50 year old feel 90

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Dear fellow hot flushes

I am suffering the following with the wonderful menopause and I at my wits end any advice greatly received,I must add I will not take HRT,severe fatique sleeping 12 hours and more sometimes,then following week full of energy,severe joint pain in neck,shoulders and elbows,craving sugar and stodgy food,dry eyes,pain on sex,that's when I can be bothered,mood swings shall I go on all of the things I can deal with but the neck pain,and fatigue ,it's ruining my life does anyone know of any supplements that actually work I have,been on anti d but stopped taking them as they made me feel worse,and I already feel sedated,or drunk and woolly headed

I have taken early retirement cos of these symptoms,they don't seem to be getting any better

Any advice gratefully received


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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry musie things can only get worse before they get better so hang in there, i get very itchy in the never regions and it can be excruciating so thank your lucky stars you have,nt got that yet, but it does get better just enjoy your retirement and find a hobby like sewing or something .

    Good luck

  • Posted


    I feel the same - only I feel 102 !

    My Doc doesn't agree with hrt- can understand that as new clot problems are adding to the rest of the possible side effects - so I'm not for hrt either.

    I'm swinging from sleeping 12 + hours one night to not getting to sleep at all the next. 

    Sex, I think the last time I had sex with my really understanding partner was over 3 years ago, I had hysterectomy about two and a half years ago due to bleeding continuously for one and a half years before - fibroids + other problems)

    I can't work due to another disability, but the way I feel most days, it would be impossible to do a permanent job anyway.

    Mood swings have been better since I've started taking extra vitamins and minerals.

    I try to eat healthily but I too crave anything which is bad for me. I've put on loads of weight on my tummy - I never had excess weight there before, ever.

    I take calcium with vitamin D + K. (the vitamin D + K help to process the calcium - The last thing I want is a broken hip / leg etc. (my mum  had that happen)

    I also take vitamin C with zinc (the zinc helps with cramps in my feet and legs).

    Also a mix of the B vitamins.

    Also vitamin E or a "skin hair and nail"s mix of a load of mierals etc.

    I don't take the same ones each day - as I don't want to overdose on them and if I am good and eat healthily, some of the above will be in the food I eat. I tend to take these on alternate days.

    I think extra magnesium can help too if you are low, my doc said I'm ok though.

    I too came off anti depression pills, I had hallucinations and felt worse - I did try them for 4 months but gave up with them as I didn't feel any better after that time.

    Quite a few on here suggest Menopace, I haven't tried it, but it's something I might try


    • Posted

      Hi Wen

      Do you mean you had hallucinations on the anti depressants? xx


    • Posted

      Yes, I'd been on the tablets for a while, felt a bit odd during the first few months but put it down to mum being back in care home and me being home on my own.

       I was half dozing on the sofa and swirly shadows were dancing around the room - they didn't go away when I put the main room lights on.

      I spent the night trying to sleep but felt so weird. The same thing happened for the next few nights.

      The next week I stopped taking them and told my doctor - she didn't seem fazed by it - "Oh it can happen," she said. 

      Scared me to death.

    • Posted

      yep that's scary. I tried st johns wort for a while...but even them, oh dear! Nasty reaction. never again. But, they do work wonders for most. I suppose it all depends on how you're wired, & we're all wired differently. There's no one size fits all when it comes to health, especially ladies hormones! smile
    • Posted

      I was going to try St. Johns wort, but I don't think I'd better lol.

      i suppose it wouldn't do for us all to be the same!!!

    • Posted

      sorry, didn't mean to put you off. Prob just me, I'm a bit weird anyway!! It may well be good for you smile
    • Posted

      St johns wort has been banned in france, it interacts with many meds too. I wouldnt use it myself,

      Jay x

    • Posted

      St Johns Wort info ..

      Serotonin is a brain chemical targeted by antidepressants. Combining St. John’s wort and certain antidepressants can lead to a potentially life-threatening increase in serotonin levels—a condition called serotonin syndrome. Symptoms range from tremor and diarrhea to very dangerous confusion, muscle stiffness, drop in body temperature, and even death.

      Psychosis is a rare but possible side effect of taking St. John’s wort, particularly in people who have or are at risk for mental health disorders, including bipolar disorder.

      Taking St. John’s wort can weaken many prescription medicines, such as:


      Birth control pills

      Cyclosporine, which prevents the body from rejecting transplanted organs

      Digoxin, a heart medication

      Some HIV drugs including indinavir

      Some cancer medications including irinotecan

      Warfarin and similar medications used to thin the blood.

      Other side effects of St. John’s wort are usually minor and uncommon and may include upset stomach and sensitivity to sunlight. Also, St. John’s wort is a stimulant and may worsen feelings of anxiety in some people.

  • Posted

    Hi Musie, you sound like so many of us on here.  There is a string that you should read called "Menopause and SEVERE joint pain. Anyone else?!" and "My long list of symptoms" and a few others that relate to your symptoms... there is a ton of good advice in there.
  • Posted

    Hi. I know exactly how you feel. For me the worst thing is the face and neck pain and headaches. I also had to give up my job as I couldnt function properly. I've still to find a solution, but the magnesium helps a bit and keepin active I find is better than sitting. I think the Physio told me that it uses different muscles when you sit. Acupuncture helped a bit, but pricey. Epsom salt baths are really helpful too and help with sleep. Try to relax and not stress too much, easier said than done I know, stress definitely makes it worse. Xx
    • Posted

      Hi thanks I will try Epsom salt baths,not sure how they work but will try anything thanks xx
    • Posted

      Just throw a cup of Epsom salts in your bath water and have a soak . You can buy small pots at the chemist. If you find it helps you can get bigger bags online, which works out cheaper xx
  • Posted

    Thanks ladies for your advice and feel better knowing a group that understands me ,I am moving to Mallorca in April but will Def keep on website xxx
    • Posted

      Ooh you lucky thing! That will make you feel better!!! If I could move back to my home town Gibraltar I'm sure I'd be happier! That lovely sunshine!!

      Good luck xxx

    • Posted

      Hi musie

      Good luck with your move, i live in Southern Spain 😃

      Jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Crochetm 

      small world, Gibraltar about an hour away from me, ( queuing to get in and out i bet you dont miss ) 😃

      Jay x

    • Posted

      Wow whereabouts? Lucky thing my family are in Gib xx
    • Posted

      Absolutely! My family hardly go into Spain as it takes forever though I did walk through I december! Hoping to go over next month xx
    • Posted

      Hi Crochetm..

      la linea ... Wouldn't want to go there anyway hahahaha..

      not the nicest part of spain .. I am about an hour from Gib ..

      Nice drive though all along the coastal road .. Very pretty ..

      jay x


    • Posted

      Yeah we go three x a year and I always feel great with the sun,decided to go permanent ,live in damp wet pennines I don't think that helpsxx

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