Zig Zag pattern
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Hi Ladies, how are we all? I've been up n down, on n off today & yes, those awful low blood sugar sensations. Later in the day my left eye went really strange with shimmery zig zag patterns...I could see but with only a slight difference from the left eye...looking straight ahead I could see the pattern sort to the left, if that makes sense, it scared the bejeezes out of me!! 😰 because of that I got scared, anxious feeling really horrible, sickly & in tears....never had that before even when I used to get lots of migraines many years ago, lasted about 20mins. I feel so stupid sometimes, I've turned into such a blubbering scaredy-cat, anything not right just scares me silly. Has anyone had this? is it meno/hormones?
Keep Well lovelies
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Sochima822 NuttyNan
NuttyNan Sochima822
Take Care
Fairy28 NuttyNan
NuttyNan Fairy28
Take Care xo
Fairy28 NuttyNan
Zigangie NuttyNan
It's called aura, I used to get it when I was younger followed by a nasty migraine.
Since I first became peri I've had it quite a few times and thought I'm going to get a headache soon but nothing else happened.
Although I've had a lot more general headaches since peri I've not had very many that have made me lay very still in a dark place like they did when I was younger.
So probably the same thing last time I had it bad it went on for hours and I had to visit my mum in hospital. Driving like it was awful.
When I was younger and had it it would start very far to left or right, sometimes go away and come back and end up right in my line of vision before it disappeared.
The ones I have had with meno have remained at the outer edge of my eyesight.
NuttyNan Zigangie
Keep Well
jamie50513 NuttyNan
Hope you are better this morning. It's 2:34am here and I am wide awake. Anywhoo, I don't have auras but I have heard of it being a part of meno. I have noticed that my vision would get fuzzy all of a sudden for no reason. Don't know of I need glasses or what but this doesn't happen all the time. It's been a month or so since this happened. It scared me and of course that led to me being nervous. Then again at this point everything makes me nervous.
NuttyNan jamie50513
jamie50513 NuttyNan
pinkcatfairy NuttyNan
Not too long ago a lady posted she had this. I replied to her that in peri i suddendly started getting these and they are migraine auras. I believe the fluctuating hormones are to blame. I didnt get a full blown migraine with them but an over eye pain occasionally. I did get checked out at opticians but apart from me needing reading glasses nothing was wrong. I have never suffered from migraines or auras, so it was new to me. I have since had ovaries out due to family history and they stopped! I was getting about four a month. It starts with a blind spot in the eye and then the zig zags start. They normally last ten or so minutes. When they first started i did feel a little nauseous with them x
jamie50513 pinkcatfairy
louise25018 NuttyNan
Doc says its hormone/migrane based and not to worry. Just be kind to yourself and rest and relax.
So glad im not alone in this odd occurance and thanks again for all you ladies on this wonderful forum!!!
Hope u r feeling ok now Nuttynan? Big hugs xxxx
NuttyNan louise25018
Stay well xo