Worse after prp.and stem cells in shoulder
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Had partial left shoulder tear. It no longer hurt and I was able to do some things but not what I had been doing. Doctor suggested stem cells and prp. Had it a month ago and am I constant pain and it is worse than when I first injured shoulder. Could procedure have made it worse permanently? Very discouraged.
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Anhaga anne1561
anne1561 Anhaga
Anhaga anne1561
Anhaga anne1561
What advice were you given for after care?
anne1561 Anhaga
Anhaga anne1561
It does sound from what I've read that what is happening is stimulation of the tissues to regenerate. I think if it's been a month, and you haven't noticed any relief it's time to check back with your doctor. It may be that you are responding very well to the type of treatment and it's the regeneration of the tissues which is causing pain - I'm only speculating, I really have no idea. But it is certainly worth checking in case you've got something else going on, like a low grade infection or something. Please let us know how you get on.
bronwyn97278 anne1561
Hi Anne; sorry I have not heard of this treatment, so can't give any advice re same. Am interested in any new treatments, although I don't thing my OA is anywhere near as bad as you are describing. The main treatment that I underwent years ago, was Steroid injections into affected joints (which were many at the time....fingers/wrist/shoulders/hips/ankles/knees/ribs etc)....at the time it probably took about 3 injections into each site, over a period of months (can only have 3 different sites injected at one time, and then go back in another 3 months for repeat/other sites). These I had probably 10 years ago (and did have a bad tendonites in L) arm, too)....but now today, I probably only get some annoyance in some fingers when typing etc...and survive on Osteo-panadol when this happens....probably for me the main pain is lumbar back area most of the time. So if you find that the above doesn't settle for you, and you havn't tried the steroid injections, maybe this maybe an answer for your problems. Sorry can't give an answer to the question you asked re the "permanency of the pain" that you have now; however, maybe someone else can, or seek another referral to another experienced Orthopod (I like Sports' Orthos when I have problems....such as my tendonites...as they are very up-to-date with the best knowledge for particular joints that are affected by OA/Rhuematoid)............hoping you do find an answer that helps you, and am interested in what you do find/experience........................Bron
sampojoe anne1561
sampojoe anne1561
cccasady sampojoe
sampojoe anne1561
You have to remember, until the stem cells sneak in the new cartilage you still have arthritis. Once you past the initial inflammation of the shot, its OK to take NSAIDS again. My doctor said, don't just take 1 here or there when you get a problem, take them at the recommended dosage for several days or a week to flush out the inflammation.
sampojoe anne1561
sampojoe anne1561
Doctor likes to say, "the stem cells are the seeds and the PRP is the fertilizer."
meredith0814 anne1561
Hi Anne. My name is Meredith. I just had PRP in my lumbar spine in 2-8-17, 2 weeks ago, and I feel worse than prior to the procedure. I was wondering how you're feeling now? If better, how long did it take for you to see/feel results ?
Has anyone had here had lumbar spine PRP? I'm trying to figure out if this pain is normal or if something else is wrong .
When walking/standing more than 20 minutes ALL of my toes in my left side go numb and feels like i havr frostbite . Then my lower back feels like it's crushing down on top of itself. It takes 30 minutes to hours with pain medication to recoverify from that small amount of walking.
Anyone, please help.
PaisleyStillH2O meredith0814
Has this gotten better for you yet? On Monday, I had PRP in my butt and low back. My butt seems to be doing better, but my low back feels like it hurts more than it did before the injection
please update me!
brut13dge meredith0814
Hi Meredith,
Did PRP ever work for you? I am 6 weeks post PRP today in mutt lumbar (L5-S1 and around my alon spine) and have the same symptoms as you. I'm in worse pain than before I had the procedure. I was told that you experience maximum benefits of PRP in the first 4 to 6 weeks. Which is disheartening. I met with my doctor this week who said we would reevaluate after 3 months post procedure on what steps to Take next.