Cause of dead Immune System
Posted , 8 users are following.
What causes Immune systems to become useless and non functional ? Is it drugs too many, to strong ,killing off what is good stuff in our blood, ?
taking yet more drugs to compensate for blood disorders,to give the system chance to revive to fight back, but seemingly never does.
What happens when the immune system can't take any more drugs,
does it shut down totally, and then what?????????????????????????
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cover their mouths ,and so infected everyone near them .THoughtless is the
mildest word accepted on this forum .stronger words are being silently used .
The bottom line is ..this morning Tuesday, I awoke with a sore throat and runny doubt the ability to breathe through said nose will follow
Don't suppose anyone has any quick fixes for this untreatable
Any treatments from grannies?? or herbal remedies found to help,
joy47826 jacqueline01135
Vit C daily is important too....1000mg or more.
Eliminate carbs and sugars....veggies and protein and quality water....
Talking to my neighbor yesterday and she goes off the grape seed ex and ends up sick....yesterday her voice was clear and she sounded good, she's back on grape seed....I said to her don't go off.
Keep Echineaca on hand when something feels like it's starting hit the Echineaca, works for me all the time....
It's up to you to jumpstart your immune system and I'm giving my advice but
it's up to YOU...
If you take bloodthinners then caution as one should not take both.
Do some research on these antioxidants.....I have no more to say for now.....good luck....j
jacqueline01135 joy47826
sort myself out if you are not there to ask.
Is the Pycnogenol the one made from pine tree bark, and in what form do you take grape seed.
Off to see the shoulder surgeon tomorrow .will HAVE to tell you what
he says.
Don't take blood thinners I am taking Vit amin D now ,and probiotics.
What do you think about Aloe Vera ? any good ?
Sounds as though you have your neighbours under control
So, night. hope you sleep well
joy47826 jacqueline01135
Pyc is from pine bark, Yes..... Grape Seed Ex is from seeds of the grapes...
Grape Seed Ex is excellent and if it's easy to obtain I'd go that route....I take 200mg Grape Seed Ex two times per day morning and early evening...start with 200mg per day and go from there....if you are heavier weight then one needs a higher dose than 200mg per day.....
Aloe Vera is good, I take about 2 onces daily in my morning MSM drink.
Some days I just get overwhelmed with the emails from the group here...gotta back down.
Grape Seed Ex keeps our blood clean and thin so if you do a surgery gotta get off it a week or so before then back on after surgery.....Hope you don't do a surgery, I'm not a fan of elective surgery.... I elected a hip replacement and it's been a tough road....not a good outcome.
jacqueline01135 joy47826
makes life interesting, and keeps your brain and fingers active
Don't know what time it is with you but it's 10-25pm here , time for some
beauty sleep ,and hope to wake up minus this head cold
Night, glad you are there x
joy47826 jacqueline01135
Plus older folks have lots of life's wisdom.....I've learned about life stuff from my older has to keep learning...
I'ts 3:20PM so we are about 7 hrs difference....
My butt is challenged with spinal stenosis so sitting too long raises havoc....After hip replacement stenosis was so bad and I had a lot of PT, acupuncture and other alternative protocols, I could hardly sit for a few I sit too long and butt starts to burn etc and am stiff when I stand up.
Oh the beauty of it all. But could always be worse, I could have a dead immune system, haha
Just an FYI: I use Vicks Vapor Rub on my arthrtic feet and even knee and I sleep much better, wear socks of could use some Vicks for that head cold....and get better so you can start to rebuild.... Vicks was a sacred name in our house growing up. j
jacqueline01135 joy47826
equipment these days
What you need is a HUGE squashy cushion to sit on, or the new office chairs where you rest on your knees and keep the weight off your bum.
sorry--- butt--
Tiger Balm is very popular here rubbed on eveerything that hurts,
Chinese medicines known for their healing powers have to say the balm
is .good on muscles .You would probably have to ask a friend to do your
It's 7-30 am time for breakfast scrambed eggs ,yes, they are free range.
You have done it again !!!! what is FY1? I'm good at most things, but
thought readiing isn't one of them
Dismal day here ,,never get the washing dry .
Have to get scrubbed up and put hte slap on ready for my 4-30 appt
and his day of"" doing Me ""
You will be in bed. I think ,by now . speak soon x
marey jacqueline01135
i appreciated your input on the LS site....we're trying to defend alternatives.
the site had been very hostile ....and i had complaints!! but i explained myself and the alt med section was set up...this is off topic ....sorry to the author of this thread. may i continue please?
oh hang on jac ...its your discussion so i'm ok!!? speak soon x very interested in your perspective...and joys...hi joy.....we 've talked about magnesium and other things xxxxxxxxx
i'm looking for some votes for members who have so kindly posted in support of keeping the LS thread reformed as it is now...which is 'integrated' as i see it...just needs a bit of mutually careful and respectful posting. but to put you both in the picture...jac i traced you from your contribution to that discussion on the Lichen Sclerosus Group you have some vulval irritation which you can't identify perhaps? yes alan has been very positive in his role as moderator but at first i came under attack and realised i was being bullied about a year ago. i was unable to engage with members and was actually told (you won't believe this) .... that the site was for chit chat only to allow members to just take their meds...a horrendous topical steroid...and to get on with their lives without having to think about alternatives or to be constantly discussing their meds. obviously i felt put in my place and of course accepted the advice that some don't want to be challenged or to talk about taking their prescribed meds. my gp practically threatened me that if i didn't take the meds i'd get cancer!!!!!!! i imagine most have had the same 'talking to' by GP/MD s and Consultants. it is a tricky condition but alternatives will emerge. anyway i wanted to thank you for noticing us jacqueline xxx
joy47826 marey
I know that here in the U.S. Codex organization which is a World Trade group have worked for many years to shut down our alternative world.... I remember about 20 yrs ago our first great health food store coop in santa monica were being threatened and yellow banners were on empty shelves of supplements....
Pharma industry is HUGE and as I've said every other TV ad here is pushing a drug for this and that and what they can cure....and then list a few of the possible side effects.....
Once in a great while a tv ad may shows an alternative, like calcium and or magnesium...but it's pretty rare....Those tv ads cost millions of dollars and so pharma has to keep making all the money they can to pay for all these ads too.
Yes, I';d probably go to a pharma drug if it's a life or death situation, but I've always believed there is a more natural remedy for all health
issues....Nutrition is major.
I'm much older than MOST of you and I reemember the first health book here in the states was Prevention Magazine and my mom got that little book every month...when that book arrived it was her highlight on health.
Then many years later I found Alternative Medicine Magaizine and it was the highlight of my health and life for that matter....I devoured it and probably subscribed for 10 yrs...NOW everything is online....
If I can't talk about my health and what has worked for me I'd be dead...
jacqueline01135 marey
absolutely honest have never heard of your condition. until Alan put me on to it . I was trying to get him to give people easy access to a forum I started called Divi Diners where fellow sufferers of Diviticulitis could get some help with stuff to eat and avoid I think ALAN is a computer whizz
and expects me to know what he wants me to do, and I don't understand
at all. So I give up, and Alan leaves me high and dry ,still not knowing
directions to the forum
I have no probs with my "bits" but it sounds truly awful. I see you have found Joy ,if anyone can help you she is definitely the one You DID
report your doctor Didn't you ???????????
Keep at 'em . I annoy my doctor to death, because I question his
meds, which usually end up in the bin . why are people so nasty towards you ? Ignore them ,my attitude is, for every person that dislikes you ,ten people do
jacqueline01135 marey
marey jacqueline01135
marey jacqueline01135
marey joy47826
jacqueline01135 marey
respond sooner or later or he picks up on stuff , if he thinks you need help. He knows now that i am a ditz on this machine OR as you noticed the private mail bit, that should get his attention Good hunting
jacqueline01135 marey
marey jacqueline01135
marey jacqueline01135
really inspired tho...and i do love the name...the brain fog getting to me tho.
do either of you have autoimmunity?
jacqueline01135 marey
Joy and myself.
shame if you have dumped Joy, because the outstanding knowlede she
has would probably helped you big time,
Is Brain fog contagious ?
Don't know about the auto thing , I am cerainly not immune to my auto,
I could'nt live without it wrong one , try again
marey jacqueline01135
fully appreciate joy...i am an ardent follower!
brain fog not contagious but a symptom of low working on it!!
speak soon !! xx
joy47826 marey
My salvations are grape seed ex and thyroid support, circulation circulationn circulation....head to toe. Keep the blood flowing and clean.
marey joy47826
totally quick witted and mentally agile...i'll have some of that !!!!!!!!!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yours in admiration !!
mayday35 jacqueline01135
jacqueline01135 mayday35
Interesting your comments about chemicals and medication .I decided
enough is enough, so. after 20 years of swallowing god knows what.
i have stopped taking prescription drugs, and use only natural remedies
Have to say I have not suffered any threatened withdrawal symptoms.
in fact I feel really well, in all parts of my body I do take Vit D and
probiotics daily and throw in Vit C and flax tabs I think that fear is the reason people take every medication that G/P s insist they need.
Take care
joy47826 jacqueline01135
Jacqi, good to wake up to the push for the drugs.....that is why I dove into supplemments 25 yrs ago.....I steer clear of conventional MD's....
hope4cure joy47826
hope4cure joy47826
mayday35 jacqueline01135