8 weeks post op TKR

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8 weeks post op tkr and doing very well. PT likes my progress, bending to 118 as of 2 weeks ago. Still stiff and swollen especially in the morning. 

My problem is that in the evening the knee, especially behind it and the area just above and below plus my quad muscle is deeply aching more the last several days. Anything to be concerned about?

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28 Replies

  • Posted

    I’m 11 weeks out and I would say after 9 to 10 weeks out it finally stopped hurting behind my knee. The tightness got better too. I’m walking normally now but in the evening I sometimes need ice or something for the pain. It’s gonna get better 
  • Posted

    Nope...just part of the journey.  Eight weeks is still very early.  The worst "pain zone" is the first 90 days...then things start to get noticeably better.  By then, your ROM will most likely be 0 / +120 or better and you can start to work on the mandatory muscle rebuild for your dead quads, glutes and core...plus stretching out your hamstrings.  This is all necessary work to walk correctly, regain your balance and do stairs again like a normal person.

    Click on my name and then "See All Discussions"...over 30 topics out there for body, mind and spirit.  Have fun...

    • Posted

      Your medical surgery list reads like mine! Lol. My back and neck is mostly the result of riding horses (jumping competively, western dressage and even broke thoroughbreds for Pimlico when I was younger.) Knees, elbows are mostly softball - pitcher turned catcher and a girl landed on my left knee, wiping it put, but I got her out on my way down. Shoulder is mostly swimming - my stroke was butterfly and tennis.

      I laughingly refer to my story in terms of Humpty Dumpty. I never asked how much metal I have in my body, but maybe I am closer to being a tin woman with how I squeak and get so stiff in the morning until I am properly lubed up by voltaren Gel and stretches.

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      I'm the TSA's worst nightmare at the airport.  Hip, knee, two fusions on my spine...  Mine was 45 years of hockey...but I don't regret one minute of it...sounds like you don't either.  My wife was a horsewoman all her life...a Mexican Federale taught her to jump when she was a kid in El Paso...no hands.  Had her own horses for years...even got one (16.1 hands thoroughbred named Cody) after her brain aneurysm surgery in 2010 at age 61.  By six months she knew it was too dangerous.  Two TIA strokes after the surgery left her with right side weakness in her arm and leg...could not "grip" the horse strongly enough with her thighs...time to quit.  It's tough giving up the things you both love and are very good at.  Hope you can still ride...

    • Posted

      I still ride. Back in the saddle 9 weeks after TKR. Two double lumbar fusions. Double followed by triple neck fusions. My knees and a ton of other surgeries. I also got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis around 16 years ago.

      I believe I do so well with problems related to MS because of riding. I can't imagine not ever doing it. Rode from age 3 or 4 on. 53 now. Your wife must have been devistated to decide to give it up. Has she ever looked into therapy riding? Just an idea, after seeing people in wheelchairs getting straooed into a saddle and barrel race.

      It may not be the same for her, but would be a way to continue her passion with these beautiful animals.

      God bless her...

    • Posted

      We have a therapy riding place right here in Weatherford, TX...she's shown no interest.  There's a beautiful horse farm right up the road.  I told her to visit it and ask the owners if she could just groom a horse or two every few days.  I gave her a gorgeous black Wintec saddle with the CAIR system for our wedding in 2010...six months later, she had the brain surgery...still have the saddle...hope someday she'll use it again, just for an easy ride.  But she'll need to hit the gym and get stronger.  Tough at 69 but I always have hope for her.

      Like me...  After the hip, I had to give up the hockey or ruin the hip replacement in three years.  Same goes for a knee.  But I at least want to skate again.  Spoke to DonJoy to see if they had a brace that would absolutely prevent the knee from twisting.  Saving up for their Defiance...then back to a nice relaxing skate.

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    I found that putting a pillow or blanket under my knee helps.

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    Went to ortho doc last week, I am 9 weeks LTKR, at 109 to 115 ROM but -5 in straight. The doc says I make scar tissue to fast and swelling is bad behind knee.  Prednisone for 6 days to see if it helps, so far NOT! I wish I would never have done this.  I go to rehab twice a week, do my exercises, ice, elevate and do general house chores, but this is driving me nuts!  I was off any walking aids 2nd day after surgery and rom was at 90 how the hell did I go backwards?  I am very frustrated.  Feels like cement is in my knee by dinner time. Ok, rant over for today, who knows what tomorrow will bring.
    • Posted

      I am told it’s far from unusual to go backwards I did too and was upset. Unless there’s a serious deterioration I think the advice may be be patient and keep doing all the right things. Are you sure you are not overdoing the housework etc! It can feel ok at the time I’ve found but ..., 
    • Posted

      Recovery consists of advances, setbacks and plateaus...ALL OF THESE!!!  The worst is a plateau...it's where you are stuck at a specific ROM and can't move from that spot.  I remember getting stuck at -4 for weeks and weeks.  Yes, it's very frustrating.  Then I broke through to -1.  Whew.......  Just takes time, work and patience.

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    I have this too and have found heat followed by icing and voltarol  gel on there a few times a day really has helped. 
  • Posted

    Hi Pam I’m 5.1/2 post op I’m pleased with my bend but the continued pain I can’t cope with 

    I’ve had an infection that turned into an abscess that I have packed daily pain medication has not taken it away at all I just wish the pain would go away 

    I’m now thinking the new knee could be too big or it needs  re-manipulating I don’t like my Consultant all he says is what do you expect! but his Registrar is much nicer and said I’ve just been very unlucky but to expect the pain to go on for another 6 wks my hip has also become very painful I’m just hoping it all stops soon 

    I hope you don’t suffer for too long stay strong and keep positive 

    • Posted

      Remember you are always entitled to ask for a second opinion! Personally I don’t put up with a consultant who can’t communicate and treat me with respect! We recently sent a polite letter to my oh consultant after an unsatisfactory consult setting out our questions and concerns -totally different experience at next consult .., then are not gods, you have rights not least respect and they have responsibilities! Be nice but don’t be walked over! 
    • Posted

      Hi you are very right done consultantsdo think they are god and when I see him Thursday I’m not putting up with it I’m going to tell him how unhappy I’ve been and that I don’t think I’ve been taken seriously with the amount of pain I’ve had I’m doing my exercises daily even go for s walk around the super market with the husband I’m down to one crutch when out and try to do without inside the house I’m fed up with the pain as it goes right up to my hip that could be because of the way I have been walking I just don’t no my knee becomes very hot on and off through the day and night and the pain wakes me up at night I’m trying to keep positive but struggling at present I was so positive before my op spoke to lots of people and only had one that said never again and that’s just how I feel as I’m due to have my left one done but I feel it’s best to leave for at least 12 mth 

      Take care stay strong keep positive 

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