Bouts of bloating..

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Hello all I have had a terrible month. Seems like I have done nothing but cry. I usually have more anxiety than I do depression and most of the time I can somewhat shake it off but not this time I don't know what's different. I was having symptoms of my period but so far no show. My question is do any of you have times when you feel you have been bloated forever and does your weight fluctuate?

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    Donna, you sound exactly like me at this precise time!!!

    Just checked and over the period of 35 days, I've bleed/spotted/discharged (eeewww, just the word makes me sneer!!) for half of them!

    Feel fat, bloated, constipated most days. Have a preoccupation with thinking about if I've had a poo/when I last had a poo/how hard it will be to 'go' when I eventually feel like i need to 'go'....! My husband just can't understand it as he, like any bloke I've ever known, NEVER has a problem with that!!

    I'm on a diet so eating fruit/ veg. Drinking plenty. I'm the 'one' that laxatives barely shift; who can take Magnesium without it falling out of me; and the only one in the family (however extended) who's guts 'close shop' at the merest hint of stress!!

    Got a potential few months of that (selling properties/ relocating to somewhere completely new/2hrs+ away from familysad - scary/exciting times!).

    The weight issue: been at Slimming World, where 'normal' people manage to lose half their body Wight, whilst eating half their body weight in 'free' foods. Not this one: week 3 of thinking about food 24/7, having had no choc/crisps/cake/McD....and just about managed to lose 4.5lb!!!! Better off than on, but boy is it hard to lose weight at this time!!!sad

    Weigh-In today, and I'm predicting a loss of 1/1.5lbs off.......not helping by watching TV in bed, with the Barefoot Contessa attempting to kill off half the Hamptons with her cooking - The salt! The butter! The 'heavy' cream! The cream cheese! Just swithing to Will & Grace for a good dose of humour and hair envy:-) !!

    Hope you're having a good 'weight' day today:-)


    • Posted

      At least you've made my laugh this morning...makes a change from crying!! Good luck with the weight loss. I don't know how you have the energy to even slimming world not poo! 

      Keep on making me laugh please!

    • Posted

      Ruth, my job is done....making you laugh. Not the other job'!!!

      I love the freedom to tell all and sundry about absolutely EVERYTHING! this site is my virtual confessional!:-) :-)


      PS - another 1.5lb off. Gone are the days of dropping half a stone in a week for a hot date!! But someone said today: at this rate I'd have lost a stone by week 10!! Roll on wk 10 then cos I want chocolate NOW!!:-)

    • Posted

      IS great to have a good moan an groan with u ladies, we're all feeling the same way so understand, making us along the way shazney.

      keep up the good work with the weight loss. Roll on week 10.

      step away from the choccy !!

  • Posted

    The bloating is soooo bad for me to.i like to exercise by running but now im finding it sooo difficult to run from my bloated stomach. Sometimes the bloating goes from my chest to my pelvis I can hardly breathe so if im having a bad day this makes me feel much worst!!!!!!
    • Posted

      Hi, I get that aaalllll the time, just like you describe aswell from under chest down to pelvic area and can't breathe, it's horrible like someone's pumped me up with a bicycle pump, so bloody depressing !
    • Posted

      I was advised to try peppermint tablets,they did work for a while but not for the long time.arhhhh.

      it makes me breathless which makes me anxious , the feeling of not being able to breathe an panicky

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      The joys of being a woman...........NOT !!!!!

      the other symptoms are bad enough!!!!!

    • Posted

      Absoloutley agree with you - it. Ames me anxious aswell and then I have panic attacks, I actually stand in fro t of the mirror and look from all angles and think this isn't right there must be something else going on, then I start poking and prodding , I drive myself mad with it all, bloody menopause!
    • Posted

      I was just about to post this, then I read your s - might give them a go.

      My son suggested trying Charcoal tablets. May have to give them a o as I feel like a balloon most of the month now

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      I do the same, I look in the mirror an think yuk, I dread that I get asked out somewhere nice in caee my clothes dont fit, I refuse to buy new ones.i have heard that its the same symptoms for underactive thyroid ?
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      The vits really did an do help, I was a bit sceptical but I was surprised how better I felt.

      Charcoal ive heard can give you bad diarrhoea !!!!but I may look into that

    • Posted

      Yes under active thyroid can make you gain weight and I am on thryroxine meds for that, BUT I was never like this before and I have been on these meds for over fifteen years, so I do believe it is the bloody menopause doing this and playing nasty tricks on our minds with anxiety, it's awful x
    • Posted

      Hi there, be careful with the charcoal - I've read about the side effects, check them out before you do that or talk to pharmacist or GP, I think they can be quite fierce and make your tummy bad, take care 😉

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