BV That Won't Go Away :( Started after an antibotic

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 I've been suffering with BV for about 9 months now-- with random but infrequent yeast infections as well. This all started for me when I was prescribed an antibiotic for a UTI, which I had also never had. It has been an absolute nightmare especially since Ive never ever had an issue until that medication.. The worst part is that I told the doctor at the time that I could not handle antibiotics well since I have a very weak stomach but they made it seem as if i had no other choice. I've had antibiotics for other reasons before and they have made me so sick and puking but never resulted in a yeast infection, bv, or anything similar.

The symptoms that are the worst are the CONSTANT burning, itching and irration, as well as a small amount of yellow discharge. I've had the same partner for 3 years now and I am sick of doctors who ask me questions that try to place the blame back on me. No I am not wearing clothing that is too tight, sleeping with new partners, and I do know how to wipe properly.. Again none of these problems ever occured in my life until AFTER this antibiotic I was given for my UTI. 

I've tried taking probiotics daily, vit c, using boric acid suppositories, eating raw garlic, vaginal probiotic, very strict protein and greens diet, alkaline water, tea tree oil, etc. 

I'm really not sure where to go from here. I've seen probably 10 different doctors. All but once the results came back as positive with BV, or BV and yeast. I've had no break from this in the last 9 months-- NOT ONE DAY. It's terrible. Because I'm not on my death bed the doctors don't seem to care but it completely interferes with my life right now. 

The naturopath put me on a very restrictive diet that was nearly impossible to maintain-- left me feeling starved. I'm very active, in my 20s and eat healthy well balanced meals. But boiled eggs and greens for every meal.. The other doctors just want to put me on antibiotic after antibiotic even after I explain that I believe that's where my problems began. I refuse to take another unless it's life or death right now as I'm almost sure it will just mess me up more-- or if it does give me relief I doubt it will be for very long and I want to sort out the root cause.

Please I really really need some suggestions. Do I need to stick with the only greens and protein diet? (I do not eat meat)

sad sad sad I could have never imagined what having a problem like this was like, it never crossed my mind and now its all I think about. I want my life back. 


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    ladies you are not alone!! I had got bv in october of 2019. And after all types of doct appt. etc from so many people. I saw an specialist in Feb 2020 who specializes in BV that was recommended. I am finally back to myself! its been 4 months!! And BV has not returned! The medication I used was boric acid 600 mg , Also I took Diflucan & tinadazole. 2 pills a day & boric acid suppository at night before I go to sleep. I was on this medication for 2wks! And im now clear of BV!!! Hope you ladies all feel better soon

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    hello! I'm 27 and in a 3 year relationship. I was wondering if you had any updates. I have now been going through this for 2 months without any relief. I was prescribed 3 different antibiotics for a UTI and I haven't been right sense. I have been on antibiotics for BV. treated several times for yeast infections and nothing works. im starting to forget what my vagina even looks like. its constantly swollen and long stretchy grey/ white discharge. itching and tender. it will not go away no matter what I do. I feel like I'm never going to get back to normal. its putting a huge strain on my relationship. I haven't had sex in 2 months and we have had several arguments on this. why aren't these antibiotics working? I take probiotics. my Dr recommended inserting them vaginally. she said to take some dr gloves and fill with plain yogurt and freeze them. then to pop out an yogurt popsicle and insert that to relieve discomfort. I take D-mannose daily to prevent UTIs. I've stopped wearing underwear. I stay in sweat pants when I'm home. I take showers and use mild soap. I havent had sex in months. I drink tons of water. my vagina is constantly swollen still. please is there anything I can do? I haven't even had my period since this started. something is really wrong and nobody can seem to fix me. I feel so depressed. 😔

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    I'm 21 and I am having them same issues as you. It has been over a year now and I have seen countless doctors but it keeps coming back. I have been so paranoid it is something worse but I feel so much better knowing i'm not alone! This has consumed my life and has been so stressful!

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    i'm having the same problem 😦 since i was 15 ive had problems down below and im up to my wits end with it! im nearly 20 and ive had the same partner for 3 years but experienced problems before even being sexually active, ive been to the doctors so many times only to be given the same medication or directions, ive been suffering for nearly 2 months with the onset BV I have now and its making me so sad. The moment i wake up im irritated, itchy, burning, and so much discharge, the doctors have said my bv is stubborn but l've still not found a medication that can completely help me, I ristrict myself on so many products and clothing most days and nothing helps 😕

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      Have you tried boric acid vaginal suppositories? They help restore the Ph.

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    I have been following this discussion for some time. I had symptoms of itching ans burning since February. I tried an OTC YI kit with no help so called my Dr. She called in an oral script for Flagyl assuming BV followed by two scripts for diflucan. By then we were in the throes of Covid and, with no relief, sent away for a vaginal discharge test kit. $250 later, I tested negative for some STDs, yeast, but positive for BV. Again, call the Dr and she gets me a script for metrogel. It didn't help. I read about Boric Acid and started that. The boric acid DOES help, but I did it for a whole month. It keeps my symptoms away, but as soon as i stop, they come right back. I finally went to the dr and she looked at my discharge under a slide and said things look okay.... maybe yeast. Ive done two YI kits back to back and still red, irritated and have minor swelling i KNOW Im just not right. Its all i think about and the irritation increases as the day goes on.

    Im tired of boric acid and the discharge that results and tired of thibking bout my vagina. Im guessing ive got a stubborn YI? Or maybe BV?

    I came across momotaro salve - have any of you tried it? The reviews are so good but, of course, you never know with products on the internet.

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    ive had this same issue... mine started because i had unprotected sex with my ex and the same day started taking meds that cause me to pee sugar due to diabetes. at first i thought it was just a yeast infection and i used a teledoctor who prescribed me two doses of antibiotics and they didnt help so then i went to an urgent care bc the wait for the obgyn was so long. i had two doses of metronidazole and they seemed to help but not enough... i was still itching but not as much then all of a sudden about 4 days after i finished the antibiotic the symptoms intesified so much. mine has only been a month and i cant imagine it lasting any longer but its gotten to the point where im in so much constant pain, i have bloody discharge and i have herpes so ive been having constant flare ups- which as long as theyve been active ive never had this many BAD flareups in a short amount of time and im still taking the medicine for that too. the skin around is so dry and just hurts any time i have to pee and im at the point where i just dont want to use the restroom to avoid the pain. my depression has gotten so much worse after it had been better and my anxiety is through the roof... i have an appointment with the obgyn next week finally but im at my limit i feel like no one will be able to help me

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    I'm sorry if this sounds obvious to all of you but are your male partners getting treated with AB? In my experience doctors refused to acknowledge that BV associated bacteria could live and proliferate on a penis but they do. Doctors will claim they can't perform a BV test on a penis which is absolute bull. It's like a conspiracy. In 15 years I've only found one doctor that agreed to test my male partner for gardnerella and voila, the test obviously came back positive and once they took AB themselves I stopped getting recurrent BV. Don't waste your time looking for a doctor that will perform the test, just have your partner do a round of AB (like metronidazole) associated with probiotics.

    I know a lot of you are single and I'm not saying this is the main cause of BV but it's something worth keeping in mind.

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    I'm currently on my third stint of recurrent bv and its been seriously miserable. I haven't found a cure yet that's worked for me but I found a spray that goes on your underwear and its the closest thing I've found to relief. It's called the lavendar panty spray by The Honey Pot Co. and its made specifically for bv relief. I found it right at cvs and it seriously got rid of all the pain and itchiness I was feeling. Soooo I know its not a cure but it really did work wonders for me and made it at least possible for me to not be uncomfortable 24/7. I hope this helps!

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    HI EVERYONE!! I had recurring BV/yeast infection for about 4 months. i still get bouts of it after my period for some reason. my holy grail is the honey pot boric acid and herbs suppositories + applicator. i use it twice a day(morning and night) for 7 days and i am relieved of my symptoms. its not a permanent fix, as i still have to figure out what's causing these infections, but these supplements always always always make the itching and burning pain go away. i recommend this to anyone who is miserable and suffering. it was affecting my mental health; i couldnt sleep, study, or workout until i started using this. its a must have in the medicine cabinet at all times.

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      i have just ordered two types of supplements from lovewellness: perfect condition vitamin and good girl probiotics. the reviews on their website for treating and managing bv/yeast infections are great. i will keep you all updated on my results!

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    have you tried oregano oil.. its really helped me and many other women with bv.. please check it out. there is a youtube video about it by a young lady named kiesha.. not sure if i can post the link here but just type bv and oregano oil. u should find her.. Good luck

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    basically ive had the same issue.. for the past year ive suffered with what i thought was BV and it drove me insane!! went to so many doctors and they all came back with positive for BV (WRONG!!)

    i ended up going to see a gyno abroad and he tested me but it came back negative for BV so i was so confused.

    He said i had an overgrowth of lactobili which was causing all the BV like symptoms and how it always gets confused with BV because some doctors just arent trained well enough on different problems down there .

    ANYWAY, this condition is called Cytolytic vaginosis and it just means you have too much good bacteria down there which is causing an imbalance blah blah

    Do some research on it but its not an infection therefore no antibiotics are needed

    You basically just need to either take biocarbonate soda baths or douche with it (do research on how to restore normal Ph balance)

    but yeah this was my outcome, im hoping its the same for you so atleast you have an answer and stop taking uneccessarry antibiotics 😃

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      i really need to reply to this because your answer has saved my life TRULY. for the last two years i have been suffering with chronic BV and i have taken every antibiotic in the book to cure it, metronidazole gel and even pill 3 times each, i have also used clyndamycin (that actually cured the BV) however from the over use of antibiotics i developed yeast infections . canestan, canesoral, monistat, diflucan once a week for six months, and lastly fluconazole. these treatments never cleared my infection 100% symptoms would subside for a few days then come back 10x worse. i also consumed copious amounts of yogurt and probiotics (which now i realize was FEEDING the overgrowth of lactobacillia) i was referred to a gyno who put me on boric acid 14 days and then 5 days after every menstrual cycle. things never got back to the way they were. i tried to explain to my own doctor and gyno that something is not RIGHT. they kept dismissing me with yeast. i know what a yeast infection looks like and it was not the same. i would stick my finger in there and be able to scoop out CHUNKS of wet looking toilet paper . the agony i have endured all this time has been very depressing for me as i dont feel myself. three days ago i came on here looking for an answer and YOU ANSWERED MY PRAYERS. i immediately went to my pharmacy and got a douche machine thing, douched with baking soda and i cant even begin to tell you the IMMEDIATE RELIEF. the discharge has subsided and the itching pain has lessened significantly. ive only douched the one time (i read to do it 2x per week) so i have yet to do it again but really i cannot express my gratitude enough for your response. i hope anyone coming on here takes the time to really read the comments so that they can also be helped. the doctors dont care much at all... they write you a perscription and off u go.. i truly thank you for your answer and i hope other women who are experiencing similar issues can also find relief ❤

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