worrying myself into the ground
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Hi...never done anything like this before and frankly I'm very apprehensive about it incase someone says something that frightens me even more The dr has signed me off from work with acute anxiety because I became obsessed that my IBS was cancer. I had a full blood work up done and the only thing out of the ordinary was that I'm mildly anaemic with slightly low iron. I'm also hypothyroid which could explain it as they're still trying to get my levels right. He's started me on sertraline to try and ease my worrying but now I've managed to set myself offagn. I've n took myself to a&e d ue to the worry and they did bloods and examined me and weren't the slightest bit worried. IveI've had a lower back ache on and off for months now and dr isntisn't concerned by it at all (I am overweight). Because I'm a Google search addict at the moment I'm managing to convince myself I've got something horrific. I've even had the car 125 test which came bac fine. Every little ache and pain or every time I get a little hot or cold I'm convinced it's a sign.....all the tests say I'm fine...am I going mad? :'(
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tess33005 sarah_18616
No, sarah, you're not going mad - you have severe health anxiety.
This a very draining thing to have.
advice - stop asking Dr. Google everything - as from now!
stop going to A & E because you are wasting their time when they could be looking after REALLY sick people.
don't call ambulances, if yoou're in the habit of doing so - one ambulance call-out costs the NHS £20,000
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd - please get some counselling or therapy to help you to deal with this and don't expect the sertraline to work for six weeks, and finally, PLEASE keep posting so that we can help and support you. love Tess
sarah_18616 tess33005
I've never felt anything so overwhelming before. So so draining
I've never called an ambulance (only for my mother). I'm on the waiting list for counseling....have been for months. These feelings only kicked in about a month,month and a half ago.....I've never had this kind of worry before. General anxiety yes....but never this. I will keep posting thank you..... it's comforting to knowim not alone
cindy02055 sarah_18616
What are you so afraid of? The doc says you are fine. Believe him. Obsessive thoughts usually relate to unresolved emotions. If you resolve the root emotion and grieve losses you will resolve the need to OCD. Be still and sit with your feelings so you can identify them and observe them and finally resolve them. All this other stuff is a distraction. Hugs.
sarah_18616 cindy02055
To be honest.....I'm scared of ending u like my mother. Scared of being so far along that nothing can be done. The worst part of all of this is that I know they are right and I know I'm being irrational but these feelings are so overwhelming. I'm going to ring the counselling people on Monday and chase up how much longer I've got to wait. This really can't continue.
And thank you
cindy02055 sarah_18616
sarah_18616 cindy02055
Thank you so much. Being able to express my fears to those that have felt similar fears has actually given me the first truly positive feeling I've had in a while. I really did think I was the only one to have ever felt like this and knowing that's not the case makes me feel a little more confident that one day I'll move past this.
cia42277 sarah_18616
The right med changed my life. Within a week, I knew what my problem was, (which helped a lot,) and I found this forum where I found these terrific people who taught me how to help myself now that I was on meds that calmed my mind.
So, you see why I recommend that you check with a doctor who will prescribe an anti anxiety, Sarah.
sarah_18616 cia42277
Thankfully my (male)dr is a kind man who's doing whatever he can to help. He's prescribed me some anti anxiety medicationand rreferred me for counseling. If I look at it rationally. I'm fortunate to have a dr so invested in getting me well again. Definitely going to chase up the counselling... talking usually helps me to cope with my anxiety and I could definitely do with the help right now.
cia42277 sarah_18616
I'm so glad you are moving forward, and have a doctor who is helping you. Good for you, Sarah!!
sarah_18616 cia42277
Thank you
I hate feeling like this....so draining feeling these fears all the time. Need to do what I can to stop it before I make myself really ill.
cia42277 sarah_18616
sarah_18616 cia42277
I will thank you
Currently experiencing insomnia which is no fun for someone who used to enjoy a good 8-10 hrs a night. Combination of the anxiety,sertraline and my annoying thyroid I think...fingers crossed this passes!
cia42277 sarah_18616
Stay in contact with your doctor. I take a mild sleeping pill that didn't so much by itself, I was starting to wean off. When I started the anti anxiety med I was surprised how well the sleeping med worked with the anti anxiety. I am asleep in minutes. I do wake up a time or two during the night, but am able to go back to sleep. You might talk to him about this.
tammy64237 sarah_18616
sarah_18616 tammy64237
I have sinus problems on and off.... absolutely horrible! It's like half of my nose becomes pressurised and goes up to behindmy eye. That and the stupid bug I caught that started my whole thyroid madness are tthe reason I kept pestering the doc for tests....I can totally sympathise. Nothing the doc suggested worked for me either...It does get better but it takes time (something I have trouble getting to grips with) Hope you feel better soon