Bad Breath/reflux? pnd? infection? Something else?

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I wasn't sure where to put this duscussion.

I've had bad breath (especially horrendous morning breath) for as long as I can remember. Probably for a good 10 years or so? (I'm 29)

I've also experience what I think is possible post nasal drip (tongue is always coated. Often feel mucus on back of throat and need to clear my thoat)

and some sort of acid reflux in my throat (occasional burning sensation below my adams apple)

Both the possible PND and reflux seemed to come on after already having bad breath for a numbe of years though, so i'm not sure if they're even related? The reflux feeling is fairly infrequent.

I also occasionally get tonsil stones.

I have good oral health. Brush twice per day, floss, moutwash. Dentist confirmed gums are healthy.

Yet I can taste bad breath coming on again shortly after my morning routine.

NOW, I recently took metronidazole for something completely unrelated, and to my utter amazement, my breath became as fresh as a babies! Reflief after a decade! Even my morning breath smelt of nothing.

I was so happy until I read online that other people had experienced this phenomenen, but that the bad breath returns when you stop taking the antibiotic.

I stopped taking it 4 days ago, and I think that my breath may finally be reverting back sad This morning wasn't quite as fresh as yesterdays. I'm depressed now that my bad breath is likely to return in full force within a few days.

I'm wondering if anyone can shed any light?

Anyone been in the same boat and found a cure?

Can any knowledge be gained from the fact that the antibiotic temporaily cured me or not?


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    Read an interesting thread today about someone who had his lingual ''tonsils removed'' which cured the bad breath that he had experienced for a decade.

    (Apparently quite a rare surgery to have. Usually given to people with sleep apnea)

    If I could do it myself, i'd rip out my tonsils and my lingual tonsils today to either cure me, or at least rule out 2 more causes.


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      Thats how I cured my bad breath. The coating was really thick over my lingual tonsils and whilst I was asleep bits would break off and get picked up by my actual tonsils. This I believe is where the bad breath is coming from. Since Iv kept my lingual tonsils clean I have not had any breath isssues. The problem is keeping them clean. You have to make itm routine and they are not easy to clean.

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      Hi julian,.

      I am also suffering from bb. Are you able to stay bb free by just cleaning your lingual tonsils.

      Please advice

      Thank you

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    First off, your situation and symptoms are identical to mine.

    I also found relief while on antibiotics after a surgery I had a year ago. It was pure bliss, but the smell came back a few days later.

    I have found something that completely gets rid of my bad breath but the downside is the breath comes back as soon as I stop it.

    What I do is lie on my bed face down so that I am on my stomach. I put a pillow under my chest so that my head can kinda hang over the end of the fillow. What this does is maximizes your posture so that your spine is perfectly in place. I noticed that within a minute or so, my bad breath is gone and my post nasal drip stops. It's incredible.

    What I am thinking is that either our posture is causing a reflux and that is causing the bad smell. Or that we have a faulty Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). What happens with an open or faulty LES is our stomach acid is allowed to travel up out of our stomachs and into our esophagus, and even make it all the way to our throats and sinus. Which would explain our constant bad breath, even after brushing and rinsing.

    When I lie on my stomach my lower back is arched perfectly, which causes the LES to be closed, which gets rid of my bad breath and nasal drip. Post nasal drip is our bodies defense mechanism to coat our throats and esophagus from the acidic stomach acid.

    I know that I sit in a chair for most of the day at work, which gives me bad posture. I have not visited a chiropractor or back specialist but I think I am going to and ask him about my problem and what I have discovered.

    Last night I slept on my stomach all night and when I woke up this morning, my breath was completely odorless. As soon as I sat down at my desk to get some work done, my bad breath and nasal drip came back. Interesting, huh?

    I just thought I would share this with you and maybe you can try lying on your stomach and see if you get any relief. Let me know.

    • Posted

      Hi there. That's interesting. Thanks for sharing.

      Just got back from holiday hence my late reply.

      Funnily enough (or not as the case may be), since the holiday, I've had a horrible feeling like something is stuck in my throat, like i've just swallowed a big pill that is struggling to go down.

      I've had it for a few days.

      Initially I thought it was just a bad throat from the plane, but my bad throats usually hurt and feel like they're located near my tonsils, whereas this doesn't actually hurt (just very uncomfortable) and feels like it's around my adams apple

      Done some reading this morning, and GERD/reflux etc keeps coming up as the cause.

      Adds more weight to the liklihood that I probably do have issues with that.

      Could also coincide with the LES that you mentnioned.

      I also am generally hunched over a PC and think I probably do have bad posture.

    • Posted

      This sounds very interesting. I notice that I can breath a lot better and my sinuses clear when I'm doing yoga ( just started yoga 2 weeks ago)... it's an amazing feeling- like I can breath so much better! I guess my bad breath could be coming from post nasal drip as well. Is there a permanent way to cure postnatal drip? In addition to working on proper posture?

  • Posted

    Mike!  i have the exact same sytmptoms you do.  my teeth are super clean but if i stick my finger all the way down my throat to the top of the esophagus/base of my tongue there is a foul odor.  i went to an ENT yesterday and learned i have Post Nasal Drip (which makes sense bec. i can feel the 'bad taste' when clearing my throat, which i now realize i do frequently).  i also would wake up sometimes having to clear my throat of mucus but thought this was normal.  The ENT also said I have Silent Acid Reflux bec. my vocals cords didn't touch while making a particular sound, indicatating some damage there which appears to be from the acid. like you, i only knowingly experienced this reflux once every few months or so and didn't think it was a big deal but apparently it is happening while we sleep.  i ALSO have coughed up tonsil stones but cannot see any of them in my mouth.  i have read what you concluded that the PND is forming tonsil stones but i'm guessing they are somewhere we can't see?  hopefully they are not deep in the folds as i've seen in video online.

    i was prescribed Omeprazole for the Acid Reflux.  i also am going to try what AcesUp suggests.  in the meantime, i tilt my head up and try to clear my throat with water while i'm at work to remove the PND.  i also have started gargling with salt water to remove the water from the bacteria and using mouth washes with Zinc to stop the smell (SmartMouth), which you gargle as well.

    From what i've read online, i think it's definitely the PND/Reflux that is causing our issue bec. it doesn't appear to be anything teeth related.  And i can identify that the smell lives near the esophagus.  let me know if AcesUp remedy works for you.  and thank you everyone for contributing.  finally feel like i'm getting to the bottom of this!

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      unfortunately I've had bigger health problems to deal with recently and kind of forgot about this thread sad

      I don't know if you read all of my posts in this thread. Metronidazole gave me baby fresh breath which reverted back about 5 days later.

      A month or so later, I decided to take another course (based off ot the back of a success story I had read about)

      Since then, I feel about 60% cured. 

      Its been a good few months now.

      I still think my morning breath is pretty damn bad, but I dont tend to have the bad taste in my mouth when I drink plain water.

      I don't have that stale/salty taste when I touch the roof of my mouth with my tongue.

      I also took lots of probiotics as soon as I finished my second course.

      I fel as though it would give me a 'clean slate' and make it harder for bad bacterai to 'take over'.

      I still wonder whether it is just coincidence that it coincided with the end of summer, which might mean less alergies which would encourage post nasal drip etc. Although I don't think that's a factor since i've struggled for a number of years.

      Don't know why a second course seemed to help me so much.

      Don't know if it will help anyone else, but it might.


    • Posted

      Hi Mike,

      Sorry to hear about your more serious health issues. I hope things work out for you.

      I'm 32 and had dealt with bad breath since I was 12-13. I had all of the same problems. And yes, I also purchased many products which would fend off the bacteria as long as I continued to use them. But once I stopped the problem would return.

      After over a decade of reading, research and experimenting I found the solution to my problem, and I hope it's the solution for you and others who read this. While I still deal with tonsil stones, I understand how I cause of my problem so I'm able to solve it.

      ---The Source of My Problem is Dairy---

      Q: What is Milk?

      A: 'Mucus' from the mammary gland of a female, meant to sustain a baby *until* its digestive system matures to handle real food.

      We're not babies anymore yet we continue to consume this mucus (and products made from it); and consuming it from an entirely different species at that.

      Some people never grow out of milk, but my mature digestive system now considers Milk & Milk-based products unnecessary, so it treats it like any other foreign body. And the first line of defense from any bodily invader are our tonsils. The trash cans of the body.

      ---Location of My Problem: Tongue, Tonsils & Throat---

      Notice that your tongue, tonsils and any stones that come from your throat smell like you just "cut the cheese" (in various degrees). Cheese is cultured (solidified) fungus made from Mucus/Milk. This culturing process needs heat, moisture and darkness, which your mouth & throat perfectly provide.

      As you know, the anerobic bacteria in your body also thrive in this environment...but what you may not know is fungus and mucus is their main source of food (that's the culturing process). So as your body collects this mucus & fungus/cheese in your tonsils it attracts the bad bacteria. They feed, multiply and poop (sulfur).

      Finally, the milk adds to the mucus your oral cavity already produces (i.e. post nasal drip and phlem) and combines with the sulfur, bacteria, dead cells and fungus/cheese to create tonsil stones.

      I used to eat several bowls of cereal w/milk all throughout the day in my adolescence and early adulthood. I also ate meals heavy with milk and cheese (sandwitches with cheese, cheese steaks, pizzas, cheese burgers, lasagnes, ice cream)...And milk and cheese are already the chief incredients in most foods.

      So regardless of the millions of bacteria I killed with mouthwash and probiotics, my own diet would guarantee the problem would eventually return all because my body has matured past milk.

      Now because these stones are sticky when hydrated, they also grow *outside* of your tonsils *all around* the walls of your throat. So you can still develop them even if you get a tonsillectomy because the tonsils aren't the problem...they're trying their best to collect the junk but have gotten overworked and full.


      1) Reduce or Illiminate Dairy, the source of the problem

      I stopped eating foods with cheese and milk except for the occasional treat (like ice cream or a pizza once a month), but I'd deep clean my mouth afterward each time. I get my calcium from orange juice and vitamin D from sunlight.

      2) Deep clean oral cavity, including the tonsils and back of throat

      - Water pick: gargling isn't strong enough to jar loose sticky tonsil stones. You need a nasal & throat irrigation machine to gently shoot a stream of water into your tonsil area to push out your stones. Also shoot it across areas of your throat to dislodge any stuck on your walls. This tool can be pretty pricy but it pays for itself with each use. I bought a 'Grossan Hydro Pulse Nasal and Sinus Irrigation System'. The curved throat attachment can reach behind the flap hiding your tonsils and blast the area clean. Move the wand in certain areas to find where your stones collect. Warning: use the lowest setting or you risk damaging you tonsils (PAINFUL). Also use teh nasal attachment to clean mucus from your nose to end your post nasal drip.

      - Tongue scraper: The tongue is supposed to be light pink, not yellow. So you need to scrape off the top layer of bacteria poop to reach the down where they live else mouthwash is useless.

      - Tongue Brush: The tongue is as porous as the tonsils so mouthwash alone doesn't penetrate to bacteria hiding deeper. So brushing your tongue with mouthwash in your mouth will make sure it gets deeper. 'Oralbrush' is a great product to gently scrub your tongue without harming it. You should brush your tongue as often as you brush your teeth.

      - Finally, a good, alchohol-free mouthwash is best because alchohol dries out the mouth while we need it hydrated.enough for the good bacteria to thrive. Any hydrogen peroxide/baking soda combo mouthwash will work.

      3) Help good bacteria thrive and kill bad bacteria

      You already know how to do step 3 with the steps you've previously taken.


      My bad breath doesn't return unless I return to eating foods with milk and/or cheese. But knowing the cause of my problem helps me to quickly solve it.

      I hope it ihelps.

    • Posted

      Hi friend1. 

      Are you able to report whether you have had improvement of the PND (and subsequently, breath) after taking the acid reflux tablets and if so, how long it took? Any dietary changes to go with that? It was such a relief to read your and mike666's stories. I most definitely have PND and it is slowly destroying all of my confidence and I am becoming more and more isolated. My best friend and HM who I live with says that while I might be able to taste it constantly, he can't detect bad breath but he knows how sensitive I am and I'm positive is just trying to be nice to me. It is impossible for people not to detect it when it is so strong to me.

      I am currently on a course of antibiotics to rule out whether I have a bacterial infection and it had the same effect as mike666. The PND has persisted and I am panicked already about the BB returning when I finish the course. I am going to try and get a referral to an ENT and have a feeling I might have a similar diagnosis to you so I would be extremely grateful for any info on your progress today. Thank you.

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      **When I say the PND has persisted, I mean, without the odour/taste for the most part. So the antibiotics are killing all bacteria off fairly effectively. I have a second course I will almost certainly take just to enjoy the fresh breath feeling for longer but will run out after that. I'm hoping I will have seen an ENT by that stage and have a proper diagnosis leading to a proper treatment that is addressing the underlying issue, not just temporarily masking by killing bacteria. I can count on one hand the times I have actually had proper reflux so think it might be the silent variety. 
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      Just to say that point 2 of your solution was immediately helpful to me. I bought a £40 Waterpik and it sluiced out a number of tonsil stones on the very first use. I had already been using a tongue cleaner and an alcohol-free mouthwash (for years), not to mention poking around back there, but they weren't budging at my will. I might try some of the other things you mentioned as well (diet, sinus rinse, tongue brush). Thanks for posting.
    • Posted

      Glad I was able to help!

      It was the same for me. I couldn't believe how many were pushed out the first time; and I would gargle my throat so vigorously thinking it was helping. I coughed up my first stone at the age of 12 back when no one knew what it was (and there was no Internet), and I could never find them or remove them. So the moment I saw several pour out I can't tell you how happy I felt. Talk about confidence booster!

      I'll just add:

      - remember where you found them because that's most likely where yours will continue to collect (unique anatomy of your oral cavity)

      - try other areas also to make sure they're not collecting elsewhere

      - even if none comes out during a session, notice the small collections of mucus. Think of these as stones that haven't formed.

      - give it've never actually cleaned this area before so it may take several cleanings before positive effects are noticed. But give your tonsils 1-2 days to recover or they'll still get irriated.

      Dairy is really hard to elliminate completely but if it's reduced over a stretch I think it would help a great deal. Notwithstanding that, any digestive or dental problems, I think if the tonsil area & throat are cleaned regularly in this way bad breath can be reduced significantly without the other things I've mentioned...I just wanted to give my total solution.

    • Posted

      Hi Sean, i believe my PND has lessened but i believe it still there evidenced by me having to hack up mucus sometimes in the mornings - but it is not as often.  I also don't feel anything coming up my throat like I did occasionaly. I have a second round of medication that I will begin soon which also requires/encourages a specific diet (non-acidic stuff).  Most imporatantly, I DO think my BB has been eliminated because I have consistently begun cleaning my LINGUAL TONSILS. these are the ones behind the back of your tongue - tons of folds exist here.  If you can reach, I rub them with salt water using a sterile gauze. THEN rub them with non-alcoholic mouth wash (SmartMouth).  I do this in the morning and then rub the mouth wash over the lingual tonsils 6 hours later again just to make sure.  I think this has helped A LOT because I believe it is it the Lingual Tonsils in the back that are responsible for the odor.  Let me know how your appointment with your ENT goes and if your BB declines!
  • Posted

    Causes of bad breath include food, tobacco products, poor dental hygiene, health problems,dry mouth, mouth infections, dental problems, or medications. So first you should find out the reason make you bad breath, then you can have right treatment, and have fresh breath easily. 

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