Bumps on penis glans, seen when errected

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have feeling of buring sesation on my glans, ! no discharge from the penis tho,

a little backrgound, i had sex with a girl 6 months ago ( it was protected sex ) and Im not sure if that girl has any infection, after 4 months this issue started and I had done with STD testings also which came negative, and after the doctor said it is forcyde spots and she dint give me any ointment or anythjng, still today I have the same feeling of burn and those bumps,

please help me ,image

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52 Replies

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    The bumps you see on the head of your penis are completely normal part of your penis, every male from sexual maturation onwards has these. As the doctor correctly said they are Fordyce Spots - some men can have these very distinctly, while others can only barely notice them.

    The vast majority of men pay no attention to these until they appear to be much more noticeable they they previously had noticed them to be, or, they may become enflamed or otherwise irritated and are particularly obvious. Irritation for those that have not had unprotected sex is most often simply linked to the regular use of soap and other forms of body wash such as shower gel. Irritation that suddenly becomes very clearly obvious is very commonly linked to a change in the soap or shower gel that is being used.

    If you had sex, then had no symptoms for around 4 months there is almost NO chance that what you have now has any link whatsoever to the sexual encounter, particularly if you used a condom and presuming you did NOT receive unprotected oral?

    Did you mention the burning sensation to the doctor? If so did they suggest anything?

    Essentially, what you need to resolve is the sensation you have of burning. Would you say the burning sensation is always present, or can it vary from time to time?

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      thank you so much @Wee_Dugie, yes I did mention to doc, yes it varies from time to time, not on regular basis, its get kind off hot feeling sometimes

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      The only specialist that can check you out for the hot sensations would be a Urologist

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    Exaclty as posted below, these are completely normal and found on most glans. They are sometimes a bit more prominent on uncircumcised guys as the head isn't dry but they are honestly nothing to worry about.

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      Mine has plenty of spots and some scarring from balanitis but it works fine, i'd leave it alone as it looks fine to me

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      thank you @james16984, I appreciate you for taking time and responding to my post, did you also have a sensation of burn of feel of hot

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      No, not really. When it does occasionally flare up it gets itchy but not hot and no burning sensation

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      The purple-like spots and bumps near your corona are normal or caused by balanitis? I have those and have recently set an appointment with my GP.

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      As someone else has said below, they're pretty normal and are quite common. Obviously being uncircumcised my glans is more purple and less dry so bumps and spots will show up more than a dry circed glans. The main remnants of balanitis you can see is some scarring on the head from problems I had when a teenager.

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    I actually had a doctor looked at this. Exact same condition on mine so I wanted to reply so you guys can stop worrying about it. The doc said it is pearly penile papules (PPP), a benign completely normal condition. Usually they grow underneath the glans but in some individuals like you guys and me, they overgrows on the glans itself and towards the tip. It's just an appearance thing.


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      thank you for the response, I have been so stressful becuse of these bumps !

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      Exactly, it's an appearance thing, and most times other people don't even comment. For years I was much more embarrassed by the many fordyce spots on my shaft than anybody else!

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      is probably a bad reaction from soap or body wash, Ive started to see it since May 20th 2022, when I started using the Irish spring gel to wash it. (Note haven't had sex of any kind for the past 2yrs.)

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