Bump on meatus.

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Hello guys, I've had this swelling on the side of my meatus for about a half and a half now and have no idea what it is. I had a full spectrum STD screening except for herpes and it can back neagtive. I also did a seperate urine and blood test and they also came back negative. I got treated for a yeast infection, but that hasn't seemed to do anything. I'm really worried and would like some feedback, Thanks.

On a side note I've had other issues, such as erection issues, anal discomfort and lack of sex drive. Could any of this be related.

Heres a picture.

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    Hi Jared,

    I understand how you feel about the anxiety, i am having this issue as well. So i went to my local GP and he examined my case and told me it is candida balanitis and i wasnt sure if he was right, because no tests were done, so i went to GUM clinic, had myself tested with urine and blood tests and came back i am negative, but realized that my blood sugar is way beyond sub optimal, therefore, doc told me that it could be my blood sugar that is feeding the yeast, which, it has unlimited supplies for the yeast to manifest, and recurrance happen every 2 weeks. So i am not sure if it is the yeast infection that causes my blood sugar to went up, or it was my blood sugar that causes the recurrance of yeast infection.

    So, my local GP and i came out with the idea to have theraphy to treat my blood sugar with metformin, which it send signal to my liver to less produce sugar and this process of having this treatment may take months to even years to maintain my blood sugar. And doc suggest me to use anti fungal/ topical cream twice a day, which it helps very much, it ease the itch and redness of my glans and foreskin.

    I find that without applying of this cream, it gets very dry on my foreskin, and 2 days without cream will forms segma around my foreskin and also the tingling sensation with or without urinating. 

    I shall keep here update of my progress if i have a chance.

  • Posted

    Hello, i also have same problem. It does not hurt or pain. Another thing is bulginess is more when erected and bulginess diminishes when there is no erection. I too consulted a dermitologist he said no problem. But i too anxious if you sort out this thing early let me know......thank you.
  • Posted

    Hello all, I have pretty much the same symptoms like Jared does for over 2 months now. Please let me know if anyone got any updates regarding this problem, losing hope a bit already. Thank you
  • Posted

    Hi Jared,

    I am having the same problem now. I've got it almost 1 week back. I haven't had sex itself. Never. Yet I've got it.

    Did you find an answer/ solution to this problem? If yes, please do tell me on what shall I do?

  • Posted

    I'm a 60 year old male with BPH for last 10 years. No other health issues. No STD's etc. About 4 months ago, I could hardly void. Went to Urologist, was scoped and found to have marble size protrusion at medium lobe on prostate. It was working like a check valve, only in the wrong direction! The more I pushed the more it closed off the urethra.  Doc had me self cath for a month until I could get in for TURP surgery.  Had surgery 10 days ago. Removed Foley Catheter 7 days ago. After removing catheter, I noticed the bottom half of my meatus was red and protruding. It was very similar, if not a little worse than JaredG's.  I was able to pee like I hadn't pee'd in 30 years or more! So the surgery was successful. I assumed swelling and redness would diminish, but so far it is still the same. I am on Cipro, (last day, today).

    M.A.  told me to use Neosporin. She didn't know what it was other than irritation. I'm hoping that's all it is, but I would think after a week it would subside a little.  I am experiencing burning and stinging sensation at tip of penis. Doesn't seem bad while urinating, only after (for an hour or so). I go in for  follow up in 6 days. I will try to get a diagnosis and relay information to this group. 

    On another note; Guys, If you are experiencing urinary difficulty, don't put off going to a Urologist. In my case, my GP was treating me with Medication. In some cases this might help, but in my case no amount of medicine would have shrunk or removed that growing marble size protrusion at my bladder outlet. This could have gone south in a hurry. Urine retention can cause major kidney damage and failure. Your bladder nerves can be permanently damaged, and if it doesn't kill you, you could be stuck with lifelong self cathing, foley cath, stoma, dialysis, etc. I feel very lucky that I seemed to have avoided all of that. To be honest, I didn't realize the danger of putting off going to the Urologist. Except for the fear of the unknown regarding the way my meatus looks, the self cathing, the scope, and even the surgery was not that bad. The anticipation was the worst part.


  • Posted

    Everyone, I have some issue.

    But came after sexual contact, a while after, I had sexual sexual contact and as per blood test, it seems like I contracted clamydia.

    I have done treatment, antiboitic etc and probably every sort of bacteria is gone.

    I blood test I also came Herpes Positive for both 1 and 2. This is going to be confusing to figure out, I dont trust the blood test.

    Could be it be herpes .. is someone testing negative for Herpes and still has this ?

    Thanks.. Johny.

    • Posted

      hi johny, i had unprotected with a woman for a few seconds a she gave me oral and a couple days later i noticed that my tip looked like the one in the picture of derek that he sent. i have pink( slight redness) on it and i dont really have pain and i think my anxiety is making thisreally bad.I am getting nervous , i went to doctor and he gave me the pill fluctzone and antifungal creme to apply. i see people on this thread that have this same problem with no sexual encounter so i dont know if it is herpes, esp doctors keep saying they are not 100%. my doc said its not. are you saying bacteria cleared up and that you have no more redness/pain or discomfort anymore ? and that your color on your penis has gone back to normal ? and you taken all medication ? including the pill and i Acyclovir cream ? i am going to take this medication and hopefully this solves it.

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      umm interesting. and it sucks, but it is the reality with the bacterial and fungus world. it sucks.

      I have the same bump. Came here to try understand others.

      Chill out, get healthy, you ll get it cured.

      I still dealing with the bacterial infection - seems to be chlamydia, but f**k not gone after some much time and antibiotics so taking things to the next step(seeing a 2nd doctor today)

      i have been having trouble clearing the infection first in the urethra, meaning the antibiotics/creams help but still feel discomfort, not on the bump, but in the urethra so it seems that what they call urethritis(infection of the urethra still there)

      I m thinking the bump again is a side effect of the main infection. Some how the meatus(opening there) acts like that regardless of the infection. It is not herpes otherwise it would blow up / hurt / etc etc.

      s**t sucks i am psychologically set to get rid of it - i will or God will - I am going to prey for you also. It is life man - lol - messed up.

      I m thinking, wow, I like sex, but you have to keep it monogamous, sort of, or test before you take off condoms, period, otherwise the freaking chance is there. Very upsetting, but that is life. Crazy awesome and messed up.

      it is way more messed up for you since it was oral contact.

      I am also taking things further since i want to be sexually active and at some point when cured i will get circumcised <<< i think this was the source that contributed greatly to me being infected - I am getting rid of that < that is the plan.

      I hear you everything say, but did you get tested? Blood or culture?

      This will make you stronger person in general. We are going to be ok. You have to laugh.

      Dont loose contact man, please stay in touch.


    • Posted

      prayers up. i do not have a bump in my area, it is just a pinkish where my urethra is and around it a little bit. how long have you had this for ? this has been going on with me for about a week and i just started taking fluctozone and the antifungal creme yesterday. i took pee test and waiting for results to come back tomorrow. i feel discomfort on and off. i am nervous bc i just want my penis color on my tip to go back to normal. they say in some cases balantitis can take 2-3 weeks to heal in some cases. i also feel like im more fatigued but i havent been eating at all and im taking this medication now.

    • Posted

      hi jonny are you saying it was infact herpes or it wasnt ? thanktou hope you reply

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