Any good feedback from people on Cipralex ??

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Since I joined this forum and the group on Cipralex all I seem to see are negatrive, negative, negative from this drug. I have never been on an anti-depressant in my whole life. But now at 59 struggling with terrible anxiety and panic attacks. It took me a long time since the Doc recommended Cipralex to make the decision to take it. But finally I did. I am on Day 8 only. And I am having some side effects, jitters, nervousness and racing heart here and there. But I would really love to hear some positives concerning this drug, cuz I am now having mixed feelings about my decision. I do want one thing and one thing only is to feel good again, and to feel myself again......

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    Hi Damom,  If I remember correctly you have a doctors appointment today. I just wanted to wish you well - hopefully some of the side effects from the Cipralex are letting up - if not your doc should be able to help you. Let me know how it goes - it certainly can be tough to start any new meds.  Be well.  Karin
    • Posted

      Hi Karin, I am so sorry I have not responded sooner. I am new to this site and still learning how to use it with ease. Thank you for remembering I had a doc appointment, that is very considerate of you. I saw my Doc yesterday. Follow-up appointment to see how I am doing on the Cipralex. Completing week 3 now, and tremors have gone, but morning agitation and heart racing and palpitations still there on some mornings, today being one of them. And in the past couple of days started a new very weird symptom. Had this chemical taste in my mouth so unpleasant, in my mouth and sinus, and felt like each time I would swallow it felt like I just bit into my pill. Even eating felt weird cuz it felt like I was mixing food and my pill in my mouth. This started on Wednesday and continued. Told the Doc about it and how it was making me feel very anxious, she said she had heard of this with some people who take sleeping pills (which I do not) but she had not heard of it from the Cipralex. But she assured me it would go away. And weirdly today it seems to be disappearing, thank God. She wants to increase my dosage to 20 mg. I am now on 10 mg. I am nervous about the increase. She said because of my symptoms to continue for a week on the 10 but to increase afterwards sad Feeling still uneasy about this increase. But she seems very certain of her advice, so I guess I will. Otherwise Karin, I tell you, I am not feeling any better and feel like what is the use of me continuing on this med. But I know it can take time still to start feeling better and I will try and hang in. Its nice to know we are fellow Canadians. British Columbia is beautiful. Well I hope your doing well. Thanks for your support, it makes me feel so much better....
  • Posted

    Hi just wondered how u feeling today?

    Cipralex works so well but it does present funny effects, everything u r saying is listed as a side effect and it will pass. I woke to my teeth chattering this morning and shakes with major anxiety am like Ian and on day 5 it's damn hard

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      I take cipralex 10 mg also. How many mg do you take and when do you take it?
    • Posted

      Hi Kate,

      Thanks for asking how I was feeling. Love the support I get from all of you. I am losing hope, as I am still feeling sides. The tremors have somewhat disappeared. Although I still get the odd uneasy shakes here and there. Then last week I had this awful chemical taste in my mouth and sinus, like I was swallowing my pill in crushed form each time I swallowed. It was awful. Lasted a couple of days, all day long. Asked Doc about it and she told me it would go away. And it has. Had a little taste this morning, but all gone now. Now in the past couple of days, my heart rate has periods of racing. So now this is the new side and for me its one of the most worrisome because it has to do with the heart. But as I said, I still get the shakes. My Doc wants me to go from 10 mg. to 20 mg. as soon as possible. But if I am already experiencing all these negatives on 10, what am I going to do with the increase to 20, ugh. Not happy. Looking really forward to the promised good feeling and no more sides, but losing hope. Starting week 4 tomorrow and still no good feelings at all. sad I will go to the pharmacy today and discuss the increase with my pharmacist. See his objective on this. Is this your first time taking the Cipralex ? And what got you to taking this med ? So all in all, no changes yet Kate.....thanks so much for caring it means alot to me.....hugs to you.....Damom......

    • Posted

      It took me 6 weeks for the side affects to ease up.. maybe ask your gp for ativan to help get you thru the side affects. It helps me. Don't give up hun and does get better.. when do you take it? Xx
    • Posted

      Hi I know the feeling of the heart racing very well mine is there when I wake up is pounding please be assured this is normal. It's not nice and it's very scary but it's just the body adjusting. I have down loaded hypnosis tracks on my phone to help me to sleep as get insomina from the tablets, it's very good but very hard when your heart is racing as your body is pumping the adrenaline around thinking its time to fight it's all part of the panic.

      Doesn't make it any easier at all and it's awful x

    • Posted

      Thanks Kate, loved your explanation, its right on ! Its almost 10 am. and the heart is pounding since I woke up at 8....ugh ! But thanks for the encouragement......let's keep each other hanging in there.....what week are you on ?
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      Thanks Tonya for the support, I truly appreciate it. I have Clonazapan which is like Ativan and Doc said I can take it when I need to while on the Cipralex. But I haven't . Maybe I will, but I hate that I have to take another drug to ease the other drug. Coming from a gal who never took any drugs at all and I am 59 years old, it discourages me........But I will try and hang on and continue the Cipralex and hope that I feel better soon. How are you doing ? How long have you been on the Cipralex ?
    • Posted

      Yep mine has been on and off all day I can't sit still. I panic terribly when it starts, last night was my worse so far sad

      Just day 5 for me it's hitting me hard and fast.

      I have been on this drug twice before and exactly the same thing happened some people have nothing at all my partner is on it for PTSD 25 yr in the army came out and it hit him he on 30 mg and nothing not one effect.

      I am very happy to support u and be supported as all alone with this side effect stuff

    • Posted

      I've been on it since nov.. it takes time but it does work well. The benzo will make you sleepy st first but it will take the awful feelings away.. I'm doing pretty good having neck and back issues.. please try to be patient you will get better.. hugs to you hun good luck
    • Posted

      Thanks Tonya,

      Happy your doing pretty good smile I also have neck issues. Had neck issues so bad last year was awful. Then increased my Vitamin D and all went away. Now I am back to a normal dosage of 2000 mg a day cuz my Doc was not happy that I was taking so much D, when I increased my D to 6000 a day (advice from a Naturopath Doc) my neck pain went away. But when my Medical Doc sort of scared me into going lower, because she said I was way too high, I reluctantly did gradually of course. And surprisingly, my neck pain is still amazing and not there......But I know for sure 100% it was the increase of Vitamin D that made my neck pain go away as I tried everything else, physio etc. and nothing worked. Hope yours isn't as awful as mine was. I suffered for a year. Almost had to take time off work for the pain. I will try and be patient with the Cipralex......have a great day Tonya...Damom, hugs back at ya.....xo

    • Posted

      Hi Kate, I know exactly, 100% how you are feeling, especially about the not being able to sit still. I am presently in this moment of nervousness and not being able to sit still. Oprah Super Soul Sunday is on in 10 minutes and one of my favorite person is on and I have been looking forward to this show all week. I don't know if I will be able to sit through it sad so I might have to record it.....I am curious, you said you've been on this drug twice before. Why had you gone off it ? And did it do you well when you were on it those times ?
    • Posted

      Each time I came off as I fell pregnant and didn't want to risk anything.

      First time I had been on them 6 years then had by daughter

      Went back on year after then fell pregnant 3 months ago sadly we lost the baby and had to have surgery and I fought not going back on them but it was time 5 days ago.

      First time I started u was in a very bad place after leaving a violent marriage had clinical depression started on 20 mg but to many hallucinations came down to 10 still got so many sad(

      2nd time I started I did 10 mg and just like now my daughter was only 1 then so was much easier to deal with. I got a lot of weakness in hands, tremors, teeth chattering etc etc

      But each time they worked very very well x

    • Posted

      I've been suffering for 2 months with it.. it's awful.. I'm gonna try the vitamin D. I go to my gp Wednesday he better be ready for me as I'm tired of hurting.. thank you your so kind. .you have a good day also.. hugs to you xxx
    • Posted

      Thanks for sharing Kate.......hopefully this time round you will once again get to the feeling good stage faster than before...
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      Tonya I know what it feels like to be tired of hurting, those were my daily words. Your so kind as well. Good luck with the Doc. Let me know how it goes. Damom
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      Hi Damom how have u been today?

      Worst morning for me so far and the closest I have come to stopping but just taken it again.

      Have hypnosis tomorrow morning which will be interesting as like u and Ian mornings till lunch time r the hardest. X

    • Posted

      Hi Damon;

      Sorry not to have answered sooner. I'very been in the States helping my 95 year old mother who is now blind. Last week Mom discovered that she has leukemia and diabetes - talk about a blow. Anyways Mom's needed alot of tlo and time to talk throught things.

      How has this week been for you? I hope that yit are having

    • Posted

      Hello Kate,

      I am so very sorry I am so late in my reply. I took a week's vacation and literally did "nothing" which is exactly what my self and body needed. Read books, watched series and movies on Tv, sat on my couch with my dog endlessly and it felt AMAZING! My anxiety and nervous energy does not allow me to sit for this long, therefore, I know the Cipralex is working. Although I stopped the 20 mg. and went back to the 10mg. as per my Doc's suggestion. She rather me stay on the 20 and ride out the sides. Anyhow, the 20mg really through me into turbo side affects, lol, and called the Doc about it and she told me if I couldn't stand it then go back to the 10mg which I did.....that was 2 weeks ago. But I just had a follow-up appointment with her Thursday and told her that I had no more sides and felt a slight calmness. She wants me to go back to the 20mg. I told her I would start back on Monday when I go back to work as I didn't want to ruin the rest of my vacation with those damn side affects again. So Monday its back to side affect hell. I will keep you posted. But it does feel nice to see a little light in this tunnel of side affects. Now I know its just a matter of staying strong and riding it out because I know now they will go away. How have you been doing ?

    • Posted

      No more side effects that's a definite light at least you know they do stop and will stop again once you change to 20.

      I am having a bad time still and seriously want to jack them in but I know I can't .

      For 5 days I had a particularly better run I managed to drIve my daughter to school, take her to the park, drive myself to CBT and went to the cinema which was sooooo hard.

      I then think I over did it and back I go, racing heart, can't get a deep breath, mornings still the worse apart from yesterday when I had nothing and I stupidly thought it had gone.

      Am 17 days in now and mentally I can tell a slight difference but physically nothing and its that that I need to change.

      I get being anxious and heart racing if I am out but not whilst laying watching tv that's where it seems to get me then I panic about it and it gets worse 😞

    • Posted

      Hi Kate,

      Wow !!! Those things you did are amazing should be proud. And don't call yourself stupid because you are far from stupid. You are strong and courageous, because you are throwing yourself in the "fight and battle" to get better and that is something that takes courage. And don't think for a minute that anyone can do this, because your wrong. Alot alot of people choose the easy road because of the fear to jump in the darkness. I am proud of you for what you did. And going to the cinema and that alone being so hard and you did it. I remember how proud I was of myself when I went to a Restaurant and ate a meal by myself......

      I still get the racing heart, in it this morning. Had periods of it last week as well. Not as much as before, so its getting better. I know exactly how you are feeling. So many of us are in the same symptoms. So stick it through Kate, your almost there.....

    • Posted

      That made me cry such a lovely message thank you, I feel so alone in this alone in my thoughts, my partner is amazing and was up with me at 5 this morning as I was so anxious,

      I know it's early days but I had hoped it would of all calmed down now but the higher the anxiety when starting them the longer it takes.

      Spent 4 hrs playing with my 5 yr old earlier and felt I couldn't breathe was so anxious because I had to sit still and concentrate but I

      did it.

      I need to stop taking my pulse rate as much as I don't think it helps.

      That is great going to a restaurant and eating it's on my list to just not planning when as it makes it worse.

      My anxiety is also causing me stomach issues and my IBS is bad so just feel like I am battling every day, I have to go up to 10mg but am soooo worried to as its hard enough as it is xx

    • Posted

      Hi Kate,

      You are definitely not alone....there are zillion amazing, creative, unique and special people like NEVER feel alone. Just having this wonderful site to go to when you do have your moments of doubt and fear, that alone helps me so much.

      I don't know how old you are as I am 59, but you sound so much like me. See you are not alone, because as much as you sound like my carbon copy, there are many more carbon copies like us.

      It has taken me a long time to accept my anxiety and my somewhat craziness over my health, etc. but slowly even at my age I am finally coming to terms that this is who I am, a wonderful, sensitive, creative, unique woman and the more I realize this and work on myself the more easier it gets to come to acceptance of everything about me. Loving yourself with all the stuff attached to us. With Menopause I came crashing to a high anxiety state again, and turning 60 this year has really kicked me in the ass to let it all go, accept, and move on to another transition in my life. Deciding to go on Cipralex was huge for me as I had never taken anything like this my whole life. But, I need something to get me through all this, to take off the edge and give me some calm to work on the hard stuff to get to the good stuff.

      So Kate, you sound younger as you mentioned you have a 5 year old (btw, enjoy this time with your baby as it certainly flys by way too quick). I have a 23 year old girl, love love her, she is my light. Kate, accept that you are having this anxiety, and don't stop taking your pulse, lol, that is the uniqueness of ourselves. But try to find a medium because I know how obssessed we can get with our health.

      These crazy symptoms will pass, I thought they never would as well, but they have. Tomorrow I go back to the 20mg and I too will start getting back those uncomfortable symptoms, but I know they will pass as well.....

      I am here if you need well as everyone else. You are not alone, and you are special......xo

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