Bumps on penis glans, seen when errected

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have feeling of buring sesation on my glans, ! no discharge from the penis tho,

a little backrgound, i had sex with a girl 6 months ago ( it was protected sex ) and Im not sure if that girl has any infection, after 4 months this issue started and I had done with STD testings also which came negative, and after the doctor said it is forcyde spots and she dint give me any ointment or anythjng, still today I have the same feeling of burn and those bumps,

please help me ,image

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    have any of you guys been tested for herpes? if you are in the UK this is not included in your tests and rarely done unless they can swab. I have HSV1 which i am trying to see if any fellow sufferers have?

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    I have exactly the same problem since more than a year. The red pimples appear once there is an erection and glans gets red. I have had balanitis and canesten cream helped but pimples are still there.

    I went to a new doctor and I have another cream called Imacort since one week ago... nothing happens still. The pimples are still there.

  • Posted

    i have exact same thing, bumps under the head of penis, after oral sex it all started.. nearly a year later and still in same position, my ejaculations even hurt now, dont know what else to do, seen dr, urologist etc, all say its noting

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      Try to go to be seen a dermatolog too bro. Urologs don't understand the skin problems and that's

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    this is a variant of the norm. very common among ordinary people

  • Posted

    Hi dude. I have the same problem. Did you got a cure any? Please answer me if you see this message buddy.

  • Edited


    I think I might have an answer for all of you.

    and I think the key to understand this goes with balanitis (which was mentioned several times)/ balanoposthis, or other similar issues, connected to male UTI's or dermatitis types.

    I have the same issue, exactly as all of you described, especially that after ejaculation there is redness, usually around the tip and sometimes lower down, alongside the (PPP - lumps).

    How it started in my case, is that after several occurencies of unprotected sex, all sorts of it, and one ONS of vaginal sex only after which I had an immediate rash tomorrow - like a bacterial infection of sort, on the glans skin.

    Went to DV and the swab tests shown the high presence of bacteria actually, especially Staph aurans, balanitis can, and is usually caused by several strains of Staph bacteria, and is accompanied with candida, but not always.

    What freaked me out is that my glans skin peeled a thin layer of skin after this reaction, which was natural, since the tissue is removing a thin superficial layer that had the bacteria on it.

    What is important to understand, that these types of bacteria are common on skin, nose, orally (if there is an infection then very likely) or in anal area,

    bur, it is not good when intimate regions are exposed to it.

    in any case, I got prescribed the antibiotics snd it was described as balanitis / balanoposthis alongside AB I got an antibiotic creme, but what I noticed is that my glans skin was different and more like renewed but again, dry, never was like that.

    Forgot to mention, I think I did almost all STI tests and they were negative.

    ocassionaly rashes, exactly like you all described, had been appearing, alongside me noticing that my glans skin is somewhat granulated.

    and, since I understood what happened I started applying some natural oils, which did help with the dryness for some time being, but,

    Recently I started noticing the exact same looking lumps (PPP) that people mention.

    and, this is my version of what happens here:

    Balanitis may cause skin peeling in some degree or another, I managed to notice it, which thins out the layer of the skin there and makes 2 thing happen:

    the lumps that are naturally there (in glans tissue) are more visible and prominent, because the skin is thinner and they can appear.

    and second, penis skin became more sensitive due to that shedding /peeling.

    Why I say this, this started exactly in order I described, with same symptoms others have decsribed,

    and I know that because before I never had a sensitive - rashy skin there, not much noticeable lumps.

    I suspected that - semen holds the infection still and is causing rashes on the glans during ejaculation, but more recently I tend to think that glans got much more sensitive to anything due to balanitis / balanoposthis and superficial skin peeling - damage (bacterial dermal infection) and is reacting to anything - including organic substances in semen fluid (which contain fat, proteins and some other compounds), and urine as well, especially because the rash comes quickly after the exposure to those liquids.

    What I suggest is - do not ignore regular 'urinal' bacterial antibiograms, do antibiograms for semen analysis and urine, potentially urethra swab, and treat any bacteria that is found in excess (and shouldn't be there) but in injection doses and covered with corresponding antibiotics. Of course ask your physician or DV about this.

    These bacterial strains can become very resistant to AB, so I suggest a very solid AB to that specific strain.

    Once sure you are clean from it, - any potential cause for rashes, I personally found useful to treat glans with coconut oil, since it helps the skin regenerates and moisturizes it, and is also proven antibactetial,

    and we should all hope that skin (which it does) regenerate and heal overtime, since pretty much I think it's top layer was eroded either visibly or on a microscopic level... Since I saw some people reported it after 2 years - alto maybe naturally their glans skin got a bit tense or thinner so the lumps are visible, and had no other symptoms...

    I really hope this can get back to how it was before...

    Does it bother me - yes, to some degree, do I wish it can be easily solved - yes of course.

    Do I think it is not a big deal - it is less of a big deal than some of serious STDs, but rashes and reactions like these shouldn't be ignored, especially since I saw someone here, that he typed had discomfort feeling in thighs or around this area, I had the same and still have it for a long period - do I think it is connected to this case, yes, it can be, and not, since I had it before, connected to a chlamydia infection.

    The matter is complex, but I am pretty sure, this condition is caused by a 'less harmful' strain of bacteria, transferred to penis via oral or anal sex, or generally from a person having an UTI or poor hygiene.

    Hope we will solve this one... it really is a bugger to be honest, and until then, I will go and do bacterial analysis again, since it has been months after my initial antibiotics and creme therapy that I am trying to solve this for good, to nullify that, after that I will investigate the healing process, which I think is crucial.

    Remember to use condoms lads, for good, and stay safe.

    Hope this helps someone,


    • Posted

      Wow, that really was the most helpful and conclusive post / information I've found after hours and days of investigation, at first in my native language, then in English-speaking area.

      Thank you very much!

    • Posted

      what are the results of your semen tests? Any bacteria or infection found in semen? What semen tests are being done? In my case what i observed is rashes are caused my semen or pre semen and if i apply coconut oil twice a day then it keep the redness and rashes away. If i wash my glans just after masturbating then no rashes but i don't wash then i could see rashes just after 7-8 hours. These rashes getting cleared with coconut oil though.

      I want to ask one thing how safe is to have unsafe sex with partner. I am bit worried about my spouse and my child (infant on breastfeeding) if i could pass anything to them? Have anyone of your partners complained about any symptoms after unsafe intercourse?

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      Hey man, did your testicles feel sensitive too at times when you had it?

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    i have something similar going on. i found your assessment interesting. i feel like my flare ups also are after seven comes in contact with the area. let us know if you've been able to get it under control.

  • Posted

    Hello, I'm French, sorry for the spelling mistakes. I have exactly the same symptoms for 6 months following unprotected fellatio. slight burning in the urethra, redness and small bumps on the glans. I also have since itching in the anal area. I saw several specialists and did all the tests for the mst which turned out to be negative. I will see another urologist soon and see if samples were possible to see if the problem is due to bacteria

  • Posted

    Test for herpes. I know that does not look like it but do it anyway. Had similar problem.

    • Posted

      Hello, I got exactly this problem together with Herpes, so I also think it's connected. I tried everything same as you all and after taking too much antibiotics I got an HSV outbreak. I'm pretty sure that without this antibiotics I had no outbreak yet and were clueless as the others here who don't see the connection. Have it since 8 months now.

      My girlfriend and me are tested many times and there's no STI to find. And I clearly got it from her, it startet one day after first sex.

      So my question is, if it's HSV, what can I do? I tried Aciclovir already without improvements. Any other ideas? 😃

    • Posted

      I have the same thing and I am negative for herpes serology, you were surely contaminated later by your girlfriend. a person with herpes is not contagious outside of a crisis

    • Posted

      exactly, herpes lies dormant in your body so i dont believe this issue is caused from herpes. i got this problem from a yeast infection but the cortisone made it much worse. its been 1.5 years now and i think there slight improvments, barely any bumps when erect but redness is almost alwaysbthere. maybe its some rare bacteria doctors arent picking up. i been tested twice for everything and still negative. sucks that no one out there knows how to treat whatever this is.

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