Am I alone?? Perimenopause so bad i've been hospitalized.

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It's a very long story but I will try to keep it shortened. I am now 49 just about to turn 50 but this has been going on for years. i remember the yrs of itching skin like ants crawling and biting, then suddenly it disappeared and i didn't think of it again.

It started in 2013 I had been getting severe electric like shocks in the top/ back of my head, so painful my legs sometimes buckled. it was fleeting so i never saw a Dr. then started to get a numbness in my left ear which would also disappear. The head shock hit hard one afternoon and again gone. i went to bed that night and woke with a completely dead left arm, feeling came back but it was never the same. i went to the drs i had CT scans, nothing. I was referred to a neurologist. while waiting. I was hit with severe neck pain, body pain, numbness and burning on the left side of my face and arm. then i was hit with severe hot flushes that were more like waves of fire, none stop. Then i was hit with what felt like a severe ongoing UTI (no infection) Migraines, vertigo, burning mouth, anxiety through the roof, insomnia... I was and am in so much pain but Drs weren't listening to me. eventually i was put on HRT and hot flashes settled but nothing else. I had MRI blood tests etc for MS, Lupus etc results came up nothing... so i have been treated like a mental patient. I am sorry to say that i fulfilled their assumptions of me when i could take no more and overdosed. I was in hospital for 5-6wks.

Since then i have been put on Carbamazepine to stop the burning sensations which it has, in combination with duloxetine for anxietyand pain and metazepine for insomnia and combo for pain plus pain relief panadiene forte as well as the HRT. My Dr has told me flat out perimenopause and menopause do not cause pain (Dr is male) i have no other dr to go to in my town. I feel very alone as no one i know not even family members have or are suffering as I am. Is there anyone out there like me? or am i truly alone in this?

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63 Replies

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  • Edited

    Hello Shylee,

    Please be rest assured you are not alone, your story is very similar to my own.

    My story, in brief ;o)... New Year 2018 and I discovered faint nerve sensation in my chin, left side only. Doctor diagnosed Trigeminal Neuralgia and sent me home with Carbamazepine. One month later, with droopy eyelids (I couldn't stay awake!) feeling low and suffering from extreme fatigue, I went back to my GP and demanded a full blood count. It came back Folate deficient and a B12 reading of 286. I came off the Carbamazepine at that point as I had no pain.

    I dosed myself up with folic acid and B12 supplement and from the fatigue point of view, I felt a bit better. However, my symptoms then began to develop... initially pins and needles and numbness in my arms, hands, lower legs and feet. The nights I did get a sleep, I would wake up with a dead left arm and hand, they would go completely numb. Next came burning mouth syndrome, I suffered terribly with it (and still do some days, it has never really left me). From there came the burning soles of my feet and intense heat throughout my whole body, by then I was freaking out. Blood tests, MRI scan, ultrasound of my lymph nodes, dental x-rays, all came back normal.

    I had ruled out everything a GP, Neurologist (2 of them!), Maxillofacial and ENT specialist could throw at me so in desperation I went to a private GP specialising in menopause... she put me on HRT and that was a life changer for me, the intense heat in my body and feet pretty much disappeared.

    So, just when I thought I was getting back on track, the pain in my face and head started.... subtle to begin with, small electric jabs in my left cheek that developed into ear and jaw pain, electric sensation running through my teeth, eye socket and eye pain, headaches, neck pain etc. And the most bizarre thing is the symptoms move about, one minute I have ear pain, that will then stop and the jaw pain starts up, then in the afternoon I will have a burning face, neck pain and a headache (my symptoms as I type this ;o)... Like you, I am also on nerve blockers to calm the nerves.

    Unfortunately, I can't give you an answer as to why we are suffering so badly with any of this, all I can tell you is you are not alone. How I feel today actually brought me to this forum as I know I will read much needed advice and support from the many wonderful people on here that understands what we are going through.

    Shylee, I hope my brief ;o) story helps to comfort you in some way. Every day I just keep telling myself, I'm a day closer to getting better, I try to eat healthy, exercise, drink loads of water, etc. It's the small stuff but I find they can make a big difference.

    Sending you a big virtual hug.


    • Edited

      Hi Pam,

      Thank you so much for sharing your story. it means a lot to me that all you lovely ladies going through your own hell have taken time out to share with me, give comfort and encouragement. I appreciate it very much.

      You're experiences sound so much like mine Pam its unbelievable. I just can't believe Drs are so in the dark when it comes to our symptoms... when my Dr and neurologist etc are all baffled i thought maybe i am the only one that has ever felt this way, but to hear so many similar symptoms beyond the common ones they always talk about i just don't get it that it hasn't been circulated around the medical profession...

      I do hope you too find happiness in things in your life and that one day you will feel better. I hope that for all of us. I spend my time writing fantasy novels to help remove me from my own reality. It has been very good self therapy 😃 xxx Hang in there

  • Posted

    Your most definately not alone, I have suffered with the itching for 8 years so since the age of 43 Im now 51. I suffer from situational anxiety, have done on and off for 31 years, Im currently not working as had to quit my job but have look for a new one soon which is where my anxiety will kick in again but since peri it hits much more randomly not just situationally I refused AD as dont want to rely on them and how will I no i ve got through this if im taking those. My doc is useless so gave up going there, I take a Lorazapam once in a while in emergencys but nothing else. Hugs to you 🤗

    • Posted

      Hi Sarah

      I am soooo sorry for this late reply. I have tried to keep up with everyone but i'm afraid your reply just seems to have slipped through. I may have been too unwell when i received it and just hit thumbs up not remembered to go back and reply. so i really apologize for my slackness.

      I'm so sorry to hear you suffered for so long with the itching, it really is awful. I don't work either i'm unable to keep up with anything. The HRT has settled a fair bit of the anxiety i had which was the worst i had ever felt with anxiety and i have suffered with anxiety/panic disorder my whole life so for it to be the worst ever during peri is saying something. As i said HRT has helped that and many other symptoms.

      I'm still suffering and my Dr is still also Useless, so i'm just trying to get through the best i can.

      I hope that things get better for you, Hugs back 😃

  • Posted

    thanks for the reply

    right at this moment feel my left side tired, my left breast hurt like a dull pain, i feel cant breath, my left hip hurt, my left back, and i know is just after my period end it . i refused to go to the ER WHICH I have been going like since 2015 ( at 45) . Im now 49 and my headaches and neck pain is just crazy . i refuse to get on HRT so I am glad im not alone. I take ATIVAN when i need it. i also had every test i cam think of all normal the only thing is MY HEART HAVE AN EXTRA BEAT BUT IS benign.

    • Posted

      Hi Eliaimee

      Im so sorry to hear how you are suffering also. It really is awful. I too resisted going on antidepressants and HRT but in the end it was either that of i wasn't going to make it through. I couldn't get up off the floor. I was in so much pain, the left side of my body was burning, my bladder was excruciating and i couldn't walk because of it, migraines, vertigo, head pressure, burning mouth syndrome, burning throat, neck pain, stomach problems and the list goes on. So in the end i took the treatment. It has mostly stopped the bladder issue and the inferno flushes etc and the carbamazepine took the burning skin and most of mouth and throat... it doesnt take all of it away but it has allowed me to keep going as much as i can.

      i hope you find something that helps relieve your pain soon

  • Posted

    Hello Shylee,

    I totally agree when it comes to the medical field and their lack of menopause knowledge, the GPs in my local practice are totally clueless and that includes the 2 female GPs. I've been to both of them and they don't have a clue about symptoms outwith the norm, nor do I think they actually believe me when I tell them what the problem is. So sad when you consider we make up 50% of the population and there's no getting away from it!

    And, like you, my friends and family haven't experienced anything I'm going through so can't relate, nor can they give me advice so thank god for forums like these to discover that there is other people out there going through the same thing (although I wouldn't wish this crap on anyone! ;o)

    However, I noticed in one of your previous postings that you mentioned you were suffering from UTIs... apologies if this has been discussed already as I haven't had much time to read through the whole discussion but I just wanted to mention that UTIs are a primary symptom of Vaginal Atrophy, which is common in the menopause unfortunately. You most likely know all this already but just to say I don't think antibiotics will clear the UTI if it is caused by VA. I've read about many ladies suffering from this and Vagifem is a great help. Just wanted to share in case it helps you or anyone else reading this ;o)

    Meantime, I'm trying to switch off from the burning sensation, which then flips to a freezing/numbing sensation going on in my scalp, and it's only 8 am... what the hell is that all about! ;o)

    Take care xx

    • Posted

      Hi Pam,

      thankyou for your reply. i have been to female gps also that have been useless. its very sad when even they are unsympathetic.

      thankyou for the uti info but i dont actually have a uti, there is no infection but it burns like hell and i have painful bladder with severe urgency. nothing helped it not natural alkalime or synthetic until i got on the HRT, its not perfect but before i could not function. i can walk now so much better.

      the burning skin and then chill i still have too and jaw pain prickling skin on chin. throat tightness and pain. its never ending but we just keep going and supporting eachother and hope the medical profession catches up soon.

      i hope you stsrt having soome better days too.

  • Posted

    I'm sorry this is difficult for you. I often feel like I can't do it another day, but then I do. I am tired, achy, my vision is blurry, my migraines are intense, I see auras, I have room spinning vertigo, I have severe anxiety, concentrating is hard, finding words is difficult, sometimes I feel like I could faint, sometimes I panic, lots of times I cry, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., ETC. I don't understand what is happening to me physically or mentally. I was a normal working woman a few short months ago. Now, I am a mess. You are NOT alone. xoxo

    • Posted

      Hi Staci,

      Thanks for your reply. it certainly is awful. many times i get to the point when i feel like its just not worth it, but then my grandkids come over and tell me how much they love me and i have to keep fighting. it's just so damn hard and excruciatingly painful. i just don't understand why i have to have things like a constant inflamed throat that causes so much pain and discomfort. it flares up at certain times of the cycle. no bacteria etc. thats just one of the stupid symptoms. I dont get any of it. im just so exhausted with it all.

      I'm so sorry your going through an awful time.

  • Posted

    Hi Shylee

    First of all, I get so sad reading these posts. It is such a difficult time mainly because of the lack of appropriate care and recognition of this debilitating time a lot of us go through. I had most of what you talk about, over 4 years since it first hit in June 2015. I had NO idea what was happening to me. One day I was fine and the next day, my life was turned upside down and spent more time in doctors and hospitals than I care to remember. I was finally listened to and began HT but although some symptoms have improved, my hormones are dropping and I feel EVERY bit of it. I refused all types of anxiety and anti-depressant medications that they tried to throw at me (mainly to go away, I reckon, when bloods and tests kept returning with normal results) and I won't take them. I refused to allow these people who did not know me, to tell me that the only reason I was suffering was that I was depressed and anxious due to other factors in my life. No way! Wasn't accepting that! HT works fine for the anxiety, not always, but manageable on days when hormones go haywire again. What I wanted most during the bad days was recognition that what I was suffering was real, that I needed support, that I wasn't an anxious person (had not been previously ever, like most women state on these forums). That is ALL I ever really wanted, for someone in the medical profession to understand! It took me a long time to find those people, AND IT SHOULDN'T BE THAT WAY! It changes every aspect of your life and should not be a case of put up and shut up.. It is simply not possible.

    • Posted

      Hi Metamorphed,

      Thank you for your reply. I too feel so sad for everyone that posts on here. Our stories are so often similar and it makes me so mad that the medical profession has not caught on.

      I'm glad you finally found someone who gives you support and recognition. I haven't found that at all. In fact the last time i went to my Dr he yelled at me saying that under no circumstances does perimenopause or menopause cause pain of any kind. I was shocked and upset and shut down. I have not been back to the Dr's since and have decided no matter what, i will not go back to them unless i just need a script done. I am just treated like a mental patient they even tried to give me a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder because i have had a terrible life in the past and put this all down to anxiety and depression but my personality is the furthest thing from borderline personality. It angers me that they stick labels on you when you don't fit into their box. I no longer get unbiased treatment because of it. i'm not only angry but very sad , lost and often feel very alone. reading other ladies experiences helps some in not feeling so alone, though i don't wish this on anyone.

      I do hope that you find something that really helps for you too.

    • Posted

      oh it's a slow torture indeed. Three years for me. You're lucky you havent gotten frozen shoulder too, that's been the cherry on top. I always wonder how much one person can take. Just want to wake up one day and feel normal again.

    • Posted

      hi Suzanne

      i dont know if its called frozen shoulder. I have a useless numbish feeling and pain through the left arm and shoulder, the skin burns but also feels wet and cold... it is a terrible feeling

  • Edited

    The title of this posts sums it all up.

    My life crashed 4 years ago. I had a headache but it was so extreme that I went to bed. I honestly didn't think I would wake up.

    When I got up, my right side was numb and I could not breath.

    Then my last period was extremely heavy.

    Jump 4 years no periods, still can't breath, eat sleep, I urinate 20 times a day. I've had ecg, bloods, scans, ultrasound and 2 rounds of hrt to of no avail. I have just resigned myself that this is a slow death.

    I can't work, wear mice clothes, feet are so painful that I wear granny shoes. It's a peragotory existence.

    I may go back for a third round of hrt. Right now just typing this has my heart racing. I'm 53 and last month had a normal period albeit I felt like crap.

    • Posted

      Cia, I replied to you, it just went under Shylee's post.

    • Posted

      oh cia, i hear you, and you are definitely not alone. I have been on HRT estalis continuous 50/140 patches for over a yr and it made a huge difference especially with the bladder but not the burning and numbness i was put on carbamazapine and that did the trick. i do have breakthrough burning and pain but i can survive. I cant have higher doses. All my tests came back negative too. I just turned 50. going through peri and meno should be a freeing time but they dont prepare you for any of this crap. they dont even believe all this is from peri and meno and i dont know how to get all our experiences together to prove what we are suffering with and being ignored or treated as neurotic etc.

      know that I'm thinking of you and you aren't alone xxx Hang in there, i hope you find some relief soon.

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying. I did go to the doctors yesterday and I told her I had a period 2 months ago whilst not being on hrt She said that is not right. She said if you were taking hrt then the bleed woudbe ok. Now I have to go and have an transvaginal scan for fear of cancer. It just goes on. I don't care what it is right now. Keep you posted when I know.

      As I only made one post on here your I found it hard to find your reply. xx

    • Posted

      I'm so glad your feeling more human. I saved your original message all those months back with a view to replying you to aS your story echoed mine all those months ago.. xx

    • Posted

      Hi cia,

      Sorry i'm a little unsure about what you meant in regards to your cycle and what the Dr said to you. I saw my Gynecologist last week and i do remember her saying there is a type of HRT that stops the bleed that might be Estalis Segue (sorry not sure of spelling) and then the one i'm on Estalis continuous patches, i still get a cycle but they are a little scattered and odd. It helps me more in the way of taking away the severe hot inferno flushes and the bladder pain and frequency, excessive anxiety etc. Don't get stressed with the tests yet, so many come back negative and we have been stressing for nothing. My advice try not to stress, deal with things as they come. This is a very difficult time without making it harder for yourself.

      Hang in there...

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