Bumps on penis glans, seen when errected

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have feeling of buring sesation on my glans, ! no discharge from the penis tho,

a little backrgound, i had sex with a girl 6 months ago ( it was protected sex ) and Im not sure if that girl has any infection, after 4 months this issue started and I had done with STD testings also which came negative, and after the doctor said it is forcyde spots and she dint give me any ointment or anythjng, still today I have the same feeling of burn and those bumps,

please help me ,image

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52 Replies

  • Posted

    To me it looks like a UTI bacterial infection. It's not necessarily a typical STD infection so tests come out negative. If the bacteria has already colonized the bladder (a matter of time, very likely) then I would look for a simple urine culture. Properly done - morning urine (wash the penis and dry with a disposable tissue, the first part of the stream to the toilet, the second part to be collected) in a special sterile container you buy at the pharmacy (do not touch the inside with any part of the body, open only immediately before collection and close immediately after) delivered to the laboratory under 2h (keep in the refrigerator if you do not transport). The test is not expensive, but if you kill the bacteria during transport then the result will be a false negative. If they grow something then you also need to get information about sensitivity to specific antibiotics (sometimes extra charge, depending on the lab, but essential for you). You must realize that some common bacteria are very resistant to antibiotics and their treatment is difficult (not impossible), and there I would look for the reason for the failure of your therapies. If you have been infected with a typical "hospital strain" (there are a lot of them and they transmit very easily) it is unlikely that typical oral antibiotics will work. Injections or infusions may be necessary. Sometimes two need to be used at once, but this will be decided by the doctor. Your job (I know it should be the doctor's job, but it is what it is) is to identify the type of bacteria and get an antibiogram. Remember that a misapplied antibiotic (too low a dose, too short, or one at a time) will immunize the bacteria in your body and will not work a second time.

  • Edited

    i have been having similiar issues, tested for all stds with urine culture and antibody tests, all negative. Started with buring while peeing, that has went away, but the tip often feels like it has icy hot on it, now discolored bluish hue, while erect its extremely red and bumpy looking, urethera is red. seen a uroligist who gave me doxy and a shot, symptoms still the same, a week later he did a cythoscope with nothing abnormal. he and GP said its stress and im fine, but my tip often feels cold, have testicle pain, does anyone think it mighy be hov? since they cant test males for this?

    • Posted

      hello, i just wanted to day I have alm of your symptoms. I think it's combination of stress and bacteria of some sort, mine came on after a major stress episode 5 months after unprotected sex. some linger. I don't think it's hsv. any update from your end?

    • Posted

      hello, i just wanted to day I have alm of your symptoms. I think it's combination of stress and bacteria of some sort, mine came on after a major stress episode 5 months after unprotected sex. some linger. I don't think it's hsv. any update from your end?

    • Edited

      Hello! I have pretty much all of these symptoms as well, I really wonder about the UTI and if it's not showing up in my urinalysis for some reason, but this discussion is amazing! I'll continue to be tuned in

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