails/messages they send out or surveys they keep requesting, willl have noticed they are trying to monetize the site. They obviously see thirdd parties as competition.

      Whilst I have no objection to a company trying to make a profit, I do object to it doing it on the back of the hard work by many here for nothing, when they withdraw vital help. I myself contribute to a number of the forums here.

      I knew why they had done it, which is why I didn't persue it any further, because I knew the futility of it.

    • Posted

      Yes, I'd noticed a few changes recently too - but didn't think it would affect that leaflet because we are a charity and so cannot possibly be at any risk of competition to them.  I have to say, though, that it would have been nice if they had informed third-party contributors of this by way of an email.  The link was available late last week because I directly linked someone to it in the course of an email.

      I guess I am torn between disappointment, and frustration because I (we) understand how useful and important this information was... but also I am thankful to them to have accepted our inclusion at all. 

      The link was there for 18 months and helped lots and lots of people.  That is awesome! 

      I have nothing but praise for the people at Patient.info and of course, Alan, moderator of this site.  They have worked hard on our behalf, and of course, when companies make big decisions like this, I always remember that these decisions are made at levels much higher than any of us can influence.


  • Posted

    very tricky and good idea to stop drinking. What friends and family do you have? Are you on medication? How much were you drinking? Robin
    • Posted

      Most of my friends drink too but stop normally and don't have anxiety as I do. My family drinks socially but are stressing me out with this whole job search I am not sleeping. I'm on 100 mg sertraline and trazodone. And drinking a pint of vodka or whiskey a day for the most part. It sucks because I'm 3 days back into that and I'm scared of having a seizure every day and do anything

    • Posted

      Hi Jake.

      You say you are scared of suffering a seizure, have you already had one? Have you had flashing lights, sweating trembling shaking heart racing? My OH has suffered for many years with AUD Alcohol Use Disorder and has had seizures trying to come down too quickly. The problem with alcohol is it will make any anxiety you have much worse.

      Look at the sinclair method that Ade has given you.

      Keep taliking to us

      Kind Regards


    • Posted

      Never had one before I just always think for the worst I guess you could say. Like I said I went to a detox units for 4 nights and didn't really have that bad of a withdrawal, but I slipped 3 days straight I just want to know I'm safe to stop. The thought of being 23 and giving it up forever is killing me and making me depressed and anti social. Thank you guys for responding. I think the thought of entering the real world is taking over also since baseball career is over.

    • Posted

      Hi Jake

      you will need to detox again so that you can start TSM free of alcohol. We have been advised to do this.

      You will need to see your Doc for a script of the Naltrexone as used by the Sinclair method.

      Don't delay, get on to that link and see your gp

      Kind Regards


    • Posted


      In an ideal world your suggestion to Jake that he sees his GP to get a Naltrexone script should be, by far, the first step. However in many parts of the UK, GPs including my own, say they've either never heard of it , or that it is still on trial. I think my GP described it as American mumbo jumbo .

      years ago.

      and that someone was having me on! 

      Many gps won't prescribe Naltrexone etc and you will be asked


    • Posted

      I also struggle badly with being a hypochondriac. I use alcohol to numb the daily scare of dying. So I'm basically scared to leave the house now and get in my car thinking I'm going to have a seizure

    • Posted

      I also think the problem would be, that Jake is in the US, not the UK.

      But that's just the logical and pragmatic male in me, being pedantic.  razz

    • Posted

       Once again, i haven't a clue what's happening when replying. The text disappears and then gets all muddled up with previous replies.

      I was trying to say that it's not normally the norm now for gps to prescribe Naltrexone . You have to go to an ARC and jump on the merry go round of ARCs saying gp should prescribe, and gps saying ARCs will prescribe.


      Joanna is the best person to ask, as often it differs from one area to another. She will tell you the guidelines as to who will prescribe it.

      What sounds like a very good idea,  is compounded by where you live. I just didn't want you to think you just make an appointment with your gp and walk out with a prescription.

      It was only last week when a locum gp told me it was illegal for gps to prescribe Naltrexone!!!! Sorry about this jumbled reply, I shall only use copy and paste from now one

      Is anyone else having problems like this, or as usual is it just me 

    • Posted

      Hi Vickylou

      If you re read Jake's original message, you will realise that he is most likely to be posting from the US. The grammer and spelling gives it away

      I understand from other US citizens on this forum that they are able to obtain Naltrexone from their doctors


    • Posted

      I am from the US. This all started with anxiety, I always had a "fear" of something or felt stuck. Alcohol became big in college and used it most days but in moderation and always had time off alcohol as during the day I had classes and baseball. Now that I have to get a job all my emotions are falling apart and the drinking picked up. I simply think I'm drinking just in effort to relieve my daily stresses and avoid reality. The drinking is just making it worse.

    • Posted

      Hi Jake

      I will be honest with you. I do not fully understand how your health system works, but if you have already had a detox, and are back to what you were before the detox you need to see your doc again.

      I do know that any meds that you are taking for anxiety depression, wont work properly whilst you are still drinking.

      You need to watch video from the link, talk to your doc about Naltrexone. Your doc may not have heard about TSM. If you want to change your life, you need to have a different relationship with alcohol.

      You will probably still have anxiety, but it won't be as bad if the alcohol is under control. Any meds you are taking should be able to start having an effect.

      Watch the vid speak to your doc



    • Posted

      Thanks guys I appreciate having some people to talk to.. I am going to the doctor on Friday.
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      I think I'm just playing mind games with myself being a hypochondriac. The medical detox showed my vitals were good just had high bp which went down a lot after the 2 weeks sober. Now I'm a nervous wreck

    • Posted

      Brilliant news. Dont forget to watch video One Little Pill by Claudia Christian it will blow your mind.

      Let us know how you get on xx

    • Posted

      Hello and welcome.

      My doc had never heard of TSM and her response was it sounds "iffy".

      Bet she would not say that if a member of her family were desperate.

      You obviously have health anxiety and drinking to dampen it down, which it will do whilst the glass is in your hand.  But you may as well chuck your meds in the bin coz they won't be doing their job.  They can be life savers for many people who feel they can't cope. 

      You probably do need something to take away the craving and it can be done - loads will testify on here.  You can't handle this on your own and am glad you are seeking therapy.  I think you hit the nail on the head saying you have nothing to do.  Too much time and not enough to do will have your mind doing its own little jig of nonsense.  You can, and will, get on track with the right tools.  And for the record, I do not think you will have a seizure -- start cutting down little by little each night until you find what you want to do.   Your anti-deps will have a much bigger impact in no time coz they are not fighting tooth and nail with the alcohol.

      Stay on here and don't worry - things will now take a turn for the better, you'll see.


    • Posted

      Thanks ! This whole situation has brought a lot of depression to my life that I never had and lack of sleep/ energy throughout the day. I don't have motivation to do anything

    • Posted

      Jake, alcohol will certainly bring depression and anxiety into your life, even though we use it for relief for those very conditions. I sent you a PM with a link to a list of doctors if your doc doesn't know about Naltrexone or TSM. 

    • Posted

      My fault, should have read it properly. Was being introduced to the latest craze, a fidget spinner! by my grandson. Banned by most schools already. Good stress reliever though
    • Posted

      Not pedantic, I didn't read it properly. I was being shown the latest craze, a fidget spinner by my 8 year old grandson!  I want one, brilliant stress reliever 

    • Posted

      Spinning tops and gyroscopes in my day. Although I can make a drawing pin (old fashioned brass one) spin on the tip for over a minute.


    • Posted

      He'd love that, anything different! My friend taught her granddaughter French skipping, perhaps before your time! One person at each end with elastic round their ankles to make a long rectangle, then the others jump in and out without touching the elastic. The kids went mad over it, but it was banned and deemed dangerous, the elastic could snap back and hurt a kids ankle, like flipping a rubber band! No conkers, marbles (due to risk of swallowing, no hopscotch (the pebble might hit a child), no snowballs, not allowed outside playtime, if no sunhat, and their own suncream, factor 50 only, clearly labelled with childs' name from 01/06/ to breaking up in July. No naughty corner or naughty step, detrimental for the child to be singled out and potential bullying!! Heard enough, or shall I continue?

      I am being really cheeky here, but you know you like factfinding. Can you still get diazapam otc without script. Could do, three years ago in mainland Spain . Oh and a miracle cure for tanning.  

      Your mission for today, should you accept haha)

      Only joking, but should you fancy looking, it would be greatfully accepted

    • Posted

      I wonder if my Grandson has got one? I certainly could do with destressing at the mo. Whatever happened to kerknockers? 😁xx

    • Posted


      We used to call them 'clackers' in the late 70s. They were banned by most schools, due to the number of fractured or broken wrists.

      If by any chance you've got a pair gathering dust somewhere, dig them out as they are now collectable items, and can fetch £500 easily. Someone paid £1,000 for a pair at a toy auction not long ago!! I remember driving my parents mad with noise, great fun though.

      RHGB would know all about them, I'm sure he's our age, or just slightly older hahaha!

    • Posted

      Hi Mrs, blimey I can't imagine getting Diaz over the counter!  I have a full pack which I keep for emergency for panic attacks - but have not taken one yet.  Bit scared to really.  Hubs has them for his back, if it goes out and spasms, he falls to the floor - awful to see, he can't get back up.  He works up ladders too (worry worry).  But I am sure RH will come up with the answer.

    • Posted

      A year ago you could, but I don't know the current situation. The EU wishes to standardise everything, so there will definitely come a time whereby countries like Spain will have to fall in line with the Northern European countries.

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