worrying myself into the ground
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Hi...never done anything like this before and frankly I'm very apprehensive about it incase someone says something that frightens me even more The dr has signed me off from work with acute anxiety because I became obsessed that my IBS was cancer. I had a full blood work up done and the only thing out of the ordinary was that I'm mildly anaemic with slightly low iron. I'm also hypothyroid which could explain it as they're still trying to get my levels right. He's started me on sertraline to try and ease my worrying but now I've managed to set myself offagn. I've n took myself to a&e d ue to the worry and they did bloods and examined me and weren't the slightest bit worried. IveI've had a lower back ache on and off for months now and dr isntisn't concerned by it at all (I am overweight). Because I'm a Google search addict at the moment I'm managing to convince myself I've got something horrific. I've even had the car 125 test which came bac fine. Every little ache and pain or every time I get a little hot or cold I'm convinced it's a sign.....all the tests say I'm fine...am I going mad? :'(
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richard89308 sarah_18616
pigletsmomma sarah_18616
Nope, just classic anxiety. It is estimated that 12-33% of the population has it now. Just learn to say "there is nothing wrong with me" each time you feel a symptom. You may have to say it often, but eventually your mind will believe i
helen20833 sarah_18616
No, you are not going mad. You do not have some life threating disease. All your tests show there is nothing to fear.
You have anxiety disorder. Tension creates all manner of aches and pains but they are nothing to be fearful of. Just the body's normal resaction to stress
Nothing or nobody on this site will post anything to scare you. Here you will find help and reassurance
sarah_18616 helen20833
Thank you....at least my Google addiction has provided one positive.
helen20833 sarah_18616
If I may add one thing? Hard as it is please try to stop googling your symptoms. It will throw you into a panic ( been there, done that ) Having said that GAD, general anxiety disorder, can throw one symptom at you after another ( been there, done that )
I learned to think, Aw, here we go again! I swear there's a Momma and Poppa Anxiety Gremlin that churns out baby symptoms by the hundreds, lol! Get rid of one of those suckers and another springs to life.
But it's not never ending honey. You take them as they come, you accept them for what they are and they begin to lose their stranglehold on you.
And if something "new" that scares you, well now, you post it here and you'll find someone will have had the same and will calm you down. We're all at your side
sarah_18616 helen20833
I'm trying really hard not to Google. That's pretty much what has helped me spiral into this state. I'm at the point where I'm considering having my phone's internet capabilities disconnected. All I'm doing is frightening myself....not helping myself. Thank you for your reassurance...it does mean a lot.
helen20833 sarah_18616
No need to disconnect your internet. Have the courage of your convictions. If you have a symptom tell yourself it's that damn GAD again and distract yourself from googling it by doing something, anything, to steer you away. Not googling symptoms give you a measure of taking control and that is the first step to coping and getting better.
Have faith!!!!
Mandie29 sarah_18616
I feel you. I'm having some minor health issues as well and I too am freaking out about it on a daily basis. Doctors think it's a mix of anxiety, my allergies, and acid reflux but I'm a google addict as well and have diagnosed myself with heart disease every day this week. On a good day (or hour) I know that I am ok that I do not have heart disease, but it's hard and takes a lot of effort to get myself to believe it. The important thing is you went to the doctor and got help. Now you just have to trust that the doctors are correct. Even some positive thinking and convincing could really help improve your mental state. Good luck!
sarah_18616 Mandie29
Mandie29 sarah_18616
Thank you everyone. I'm at a point where I've never felt more stupid yet so scared. I've managed to self diagnose myself with every form of horrific life threatening disease under the sun. Even if I've only one symptom in common my mind's made up. Then when I read other symptoms I then decide I have them. I've struggled with anxiety for years but never felt like this. Lost my mum to cancer a few months ago which is where the Dr thinks all this is stemming from. All my tests were fine..... it's just really hard making myself believe them.
emilylawless sarah_18616
tess33005 emilylawless
You have to take iron pills for a few weeks, until you're not anaemic any more.
Did you get your teeth pulled yet, Emily?
sam38207 sarah_18616
Hi I can totally sympathise with you. My anxiety started out with me being totally convinced I had bowel cancer. I even paid private to have the camera tests done I was so scared. Turned out I had polyps (non cancerous). Now that has been ruled out I'm totally convinced I have another life threatening illness and my theories as to what it is differ on a daily basis. I live my life being completely terrified every second of the day, it's unbearable :-( I have all manner of scary symptoms but as of yet no doctor has found anything wrong. I totally kno what you mean about being so scared and feeling so stupid, everyone makes me feel like I'm being stupid but to me the worries are completely justified :-/
sarah_18616 sam38207
It's awful isn't it :-( I'm that person who's larger than life and the life and soul of the party....but right now I feel like I'm drowning in my own fear. I feel like I've got so many scary things wrong but every test so far tells me I haven't. I just want to enjoy life again....really want to go back to the person I was. It's kind of like I wrote your post myself...that just tells me something I have a hard time believing....no matter how you feelyyou're never alone.
sam38207 sarah_18616
It's nice to know I'm not alone :-) I think suffering with this and having everyone around me getting frustrated with me makes me feel so alone and like there's something wrong with me even more :-( it's nice to kno there are people out there who understand :-)
sarah_18616 sam38207
I feel exactly the same. Everyone tells me I've been through so much this past year that this is just my bodies way of saying enough. Relaxing is way easier said than done. It really is nice to know im not alone in this.