Can depression/anxiety make me doubt my (perfect) relationship?

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Hi everyone.  I'm posting this because I have been going crazy the past couple of days.  I am 20 and have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 4 years.  I can't tell you how wonderful he is.  He is kind, smart, funny, and comes from an amazing family that I love so much.  Our love has always been stable and strong; he is my rock and my very best friend in life.  We have the same goals and values, and I know that I want to have a family and future with him.  We don't have giant arguments - we are really good at communicating and working out any problems we might have had.  I've never once questioned us.

Until about a few days ago, when I literally woke up and felt nothing.  This is the scariest feeling in the world.  I went from absolutely ADORING him, to feeling nothing.  It has given me such bad anxiety the past few days to where I can't eat or sleep really.  I pace around my house obsessively, thinking about every little thing about us.  I feel pangs of guilt anytime that he does anything sweet because he loves me SO much and I feel like suddenly, I can't reciprocate that.  I've struggled with the question, "Am I still in love with him?" and it has broken my heart to even ask myself that.  I feel so guilty, like I am keeping a secret from him and he's living in this blissful ignorance.  I don't want to leave him, and I don't ever think about what it would be like to be with anyone else.  It makes me anxious to be around him because I'm constantly overanalyzing everything to see if I feel the same way, and to not be around him because I just keep overthinking.

Some background: Starting just after Christmas this year, I have really struggled with health anxiety stemming from problems that did not really exist.  I thought I had a brain tumor and spent every moment trying to convince myself I didn't.  I took two trips to the ER during that period, where they told me that I had a pinched nerve and on the other trip, an anxiety induced migraine.  Things have calmed down since I have been to a doctor and she told me I don't have a tumor.  Then recently, I had a sensitive tooth and I couldn't help but think it was infected and I HAD to go to the dentist that day - or else the infection would reach my blood and I would die.  I know this sounds nuts, but I'm just trying to give you a picture of my life.  

I'm a college student, and lately I don't have the motivation to do my work.  I used to be outgoing and ambitious, but now I feel like doing the bare minimum to graduate.  I am so anxious that I won't actually get into law school and will embarrass myself because of that.  I kind of feel like I'm always waiting for the next thing to come along and that I'm just sort of... existing.

Do you think this could be me projecting my feelings on to my boyfriend?  How could it be that one day I literally just don't feel the same way?  I'm constanly battling between "you're projecting your anxiety on to him" and "you think you have anxiety/depression, but you actually just don't love him" and it is driving me CRAZY.  I don't want to feel this way anymore.  Help please!

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    Hi all, @carli80797, @beth30360, @jack42034, @jaylene85326 and everyone else

    I literally just made an account on this so I could reply to you all! I stumbled upon this post tonight after doing what my anxiety-ridden brain does when having a crisis, which is to Google the s**t out of something. I just wanted to say that I'm going through the exact same thing and that I know Carli's original post was 2 years ago but for anyone who like me, falls down a rabbit hole and finds this thread - YOU ARE NOT ALONE ❤️ Reading this tonight and realising it's not just me and that other people's mental health issues lead them to have similar thoughts has actually already lifted a huge weight off my shoulders and has helped my brain breathe a little.

    I also just wanted to write a little something about medication for anyone wondering whether to go on it or not, and to also maybe answer some questions and share some insight that I WISH someone had told me - and that includes doctors!

    Anxiety and depression have been a big part of my life for about 4/5 years now (I'm 25) and bits and bobs in childhood and my teenage years, although I didn't really know what it was then. About 4 years ago I started taking 20mg of Fluoxetine (basically Prozac without the brand name). The doctor said there might be some side effects but nothing too bad, but my first week or two of taking it was absolutely horrible. It made all my intrusive thoughts worse, I felt sick and was barely eating. In hindsight, I would tell anyone to let their school/employer know that they may need to take the first week off. If I'd have done this it would've really helped me, but I didn't know and tried to struggle through. Maybe I was just more susceptible or something, but I would seriously recommend just taking some time off in that first week while your body is getting used to it. But this leads me to my first real bit of advice re mental health medication:

    1. STICK WITH IT!! You may feel awful the first few weeks, you may feel like it hasn't had an affect even after the first month or more, but you just have to KEEP GOING. I too had been through that thing of thinking "Oh god this is making me worse, I should stop taking them" or "I don't feel any different" but trust me, all you need is time. The best way I can describe the feeling of when I finally felt they had settled into my system, was imagine you're on a picnic but the weather is all stormy. Slowly across the space of a few hours, the clouds start to clear and little bits of sun start to peak through. Then, you suddenly realise hours later that the sky is mostly sunny and calm, with a few white fluffy clouds. The meds won't make you feel high or super amazing or anything, it just helps the clouds to gradually clear and get you more in the headspace to be able to help yourself.

    2. DO NOT COME OFF MEDICATION COLD TURKEY!! This is SO SO IMPORTANT. I would really recommend staying on whatever you choose to take for longer than you think you need to. It's not a case of taking them for a few months and then feeling better and deciding to stop - they don't work like antibiotics or paracetamol or anything like that. If you're like me and you've been through years of struggles, then it takes years of recovery. When you do feel like you've had a long long period of feeling better and you have stability in life to maintain good self care, then talk to a doctor about reducing your dosage GRADUALLY. This could be halfing it, taking a tablet every other day, see what they recommend. But it is such a bad thing for your body to just randomly stop taking them one day. This can have really extreme side effects and make you do the worst things - trust me. Gradual is also better.

    3. And the final thing I wanted to say about taking meds for anxiety/depression is that there is absolutely NO SHAME in it at all. If you were Type 1 Diabetic, would you not take your insulin because you wanted your body to get better on its own? This almost sounds laughable when we think of physical health like this, and yet our whole societal thinking around taking medication for mental health is so screwed. If your body and mind need a little help, then give it to them. I know it can be difficult to get your head around first that you're struggling, but honestly I believe taking medication saved my life. It gave me the ability I needed to help myself, and pull myself out of the dark place. But even so I still let myself be pill-shamed a little bit by people, and last year I decided I'd been on my current dosage long enough, I went to the doctor and agreed to half my dosage. This did not go well for me. I struggled through for a while but then took what was an incredibly painful decision to not only go back on my original dosage , but go up some more. I still had bad side effects, at the beginning, but this was 100% the right decision for me.

    Please don't let anybody pill-shame you, they may have your best interests at heart but only you know how you're feeling. I have no plans to come off my current medication levels because my mood still can be up and down (hence the reason for me finding this post!), but they have made me feel so much better. I would hate for anyone to deny themselves something that could help them for fear of judgement or uncertainty. I wish I had known some of the things I've written above, so I really hope this can help some people with their own journeys.

    You are not alone, we are all in this together. ❤️

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      hey Zoef83, I am somewhat sceptical about taking medication cause I am afraid that I will end up feeling numb, not being able to experience any stronger emotion on the spectrum. What is your experience with this particular matter?

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    hi carli, just give yourself a chance, physical health can make your mental health much worse. if your boyfriend loves you as much as you say tell him what's happening and i'm sure he'll then understand more. just don"t keep quiet it won't be as easy then. i have been married 11 years and don't keep secrets especially about health. good luck. give your self some time and tell the truth

    anxiety seems to have gripped, you may need a bit of support outside you and your boyfriend, but ask and don't be frightened.

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    so its now 2020 and i just created an account to contribute to this conversation because everyone has made me feel not alone and it made me feel at ease with how i am feeling currently. I am still however... a mess... i want this comment help others but omg do i need help as well so if anyone has some advice i would love to hear it.

    My name is Sarah and i am 18 and i have been with my gorgeous boyfriend for just over a year. He is thoughtful, loving, affectionate and kind and other people envy the relationship i have with him. We have a very good sex life and we see each other at least 3 times a week. I have struggled with mental health throughout my final years of highschool. I have always been one to worry about everything and this kind of thing is in my blood as my mum has the same struggles. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and i have struggled with birth control over the past 6 months so my hormones are completely out of whack. i never ever thought i would be having these thoughts about my boyfriend. Over the past few weeks i have had this terrible voice in my head questioning whether i really do love him or if my feelings are truly real or not. Whenever these feelings come over me its like this toxic wave of emotion that just paralyses my body with fear and dread and doubt. It is the worst feeling in the world because even just imagining ending things with my boyfriend breaks my heart completely.

    I have been on Lexapro for 2 weeks and nothing seems to have changed, i have noticed that i am more anxious than depressed - is this something other people can relate to?

    My feelings are always the worst at the start of the day. It just rushes over me the minute the thought comes into my head. It makes me want to cry and it causes me to have insane panic attacks. It's all a bit of a mess.

    Sometimes i worry that maybe he will get sick of me or that he will want to eventually be with another girl and then other times i worry that maybe i don't love him anymore which just kills me to say because it's just come out of nowhere and im pretty sure that i do love him, i adore him. My thought processes are just completely messed up and i am just asking for a friend here. Are my thoughts and feelings a side effect coming from anxiety and depression or am i actually feelings these things because theyre true. I hope they're not true i really do.

    I am just filled with so much doubt and dread and fear right now it is eating me on the inside. My medication hasn't seemed to work, does it take a longer amount of time for lexapro to kick in? SOMEONE HELP PLZZZZZZZZZZ ❤️

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      I never thought in a million years that I would be in the same situation or be responding to a post like this. However, I am in the same situation. This all started probably 4/5 weeks ago, one day I just woke up and thought I was depressed and a week later my doctor prescribed me medication. I have been in my relationship for almost 3 years and it is "perfect." Yes I know, no relationship is perfect, but I would like to say mine is pretty close to it. We have great open communication and I trust him more than anything. I have been on Lexapro for about 3 weeks now. I thought everything was getting better until this week. The past 3 days have been terrible for me. I am constantly in my head and my thoughts are all about my boyfriend. Like whether or not we should be together, etc. When i know he is the man I wanna marry and have children with in the future. I still show him affection, however I know I am not myself and I think he would say the same. I have cancelled out all of the negative in my life. I only watch uplifting shows and I am a christian, so I listen to KLOVE radio. Other than that I try not to watch or listen to anything that will bring me into a negative mood. I am a college student, and about to graduate, yet I have no motivation to do school work. I know this is probably not much help to you as I feel that we are still in the same stage of this all, but it is really nice to know that someone else is also going through the same thing. Hopefully we can get through this journey "together." I thought about reading self help books and see what that does for me.

      Any feedback would be great! I have also been seeing a therapist, but I don't think it has overly helped yet quite yet. Any tips about staying out of my head and staying away from those thoughts would be the most help!

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      Hello my dear!!!! i'd love to get through this little journey together 😃 do you have snapchat or instagram? Add me: Sarahgxdfrey

      We can talk about it whenever we are having the same struggles because it sounds like we are in the exact same situation.

      Let me tell you for now though... it really does (slowly) get better and it has nothing to do with your relationship xxx

    • Posted

      Hey Sarah! Everything you said pretty much sums up what i have been going through! It makes me feel better knowing someone else is going through this. I have been diagnosed with anxiety and ocd and i am on medicine for it. i just want you to know that i am here if you ever need to talk. Family and friends do not seem to understand so it would be nice to talk to someone that has gone through the same thing! I hope you are doing well, and let me know if you would like to chat!

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      hey there! i would like to say i am going through the same thing and wanted to know how your doing?? has it gotten better ?

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      Hey love!

      i would love to say that it has completely gotten better but unfortunately it is a slow process fighting the thoughts off. I do think i have improved definitely. I know how hard it is 😦 feel free to talk with me about it on my instagram saragxdfrey xxx

    • Posted

      @lexy20449 Hi there, it does sound like we are all going through something similar. In my experience it has gotten so much better! We all have our rough days, but I definitely feel like I am back to my old self for the most part. Feel free to reach out to me if you ever have any questions!

    • Posted

      Im in the same boat. I love my boyfriend to death... but everything in my head is making me want to escape these feelings. If we broke up I would be crushed. He is my best friend. I feel such relief knowing Im not the only one going through this. I think when something traumatic occurs, this can trigger our relationship anxiety... Im going to therapy so hopefully that will help.. best of luck friends

  • Posted

    Oh my god Carli thank you so much for posting this! I'm 22 and have been going through the exact same thing for the past 5 days. This is the first time this has ever happened to me and just like you I feel like I've been going insane. I've been crying non-stop because everything feels so uncertain and unlike my usual self. He is also perfect and loves me so much it hurts when I think about not being with him. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Makes me feel like I'm not alone or going crazy.

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    Hi carli, and eveyrone else on this forum, I know this is a super late reply but ive been dealing with this for a few weeks now. it was like one morning i woke up and my feelings just werent there anymore. me and my boyfriend have been together now for little over a year and he is fhe best thing that i could ever ask for. He is incredibly supportive, we havee the same life goals, he is my absolute best friend and i want to spend the rest of my life with him. But ever since that morning, i havent been able to look at it the same and its driving me absolutely crazy. i want to get back to how i was, he has been so loving during all thus confusion and i honestly dont deserve him. im trying to figure out the source of this. i dont have depression or anxiety struggles. this is my first instance with it. im not sure if any of you on here are from a Christian background, but my boyfriend and i are, and we look to God in everything. He had always Been our center. So i am struggling with these feelings of if this is God trying to tell me that i need to break up with him. Even though he is the most perfect boyfriend and mate i could ask for in life. or is it just all in my mind. its a constant battle. none of this started until the Corona Virus outbreak and the quarantines. me and my boyfriend had to spend some time apart from eachother and it was during that time that all these thoughts started flooding my head. im sick and tired of living with this ball of anxiety and i just want things to be good again. Thank you all for sharing your stories, its been good to hear that im not the only one who has felt this!

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      I think this is what my (ex)boyfriend is going through too. Corona virus has been SO hard on us, especially with the border being closed between the US and Canada, causing us to be apart for 3 months. I have been struggling with missing him - and he said he was too. He stopped talking about the future and then when i was trying to ask him about why the sudden change, he decided we needed to break up because he felt like he was "setting me up for failure", but he wanted to work on himself for "us". Only to tell me a few days later that he has been reflecting and doesn't think he actually ever loved me.

      Based on conversations with counsellors, they have said that now is not the time to make rash decisions. (even though this is not what i wanted). Everything is so uncertain right now, everyone is on edge and stressed out.

      A big part of me believes that all of this is stemming from extreme stress i believe he is under - mixed with depression and anxiety. Unfortunately me trying to calmly explain that maybe we should evaluate everything after corona virus. He said that's why this is a perfect time to do this - he will not FaceTime me because he doesn't want to face it.

      I personally would hold off from making a big decision like ending your relationship right now. Talk to a counsellor, it will hopefully give you some clarity. You're not alone in being overwhelmed and questioning things - everything seems uncertain right now.

      My fear is that even though I am almost certain mine is just lashing out because he doesn't know how to cope, the things he has said might leave some damage - and that's something you can't take back.

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      Hey mackenzie10151 google ROCD and checke some videos and (even academic) articles about it. It might be something that you are experiencing. But please note that ROCD is a coping mechanism and not a "mental health issue" itself, meaning that you need to address the underlying pain. This pain might come from other places and past traumas, and it can also theoretically be a "bad relationship", but the thing with ROCD is that, as it is manifested in obsessive thinking, fears and doubts, it makes you be in a relationship with your anxiety and not with your partner, so you can't actually experience your relationship. Hope you find some healing, be patient and compassionate with yourself, you didn't choose these thoughts.

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