Worth a thought...
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Hi to all Forum Friends 🙋🏼 hope you're all well. Have you sometimes wondered why you might feel 'odd' or just not well when you go out to shops/malls? thinking it's a menopause thing that might spark anxiety etc YES, is very possible but wondered if there might be something else? MI have discovered there's another reason....Flourescent lighting! there's been times when I've gone out & I've probably mentioned it here in my posts that I feel odd thinking it all a menopause thing but after much thought & process of elimination( I started to feel better when I went back outside away from the shops) I thought of the fluro lighting that is in nearly every shop, so I googled the effects of this type of lighting....very interesting!, fluorescent lighting can cause panic attacks, anxiety, headaches even fits/seizures, this is because there's a level of pulsing in the light which isn't seen but effects the brain AND some shops/malls are worse than others depending on the amount of lighting used. Many times in the past I wondered why I would feel agitated when I'd been out shopping, quite possibly the lighting. Talking of anxiety etc, Vitamin B's...may have been mentioned here before but they too can cause anxiety in some people, I no longer take them...but talk to your Dr before stopping or starting any supplement. For B vitamins I now have a good dollop of malt extract mixed into my porridge every morning, nice n natural.
Do hope this has helped, is worth a thought...
Keep Well, hugs n 💐 to you all
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Trevis Bobbins059
Bobbins059 Trevis
BUT I'll always love 'retail therapy!' 👛 LoL I'm just more aware now when in shops & leave if I have to. Take Care
TeresaJS Bobbins059
callianne_65675 Bobbins059
Imagine a whole scenic meditative scene whilst shopping. I bet not only us meno sufferers but all anxiety sufferers would be pleased?
Once my Psychiatrist phoned me in a Mall, and I said I was not feeling too well to which she replied 'Yes, Malls are very good at that'. Definitily more to it than we think.
Bobbins059 callianne_65675
If there is something psychological about how the 'powers of be' want us to shop & spend money then yes why aren't malls n shops more conducive to a better shopping experience?
Fudgeybear1 callianne_65675
can I ask how everyone is sleeping,I m waking up every 4 hours and I m wide awake by 4 of five in the morning,I wake up anxious every morning,my arms and legs don't feel like they belong to me for an hour or so.
i love this site all you ladies are keeping me sane,I thought I was just going crazy 😊xxx
jennifer01077 Fudgeybear1
Of course I am on anti-depressants, but I didn't increase them during menopause. Perimenopause I mean (I wish it were over!).
PS I would like to LIVE at your mall.
Fudgeybear1 jennifer01077
kathy46259 Fudgeybear1
I never thought about the big t.v.s I do not have one yet. The fake lighting does get to me, I feel so weak and tired after going to the market even. The entire place is lit up. I am hearing impaired and the virtigo along with loss of balance a bit scares me. I am so careful not to take a fall. Also with the depression for years, I cannot get to sleep but sleep o.k. when I do. Me legs and hips do not follow me out of bed, I am sure this body belongs to someone else all together.
Fudgeybear1 kathy46259
bobbysgirl Bobbins059
Sandy07 Bobbins059
shaznay96184 Bobbins059
My 'thing' is electrical buzzes. I get really bugged by tho GS like fridge/freezers 'humming', so much so I've had to get up in the night and go downstairs to shut kitchen and any connecting doors. Grrrr!
There's also been a bit of a debate on another discussion thread about Vit B causing anxiety. I know it smacks in the face of why most of us take it, but some of us have found it not so good an experience. My personal experience now, as an ingredient of Menopace = brilliant, no probs. BUT.... about 8-10yrs Al I thought I'd try some for PMS symptoms. NOT a good time for me - felt more stressy,y and a bit trembly. Bearing in mind I've never had to take any meds* at all really. I wonder if my reaction was the fact that I didn't actually need to supplement anything, and effectively I was 'over dosing' with it?? Who knows, but I stopped taking it asap.
Now: like most of the vits/mins I now get via the Menopace, I feel so much better for taking it, as I assume I must have been depleted in most of them by the time I started.
I really don't believe we can maintain adequate levels of anything at this time in our lives by diet alone. Not even on a 'religiously' organic diet! Besides, we're affected by so much environmentally, we'd have to live somewhere pretty damn special not be impacted!
Emmm, you know there's an awful lot of sense in on-line grocery shopping! But, alas, for me, as some ladies are affected by fluorescent lighting, too much time near a computer screen does my eyes/head in. Time to invest in a screen filter, me thinks!
*don't run away with the idea I'm the picture of health: hardly, I just hate taking meds.. I'm one of life's 'born to be fat'-types (yep, I believe in genes playing a major role here. My 5'7", 9st 7lb 'skinny' little Dad seems to have shown up in my brother and eldest sister. Me: got exactly same body shape as my mums eldest sister: a bloody Apple!!! How I've stayed healthy amazes me. Maybe I was at the front of the 'good health' queue - cos I was defo at the back of the 'good looks' queue:-) :-) :-) !!!!
Bobbins059 shaznay96184
I got a little giggle from your last paragraph in your post " don't run away with the idea....." I tend to take after my mum in lots of things, health, body type with roly poly extras, general personality & being 5'7" but I think I missed the queue altogether for brains! & my eldest Sis takes after dad, she's very hardy n always goes 100 miles an hour...I tend to plod LoL her & I are like chalk n cheese.
Take Care, keep well 😊
Today has been another good day for me & felt quite well...only had a very minor funny moment which soon passed, sometimes with bad days I worry that I'll be in a permanent state of funny moments....well, it is me, I'm always in a funny moment! lol
sharcerv52408 Bobbins059