BV That Won't Go Away :( Started after an antibotic

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 I've been suffering with BV for about 9 months now-- with random but infrequent yeast infections as well. This all started for me when I was prescribed an antibiotic for a UTI, which I had also never had. It has been an absolute nightmare especially since Ive never ever had an issue until that medication.. The worst part is that I told the doctor at the time that I could not handle antibiotics well since I have a very weak stomach but they made it seem as if i had no other choice. I've had antibiotics for other reasons before and they have made me so sick and puking but never resulted in a yeast infection, bv, or anything similar.

The symptoms that are the worst are the CONSTANT burning, itching and irration, as well as a small amount of yellow discharge. I've had the same partner for 3 years now and I am sick of doctors who ask me questions that try to place the blame back on me. No I am not wearing clothing that is too tight, sleeping with new partners, and I do know how to wipe properly.. Again none of these problems ever occured in my life until AFTER this antibiotic I was given for my UTI. 

I've tried taking probiotics daily, vit c, using boric acid suppositories, eating raw garlic, vaginal probiotic, very strict protein and greens diet, alkaline water, tea tree oil, etc. 

I'm really not sure where to go from here. I've seen probably 10 different doctors. All but once the results came back as positive with BV, or BV and yeast. I've had no break from this in the last 9 months-- NOT ONE DAY. It's terrible. Because I'm not on my death bed the doctors don't seem to care but it completely interferes with my life right now. 

The naturopath put me on a very restrictive diet that was nearly impossible to maintain-- left me feeling starved. I'm very active, in my 20s and eat healthy well balanced meals. But boiled eggs and greens for every meal.. The other doctors just want to put me on antibiotic after antibiotic even after I explain that I believe that's where my problems began. I refuse to take another unless it's life or death right now as I'm almost sure it will just mess me up more-- or if it does give me relief I doubt it will be for very long and I want to sort out the root cause.

Please I really really need some suggestions. Do I need to stick with the only greens and protein diet? (I do not eat meat)

sad sad sad I could have never imagined what having a problem like this was like, it never crossed my mind and now its all I think about. I want my life back. 


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  • Posted

    I have been dealing with recurring BV infections for the last 6 months. One day it's a terrible itch that suddenly comes out of nowhere and then suddenly goes away a few hours later, another day it's a strong fishy odor that I feel like everyone around me can smell! It's so embarrassing. It all started after I was treated for a yeast infection around Christmas time. It went away and the BV showed up. I've been on metronidazole twice, it relieved the symptoms for a few days, but the BV came back. It's very disheartening that not only me. It ruins sex for me because no matter how much I wash down there before sex I can still smell it. My bf says he doesn't notice it but I do and it makes it less enjoyable sad I'm about to try putting yogurt up there for a few days and see what happens, in the meantime I'm going to make an appt with my doctor to see if she can put us both on flagyl.

    • Posted

      Have you tried Boric acid suppositories? I’ve tried everything under the sun and this is the only thing I found that worked for me. 
    • Posted

      Hello, I have IC/ PBS very similar symptoms with burning etc that is a chronic syndrome. 

      I am finding that:


      Alovera 97% from the pharmacy 


      And when really bad I end up with tramadol

      Follow a low acid diet including chocolate, alcohol etc 

  • Edited

    It's insane to see so many women dealing with this! I too am suffering from bv and yeast for 2 months. I now see that it's entirely possible to have this for many more months or years. This is insane y'all. We need to do something about this. I have on and off smell, irritation and soreness and an awful redness around my vulva. I haven't been having sex with my fiancé and I've been eating a clean diet and taking probiotics and adding probiotic type foods to my diet. I'm on day 3 of this diet and I'm crossing my fingers that this along with probiotic supplements work. If I ever get cured I vow to help other women get down to the bottom of this awful thing. I've done research and stress and anxiety can apparently cause these infections to be prolonged!! So as hard as it is. Take a deep breathe and try your best to keep your mind off of it as much as you can. I know it's hard. I was going absolutely insane for a few weeks and crying every single day. But I notice when I'm occupying my mind with something else I tend to feel the symptoms a little less. Never completely gone but I figure what good is it going to do if I let this control my whole life? There are days where I feel depressed and don't even want to get out of bed. I still have my moments where I cry. I'm going to demand that the doctors test me for everything and anything that may be underlying that could be causing this. If anyone needs to talk I'm here

    • Posted

      im still dealing with this. going on 3 months. its like the symptoms would go away when im on it then when its over it comes right back. im losing mind. i keep crying

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    I too have been suffering like this. It's been over a year now and my situation sounds exactly like yours.  I have been given multiple rounds of antibotics and like you, I have used boric acid, and even at home remedy under the sun. I also followed a very strict diet, elongating everything except greens and water and some protien as well as taking probiotics. Doctors have also tried to put the blame on me and they gave me the same song and dance as you. I am 46 and have been married to the same man for 27years and have never had this problem until last year. It has been a living hell and I'm crying all the time now and feel hopeless. I feel like dying and the only thing keeping me here is my children and husband. I can't get rid of the chronic BV and also get yeast on and off like you. I pray we both find relief. I feel so alone with this and have no one to talk to but my husband who quite frankly is starting to get worn down from all of this.

  • Edited

    This is so depressing....i wish i could say i found the answer..i get close and get my hopes up so often only to get let down once again....ive officially given up....I too have tried everything under the sun....nothing works. I just dont understand how such a common issue with women has yet to be found a cure sooo tired of spending money on these damn oils and shoving them up my crotch every damn day all damn day...if i stop for a few days it gets worse....ive never felt so hopeless...ive almost given up on deeply depressed...all i want to do is sleep...all the things i used to love i dont do anymore...all i want to do is lay around and sleep...and no i cant go on depression meds cuz they make it worse and cause more problems in the vagina...officially given up, its been a 3 year battle...
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    I think it's extremely important for anyone going through this or similar issues to litterally get screened and checked for EVERYTHING. I'm not saying some of you haven't but I'm the process of writing down everything I want to get done eventually: hormone levels, any vitamin deficiencies, thyroid issues, a pelvic ultrasound, determining what species of bacteria or yeast is affecting me and how bad it is (mild, severe, etc), I'm going to get checked for diabetes, stds, and even get a biopsy done if everything else comes back clear. I've also written down everything so far that I've research that it could be including something called a rectovaginal fistula because I've been also having redness around the anal area, even vulvodynia.  I feel like when you start eliminating problems it could be and narrowing it down then you KNOW what you are specifically dealing with. Like if I seriously have just a yeast infection I'm even considering going to a holistic doctor or even a damn hypnotist AND considering getting some numbing cream so I just won't feel pain all the time. As a very worrisome and anxious person who is usually upbeat and positive I too am becoming extremely depressed and feel like I can't enjoy life or enjoy these next few months even though I wish I could... I'm planning my wedding and I'm not even excited anymore because of all this. I feel like giving up on life too at 26 years old. But I need to find out what this is even if it takes all my money. 

  • Posted

    Just like the rest of you, I have been suffering from frustrating & embarrassing yeast and now BV daily for many years. I know I am sensitive but it seems ridiculous that since I became sexually active over 6 yrs ago that I have never felt great down there for long. The yeasty symptoms have been going on for 6 yrs off and on all the time, and now for 8 months I have also had to deal with recurring BV too which gives more burning & uncomfortably plus the foul odor as if the pain and itching from the yeast & sensitivity I have been suffering with wasn't enough. Just like the rest of you, I get depressed especially when my longterm bf brings up how I don't seem to want sex anymore & don't enjoy it like I used to. That makes me feel terrible even though I explain to him it's bc I'm always uncomfortable, and I'm very open with him about my issues. I know it's wearing him down hearing me always talking about what's wrong with it this time. The symptoms got better for a month the two times i took the antibiotic vaginal cream from my gyno this passed yr, but it comes right back after a month. I do not want to keep on going to gyno for antibiotics. They only make your body more messed up in the long run anyway, and they dont solve the problem. It's been a while since i've tried the plain yogurt in the vagina thing, i've been doing it the last couple days which helps a TINY bit. I just ordered the boric acid suppositories bc thats the ONLY thing i haven't tried that i see helps some women with this awful situation. I really hope it works, at least helps with all of my annoying symptoms. I want to be able to enjoy sex and normal life again that i totally took for granted before i knew all of this torture could even be possible.

    • Posted

      Let me know how how the boric suppositories go for you. I'm thinking about trying that next because they seem to work for bv and yeast 

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      Now i am only suffering from the bad smell from bv which ive given up on...but it used to be where i couldnt have sex it was painful. That is gone and im 100% positive its from my oils...i put cocconut(preferably MCT) and tea tree mainly and also lavender (ive also done myrrhh lemon myrtle in smaller amounts) put that up your vag either with wipes or put it on a tampon and i guarantee no more pain...use regular to prevent yeast infections
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      Also i do regular baths with baking soda, apple cider vinegar, himeleyan salt and oils
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      I'm actually nervous to put any essential oils up there... idk why but since my doctor said my infection was only external and my cervix looks great I don't want to mess it up and make that bad too. But eventually I may try stuff like that maybe starting with just coconut oil. 

  • Edited

    Ive been suffering with bv for 3 years and its been nothing short of a nightmare. I was taking antibiotics for acne when it all started and its led to bouts of pelvic inflammatory disease too. I have been on metronidazole more times than i can count, seen numerous doctors. I have tried it all, 50 billion probiotics, boric acid, tea tree, supplements to no avail. I have had every swab taken and only bv has shown twice in 3 years but i know i absolutely have it due to the smell, discharge, pain and now over the last year, non stop burning and feeling raw down below which is only relieved with metro. Gynaecologist is suggesting a hysterectomy as its causing pelvic inflammatory disease but im not convinced a hysterectomy is going to stop the BV. Ive just asked for a referral to an infectious disease specialist as i cant face spending another day like this let alone 3 years, its causing major anxiety trying to live normally and dealing with this. I do wonder if theres a hormonal link in all of this, i have signs of a hormonal imbalance so wondering if possibly my hormones are to blame - is anyone else on any birth control or not on anything and think it could be hormone related causing the imbalance? 
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      I understand what your going thru! Im in same exact situation! It is very im not on birth control and never really have been. Afterball ive read and researched i believe its from all the antibiotics. I was on a low dose daily for a year or 2 as a kid for a kidney problem and since i moved to florida 10yrs ago ive had BV maybe total of 5 times(the first 3 times it wrnt away after antibitoics) then after that it just wouldnt go away after antibiotics. My system is totally f****d considering those antibiotics and also 2 o 3 more(1 was a $3000 antibiotic for mrsa) antibiotics for these abscesses i kept getting in my groin(4 times) finally no more abscesses i dont know why that suddenly stopped but i do know i have had a lot of strong ass antibiotics in my system and im just assuming my body gave up and is immuned to them. Ive at this point given up on curing the BV and sadly accepted i will have for life which is extremely depressing .
    • Posted

      I've been on so many types of birth control and each one gave me issues. None related to bv symptoms, more like migraines, terrible mood swings, and one caused me to get recurring UTIs. I finally switched to Junel. I haven't had any problems with it and I've been on it for about 4 years. My bv/yeast infection symptoms started about 7 months ago (I posted the whole story a little while ago) so I know it wasn't from the hormones in the birth control. I finally figured out that my dryer sheets were causing my problem. I was using Snuggle brand. Since then I've switched dryer sheets and even avoid using them when I'm only washing my underwear. Maybe look into your soaps, washing detergent/fabric softener and dryer sheets? Hopefully it can provide some sort of relief! Good luck.

    • Posted

      I have had maybe 2 bacterial infections before I had kids. I started breast feeding then BAM after every period I am getting them. but i just finished breast feeding, I just finished my period. got put on meds and I just finished them yesterday and I still have it. like the meds didn't even touch the bv... they also gave me the higher does of clindamycin. idk. just getting very frustrated with all of this. I'm calling tomorrow and telling them I need in right away cause it feels like my symptoms are even worse than they were before.

    • Posted

      I have been suffering from BV for almost 3 years myself I am 43. I take antibiotics EVERY month to clear it up. The antibiotics helps it but I never fully feel relief maybe a couple days after the meds but then its back. I also have done the boric acid suppositories along with vitamin C suppositories. The vitamin C works well but when it discharges it burns the outside of my vagina. I have to wear a panty liner every day for discharge and my periods come off and on all month esp. after I have done a week treatment with suppositories. I only use cotton underwear, I use specials soap in my vaginal area and I havent used a tampon in years. I take probiotics that are targeted for the vaginal area (acidophilus) along with a regular probiatic. I also take B & D . I had to stop running for awhile to try and help as well. I am not on birth control and havent had sex in 3 years. Between the yeast infection and the bv going back and forth im not even looking for a partner. I can say it will be a long time before im willing to put myself in a situation I might get this back I have PTSD from this. I am at a loss on what to do, my doctor thinks im having sex and not telling her or im not taking my medication as perscribed. Thats BS! I would stand on my head and bark like a dog if it would clear this up. I am now getting so much pelvic pain I believe its turned into PID. I am also worried that due to my vagina getting so swollen that I am going to have a issue to fix from that. I can barely sit down sometimes its so swollen. I have bought and tried almost everything and its still not working. Im desperate if anyone knows ANYTHING that might help please please I beg you to tell me. Thank you,

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