wow ! !

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I have to share this as I cannot beleive what has just happened,  I am 24 days post tkr and I have just ACCIDENTALLY walked across the room without crutches, I now have hope that it will eventually all be ok,(but I am too scared to try it again ) 

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Was this a wine induced stroll or a sudden need to get to the powder room that was stronger than the fear of walking solo? I'd keep a cane handy but it sounds like you are about ready to leave the nest and fly.
  • Posted

    It's such a good feeling isn't it??? I feel like a kid in a sweet shop when I do something like walking without a stick or walking up and down the stairs! Today I walked to my local shops without a stick!! Thought is won the lottery!! Well done you and keep up the good work! 😅😅😅
  • Posted

    razz Congratulations!  I was ready to do this ages before my physio would let me. . She kept on and on about not walking without crutches, and I really don't know why!  If it feels OK, I;m sure it is ok!
  • Posted

    Well done you 👏🏻👍🏻😀

    That's how I found out I could manage without mine in the house. I daren't walk outside for fear of face planting on the pavement. Plus physio told me I'm walking too dodgy to go without.

  • Posted

    Well done you...your body is telling you 'it's ok and getting better'  just keep one crutch handy.

    I have one parked just in the hall for if I need it going upstairs and the other is parked near the lounge door...


  • Posted

    Way to go!!! I'm sure there will be many more times to follow. Keep up the good work.
  • Posted

    Well done! It happens all of a sudden doesn't it? I am now 7 weeks post-op and this morning I realised that I had washed my feet how I used to - standing on one leg and just lifting my foot up to wash it.  So good balance on the new knee and good bend in lifting it up.
    • Posted

      Snap, sparkyrockgirl....I did that 2 nights ago to moisturise my leg and foot and didn't realise it until I changed legs!!!!
  • Posted

    Fantastic!! Isn't it great when something like that happens? Same happened to - went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and couldn't find my crutches and then realised Yipes!!I'd left them in the bedroom and walked unaided half asleep!! Well done you!!☺☺☺☺☺☺
    • Posted

      Isn't it great that something so simple can make us firm fantastic!! No one else would understand that. Here's to all us tkr buddies!!! 😉😊😉😉😉
  • Posted

    Hey, well done! Funny how we suddenly find ourselves doing something automatically that we wouldn't normal normally consider possible. When I'm having a "good" day, I'll often leave one of my crutches lying around the house. What the neighbours must think when they hear me shout "Stephen, have you seen my crutch lately?" . 😄

    Keep up the good work, it sounds like it's given you a little confidence boost xxx

    • Posted

      well you certainly give the neighbours ( and me ) a laugh ! ! Life at the moment swings between excercise and total boredom, so all laughs appreciated ... thankyou

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