BV That Won't Go Away :( Started after an antibotic

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 I've been suffering with BV for about 9 months now-- with random but infrequent yeast infections as well. This all started for me when I was prescribed an antibiotic for a UTI, which I had also never had. It has been an absolute nightmare especially since Ive never ever had an issue until that medication.. The worst part is that I told the doctor at the time that I could not handle antibiotics well since I have a very weak stomach but they made it seem as if i had no other choice. I've had antibiotics for other reasons before and they have made me so sick and puking but never resulted in a yeast infection, bv, or anything similar.

The symptoms that are the worst are the CONSTANT burning, itching and irration, as well as a small amount of yellow discharge. I've had the same partner for 3 years now and I am sick of doctors who ask me questions that try to place the blame back on me. No I am not wearing clothing that is too tight, sleeping with new partners, and I do know how to wipe properly.. Again none of these problems ever occured in my life until AFTER this antibiotic I was given for my UTI. 

I've tried taking probiotics daily, vit c, using boric acid suppositories, eating raw garlic, vaginal probiotic, very strict protein and greens diet, alkaline water, tea tree oil, etc. 

I'm really not sure where to go from here. I've seen probably 10 different doctors. All but once the results came back as positive with BV, or BV and yeast. I've had no break from this in the last 9 months-- NOT ONE DAY. It's terrible. Because I'm not on my death bed the doctors don't seem to care but it completely interferes with my life right now. 

The naturopath put me on a very restrictive diet that was nearly impossible to maintain-- left me feeling starved. I'm very active, in my 20s and eat healthy well balanced meals. But boiled eggs and greens for every meal.. The other doctors just want to put me on antibiotic after antibiotic even after I explain that I believe that's where my problems began. I refuse to take another unless it's life or death right now as I'm almost sure it will just mess me up more-- or if it does give me relief I doubt it will be for very long and I want to sort out the root cause.

Please I really really need some suggestions. Do I need to stick with the only greens and protein diet? (I do not eat meat)

sad sad sad I could have never imagined what having a problem like this was like, it never crossed my mind and now its all I think about. I want my life back. 


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    Ive always had problems here and there but recently I took some antibiotics and got very recurring yeast infections. I’ve noticed a pattern though and I’m going  To tell my story maybe it’ll help someone. So I always had problems with “uncomfort”  down there, I’m 23. But ever since I can remember I’ve always been a bit uncomfortable down there but I always thought it was because I shaved. I had lived in Florida my whole life and then moved to a new country in South America where the weather is some what cold and there’s no humidity. The shaving thing was one problem but definitely a different kind of itch and irritation than the one of a yeast. One year I came back to Florida for vacation 3 months, I would notice a different kind of itch (yeast) it wasn’t too strong but I would handle it by using vagisil, and just make it through. But it was there. Then I went back to to South America and it would go down and almost disappear (although still there) but I would confuse the itch with the one of the shaving. A year later I went back to Florida for vacation AGAIN and I felt the same issue again, but this time a little stronger. Again I still didn’t know this was yeast I had no idea about yeast infection. I would just assume it was my sensitive vagina, and I thought it was only ME! Like I said this time it was stronger and I would even notice my anus was also itchy. By the time I went back to South America the infection stuck this time and I didn’t go away.  I went to the gyno and she was no help honestly, the only thing she was good for was sending me medication. Eventually I discover s I was having some sort reaction to the soap I was washing myself down there with. It was one of those summer eve ones. I stopped using it and suddenly my anus stopped itching. She sent me the 7 Day yeast infection treatment and suddenly my vagina was better and it stopped the disconfort all together. The shaving itch was also gone because I learned I had to shave EVERYDAY sometimes twice a day so that When my hairs started growing it would  not itch and I switched underwear to the seamless ones that would not rub my skin to much where I shaved and it helped 100% never suffered from shaving itch again. I also washed myself down there with burning water with chamomile tea mixed with baking soda for a week. After that my vagina was at its healthiest it’s ever been I had no itch no burning nothing for about 4 months. Then guess what I went back to Florida for vacation and guess what! It came back! I was like what is this! This time it came back even stronger but like last time I would dismiss it and get through with vagisl. Plus it wasn’t THAT strong. I could handle it. Same thing went back to South America and it would almost completely disappear. This time I didn’t follow the routine because it didn’t really bother me that much enough to do any sort of treatment. I was almost completely healthy. And when It would bother me I would vagisil it. (Vagisil has been a life saver) well I use the target brand because I think it’s better that actual vagisil. Theyve made vagisil to watery.  Anyway, after thre moths of being in South America I finally moved back to Florida, and as expected I got the worst yeast infection I’ve ever gotten.  I went to the gyro and he prescribed antibiotics for trichonomas. Which is an STD, that itches really bad down there but is a completely different problem than yeast. I guess I got cured from that, but it made the yeast infection ridiculously unbearable. After taking antibiotics for that it killed my good bacteria and I’ve had an unbearable yeast infection for weeks. I feel better somedays when I do the 7 day treatment then it comes back. After so much tease arch and reading I’ve come to not the cure but maybe a start to a soulution. I noticed the weather definitely affected me, as soon as I start to feel even slightly sweaty or moist down there, the yeast comes back. While being in Florida the wheather is ridiculously humid and hot so your whole body is hot all day! I believe this to be a huge cause! How do you explain that when I got to cold temperatures I don’t have this issue?  So if you live in humid/hot place you might wanna consider moving! I know it’s drastic but It can possibly change your life. Or at least try being in a cold place and see how you feel. Next thing I’ve learned, when I would come to Florida I would also start having a looooooot more sugar, so I’m guessing  that made everything worst! You HAVE to cut down sugar. It was weird because In South America I would drink alcohol and eat junk almost daily and still no problem which still leads me back to the weather issue.  I can deff say my levels of sugar RISE through the roof when I’m in Florida. But it still mak a no sense. I’m almost sure it’s something to do with the weather. Other thing I’ve learned is while you’re having these yeast infections YOU HAVE to keep your vagina dry at all time. If you even feel a slight discharge run to the bathroom and leave that vagina DRY. I’ve been using thin pads daily cause they seem to keep me dry and composed down there. NOT LINERS. Liners are way to small and thin and don’t get the job done. Just get súper thing pads.  Do not use public restroom toilet paper, take your own because during these yeast infections your vagina is weak af you need to make sure you keep it extremely clean. Do not use soap down there and avoid getting soap residue from your body or shampoo down there. When you shave avoid shaving cream try conditioner that isn’t too processed. Wash yourself with hot then r ally cold water so that you don’t leave it warm down there and dry off really well. .......  This time around this yeast infection has been horrible because of the antibiotics but I still would get them before from just coming to Florida! So there is a pattern. Make sure the person you’re sleeping with is 100% clean . No sweaty balls from the gym , or dirty socks on the bed. Things like these might make a difference. Also you have to accept that the yeast will always b there, but you have to learn how to manage it and control it. That’s all we can do. 

  • Posted

    You basically wrote my story word for word except I'm on month 7 with BV, UTI that may have turned into a kidney infection. I stopped eating meats, sugar, and taken and done all kind of natural remedy. Since you posted this a year ago, has your situation changed? I need hope!

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    I figured out what my problem was after months of trying different thugs for the odor and itchiness! I was using Snuggle dryer sheets and as soon as I stopped, I noticed the itching seemed to go away. I took all my underwear and rewashed them and so far, my symptoms have decreased by A LOT. They're not completely gone, every now and then it just starts itching out of nowhere and that lasts a few hours but I've been using the anti itch cream and that seems to help. I'm still having discharge but not as much as before and the odor is completely gone. I hope this helps, I completely overlooked dryer sheets as the cause because I use them all the time and my bf happened to pick up a different brand and I guess I just hasn't realized it.

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    Any solutions? I’ve had it for 8 months and this is the first thread I’ve found for people like me. I’ve been tested for many things but it keeps coming back as BV. The yeast medication worked for 2 days and now it’s back again. I started taking shots of apple cider vinegar. Here’s to hoping it gets better. Please keep me posted on what your doctors say!
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    2 years 7 months of pain. Try Lysine 1000 pills and Boric Acid Vaginal suppositories 5 days,it burns out the bacteria. I feel as if I suffered too long and turned into a Research specialist. I’ve had every antibiotic in the world . God delivered me and I pray everyone is delivered from this Plague💓

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    I had all the same treatments and problems.... phenomenal bills and just more presciptions thrown at me. I finally chose the natural route... 5 days inserting a vitamin c with rose hips and GONE! Didnt even come back after my husband and I were able to reconnect!! It burned and felt crampy but omg RELIEF!!!
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    I've experienced a similar problem after taking a course of oral antibiotics after some dental work. Very painful bv like symptoms to the point where it was painful to walk - very upsetting to say the least.

    I'm on here to report that I've found something that I'm pretty sure has worked - Yogurt. The theory is that instead of trying to kill off the "bad" bv bacteria, which are simply bacteria that are meant to be there, but at much lower quantities, you instead reintroduce the "good" bacteria that the antibiotics (or whatever) have killed off. In bv there is not enough lactobacillus bacteria in the vagina. Lactobacillus produces lactic acid which keeps the vagina at the correct acid levels to keep the bv bacteria at the correct lower levels. Anyway, Lactobacillus is in Yogurt! You should use plain greek yogurt, not anything containing sugar. Just place say 1/4 - 1/2 a teaspoon inside your vagina - just a little inside the entrance using your finger is fine. Also try a little on any surrounding skin where you have pain. Try for a few days stopping when bv symptoms are gone. Worth a shot - it's natural and inexpensive 😃

  • Posted

    Hi gracea99, I have had the exact same everything as you for going on 3 months now. It started with being diagnosed as a yeast infection, ended up being BV then had that for about a month became a yeast infection, back to BV and now a "UTI" which I have no symptoms of and BV.

    I am literally going through depression, no sexual activity to be had in 2 months, been with the same partner for 2 years, GYNO not helping but prescribing so many meds that are not curing anything.

    I want my life back. I cry because I am in discomfort, itchy, burning all the time.

    Is there any end to this madness?

  • Posted

    I am too in the same situation I have had a some sort of bacterial infection diagnosed recently as BV but have been suffering since the first of October I've been on numerous antibiotics and creams and nothing seems to work it feels like pinching or sandpaper is feeling on the exterior of my vagina. I don't have any burning and very little discharge but lower back pain and I'm just wondering if anyone has suffered any lower back pain from their BV and if there is any other symptoms that have come along with theirs. The doctors believe that it is bacterial vaginosis however I have had other testing done as it all started from a UTI bladder infection then moved to what they thought was a kidney infection then they thought it was a yeast infection and then now a bacterial vaginosis situation. I'm not sure if anybody actually knows what it is but the recent test came back as bacterial vaginosis, my biggest concern is that it's so irritating I feel like it's always like something rubbing up against me and then it’s not quite sore not quite itchy just annoying and it's used to be all consuming for me and very irritating.

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      Your story seems identical to mine yesterday i was so depressed i cried at a Christmas song i have been on 2 rounds of antibiotics for UTI and 3 rounds for BV i thought this last round would work but sometimes i feel worse Have you had any luck with any treatments lately?

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      the back pain sounds like the uti or kidney infection.

      have you see n a vaginitis specialist yet? please do . it took me a year of constant recurring bc before my ogyn told me to find one.

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      As someone who had a UTI before, the bacteria that is causing the infection can go up the kidneys and cause back pain.

      I also had some feeling of dizziness.

      The bacteria that was causing my infection was resistant to a medication the doctor gave me. So when they found out what it was, they switched to a new medication.

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    you're story is exactly like mine! Has anyone found releif?

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