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Hi one and all just to let you all knowy Botox injection outcome.

I had this injection on the 6th December 2007, I was only in for the day, I feel so much better, no more having a bath at 2 and 3 in the morning.

The muscle spasms have gone, if anyone of you have read about me on this forum I was in a bad way, in pain every day, not good for anyone.

I feel so much better, I get a small abount of pain sometimes after going to the toilet, but all in all my bottom feels much better, I may have to go in for a second injection, I see my Surgon in FEB. I will keep you all informed, if you have any questions send me an e-mail, or post your questions on this forum.

Happy bottom pain free new year.


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    Hi Moonfairy and JamieinPain

    I have been following the discussion with interest. My condition also has been made worse after botox injection once for anal fissure and then again during the excision of of skin tag. After the latter I also developed blood and sepsis. 

    The pain before and after the botox injection was quite different. I asked for a second opinion and there were is enough medical evidenc that  that the pain following the botox  is caused by nerve damage in the sphincter musle from the injections.

    The doctor leading this investigation, has tried to do his level best to conceal this evidence from me, but usingFreedom of Information Act, I got hold of my medical records.

    My GP has been prescribing low doses of an anti-depressant (Amitryptiline) the side effect of which is relief from neurapathic pain.  I have once again become human being.


    I wonder whether the complaints which you describe could also be the result of the needle in the wrong place. Nerve damage from facial botox injections is well documented. So, it is more than likely that the same mistakes can be made in the anus.

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      Hi Suleika, thats interesting to know, as I said I'd assumed it was from a scalple incision... I'm currently waiting yet another consultation but face a couple of months waiting list, so still off work. Once they do whatever they can do for me I'm planning on legal action on the basis of informed consent. My new GP suggested that if it is nerve damage there may be little they can do to rectify it, which is very depressing indeed. With the gabapentin and morphine I'm pretty mobile but if I have even a vaguely solid poo I end up in bed for four or five days... There's some guy in America who has created a gloopy drink that apparently removes the need for food and although i love cooking and eating I'd consider it if it meant a pain free life!
  • Posted

    Hi Jamie,

    your information is extremely interesting. I am in the process of collecting evidence to start  a medical negligence case against the surgeon who ruined my life with his injections. When this horrible pain occurred after the first botox injection and I made link between the treatment and the new complaints, I was told that this could not be.None of my descriptions were recorded by the colorectal surgeon  but b

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    ......sorry, pressed send button by mistake. In any case, the colo rectal surgeon ignored my requests but my GP has kept a record of them and she agrees with me that I have a case for medical negligence.

    When I went to have second opinion at another hospital the first doctor  there wondered, after he had given me an manual examination and identified 2 very pain sensitive spots in the  inner sphincter muscle, whether this showed nerve damage from the injections. I had a number of anorectal physiology tests . Again the physiologist believed that some of my pain reactions could be due to nerve damag and I might respond well to taking either Amitryptiline or Gabopentin. 

    However when I had a discussion with the doctor in the clinic that had instructed those tests, no reference to the tests and or the physiologists recommendation were made. I was told that I suffered from something that would remain unexplained and my GP received a letter that she should refer me to a pain clinic.

    However, she had already - at my request - started to prescribe Amitryptiline, which made my life worth living again. 

    I still have fissures - they come and go and are painful - but they are nothing compared to the pain I had after the botox injection.

    If I had not been already suspicious, I would have become so when the test results were not mentioned to me.

    Following that extremely disappointing discussion about my unexplainde "chronic anal pain syndrome" I requested a copy of the anorectal physiology report from the consultant and senior registrar by secure delivery. They did not bother to reply but instead deferred my next appointment by 2 months!

    One wonders why.

    Jamie, if you get this comment (I don't know what happens now that I presssed the wrong button) could you get in touch with me again.

    I have a legal insurance for personal injuries and I am considering using it.

    I really think I am not the only person who has suffered accidental damage from a treatment that was supposed to help me. And I do not like the kind of cover up I seem to be up against.

  • Posted

    Just read all of this and like Jamie and Moonfairy - After two rounds of botox and skintag removals - I was worse than I ever was.  Admitted to emergency and then side room in ward - under GA to see what went wrong etc - nerve deadners etc.

    2-3 years of this and still fighting it - I had 4 months of pain-free trips to loo and essentially a normal life - BUT a dietary slip up can mean muscle spasms (as per this week) and it feels like you are back to square one - blood in poo and hurting going to loo.

    My regime is:


    - Naproxen

    - Traumadol

    - Paracetamol

    - Diclofenac


    - Diazepam

    - Macrogol (movicol)

    - Anoheal (much better than the other one that gives headaches)

    If you are in muscle spasm, which for me makes my arse like a ducks-tight) then


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      oops - hit send too fast . . . 

      If you are in muscle spasm, which for me makes my arse like a ducks-tight) then Diazepam can relax your whole body and make you less tense and upset - not helful to go to loo in a distressed state - which we will all be if in extreme pain pre-during-post bathroom trips.

      On a wry note: anyone remember those NHS leaflets pre-op about a little pain after the op - GO FCUK YOURSELF is my response.

      It should read - PAIN LEVELS MAY HIT 10 and you will grip sides of wall going to loo - those leaflets should be written by a collective of people who have had the op and know what they are talking about!

      RANT over ;-)

    • Posted

      It is awful that so many people suffer chronic pain like this. It's such a stupid thing.  Why do some people get fissures and feel no pain and others have razor blade agony?

      I forgot about diazepam. I actually have some for emotional emergencies (2mg tabs) which I think are honestly more placebo than anything else. But since I'm trying to keep working I avoid drugs that cloud my thinking.  

      That said, pain can be very distracting. On days when I don't go to the loo I feel almost normal. 

      But then of course that means the next day will be extra not fun. 

  • Posted

    Hi everyone, this may sound strange at first but please try heat packs to stop the pain. I'm a 34 year old male who has been suffering from 2 and now 1 fissure for about 10 months. I got them from a botched banding procedure. The best thing you can use to stop the pain is Heat packs. Really, heat packs. I was in so much endless pain from the fissures until I found relief by using heat packs. Take a heat pack, one of those ones filled with silicon beads that you heat in the microwave for a few minutes that then stay warm for about 40 minutes or so. You can find them at most pharmacies.

    Gently press the heat pack directly up against your anus and keep it there, the heat forces the muscle to relax and stops the spasms, which stops the pain caused by the fissure. You can use a hot water bottle too as long as you can mold it to place up against your anus. Seriously. This saved me from so much endless fissure pain, it's like a concentrated hot bath focused directly where you need it, but without the inconvenience of running a bath and being stuck in a bath just to get relief. (I know baths are nice and all but not really always practical or accessible)

    Best position is to lie on your back in bed, put your knees up like you’re going to do a sit up and then place the heat pack between your legs right up against your bum hole. Sorry for the graphic image but I can't really think of another way to describe it. Just be careful not to burn yourself, you want the heat pack/heat bag or hot water bottle to be hot but not so hot you burn your skin. It helps to wrap it in a pillow case that's soft and then if your heat pack is too hot, wrap it in more layers of the pillow case, which will protect you a bit more if it's too hot at first.

    Before the heat packs I was taking dangerous amounts of pain meds to deal with the fissure pain which for me was all the time, including during the nights which were really hard... until I discovered the heat pack. Which thank God I did because they really work. Please try them, I understand this might seem silly and I haven't read it anywhere else but I know the suffering from fissures and this will help keep the pain at bay. Seriously, heat packs, heat bags or a hot water bottle pressed lightly up against your anus and held there, keep it held there and it will work. I sometimes keep it there for 15 minutes or more and then I take it off. Then when the pain starts up again I'll put it back and the muscle relaxes and the pain go's.

    Try it. I had tried everything from which hazel oil in my bum to manuka honey in my bum (my wife called me sweet cheeks because of the honey), but the best thing to stop the pain has been the heat packs. Heat relaxes the muscle, stopping the spasm and the pain.

    Ultimately though you want to find a solution to heal the fissure once and for all so I suggest the surgery. I've had Botox and that did not work, in fact I was in a lot of pain afterwards, then I got the fissurectomy/sphincterectomy combo surgery and I am finally free from it all. I know it sounds nuts to get a surgical cut to fix a fissure but it’s the sure way to fix it. Conservative methods like Botox and Rectogesic Ointment but in the end only surgery worked. I wish I had done the surgery first cause I went through months of pain and hopelessness until I decided to finally do the surgery.

    Though very important, make sure you research and choose a reputable specialist to perform the surgery. Don’t just go with anyone, find and choose the best that you can cause for me it was the 3rd specialist that ended up fixing me with the  fissurectomy/sphincterectomy. The first specialist caused the problem, the second specialist didn’t help and made my pain seem trivial until finally I researched and found the best in my area and the 3rd guy fixed me. So it’s worth it, pay a little more, travel a little farther if you have to but see the best that you can or at the very least someone with a lot of experience with exactly that surgery. If you’re in Sydney Australia then the Prince of Whales private hospitals “Sydney Colorectal Associates” really have a great team; Dr. Newstead fixed me and I am so thankful for him but he’s part of a group of several specialists there that all seem good.

    Until then though, heat pads, use heat pads to relieve the pain.

    • Posted

      Geez!!!!! I was hoping the Botox would be the end to the pain. Damn!! Maybe it won't be. I'm on waiting list to have this done. Hemorroid surgery 9 weeks ago and still in excruciating pain all the time. Worse with BM. Was there pain the day after Botox surgery. Thanks Debbie

    • Posted

      Hi FinallyHope

      im happy for you. I had a sphincterectomy and skin tag removed, and then the surgeon also removed a hemorrhoid which I did not consent to. Now I have a rare complication called a keyhole deformity. I don't get too much pain on BMs but sometimes it still burns a lot and my life is ruled by how much water I drink to keep things soft. Some days I feel what I guess are spasms but they are not painful. It's been 6 months post surgery and it is frustrating as I start to feel better then go right back to square one. Back on GTN ointment hoping for the best. This has been a most horrid experience, but BMs are not nearly as excruciating as they were three weeks post surgery.

      i drink lots of water, avoid bread, and take some fiber every morning. 

      I leak a bit at times and I'm praying that some day I can feel normal again.

      is there anyone else out there with a key hole deformity?



  • Posted

    Hello thank you for your updates I have a question I had botox treatment for my annal fissures. Would you please tell me how long before the swelling goes down and the pain stops. Many thanks
    • Posted

      Seriously!!!!!! I'm having Botox in a few weeks and was under the impression I would be heaps better straight away. I am wrong????

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    I have just joined this forum, and really glad to find as i am going through this problem like I read here and any advice would be really good.

    I have been advised by the Consultant at the hospital after the dr  had seen me many times as I am dreading going to the loo every morning because of the pain that I suffer due to an anal Fissure sometimes it is great a normal passing of stools then there are days when I nearly hit the ceiling, then I dont want to sit down all day as I have spasms there also is blood which looks much worse than it is because the loo paper acts like a blotting paperand the blood spreads, then there are days when there is no blood, I amnow waiting till oct to go to hospital this is just a consultant so I will again have to wait till they do the job, which I am told will be botox , I am advise that I will break wind because of this and that this treatment is just a tempory thing while the fissure is healing.

    I try and help myself by the following,

    have used various creams 

    I am using fybergel husks

    I am drinking water

    I have wholemeal bread

    I eat apples, pears, 

    I eat plenty of veg

    But I do have days when even doing all this I suffer pain when using the loo.

    Sometimes, without trying to be rude herin this forum, to pass stools its often the very first stoul that comes which hurts then as more stouls pas out the pain gets less but sometimes, I have to use my arm muscles as if I am lifting weights to help me through the pain.

    Any help wouldbe great thanks in advance

    • Posted

      Topper9 Sorry for your pain.   I had the fissure surgery done in 2014 which cured me and I had it very bad and suffered greatly for a long time. From the list of foods you are eating, I would suggest you stop eating apples.   The skin is very rough,  an apple has a lot of acidity in it which can cause burning.   The best suggestion is to remember which foods cause you to have more pain with a BM and make adjustments.  Your body will tell you by trial an error.  

      I wish you a pain free life. 


    • Posted

      Hi Karen43603,

      Thank you so much for your imput and yes I will not buy apples and see if this helps the GP has now  sent a request for me to go to the hospital on 29 October and there is talk of Botox up were the sun does not shine I laughed when GP told me that and I said I thought that botox was for women who want to remove their wrinkles on their forhead I cant see if I have wrinkles up my derry air 

    • Posted

      Topper9,   Have you considered surgery instead of Botox?   Before my surgery, I looked up Botox for fissures that’s how I found this site.   Have you read about Botox under Botox and fissures?    Some good but most not so good with much swelling which by the way I did not have after surgery.  It all depends where your fissures are, by that I mean;  are yours way up there or at the entrance?   I think this  makes a bit differenced.  Mine where way up there so I really needed the surgery.   I can’t believe anyone ever had the fissures worse than I had them. I mean fainting in the bathroom and bowl full of blood.  Those days are past. I do hope you find relief very soon.
    • Posted

      Dear Karen,

      Thank you for getting back to me, re my anal fisure, mine seems to be not right up but near the bottom but very painful I understand that it might not be as painful as some people but today was really bad I normally pass poo in the morning but i reluctantly had to go before bed, I thought well thast ok at least it is out of the way, but nope I still wanted to go in the morning, on and off I went about five times at different times and it was painfull i thought that i was going to faint i hold and grip my hands to get by the pain i eat veg and fruit and drink water  cereals but nope today was bad, you mentioned about surgery instead of botox, the Dr advised me that if I do theres a chance that I could be Incontinent and i dont want that so i am left with botox to try any other suggestions are welcome thank you all .

    • Posted

      Dear Topper9,


      I’ve heard this many time that fissure surgery could cause leakage.  I’ve had no problem.  However, each time we put ourselves in the hands of a medical doctor to do surgery on us we are taking a chance depending how good the doctors skills are.   I’m an expat in the US and my doctor is from the UK and has been doing this kind of operation for 25 years and longer.   You may be one of the lucky ones and the Botox will work for you I certainly hope so, it does for some.   Have you gone back on this site read the many testimonies of other people who have had some successes in healing themselves with various methods?  Are you taking stool softeners? that will help a lot.  Fissures are a horrid thing to suffer from.

      All the best to you.  



    • Posted

      HI Karen,

      Thank youagain for all your imput and the advice that you given me, yes I take those fiber gel husk and eat pears veg hm i read in this forum that brown bread is not good as it makes you go to poo more, I used to have white bread many many years ago but found the  white bread too starchy and gave me bad indegestion and since taking wholemeal this has stopped I do like to mop up my gravy with bread so is there a bread that would suit me better lol 

    • Posted

      Hi  Topper9.   

      Having to wait till 29th October is a long time when you seem to need help much sooner.   I guess that is the NHS in the UK making you wait.  I wish we had the NHS in the US.    A month before I had my surgery, I tried for over a week to eat only soft foods, like soup and put veg in a blender making all my foods soft.   It took the  pain away for those days, but, as soon as I went back on solid foods the misery was back big time.  You say you are having BM several times a day, are you taking laxatives?   If yes, you  may need to stop taking them.   We are all different, but I found that too much bulk in the system like mopping up bread in gravy can cause a lot of pain during BM.   

      I’m not a  medical person, so my input is only from personal experience.  Sorry I can’t be of more help.  I don’t think there is much else I can write to advise you but wish you well.  


    • Posted

      HEY KAREN43603,

      Please please please, i am  very gratful for all your imput and it does not matter regarding that you say

      I’m not a  medical person, so my input is only from personal experience this is good that other peeps in the forum like yourself give advice as a lot of peeps are going through the same senario and to have each other help by telling what works or does not work is far better than nothing at all and to my way of thinking is we are getting more information than what we would in the drs surgery as they have not got all the time to give  us more time to explain a it would take time up for other people who may need help so please , I am very gratful 

    • Posted

      Hi karen43603

      I'm on waiting list to have this done. Hemorroid surgery 9 weeks ago and still in excruciating pain all the time. Worse with BM. Was there pain the day after Botox surgery. Thanks Debbie

    • Posted

      Hi Debbie,    I never had Botox done.  I had the surgery which was a success I'm happy to write.    Mine surgery was two years ago I've been pain free since then. About the only thing I would advise anyone having surgery is:  You have to take good care of youself  afterwards because I believe that part of our bodies are very sensitive for fissures coming back.   I feel deeply for those still suffering.  Good luck to you.

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