Your personal experience with peri
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Did your experience with peri start out suddenly with very noticeable symptoms, or was it gradual, with subtle symptoms that slowly worsened over time? I honestly thought that my early symptoms like fatigue and joint pain were just signs of getting older.
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unico31026 MoodyNoire
My joint pain started at age 35 and the fatigue and and anxiety started about 8 months ago along with a period that lasted for two months. I will be 41 in August and this month my period was late by 12 days and I started cramping really bad two days before it came and have been cramping really bad for the two days I've been on. So I'm guessing that even though I had a child at 35 and one at 38 I must've had them while going through Peri.
I'm sorry for rambling on. My point is my symptoms came on gradually over the years.
MoodyNoire unico31026
Sochima822 MoodyNoire
At first for about a year I was having heat sensations throughout my body moving around then bam it hit me all at once all of a sudden. I felt like my body was not my own. It was a very strange feeling and it went downhill from there. I'm happy to say that I've come out of it and hopefully it won't come back which it has 3 times already! I just wish my hormones would stop fluctuating.
MoodyNoire Sochima822
That does sound very strange. I imagine it was very disappointing to have it keep coming back. Mine started slowly and kept worsening over the years. The only break I've had was when I went on bhrt last January. I hope yours is finally gone for good!
Sochima822 MoodyNoire
Thanks me too! But I'm still in peri i think or somewhere in between.
jamie50513 MoodyNoire
MoodyNoire jamie50513
Mine started around 38 but since there were some traumatic stuff in my life at that time, (mom with cancer, brother going to jail) I blamed my symptoms on stress. I thought I could push through it all and I'd get better eventually. sigh...that didn't happen. Now I'm 49 and finally started bhrt and it's been very helpful. I still have rough days, like around the middle of my cycle and the several days before I start though.
jamie50513 MoodyNoire
The symptoms that I had when I was 35 I thought were normal and thought nothing of it until I turned 38 and bam it hit me. I wad coming home from work and driving when I get extremely dizzy, heart started racing, I was panicking terribly and that was my first trip the ER. After that I had a ton of doctor visits and about 5 more ER visits convinced I was dying or had some awful disease. I have both good and bad days but I'm learning to cope with it better. Anxiety and racing heart are my worse symptoms. I'm just turned 39 so I'm hoping I don't have a gazillion more years to deal with this. Its awful.
metamorphed MoodyNoire
what bhrt are you on moodynoire? good name
i keep saying that I'll give it a go, then things get a little better and I dont but this week has been pure torture, all symptoms back, together!. fit to explode.
MoodyNoire metamorphed
I'm on prometrium 200 mg and estrace tablets 1 mg.
Sochima822 MoodyNoire
Wow you guys started really early compared to me, I started it all at 54. I had a little bit of it in my 40's with heartburn but that was all.
Trishann MoodyNoire
I'm 43 now and Mine was all of a sudden at age 41. One day on the first day of my menstrual I was at work and felt like passing out. Major anxiety. Since then I've been on a rapid roller coaster. All scary and I end up ER 6 times in 1-1/2 years. Missed periods, bad digestive issues- been to GI Doctor as well! The Hot flashes, depression, fatigue, joint pain and heartburn. You name it I got it! I hope it all ends soon ! ????
cynthia00141 MoodyNoire
I'm 52, and I would say gradual. At 44 I started waking up in the middle of the night for no reason or so I thought. The hot flashes started around 48, and the early morning stiffness started around 51. The weight seemed quick to me, but it was over the course of two years starting at 50.
jane63977 MoodyNoire
Do any of you ladies have problems with your stomachs ? I get like a full feeling below my ribcage and a sort of churning feeling almost like seasickness . This causes me to lose my appetite . I really hate this and I worry how much longer I am going to have this . I don't know if this is the anxiety doing this or whether it's a vicious circle and it's a peri symptom that adds to the anxiety . Then I worry that I'm losing weight and it just goes on and on . Worry , worry , worry . I seem to be a nervous wreck . Hugs Jane X
Sochima822 jane63977