BV That Won't Go Away :( Started after an antibotic

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 I've been suffering with BV for about 9 months now-- with random but infrequent yeast infections as well. This all started for me when I was prescribed an antibiotic for a UTI, which I had also never had. It has been an absolute nightmare especially since Ive never ever had an issue until that medication.. The worst part is that I told the doctor at the time that I could not handle antibiotics well since I have a very weak stomach but they made it seem as if i had no other choice. I've had antibiotics for other reasons before and they have made me so sick and puking but never resulted in a yeast infection, bv, or anything similar.

The symptoms that are the worst are the CONSTANT burning, itching and irration, as well as a small amount of yellow discharge. I've had the same partner for 3 years now and I am sick of doctors who ask me questions that try to place the blame back on me. No I am not wearing clothing that is too tight, sleeping with new partners, and I do know how to wipe properly.. Again none of these problems ever occured in my life until AFTER this antibiotic I was given for my UTI. 

I've tried taking probiotics daily, vit c, using boric acid suppositories, eating raw garlic, vaginal probiotic, very strict protein and greens diet, alkaline water, tea tree oil, etc. 

I'm really not sure where to go from here. I've seen probably 10 different doctors. All but once the results came back as positive with BV, or BV and yeast. I've had no break from this in the last 9 months-- NOT ONE DAY. It's terrible. Because I'm not on my death bed the doctors don't seem to care but it completely interferes with my life right now. 

The naturopath put me on a very restrictive diet that was nearly impossible to maintain-- left me feeling starved. I'm very active, in my 20s and eat healthy well balanced meals. But boiled eggs and greens for every meal.. The other doctors just want to put me on antibiotic after antibiotic even after I explain that I believe that's where my problems began. I refuse to take another unless it's life or death right now as I'm almost sure it will just mess me up more-- or if it does give me relief I doubt it will be for very long and I want to sort out the root cause.

Please I really really need some suggestions. Do I need to stick with the only greens and protein diet? (I do not eat meat)

sad sad sad I could have never imagined what having a problem like this was like, it never crossed my mind and now its all I think about. I want my life back. 


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107 Replies

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  • Posted

    hello , your are not alone , i been suffering like for 6months ,taking antibiotics , but they dont work . Im tired and depressed .

  • Edited

    Hi everyone...

    I've been suffering for at least 6 months now, and have been diagnosed with BV and thrush at various points. I've tried the anti-biotics and they did nothing but potentially aggravate my thrush. What can I do? I'm suffering from the itching, foul smell and great amounts of discharge too. It's life consuming and i want it gone!! Drs don't seem to take this seriously so next time I go I might have to tun on the waterworks!!

    • Edited

      i cry every time see a doctor. you need to seek out a vaginitis specialist. doctors dont care . there is no cure.. just treatment. demand they run a fill panel to see which specific bacteria you have. we have to be our own advocate.

    • Posted

      I agree that for some of us, there is no cure. My BV started during perimenopause ( I believe it is hormonally related. I have been cultured for everything (including STD and mycoplasma, etc. End result is always gardnerella BV. I have been to OBGYN and specialists. Strategies I use are as follows: vit d daily, plenty of water, no alcohol and use boric acid during my period and after (which is short due to perimenopause). I then use boric acid twice a week or anytime I feel it is returning. Prevention is all I can do. Once in a awhile, I have had to return to a five day metrogel treatment followed by a week of boric acid which resets everything and keeps it under control. So far, I have used the metrogel once since last March. I literally have had doctors say they ran out of anything else to try.

  • Edited

    hi grace

    just read the threads and im so relieved im not the only person going through this.

    i just wondered if you are still having issues? i have no idea what to try next...

    If you had a miraculous cure i would be so grateful!!!

    Thank you

  • Posted

    I've also in my mid 20s and suffering horribly from this for almost 3 years now. It's been constant battle. My doctors told me when you get BV , there's no official cure. Our bodies don't make enough good bacteria in the body. I don't believe it's a permanent thing. I'm trying heavy neuropathy ingredients to add to my diet. Try GNC for the probiotics, and no high PH water. The PH is what's off down there. Find not too high of PH water and see what happens.

  • Edited

    You are not alone.

    My problem started in March. Because of this covid-19, I can only see my gyn in May. For a month, my lady bits are suffering. I'm depressed, can't sleep and when I do I have horrible nightmares. I don't have sex that much with my boyfriend. When I do, it's with condoms, and I make sure I am wet enough so that I don't worsen my problem. I only engage when I'm feeling not too bad and can tolerate sex. It didn't start after antibiotics like most of you. I never had vaginal problems after taking antibiotics. I have been tested for every STD possible and came back negative. I've had Pap tests in the past and came back negative.

    My vagina itches inside and outside. My vulva burns, is swollen, red and super raw. So much it's irritated, my skin has some cuts. it affects mostly my clit and everything jnside the major labia. It's so swollen a vein is sticking out. My discharge is a bit like yogourt, watery and white/grey with small clumps. It has an odor, but I can only smell it if I stick my nose there. I never had this issue so I don't know what this is, but it's different. My discharge sticks mostly to my vulva. When it dries, it forms a small sticky crust on my lady bits. TMI maybe but if anyone knows what I have, please let me know.

    I couldn't see my ob/gyn because of this stupid virus so I went to GP. They just kept giving me meds after meds to treat every possible thing they could think of. They gave me Fluconazole x3, cortisone creams for the swelling, redness and itching. They gave me Metronidazole and Cefadroxil. They even gave me Prednisone, but after a while I had varicose like symptoms everywhere on my body then a couple of days later had an allergic like reaction hives everywhere on my body that disappeared the next day. I stopped every medication. Nothing seemed to help.

    The only thing that helps a tiny bit is ice packs and keeping my genital region clean everyday. I use Aveeno skin relief body wash. I live with my bf and he uses fragrance free detergents. I try to eat a relatively healthy diet.

    If anyone knows what I have, please, for the love of god, let me know. I can't take this anymore. It's ruining my life.

    • Posted

      Will do. I ordered some.

      For now, I'm trying to use tampons with sea salt for a week or two and soothing the outside with Aloe Vera.

      I take probiotics and thinking about getting some vitamins supplements.

      I'm not sure what else I can do.

    • Posted

      has anything worked out for u?! currently going through the same thing, mine started march 14 when i had sex with this one guy and now its my biggest regret in my life cause since then ive been feeling this constant burning, irritation and itching down there for months now 😦 nothing has helped and tested negative for all stds

    • Posted

      Nope. The gynecologist gave me more fluconazole, one pill per week for 8 weeks and clotrimaderm 2 times a day for 2 weeks. I have a feeling it won't work.

    • Posted

      i was told by my doctor that fluconazole wont work on me as thrush i had was a super strain of it.. she was right. So may be same for you? The only thing that has worked is boric acid.. and clindamycin gel which i inserted every day for a week. But when i stopped taking this the BV would come back.

    • Posted

      I'm using boric acid and bee-friendly vaginal moisturizer that you can use internally.

      I have a feeling my symptoms have almost disappeared. I'm only feeling a mild discomfort. Maybe it's my issue healing? I'm also on fluconazole 1x/week for 8 weeks.

      If this doesn't stop, I might have to go back to my gyneacologist again to see what else it can be. I will ask them to make more tests. I WANT THIS GONE SO BAD!

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