Burning sensation in stomach - permanently

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Guys i am in need some support....i need simple advise and a positive word..

On 27 of december i got food poisoning.... 4 of us in work got sick...following vomitting and diarrhea (i didnt vomit at least 20 years). Vomitting stopped next day but diarrhea not. My doctor gave me antibiotics and some corticoide steroids.... for 5 days... since i took thoose i had slightly some kind of sensation in stomach.... no pain nothing...diarrhea slowly disapeared...but not completely... talking 2 weeks after food poisoning... my stool was incosistent...and i mentioned the sensation in my stomach to my gp...he prescribed me tripple therapy for helycobacter...just like that.... i started to have loose burning stool.it was a nightmare to go to toilet.it was like i was eating chilli.... but i wasnt.... antibiotics didnt help and my burning sensation began to be consistant...i had it all day long.... eating or not...it was present... worse in the evening less in the morning.... 10 days after tripple therapy i wasnt feeling better so i went to Emergency department... they did blood test...urine test....xray and i was sent home with another tripple therapy. Talking now middle of february.this time different antibiotics 2 but stronger..it didnt help...in fact it was making me dizzy.

So at the end of february i had endoscopy.... the doc said laughing... haha there is nothing but gastritis at 45cm and deudonis very light but nothing further... no hernia...no ulcer...no reflux.he said go home and take some gaviscon.. he took sample for biopsy and it came negative for helycobacter... he said 100% take it easy and relax...

So i stopped antibiotics....next day my stool become normal...no more feeling bad... but my stomach burning is there...i tried aloe vera.... i tried apple cider vinegar..it made me worse... i am using L glutamine and i am on doble dose of pantoprazole and taking gaviscon.... i dont smoke or drink... for over 5 years...

I am on bland diet...no salt no red meat but boiled chicken.... etc

.. i eat salads and boiled rice with chicken or toast if its an emergency.

Nothing gelps... no matter what i eat the burning is there...if i drink water or eat just plain boiled rice... burning is there....

Second i dont have pain while sleeping.... at all..and shortly after i wake up.... once i wake up and i start eating i have constant burn in stomach untill evening.

I am getting stressed a lot and sometimes even panic attacks...

This is eating me alive...

I am 35y old male... never had issue or alergy to anything....

I am in need of urgent advise or at least positive word....

Can antibiotics and steroids destroy me so bad? How long time to recover? Is it normal to feel burning at all the time- during the day only?

Please its not a pain...i would say... but really burning sensation... if i lie down i dont feel it.

Hint:we had my second boy to join us on 30 of january but this condition doesnt allow me to enjoy my day with my family...

Any tips will be highly appreciated


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75 Replies

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  • Posted

    I would suggest trying a proton pump inhibitor if it's coming from inside your intestines. Like pantoprozol

    • Posted

      Thats poison...i was on it 4months and if anything it made me terrible... Indigestion..extreme excess of gas ..bloating .. once stopped all went away...

      Based on my experience i cant recommend it to anyone.

  • Posted

    I just remembered two other home remedies. First is a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. In the old data before all’s seltzer, people just used baking soda ( arm & Hammer yellow box) it actually tastes like alka seltzer withoutvthe fizz.

    Second one is charcoal capaules. If you can’t find them you can over toast some bread and scrape the blackened crumbs off and eat them. That’s also great for Nausea. I already knew the charcoal capsules as a remedy for especially gastroenteritis or food poisoning. And they pour charcoal into people who overdose on meds. So I was surprised when I read that about making a sort of charcoal in a pinch with burnt toast. I usually just burnt the toast and ate it istead of scraping it when I felt so sick. 

    A third option I’ve turned to in dire straits when zantac didn’t work is pepto  bismol chewable tablets. 

    • Posted

      Thank you for great tips and your time.

      1.no baking soda or akla helped.. or even ease the burn... Not even apple cider vinegar.

      2. Tried charcoal... I was bloated like a balloon...

      If you dont mind what helped me was

      1. Stop taking ppi - my diggestion improved.. no more gas..bloating or nausea within few weeks....

      2. Alkaline water... Or other words.... Lemon / lime + water or just abit of apple cider vinegar.

      3. Avoid fatty foods... No more pork belly for me... ;( And a solutely no coke or sprite or fizzy drinks. And 0 alcohol ..

      4. Turmeric tea - green tea camomile tea they all did a wonder.

      It didnt do a miracle but in few months i can definitely notice an improvement.

      Again thank you for your time.

    • Posted

      Was just saying a longer version that i tried them all...

      The best improvement i experienced was atter giving up ppi's.

      Did a lot of turmeric tea....and alcalinr water.... In few months i feel a tiny bit better.

  • Posted

    I have this same burning after meals. I can't get it to stop. My came after ppi rebound but it's been four months now with no improvement and I do not eat gluten dairy soy or wheat.

    • Posted

      Mine is not related to food... I had it 24/7.

      Why did you take ppi in first place?

    • Posted

      They gave me ppi for gastritis, mine isn't related to food either but I cut these out hoping it would help

    • Posted

      Try apple cider vinegar and turmeric as i sugested before....

      Ppi's are poison. You will have to fight the sypmtoms

    • Posted

      I take tumeric but I don't see much benefit from it. The apple cider vinegar burns and upsets my stomach so I can't do those. I don't take ppi, I've been off for four months but I still have the classic rebound effects.

  • Posted

    Antibiotics can kill the good bacteria in your stomach.  Have you tried probiotic supplements or foods such as yoghurts to help rebuild the good bacteria?
    • Posted

      Hi pippa ..sure thing...tried most expensive probiotics 50£+..tried sauerkraut....tried pickles fermented .... Nothing...

      Its just there.... Some days bad some days not so bad ..

      In general chocolate make it worse...

    • Posted

      yes and deudonitis. had all kind of test... including ultrasound....all found nothing ..

    • Posted

      Duodenitis and gastritis are probably causing your heartburn.

    • Posted

      yes they are. but what causing it is more like a question here.

    • Posted

      It doesn't matter what the cause is. Trying to work out the reason will stress you out more and will increase your symptoms. Simply treat your symptoms and don't think about anything else. I don't think about what is causing my reflux, I take antacids and milk and this gets rid of it. Just accept the conditions you were diagnosed with and it will help you to manage it My reflux and IBS are a lot better when I am not concentrating on it.

    • Posted

      yes you are right...i am not worried anymore.... i just dont know all the asnwers.

      thanks for your time Pippa

    • Posted

      You don't need to know all the answers. Simply accept the conditions you have and take the remedies you are currently usingThis will help you to feel better. I take my heartburn remedies without thinking about my symptoms and accept what my doctor told me and this works for me. I don't try to understand my symptoms. I trust what my doctor said because he is the expert and that is enough for me. This makes my reflux easier to handle.

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