Yet another one! Feels different though....

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I'm glad I've found this site, I had begun to wonder if I was on my own.

I am 36 and have no children but have suffered with ovarian cysts for the past 15 years. After several keyhole & \"open\" operations I decided to have my right ovary removed 2 years ago, as most of them had been on that side.

I had hoped that that would solve the problem but the I started getting them on my left side as well. I have had several drained on that side. After the last one I made a decision that, if I got another one within 6 months, I would have my other ovary removed and suffer the consequences of the menopause. I don't have periods due to the pill that I am on, my last one was well over a year ago.

It's now a year later and I feel the same old symptoms again, yet there is something different this time. As well as feeling the pain in my left abdomen, being tired all the time and extremely tearful I am having what I can only call pain attacks.

I can feel a wave of pain coming on and then it feels like something inside me is being gripped and twisted. I fall wherever I am, it takes my breath away and I start crying from the pain. Afterwards my tummy feels very tender and bruised inside. Does anyone else recognise these symptoms?????

My consultant had told me that I had some endometriosis so I'm not sure if that is what is causing this pain.

Any info or comments would be much appreciated.

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44 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jill

    Sorry to hear you have had a bad weekend.

    The tears are the worst thing I think I cry all the time sometimes at nothing :cry:

    At least hopefully after tonight you will have something positive to focus on and can look forward to a pain free future very soon.

    I cant wait either my huibby wont come near me now he was very wary after he felt it a few weeks ago and then last week it hurt me so now he wont come near me.

    Chin up it wont be long now xxxxxxxxxxx

  • Posted

    Hi Jill and Tracey

    Good luck for tonight Jill, when you had your other ovary taken out was it with your hysterectomy or afterwards ? i'm trying to find out is the recovery the same as your hysterectomy because my consultant said it's more difficult to do and wondered if i'd have to be cut again if i end up having mine out.

    I'm the same as both of you with intercourse, my hubby won't either because i'm in to much pain for day's afterwards, i'm lucky he's patient with me some men would go looking somewhere else, plus since my injection i feel sore down there, think i might have thrush.I said to hubby i'm dreading the next injection cos it will be stronger cos it's got to last 3 mths, ive had a few symptons of it but the best thing is my bk ache as almost gone.

    love Kimxx

  • Posted

    Hi Kim

    I haven't had a hysterectomy (yet!), my right ovary was removed as most of the cysts I had were on that side. We thought it would cure me!

    I have been cut open 3 times and each time the recovery time has been different - varying from 8 weeks to 3 weeks. I'm not sure about a hysterectomy though - I think that's a biggie.

    I'm beginning to wonder if I should have had a zip put in!!

    I'll let you know how it goes tonight.



  • Posted

    God I am bricking it now its finally happening

    What questins are you asking?

    My mind is blank now its finally here

    Speak soon

    Tracey xxxxxxxxx

  • Posted

    Well I finally met my consultant tonight for the first time.

    I have a chocolate cyst on my ovary but he was more concerned as to all the bleeding I have been having.

    So he plans to remove the cyst and do a D&C and hopefully he will be able to save the ovary, he is also removing my coil and inserting the Mirena coil as he thinks that will settle my periods but when I am opened up he will be doing an investigation to see if there is anything else that could be causing the bleeding.

    I am being opened up as basically I am too fat for keyhole LOL only he was more polite and I will need 6 weeks recovery which is a nightmare with having young kids and no family around here.

    He didnt want to do a hysterectomy as I am too young and that would only be an option if he had too.

    Anyway if I can get it done privately I will be having it removed on the 31st October if not it will be done at the Nhs on the 6th November.

    I have a lot of ringing round to do tomorrow as need to ring the insurance company and see what they say then ring his private secretary either way. I need to ring the hospital to cancel the appointment I should have had on the 5th. I need to ring my Line manager then ring occupational health oh and try and arrange some childcare.

    Oh and I am glad I rang last week and said How much pai n I was in as it was recommended that I have another MRI in 3 months time as he was under the impression I was ok and had no more symptoms.

    I am absolutely panicking now its finally happened and no doubt will be comfort eating sometime nearer but I know I will feel so much better after wards.

    Love Tracey xxx

  • Posted

    Morning Tracey

    I bet you didn't sleep much last night with all that going around in your head ? but on the plus side i bet in away you was relieved now you know whats happening in your body and what is going to happen e.g op etc, did he say how long you will be in hospital for ?

    At least now you should be pain free for christmas 8) , it is hard when you've got younger children and hardly any family around, when i had my hysterectomy my youngest was 10 mths old and the other 3 were 9,11 & 13, my mum lived in blkpool at the time i know she wasn't far but didn't see her much it was my mother in law who helped me.

    Can Mark get some time off with you ?

    Just thought of something it's 9 wks to christmas so you won't be bk 2 to work till the new year, so hopefully new year new you smile

    It's only natural to be nervous but you've come so far, i really hope you get your private appointment, good luck with your phone calls today.

    Big hugs Kim xx

  • Posted

    That's great news Tracey. I'm so pleased for you. You must be feeling relieved that it's finally getting sorted out.

    Kim's right - new year - new you!

    I'm going in on 29th Oct to have my remaining ovary removed. My consultant is so understanding and knew that it was the right thing for me to do. Ovarian cysts have been the bane of my life for the past 12 years and I had to make a decision at some point. Now seems as god a time as any seeing as I have insurance.

    I'll be off for betwen 3 & 6 weekd depending on if he has to do keyhole or open me up (again). I've just told my boss & he's okay. The girls I work with have been very understanding.

    I know that I will be on HRT for the foreseeable future but I guess I can live with that.

    So glad that you're getting the treatment that you rightly deserve now Tracey!



  • Posted

    Hi Jill

    You seem a very strong person ? im pleased you are getting your op sooner than later, how long are you in hospital for ?

    I bet it helps having an understanding consultant and he knows all the suffering you've been through, hopefully you and Tracey will both be like new woman yipee :D

    I wish you both good luck and a speedy recovery.

    Big hugs Kim xx

  • Posted

    Thanks Kim,

    Just want to get it over & done with now. If it's keyhole I'll be in for 1 night, if it's open surgery it'll be 2 or 3.


  • Posted

    Hi Jill and Kim

    I will be in hospital 5 days all going well. He said about 6 weeks recovery am hoping for abit more as I worked it out that means going back before xmas holidays for the last week :shock:

    But then others have said to tell work 6 - 12 weeks as I will get another sick note and it could take longer so not to rush back. They said if you go back after 8-9 weeks then it looks like I am doing work a favour.

    Mark has a week off its all he could take off.

    My friend has offered to take the kids to school as long as Mark drops them off in the morning and another friend has said she could pick them up two nights a week but am hoping to ask someone to do every night just havent seen her yet. It is awful having no one round my mum and dad are in Carlisle and my mum offered months ago but now my perfect sister is through ( we dont get on and she hasnt even sent a card to see if I am ok) and my mum asked if Mark had any time off and how was I going to cope with the kids (no more offer of help.)

    I think I am getting it done private as the hospital rang me today for my pre op appointment with the nurse and they said they were just waiting for the insurance company to ring back. So I have my pre op appointment on weds.

    Jill I am glad youa re getting sorted quickly too. HRT isnt as bad as it sounds I dont think every body has said if they get the right HRT then it makes them feel like a new woman and I believe once you have the cysts removed you feel heaps better.

    Really am hoping it will be a New Year and a good year for all of us we have all been though enough this yearSo we all deserve a great 2009

    I am ovulating at the moment so have been in bed all day with tummy and back ache.

    I have been told to give the merina coil 6 months and then I should see a great difference in my periods :D

    Hugs Tracey xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Tracey

    It all sound like it's progressing nicely for you. At least you can see an end in sight. I think you'll be able to get another sick note and so you'll be able to go back in the New Year. At least you can prepare for it then.

    It's a shame that you're not getting the help you need elsewhere though. I don't have children, just a dog & cat, but having to get my husband to sort them out while I'm in hospital is a pain. He already gets up at 5am to go to work so he's going to get up even earlier to take the pooch out and see to the cat.

    Having your op done privately will be so much easier than on NHS. Will it be in a private hospital? I seem to have become a regualr at my private hospital over the past 12 years so hopefully this will be my last visit.

    I have had HRT before (when I was on the Zolodex injections for a year) and I did feel really good so I'm hoping this time will be the same. I saw my 6 week old Godson last night and held him while he was sleeping. I did wonder if it would make me regret my decision but it hasn't. He's lovely and I will put any yearnings for children to good use and spoil him rotten!

    Well, I'm going in at 3pm next Weds (29th) so just trying to get some loose ends sorted out at work.

    Hope everyone else is okay.



  • Posted

    Hi Jill

    Its not long now is it for you how are you bearing up?

    Are you staying in the private hospital I am think I would have preferred a nhs ward as would have had someone to talk to but think I will be more comfortable in the nhs.

    If I dont hear from you before Good luck and will see you in a weeks time :wink:

    Hi Kim how are you doing?

    How long is it until you go on holiday?

    How is things going at work I bet you are getting really busy now with Christmas coming up

    Take care and speak soon

    Tracey xx

  • Posted

    Hi Tracey

    Yes, I'm ok thanks. I haven't been eating too well as I completely lost my appetite last Monday & felt nauseaus as well. It's coming back slowly. I had a weird dream last night that I was 8 months pregnant - what's that all about??!!

    I'm staying in a private hospital, which I do prefer. I like to be on my own.

    Good luck for you too. I hope it all goes well. I've put this site on my home pc so I'll update once I'm up & about.

    Take care.


  • Posted

    My appetite has gone the other way I cant stop eating not good just need to keep busy.

    What a wierd dream??????

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