Citalopram: 20mg for 8 weeks then 30mg for 2 weeks - feel much worse!
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Hi everyone. First time posting here. I am worried that I feel much worse after an increase in my Citalopram dosage from 20mg to 30mg.
[u]Some symptoms I've been experiencing:[/u]
- insomnia and bad sleep during the night
- tiredness and "brain fog" during the day
- persistent anxiety and circular thoughts
- feeling reckless and self-destructive
- hopelessness, feeling lost and directionless
- unable to write or be creative for my studies
- panic attacks and chest pains, which have never subsided throughout my 10 weeks on Citalopram
Please can anyone offer some advice or share their experience. I just really want to know that it gets better and that my life will improve on the increased dose. I am really not coping right now and can't see a way forward.
Thank you.
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anna78365 Guest
Hi, I can see why your gp has upped your dose. The 20 mg was obviously not taking the edge off your anxiety. It seems like if you have bad anxiety it takes longer for the meds to work. From what I read from other peoples experiences the 20 mg will work in time - some people saying 6 months before they fully recover. The 30 mg will probably speed recovery but you will have to go through the side-effects that changing dose causes. Its not meant to be as bad as the initial side-effects when you start Cit but the symptoms are the same.
I've been on 20 mg of Cit for 6 weeks and have been thinking of upping it to 30 mg but I'm going to try and stick with the 20 mg and hope revocery comes soon. I've read it comes in waves. There is someone who writes on these forums called Katiecogs. Her words have given me a lot of hope and encouragement.
Keep talking and seeking advice, it's makes recovery easier.
You're not alone and it is a difficult journey but one which is worth perserving with because so many people find relief if they stick with it long enough.
Anna xx
Guest anna78365
Hi Anna, thanks for replying. So you are saying that I might be experiencing negative side-effects of changing doses?
I will search for Katiecogs, thank you for that.
I hope you do well with your journey as I hope we all do, and I'm relieved to find I'm not alone. Thanks again for your kind words.
anna78365 Guest
Hi, Your're welcome. We all just need a bit of support now and then. yes most people seem to get side-effect when changing a dose whether it's increasing or decreasing and these drugs do make things worse before they get better.
When you read other post you will see the time recovery takes is different for everyone.
Stay strong. xx
katecogs Guest
Thanks Anna .... xx 😉
Hi as26 - hope I can help.
Usually when you increase your dose you will feel side effects again - they will wear off. When you take 10mg you'll get side effects, so upping to 20mg or 30mg is adding another 10mg each time, so you'll feel the same. What you describe are quite typical side effects.
In my experience each dose should be given plenty of time for your body to adjust to - so don't rush up through doses. A higher dose doesn't always mean its suitable for you - each person suits different doses. Whatever dose you're on you will get side effects and go through the same route to recovery - not many by-pass it. Its just your body adjusting.
Anxiety is really being anxious about being anxious .... took me a long time to learn that. All the side effects that come with it - racing mind, depression, detachment, weird thoughts etc are because of anxiety, so its not worth trying to analyse why you have them - as once anxiety starts to decrease so will the other side effects.
It is a tough journey and more-so on these meds ...... relaxing towards the symptoms, letting go of the tension, patience and perseverance are the key. The meds are working, even though you don't think they are. You often don't feel / see any improvement for weeks / months as the meds works really, really slow. Its hard to see the wood for the trees.
For me, recovery happened so slowly I didn't really see it happening. As each month passed little changes started happening ....... I noticed I could do small things easier, I wouldn't cry as much, I feel a little easier etc etc and all this whilst still getting setbacks.
Understanding what's happening to you really helps - it can seem such a maze full of fear, but knowledge is half the battle done. I'll private message you a link which you might find really helpful. Gerrymoo passed it to me and I've found its fabulous.
But in the meantime, I'm sure you're having side effects of increasing your dose. It will pass in time.
K xx
debbie17569 katecogs
Ive increased this morning from 20 to 25, supposed to go to 30 but bottled out. After about an hour, I had increased anxiety so bad that I had to resort to a diazepam which hasnt really worked as normal! I dont want to rely on the diazepam but feel at the moment that I will have to. Its really only the anxiety that I have an issue with. I did feel slightly sick first thing and have no appetite but drank a complan drink just to get something inside me. Did you increase at all and if so, did you have increased anxiety at first?
Debbie x
katecogs debbie17569
Hi Debbie
Increasing does cause those side effects again and good idea to go up by just a small amount. The feelings will wear off, but of course its horrible getting through them. Relaxing towards it all helps as well as exercise - anxiety needs an outlet.
When I first started these meds back in 1997-ish (I forget when now) I was put straight onto 20mg and didn't increase at all as that dose worked for me (though it took months). I had heightened anxiety but mostly nausea the first time. During my years on the meds there were times when I decreased and then increased and yes had anxiety when increasing.
Taking a diazepam is fine if you need it at those difficult times. They're there to help you. The best thing I found was exercise and also relaxing towards the feeling. Anxiety is just excess adrenaline and it needs an outlet (crying releases it too). Exercise helps to burn off this excess and also releases endorphins helping you to feel good. Relaxing towards the anxiety and just carrying on with what you're doing helps to diffuse it in the long run. This really isn't easy to do I know and is very uncomfortable, but not reacting to the anxiety slowly gives your body the message that it doesn't bother you (ok I know it does), but this slowly diffuses 'the bomb' and starts to desensitise your body. You begin to break that cycle of being anxious about anxiety.
Sorry, went off on a tangent there
You can increase by less too if you want to - cut or crush the 5mg and take half of that or even a quarter? When I reduced I got down to 5mg and then 2.5mg and finally 1.25mg by crushing.
K x
debbie17569 katecogs
I did 25mg this morning again. Still waking up with anxiousness but it got a whole load worse about an hour after taking the extra cit! Almost ended up having a panic attack but talked my way out of that one. Am wondering whether to change to night time but cant bear the thought of not sleeping!
Am trying the relaxing towards the anxiety i.e. letting go of stomach tension etc and going with it. Damn hard to do as you soon forget and then realise your tense again!! Im hoping the cit will work at a higher dose. Ive probably said before, but after 4 weeks on 20, christmas day to be exact,I felt fabulous. Woke up, no anxiety, totally normal for two whole weeks...and then my period hit and that was that! Am being checked for peri some ways I hope it isnt that as im not sure anxiety from the menopause can be controlled! Too much excess adrenaline in the morning is mad!! I think I need to know how to stop the adrenaline rush maybe but no idea how!
Ha ha, I crushed the tablet this morning and then got it all stuck around my mouth, it was disgusting!!!!
Am i doing the right thing by trying to relax into the anxiety i.e. just letting go of all the tension?
Thank you!!!!
From a pain in the butt! x
katecogs debbie17569
Hi Debbie
Katecogs is a nickname my friend has called me for years, and now other friends call me that too. My real name is Kay but so many people call me Kate ... so I answer to both
Oh yes, relaxing towards the anxiety and letting go of stomach tension is no easy matter, and you're right, you do it and then realise a minute later you're tense again. I used to find I'd do when I thought of it - sometimes it was just a little release for a few seconds and I'd try and stay like that whilst doing something. Constant little practices build up.
Being on 20mg and having had a few good weeks around Christmas - personally for me, I wouldn't increase. Whatever dose you're on you will still get anxiety, still go through the same process, and as you had signs it was working then for me I'd wait for that to return. As you recover you'll get lots of things that'll drag you back down again - period for one. When you feel normal (with anxiety) a period gives you PMT (irritability and tenseness), bloatedness, feeling emotional which takes its toll on you, so when you already have anxiety its bound to have an impact.
Early morning adrenaline rush is always a problem - I had it and it was the last thing that left me. Don't try and get rid of it - let it be there, relax towards it again, try some exercise first thing maybe ..... exercise helps burn excess adrenaline. Tensing against it and feeling annoyed and reacting towards it produces anxiety and is keeping it alive and kicking ...... relaxing towards it, letting it be there (sort of ignoring it) will in time give the message to your body that 'hey do whatever, I'm not bothered) and it will slowly calm. Yes..... again I know, easier said than done.
Crushing tablets is a task isn't it. I used to feel like a drugs baron crushing and dividing mine haha
Yes you're doing the right thing - relaxing towards the anxiety, letting it be there, not reacting to it and just carry on as you would do normally. Its hard I remember, as I didn't want to do anything but run away or hide.
Awwww you're not a pain in the butt haha
- when I was ill I spent every single minute of my day thinking about it, reasoning with it in my mind, searching for answers and reading my favourite comforting words from the books I'd accumulated. We always need reassurance, need answers and need to know if we're doing the right thing.
Keep asking
K xx
typo ..... that was meant to say 'normal (WITHOUT anxiety)......'
.... seriously
debbie17569 katecogs
Did it take long to get rid of that morning anxious adrenaline rush, do you remember? Thats really the only bit I cannot handle. Everything else is fine. I know I have done a slight increase and am still in two minds about it but might just see how I go for a couple of weeks and if it doesnt ease up then I will come back down again, slowly!
Yes I think about it all the time too, and when people tell me to think of nice things, I actually cant think of any! My mind is so consumed with this damn anxiety but I do sleep well, go straight off to sleep but then wake up anxious. So annoying!! x
Gerrymoo katecogs
Hi Katecogs 😉 and Hi again Debbie!
Just an update. After my recent blip and mental stress of whether I should increase or not - well I didn't. I stuck with 20mg and the blip just 'blipped off'. It's so so difficult to know whether a dose increase is required or not but Debbie as you'd been feeling good you know it was working for you.
I've been on citalopram now since last August and never thought I would feel able to get back to work but I am now back (albeit phased return) and into my 3rd week. Im still not sleeping well at all and my legs are driving me mad with burning and tingling but I actually get up now without thinking how sick or anxious I feel. I also think severuthing is related to how tired I feel.
Sometimes I could feel nauseous if I thought hard enough but refuse to allow myself to overthink everything. Did either if you get the book I recommended ? I think that was my turning point and now have a list of people wanting to borrow it !
katecogs Gerrymoo
Hi Gerrymoo
Glad to hear you're back at work and your last blip eased off (I like the 'blipped off' phrase). Yes it is hard to know whether to increase or not but I think if you're showing signs of some changes, albeit patchy, then I'd say that dose will work if you wait.
2 people, a friend and a family member, both had similar burning and tingling in their legs too. Family member had restless legs and couldn't her legs still and my friend had that burning / tingling all over her body when she had it. I suppose if you think about it your nerves are affected and equally the meds work on your nerves, so I expect they're bound to feel the vibration ... a bit like a short circuit.
Yes I got the book and am reading it and I've been passing the link onto others too. What a find!! Its so true - that's exactly how I read it many years ago from a different source and how I applied things to my own recovery too along with the meds. Its not the mysterious maze you think it is - although its still scary, but it takes away a lot of the fear.
Thanks for recommending it. Am enjoying reading it .... I keep nodding yes, and oh my, yes that's right
Very well written. How did you come by it ?
K x
katecogs debbie17569
Hi Debbie
I will admit that the early morning anxiety on waking was the last symptom to disappear for me. When I started having normal evenings which slowly spread more into my day over months, although I had that awful anxiety first thing I began not to dread it as much because I knew it wasn't how the rest of my day would pan out. I began to look forward to my anxiety free evenings and could cope with the mornings better. One day I woke anxiety free and though I had some more anxious mornings to come they got better as didn't come back.
Mornings are always the worst. I think its because you go to bed, your body becomes deeply relaxed and you don't think of it at all during sleep, and on waking your body immediately goes back into the anxious mode because thats what its used to, and so it hits you. As you recover more your body will learn to relax and in time will 'remember' the relaxed state on waking eventually. Its muscle memory.
No don't make yourself think of anything else. That's a sure way to make it stick more. If someone said to you 'now I don't want you to think of a giraffe' then your mind will instantly think of a giraffe. Same with the thoughts. Let the thoughts be there, let them chatter away because they're going to anyway. The key is to not let them bother you, don't react with anxiety to them, and if you do that's fine, just let the anxiety wash over you. Again it takes time, but they will disappear eventually. When you suffer with this illness / condition, your body and mind becomes very tired as you constantly search for an answer and relief, and thoughts stick to a tired mind. As you recover and the anxiety eases, so too will the thoughts. An anxious body = an anxious mind.
The illness follows the same pattern for everyone .... albeit we have different worries etc, but the pattern is the same ... and recovery is there for everyone too. And to think all those years ago I thought I was the only one. I thought there HAS to be someone somewhere with the same thing. Little did I know .......
K x
Gerrymoo katecogs
Hi again Katecogs (love this nickname!)
Yes I felt I could relate to the content of this book straight away, it really explained well in a very readable way how to deal with this dreaded anxiety. It made me feel like I was more in control of what was happening to me and how to regain control of my recovery. Don't get me wrong, I've still got some ongoing issues such as the legs and not sleeping which need to drastically improve but I'm trying not to get too affected by them and hope I'm taking it more in my stride and not letting how I feel stopping me doing things.
You've been such a massive help Kay and what you say and how you put it across is so calming and friendly - I'm sure you have helped so many people in their hour of need !
I think aswel your probably right about this silly leg problem, Constant itching and burning and aching but hey ho 😀 being back at work amongst my fantastic colleagues is such a tonic too. Although it's always so busy, it's very much teamwork and mutual support - my boss said she didn't think i would get back to work I was that bad at one point so each time I finish a shift it's like a mini victory for me against this awful anxiety which came like a bolt out of the blue.
Let me know when you've finished the book - he's written a sequel so think I might get that too! Thank you so much again for all your help and encouragement
Gerry xx
katecogs Gerrymoo
Hi Gerrymoo
I had a few other weird school nicknames ...... I think friends never stop giving them
I like yours too ..... dare I ask how that came about? haha
Yes when you start reading the book you think that's it exactly!!! Every symptom is explained perfectly and like he says, it won't stop immediately, but understanding certainly stops the a lot of the fear about it. I like also that he explains every symptom is purely side effects of anxiety and to stop worrying about each individual new symptom and understand that its just anxiety. I used to tell myself that when I was recovering, though I didn't feel it, but always said 'its just anxiety'.
Anxiety does cause a lot of physical problems too, like 'crawling' legs and sleeplessness, and of course they then begin to cause anxiety, especially sleep, because we need it to feel well.
These meds also help so much too though. Sometimes we can't quite get started on the road to recovery or don't know where to start, and these meds hang onto your serotonin, making you feel happier and calmer, and in time help to break the cycle of anxiety - fear - anxiety. Though I used the book method I'd been ill for so long I needed help from medicine too (though I didn't know I was actually recoverying when I took them).
It is good being back in the throng of things isn't it. Its hard to return to work, but once back with colleagues doing normal things again, though you don't forget your illness ... (yet) ... you need to be doing your normal routine whilst recovering too. Sounds like you have some lovely work friends. Take it easy still though xx
Yes I'll let you know when I've read the book - I keep retracing my steps and rereading bits. I saw there's another book too so expect I'll buy that too. I have a number of books on this subject. So handy - especially these ones.
K xx
Gerrymoo katecogs
Hi Katecogs 😉
Yes I second everything you say ! Gerrymoo just came about cause of my name but mostly I get Gerry. Being a mum I'm used to anything and everything lol x
Take care and have a good weekend kay x
Gerry x
katecogs Gerrymoo
Ah true ..... my son has nicknames for me too
Thanks - you have a good weekend too. Bloomin freezing here!!!
K xx
leonie2703 katecogs
Hi Katecogs, not sure if the forum is still active but if so would you be so kind to message me the link to the book people have been talking about here? I am new to this. Have been put on Celexa 20 mg 2 weeks ago, had a couple of good days but had a major set back yesterday with increased anxiety, depression etc. I am so down right now, trying hard to get back on track but it's just so difficult and so worried that the medication is not going to work.
katecogs leonie2703
Hi Leonie
Yes I'll message you xx.
leonie2703 katecogs
Thanks, much appreciated. It's so difficult to keep hope and a positive attitude when in the middle of this. Trying so hard to get back on track for myself and my family and feel so discouraged right now.
katecogs leonie2703
It is a very difficult thing to go through, but you can do this. When you're in the middle of it all it seems a never ending bottomless pit of despair, but the meds will be working in the background and will really help you - though you won't really see progress for a while yet.
I've sent you a book link and the website link too, with another weblink. Read the Anxiety website as it'll explain about taking the fight out of it - trying too hard to get better just causes tension and frustration, so you need to do the opposite and give up the fight and let it happen. The site explains more. I trust the sites words 100% (and the book).
You will get better.
K x
Brye katecogs
Hi katecogs.....I'm new to all this forum stuff but I find your posts really interesting to read, you seem to know more about this illness than the doctors do...haha. I have been on citalopram for just over 3 weeks and suffering really bad, today has been a day from hell as soon as I wake up. I was wondering if you could message me this book or link everyone is talking about please?
Thanks x
katecogs Brye
Hi Brye
Yes sure - I'll message you to
You know, that feeling of gloom as soon as you wake is quite normal (at the moment) though know how hard it is. For me, even as I went through recovery I'd still wake with that gloomy dreaded feeling, but by the evening I started feeling well ..... only to wake again the next day with that dread. This happened every day throughout recovery but my days got better. So that feeling isn't always an indication of how the day will turn out ...... though I know at the moment its early days for you on meds.
It gets easier.
Haha - forgot to say, I think because I had it for so long and also read lots of books on the subject. Its very hard to understand exactly what it feels like unless you've had it, so I suppose its hard even for doctors too. My doctor was fabulous and really helped ..... yet I've seen others who weren't so good on this subject.
K x
leonie2703 Brye
Hi Brye, Hang in there and I will try to do the same. I have just started my Third week on citalopram and after experiencing a good day on Sunday I plummeted back yesterday and last night. It was absolutely horrible. I just went to the store and bought the books and hopefully that will help as well, I now seem to be doing a little bit better. Hope you're feeling a little better as well.
katecogs leonie2703
Hi Leonie
Having a good day followed by being back in it all is completely normal and seems how the meds work. Its all part of recovery. You'll have many times like this - sometimes a few hours feeling good or days, weeks followed by days or weeks feeling bad again. When those bad times comes just don't fight it - let it be, relax towards it, know its part of recovery and it will pass.
During the good days you'll feel hopeful and during the bad days you'll feel like you're back at the beginning. You're not. It also doesn't matter what dose you take you'll still go through the same process.
It gets easier ..... just let recovery happen as you can't hurry it.
K x
nicky39064 katecogs
I’m new to Citalopram day 15. I would love to know what book this is, would it be possible to send it in a private message please. I’m literally willing to try anything to overcome this.
katecogs nicky39064
Hi Nicky
Will do - I'll private message you too.
michael62588 katecogs
katecogs michael62588
leonie2703 katecogs
Had to reread this message today to feel a little bit more encouraged and to accept it's all part of recovery. Had a few really bad days, I feel I am back at square one. 6 days ago I was switched to the brand Celexa instead of generic (every pharmacy here has a different generic). My doctor prefers to have consistency since I am sensitive to medications. Since switching from generic to brand starting 6 days ago it feels I have all the side effects again I had when I started weeks ago, increased anxiety, thoughts that go around in loops etc. I know it will pass and I have to relax towards it but it feels so discouraging at times.
katecogs leonie2703
I've read from a few people on this site that they've felt a huge difference when they've taken a generic meds compared to the branded one, and have read that though the inactive ingredient can differ (that being the shell of the meds), the active ingredient is the same. That could mean some are more sensitive to something in the difference of the meds though.
It is hard to accept feeling like this and all the backwards and forwards - its very tiring. Yes meds increase and changes can cause the side effects again which are increased anxiety - and of course, with anxiety comes those looped thoughts all of which are just a side effect of anxiety. It will go - really it will, even though you can't feel it or even imagine it. Once back in the anxiety all positive thoughts go out the window ........ but once the anxiety starts to ease you'll see those thoughts will ease too. So don't try and get rid of the thoughts, they're just a side effect. Its like trying to curb a runny nose when you've got a cold - you know its a side effect of the cold and know it'll go once the cold goes away.
I used to just hang onto that thought 'it will pass, the thoughts are a side effect and will go once the anxiety goes'. I didn't feel it, but I said it to myself anyway.
And yes, it did all go away in time.
leticia89168 katecogs
If you have a chance I'd love to know which book has been so helpful to people on here. On week 8 and doing well for now, but could always use some motivation.
katecogs leticia89168
Hi Leticia
I'll have to private message you with the details as any reference to books / websites will get deleted by the moderators here
K x
Mylo88 katecogs
I love your inspiration it’s super helpful. this is my third time dealing with an anxiety issue and citalopram.i was wondering if you could provide me with the link to the book.
ac2667 katecogs
Hi katecogs, I love your posts. Could you please private message me the book you've been talking about? Thank you!
katecogs Mylo88
Hi Mylo
Yes sure, I'll message you with the link. I'm sure it'll be very helpful for you. Understanding has been a huge help in my recovery and also preventing from it all returning too.
K x
katecogs ac2667
Hi ac
Yes I'll post you the link too
K x
gilip katecogs
katecogs gilip
Hi gilip
Haha am I?
Yes I'll send you the link too xxx
leonie2703 katecogs
I have shared the resources with my own GP and therapist as I so related to everything in there. Hopefully my GP and therapist will share with other patients who are in this horrible spot and shared them in my own community with families who have been struggling with anxiety issues. We are all helping each other and being supportive of each other is very important in trying to get to the other side of the tunnel. Thank you!!
katecogs leonie2703
hi Leonie
Just passing on what helped me and see ... you're already passing on to help others too!!
Yes its good to help each other. I also found it related to everything I read in the books too - it was the first time ever anything made sense to me, and more than psychologist had back then.
8 weeks - yes still fairly early. Progress is slow - I remember it trickled in, in fact so slow I hardly noticed it happening. But yes the anxiety eased slightly for me, but it was still there. But little by little things eased off and I started getting little glimpses of 'myself' and it was a great relief. Those little glimpses just happened at night for me - just 10 mins to start with, which slowly grew over the months.
It often takes a long time to become unwell with anxiety and so it'll take equally the same amount of time to heal too.
K xx
fay_P katecogs
If you don’t mind can you send me the book and web link you are talking about !
Need some help through this hard time which I pray to be just a memory soon
Thank you
F x
katecogs fay_P
Hi fay
I'll private message you these too as can't post links on the forum. xx
matthew28493 katecogs
Could you forward me the book as well. I find for me it helps to read as and learn as much as I can about this. Also, I read through your past posts and kept noticing you talking about relaxing into the feelings, did you follow any guide for this or was it something you developed yourself? I started a mindfulness program that sounds very similar but is hard to cultivate. Any additional tips or guides would be great.
kelly58470 katecogs
Thanks so much! Need all the help I can get :-).
katecogs matthew28493
Hi Matthew
Yes I'll send you the link to via private message. Relaxing into the feelings I learnt through a book too - I'll tell you about it in the message. I expect the Mindfulness programme could be along similar lines, as I think this method is becoming more recognised now.
It is a simple method and one that makes perfect sense - but it is hard to do as you have to work with the anxiety there. But its something that you'll always have with you, and its certainly worked for me.
katecogs kelly58470
Hi Kelly
Will do. I'll send via private message xx.
ruby62302 katecogs
Hi katecogs, can you send it to me too?
Really appreciate all the info you've put here... I needed it today.
Thank you!
linda33785 katecogs
katecogs linda33785
Hi Linda - yes I'll message you xx.
sarah61746 katecogs
Hi katecogs could also send me the link please, I am struggling at the moment had 4 good days last week, now I am having bad days! I'm 24 days into citalopram, been on 20mg for 14 days. Your words of wisdom have given me hope thankyoux
katecogs sarah61746
Yes will do. Those good and bad days are all part of recovery
jane53775 katecogs
Just started on Citalopram (12 days in) hoping a better general understanding will ease my journey
Tvm xx
katecogs jane53775
Will sent you the link too via message. Yes it really does help knowing whats happening - takes away the scary mystery.
roisin48039 katecogs
Katecogs can you provide links to books appreciate all the help you have given on this forum.
Thank you
katecogs roisin48039
matthew28493 katecogs
Forgot to say, Thanks for the recommendation! I have already ordered the 2nd book but am hopeful that by the time it arrives I won't even feel the need for it
katecogs matthew28493
Hey Matthew
Oh my gosh I'm so glad the book has been beneficial already!!!
Its very true what it says about getting out and doing instead of avoiding, feel the fear and do it anyway. Yes incredibly difficult and uncomfortable, but you're beginning to break the habit / cycle of anxiety.
Being on your own at the weekend with your own thoughts is fine too - its another part of 'don't avoid'. Be with those thoughts, let them race, know they're just a side effect of the anxiety and will go once the anxiety goes. Go for a walk, cycle ride or something, as being outside is quite a breath of fresh air too.
It won't of course all stop anxiety dead in its tracks, but working towards facing it and letting it just be, helps to reverse the process and breaks the cycle of anxiety / fear / anxiety.
Understanding anxiety is so beneficial along with the medication.
Yes the second book is equally brilliant, it answers many questions that weren't covered in the first.
Even though I'm recovered I still dip into the books occasionally - I just find them so interesting.
K x
matthew28493 katecogs
katecogs matthew28493
julie92859 katecogs
I am nearly 6 months in 20mg fluoxetine mornings are so bad on high alert feel like I never go get better I am 62 suffered anxiety in bouts since I was 22 this is my second time of fluoxetine it took a long time last time but this time I feel that it's gone v deep feel afraid I not coming back any advice
katecogs julie92859
It can take longer second time on meds and mornings are usually the worst time for us. Did the Fluoxetine work the first time? My first time on meds it took around 6 months and the second time about 8 months.
No matter how deep you feel you've become in the anxiety / depression, you can still recover from it. We always think the worst too - our thoughts turn negative when suffering with anxiety. An anxious body creates an anxious mind - they go hand in hand together. When you start feeling better your thoughts will change.
You will get over this - the meds worked before and they will again.
K x
julia98265 katecogs
Hi katecogs
I'm new to this forum, after reading your posts you have given me some reassurance and so wanted to message you...I have been on citalopram 10mg 1 week, 20mg 4 weeks, and 30mg 2 weeks, and my anxiety is still through the roof and my depression is still there. Do you think it should be working by now, ? I'm finding it soooo difficult.
Awaiting your reassuring reply
katecogs julia98265
Hi Julia
Sorry for the delay in replying.
7 (ish) weeks is still quite early - these meds can take months before you even start seeing small changes, and often those changes go unnoticed because people look for something different. Recovery can be so slight and you don't just start feeling well - and everyone is different too.
So whilst the meds are working, you won't notice it yet - so yes, they are working.
It is very difficult as we want to be well now. Time should be a healer, not an enemy.
It was 3 months before I started noticing changes and 6 months before I'd recovered. This isn't the same for everyone as it takes everyone their own time to heal.
Keep on going - you've gone a long way already, yet there's still more time to pass.
K x
julia98265 katecogs
katecogs julia98265
Hi Julia
It does seem never-ending - every day you wake up its like ground-hog day, having to go over the same feelings and thoughts yet again. You just can't hurry recovery, and if you try it'll just make things worse. Your body will do it in its own time, so let recovery come to you and don't chase it.
Mmmmm ....... meds doses are all so personal to each person. What works for one doesn't mean it'll work for another, so whilst one person will recover on 10mg another might on 40mg. The bigger the dose doesn't mean you'll recover any quicker than a smaller dose - it just doesn't seem to work like that. Whatever dose you take you'll still go through the same side effects, same time, same setbacks etc etc - as said its just what personally suits your particular body.
Having said that I do know lots of people struggle on 40mg - this means they have constant side effects, and they've found after a while on them just a simple reduction sort this out. 40mg is the maximum dose.
I recovered on 20mg which took 6 months. That dose and time was personal for my body type though - it can take longer / shorter for others and a different dose too.
All I can say is to give each dose a long time - if by about 3 months you haven't seen any sign of anything happening then talk to your doctor about a dose adjustment. These signs can sometimes be hard to spot though because people often assume you'll just get better as if from a cold. Throughout my 6 months recovery I woke every day with anxiety, but by the end of the day it had gone. I'd wake again the next day and go through it all again (hence ground-hog day)
Even though I'd wake like that, my day would end and I'd feel completely normal, anxiety free. This normal feeling slowly spread more into my days until most of my day felt like that. At 6 months I started waking up completely anxiety free. Throughout this time too I'd still get setbacks, which feels like you're back at the beginning. This is completely normal - and is also something people mistake as the medication not working. It is - and in fact it shows the meds ARE working.
So at 3 months you might feel one side effect has eased i.e. a racing heart, or it may be your mind isn't racing quite so much, or you're not feeling so sweaty (yes that can happen). Often these things ease one at a time, not altogether. This is why it can be hard to see recovery because you expect something miraculous to happen instead. But it does get easier until the anxiety stops.
So if you don't see anything at all around 3 months then consider changing the dose.
I'll private message you about a book and link that'll be helpful.
K x
julia98265 katecogs
lois95799 katecogs
caroline19777 katecogs
Interested about books on anxiety and websites u mention as struggling, could u PM them please?
Many thanks,
marsha18334 katecogs
Rosie_Roo Gerrymoo
One of my main symptoms is burning and wobbly arms and legs so it’s a real help to hear of someone with the same strange symptom. Would you be able to send me a link or the name of the book please?
Many thanks
leonie2703 katecogs
To everyone who is out there who is suffering from this illness please hang in there and don't give up. It will get better. I am now almost 6 months in and have started to finally have normal days again and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. After 3 months I was bumped up to 30 mg and after 4 months I was bumped up to 40 mg. In the first 4 months it was this website, the resources Katecogs recommended and great medical and mental health support that kept me going but it's a very long process and it was by far the worst time in my life. Your symptoms don't disappear overnight and will not be gone after a few weeks of citalopram use. It is so difficult to see recovery yourself but it is there doing its thing in the background. I had to look back not to days but to weeks and sometimes even months to see the immense progress I made. The books kate recommended made so much sense, it clicked and for me I knew that implementing those techniques would help me get better. The only problem was that I had trouble implementing the "floating" techniques described in the book. I struggled with how to float through some of the very difficult emotional states associated with anxiety and depression. For me the solution to this was taking a mindfulness course and through that I learned to implement that "floating" technique. I just wanted to share this in case other people have a similar problem with learning how to "float" and just want to encourage you all to hang in. Katecogs once again thank you much for sharing those resources on this blog. They have helped tremendously.
lois95799 leonie2703
katecogs caroline19777
katecogs marsha18334
Hi Marsha
What meds were you on for years before Celexa? I took meds for 16 years before being switch to Citalopram (Celexa) and within 6 months I recovered. I also found knowledge about anxiety really helped too and together I was able to recover. I'll send you a link.
Don't be in a hurry to increase meds - do it gradual. You won't know which dose is best for your individual body unless you've given them chance to settle. I recovered on 20mg but some people find less suits them more, and some prefer a higher dose.
It can be 3 months before you even start noticing any slight improvement to any symptom, and often people don't think they're recovering because improvements go unnoticed because they're so slight. Things started happening for me around 3 months but it wasn't until 6 months that I felt recovered - and even after that I had a few wobbles.
K x
katecogs leonie2703
Hi Leonie
Its so good to see you recovering - and so glad those resources helped. Though I had my info originally from a different book many years ago that information helped me recover along with meds too - I was so excited by these books too (Gerrymoo initially passed me the link last year - thanks Gerrymoo). Yes these books make so much sense.
Yep, I also had difficulty understanding what floating meant too initially (from my original book source) but more reading, more understanding and much more time passed before it began to sink in.
I'm so pleased for you - and of course, we can now all pass our knowledge onto others who struggle. Keep the knowledge going
K x
katecogs lois95799
christos88 katecogs
your words are very helpful for me, please send me a link too if possible!
Gerrymoo katecogs
You're welcome Kay, it's great to see and hear that so many are finding the link useful. It was a godsend to me in my time of need!
I decided to try and taper off my 20mg dose. Not sure if there's a better way to do it but I am snipping the end off a 20mg tablet, been do I g that for 2 weeks and just a bit of lethargy - any ideas on where to go from here . Cheers everyone and thanks again Kay x
christos88 Gerrymoo
katecogs Gerrymoo
Hi Gerrymoo!!!
That book link has certainly proved so popular!! The method is exactly what I used when I recovered too and it just makes perfect sense.
When I reduced my Citalopram I did it by 5mg over about 1-2 months each reduction. I bought a pill cutter and cut the 20mg tablet into 4 making each piece 5mg and when I got down to the last piece I crushed it as was too small to cut further, and took half the powder. After many more months I then took even half of that which ended up being a few grains on the end of my finger
My plan was 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 / 2.5 / 1.25 / 0 which took around a year. I didn't get any effects from tapering off as it was so small each time.
You can taper off less than 5mg each time if you crushed it too.
K xx
katecogs christos88
Hi Christos
Yes it is
I did private message you a couple of days ago with the link and see you haven't seen it yet. Messages are at the top left of these pages 
K x
margit97032 katecogs
katecogs margit97032
ana55369 katecogs
Hi Kate, I'm new in this forum, but I have been reading your posts which have been very helpful to me. I'm entering my 15 weeks (20 mg) and I'm still not feeling good. Yes, there are few times that I feel fine, but after 15 weeks, I really thought I would feel much better. The only reason I'm keeping taking them is because of your posts and that gives me encouragement. Anyway, can you please send me the link of that book? I would like to get it, maybe that will help me with my anxiety. Thanks Kate
katecogs ana55369
Hi Ana
Recovery really does take a long time - longer than people anticipate. It creeps up so slowly most people don't recognise changes because they expect to feel something different - so its easily overlooked. Small changes can happen one at a time sometimes, and that could be changes in your sleep, appetite, not feeling so emotional or tired etc. People expect the anxiety to ease. For me anxiety was the last symptom to go and that was at 6 months, though by then everything had got easier and I was having increasing periods of feeling happy and normal.
Throughout my recovery the anxiety went and came back too (setbacks) so don't be too surprised to feel like you're winning one day and back to square one the next.
Recovery time and experience is different for everyone and so are symptoms. What one person reports won't be what someone else is going through.
Let it happen for you in its own time - to keep watching and waiting just adds frustration.
I'll private message you with the link.
K x
steve26624 katecogs
Hi Katecogs,
I contacted you on another thread to thank you for all of your kind, helpful words to everyone.
I'm 12 weeks in, (4 on 10mg , 8 on 20mg) and still feeling very down, negative and a wee bit anxious.
Would you be so kind as to send me the link for the book you've mentioned?
Thank you. Steve
katecogs steve26624
Hi Steve
It does take a long time for the meds to settle - each dose increase also piles on more side effects so you need to give each increase lots of time to settle as your brain adjusts. 12 weeks is good - just keep going. Yes I'll send you the link too.
K x
Jac71 katecogs
Hi Katecogs
Could you send me a link to the book
Please, I'm 6 months in and feel a bit lost.
cherub margit97032
Could you forward me the link to this book please
cherub Jac71
If you have the link for the book could you forward it to me please
katecogs Jac71
Hi Jac
Will do - I'll private message you.
cherub katecogs
Can u send the link to me please
katecogs cherub
I have done already - its by private message. Can't post links here or they'll get deleted. Look in your Inbox.
K x
cherub katecogs
I have not received it. I have looked in my private message box but it is empty, Am I looking in the right place?
katecogs cherub
That's strange - I can't find it either now. I'm certain I sent it (must have been having a brain crash moment).
I'll send it again.
K x
katecogs cherub
mrs_susan74280 katecogs
HI was just wondering are you still on them if so what dose thanks
kerry04017 katecogs
Hi ive been on Citalopram 20mg for 1 year due to chronic pain which made me depressed/anxious. I came off 8 weeks ago and was put on Amitytiptyline. I had 10 of them and was too tired on them so came off 6 days ago. Then i had a huge panuc attack 2 nights ago, was agitated couldnt sleep foggy brain, crying etc, so was told to go back on Citalopram 20mg. I know it takes time but am i back to square one? Could i have the link to book too please 😃
mrs_susan74280 katecogs
Could you send me the link for book please
Cara424 katecogs
I really needed reassurance today and read your reply here while searching. It helped me a lot. Thank you. can you send me the link as well?
katecogs kerry04017
Hi Kerry
How long did you take coming off Citalopram? Coming off too quick will result in withdrawal symptoms which either start immediately or can be delayed. The return of panic attacks and / or anxiety can be withdrawal. I spent a whole year coming off these meds and avoid all withdrawal effects by doing it that slow.
It will help returning to the meds though - yes it will take a while for the meds to take effect and it depends how long you've been off them. For me restarting meds took longer second time around (first time was 6 months) but that doesn't mean that'll be the same for you.
The meds worked before so they should work again - just give them time.
I'll also send you that link.
K x
katecogs mrs_susan74280
No I'm not on the meds anymore - came off them a while ago now.
katecogs Cara424
Hi Cara
Glad my post was reassuring. Yes I'll send you the link too.
K x
babsyboo nicky39064
How are u doing ?
What's the does u on ? Are u on 20 MG Celexa
Hope things are going better for you
just wanted to check
babsyboo debbie17569
Hi debbie17569
I too get anxiety attacks and when they really bad I have to help myself by taking lorazapam . I don't like to take them but @ this moment I need to until I get to the point of this Celexa were I don't need them anymore because the anxiety is gone or has stopped
I am also on 25 MG Celexa just like u today is my 21 day on them
So I am waiting on getting better with each day
gemma15527 katecogs
Hi Kate,
I would really appreciate the link for the book too please.
Thanks so much.
katecogs gemma15527
Ok xx
Cara424 katecogs
I Read the book but I'm not sure how it relates to all of us who do take medication in hopes of feeling better. I don't have panic attacks or social phobias. So how are you suppose to just accept the anxiety. He doesn't mention anything about the physiology behind anxiety. There is something chemically going on with us...low seretonin etc so you can't just ignore that.
lois95799 Cara424
totally agree with you cara.iam all team katecogs but i also suspect something Chemical.
katecogs Cara424
Hi Cara
So the author didn’t take medication, but his method AND meds work brilliant in conjunction with each other. His book is how CBT is taught too.
Yes his book talks of panic attacks and social phobia but these were his conditions, and the book relates to all anxieties, fears, phobias - they’re all treated the same - whatever your personal fear. My particular fears aren’t in his book and I didn’t have social phobia or panic attacks either, so not everything in his book will relate to each person, but the majority of it will.
Indeed meds work on the neurotransmitter, Serotonin, and however your particular anxiety starts, it will probably start off a chemical reaction. Most anxiety starts from stress, and stress in itself affects our neurotransmitters. From there your thoughts and fears will compound and will further alter the chemicals. No he doesn’t talk of the physiology behind anxiety, but what he talks about does actively affect the chemicals.
Yes some people are low on Serotonin - but what made them like that to start with? Stress maybe? Their lifestyle? When low Serotonin starts happening it can lead to a chain reaction - the anxiety cycle - and that where you get stuck.
Personally for me, when I was just taking meds and being completely in the dark with this fearsome ‘thing’ that was happening to me, I didn’t know which way to turn and dealt with it much as everybody else does. You try and run away, because that the most natural thing your body wants to do. When I started reading about why we become anxious in the first place and how we keep ourselves in the cycle of anxiety, it made perfect sense. I had been dealing with anxiety in the wrong way - each symptom led back to anxiety, so it was feeding itself.
Just knowing how anxiety works took away a lot of my fear, it didn’t cure me, but it put things into perspective and I could see the pathway out. Following it however was harder than I thought and yes I needed medication too. But that knowledge I learnt helped me so much in my recovery and as I got better I could see exactly what the book meant. When you’re in the middle of anxiety you can’t see anything but doom, gloom and anxiety - but when you start coming out of it your thoughts and feelings change.
Accepting the anxiety. That was something I couldn’t understand either when I first read about that. What did it mean? Sure I had anxiety, I acknowledged it …… was that it? No. Accepting means obviously knowing you have anxiety, know that you can’t just get rid of it overnight, know it’ll take a long time, know that you take it with you on your recovery journey, and its about learning not to get anxious about being anxious. Anxiety produces many side effects and people go about over analysing what each sensation means, each thought, runs away from them all ……. but by doing that you simply add more anxiety onto the anxiety you already have. They are just side effects of anxiety - you will not have them once the anxiety goes, so why worry about them? Its anxiety that is the root.
Some people say ‘ok I’ve accepted the anxiety, but why have I still got it’? That is not accepting. You can’t accept something and still complain about it. You have to live with the anxiety (for now), ‘ignore’ it in the special way the book talks of, take anxiety with you and slowly your body becomes desensitised.
This is absolutely true.
All of this is in the book - each symptom, why you have it, how it then leads to another symptom etc etc. The book talks of ‘doing nothing’ and that is something else to master too.
Some people get it the instant they read the book, and some people just don’t.
So yes, it is chemical related, and yes, we do this to ourselves (unknowingly). Yes meds are essential for many (it hangs onto Serotonin making us feel better over time), and yes the book method will alter your chemicals too.
Both together are super.
Cara424 katecogs
thanks for your take on the book. Thats what I was thinking but it is reassuring to hear from someone who is also taking medication. I still need to take a benzo when I feel to in edge which sends me on the anxiety worry loop but than was thinking if I follow his advice, I shouldn't give in and take it. But I just can't do that yet. I also wanted to start journaling and tracking how I feel but isn't that just focusing in anxiety to much instead if ignoring it? I do try to change my thought to "I am experiencing" anxiety right now rather than I "have" anxiety.
babsyboo katecogs
Hi katecogs
I been on a long road of different MG of Celexa for almost 6 month one
first on 10 MG for 10 days the uped to 15 MG for 8 days then uped to 20 MG for 4 weeks then uped to 30 for 7 weeks , yes by a Dr
so then back down from 30 MG of Celexa to 25 MG because the 30 MG was to high for me
I been though all this because I can't handle med hat well so we had to start very low and slow
so my question is do they all count as my coming out or do u start all new on each dose you on at that time ?
Like I'm on 25mg right now for almost 5 weeks
also is that normal for me to still get side effects like weak , nosia , shaking , anxiety attacks and so on
please let me know something ,kind of worried .
babsyboo katecogs
Hi katecogs
about what you are saying on the top here and what's in the book
that I never got to read 😕
I got sick and after being sick awhile the anxiety came then after the anxiety the depression came what is normal , they both come together most the time
so I got this way not by stress but by being sick .
so it can come in all kind of ways the anxiety ..... fear ........depression and so on , do I get that right
And now I get to fight the Celexa and hope I be me sooooooon again
thank you for all you do and for charing babsyboo
katecogs Cara424
It is very hard to put yourself in the situation and follow Paul’s advice, and of course it wouldn’t just be the once either but would be many times. This will eventually take you through anxiety and your body will desensitise.
Journaling your path through anxiety is an excellent idea. No I don’t think its focusing on it too much - you can ‘ignore’ it at other times.
katecogs babsyboo
Yes all time spent on the meds is counted - you count from day 1 regardless of what dose you start on. Afterall the medicine is in your system, whether it be a small dose or a larger one.
Its normal to still get side effects at 5 weeks after changing your dose yes. Everybody is different so there’s no one true path or timescale to follow - it differs from person to person.
Yes anxiety can be the result of stress, shock/trauma, taking drugs etc., and fear of anxiety always follows along with fear of the side effects. Both then produce more anxiety. Not everyone gets depression too but many do.
amanda56983 katecogs
HI CURRENTLY on an increase of CITALOPRAM drops and feeling worse. LOVELY To hear words of support on here. could i have the link to the books/resources please?
gill2581 katecogs
Hi Katcogs
I've just read your post I know it was posted a while ago. Ive gad anxiety that leads ti depression since i was a child. Id been on Lexapro for about 10years with blips here and there because of bereavements. Through a few normal life events This year i developed irritable bowel... My doctor reduced lexapro and told me to come off it. Spent about 3 weeks crying. Then put on25mg Sertraline, couldn't drive my son to school which caused huge anxiety!! She told me to come off it and go on 10mg Celexa for 2 weeks then up it 20mg. I did notice a big difference the crying stopped and i can drive short journeys. Im 7weeks in and i feel so low im sleeping on and off but i feel crappy. I feel heaviness on my chest most of the dizzy on and off.. A d dark strange thoughts..... Is this normal... Thanks Gill x
katecogs gill2581
Hi Gill
Oooh thats a lot of different meds - was that just in this year? - how long did you spend coming off Lexapro?
Swapping meds is going to cause you anxiety - so swapping yet again and then increasing after only 2 weeks is going to play havoc with your body. Not surprised you feel the way you do.
These meds can’t be used like this - they don’t act like other medicines so you can’t stop and start and change doses that quick. Recovering takes a long, long time so you wouldn’t have felt any benefit from the Sertaline. I expect you’re suffering withdrawing and start up mixed up.
Anyhow - now you’re on Celexa just stick with that and the dose too. It’ll take a while for your body to settle down - probably much longer than 7 weeks. Give it months.
Dark thoughts are a side effct of anxiety - I had them too. Its perfectly normal.
I’ll message you.
gill2581 katecogs
Hi Kate. Yea a lot of people are telling me this. I am going to stick with the Celexa. I feel so guilty my son seeing me like this also this time of year isnt helping either!My counsellor says ive complicated grief that ive surpressed.! Ive checked out that link and it is very insightful some times i think i fight it too much. Im going to try & go with the flow..... Thanks again for your support
katecogs gill2581
Yes it does pay to stick with one meds and one dose for a very long time - it takes an age for your body to settle down.
Try not to feel guilty - you can't help it anymore than if you had any other illness or condition. Its not your fault. I used to tell my children that I was feeling a bit poorly and I'd be well soon.
K x
gill2581 katecogs
Thanks for that Kate x
dubry7605074 katecogs
Hi katecogs. can uou send me link to the book too plz? Hope you're well and enjoyed the New Years
vicky38537 katecogs
hi Kate, I'd love to know what the book is you're all discussing - could you possibly send me the link to it please? I've been struggling for 3 months with anxiety and am trying to learn all I can to help myself. Thank you Vicky
katecogs vicky38537
I'll message you vicky38537 x
que38974 katecogs
What book are you guys referring to?
katecogs que38974
I'll send you a message too que38974 - can't quote the book here or the post will be deleted by Admin.
alanj katecogs
katecogs alanj
Hi alanj
Will do. I'll message you.
K x
Brandi2010 katecogs
Hello, I know this is an old post but I have been searching for encouragement through this site. I have recently been increased to 30 mg of citalopram from 20 mg which I was on for at least 2 years. right now I am struggling. I feel like I will be stuck like this forever. after my first full week of the increase I felt somewhat normal for a few days then woke up one day around 2 weeks on 30mg and came crashing down. I've been down ever since with a few fleeting moments of hope. my doctor had said within a week I would be back to myself but after reading several posts this doesn't seem to be accurate, thank goodness. anyways I guess just talking about it helps, sorry for the rambling. but could you please send me the book you have been referring to. Thanks so much
lisa46011 katecogs
hi not sure if tou are still on this site.
id be so grateful for a link to that book please x
katecogs Brandi2010
Hi Brandi
Sorry for the delay.
No, the meds don’t work like that - they take an age to work and often doctors do seem to underestimate how long they take.
So you’ve been on 20mg and haven’t had a break but just increased? Any increase will give you side effects - sometimes people don’t feel them for the first week then they hit them.
I’ll private message you.
katecogs lisa46011
Hi Lisa - yes I'm still on this site 😀 I'll private message you too.
sue23850 katecogs
HI Katecogs
just wanted to say how helpful you have been to me and i am sure many others. Many of us were under the impression that we would feel great after a few weeks but sadly most of the time this is not the case and therefore dose upped before first one has had time to work. i have been on 10 mg for 9 weeks and just beginning to see the odd good day. You said a while ago to measure recovery in months and not weeks and this is so true. Bless you for being there for us.
katecogs sue23850
Hi Sue
Yes that’s so right - everyone is given the impression that you’ll be well in a few weeks of taking medicine, but it just doesn’t work like that. I think doctors think meds work like other meds - take a pill and slowly everything will be ok.
Sadly it doesn’t work like that and its such a shame that people get their hopes up and are then filled with even more anxiety and dread when things don’t happen as they thought.
Yes absolutely - meds and recovery from anxiety needs so much time, and much more time than you’d think. You just cannot rush this at all and trying to do so just ends up with more frustration and anxiety. Recovery creeps up so slowly and most people seem to follow a similar process. You also take anxiety with you along your recovery journey - you don’t just lose it one day, but instead it’ll come back time after time (just to say hello) and this slowly phases out.
Definitely count recovery in months, not weeks. If the doctor says 6-8 weeks then take that as 6-8 months.
Understanding anxiety plays a huge part in recovery - I've just messaged you with the book too.
K x
sue23850 katecogs
Many thanks. Details of book received and now ordered. Just wanted to ask. Get occasional brain zaps which only last seconds but so scary. Looking this up it seems to be a symptom when you are reducing anti depressants. Have you or anyone else experienced these.
lois95799 sue23850
i have experience brain zaps from celexa.but it will pass they are scary but once i learn it was a side effect of the celexa i just let it be.and yes it is a side effect of withdraw but also a side effect of starting.
sue23850 lois95799
Thanks Lois. All these side effects to deal with. Such fun.
katecogs sue23850
Yes agree with Lois.
Brain zaps can be a symptom of withdrawal - I had them when I first came off meds. They're perfectly harmless and I always think they're similar to when a fly gets zapped in a blue light. Its usually because your brain is missing the meds - totally harmless.
One way to minimise this is to reduce at a lower dose - my second time coming off meds I did it by 5mg over 1-2 months each reduction and I didn't get any withdrawal effects at all that time. Took me a year to come off completely, and this works whether just reducing or coming off. You can even reduce by a smaller dose too.
dubry7605074 katecogs
Hi Kate. I'm now down to 10mg from 20. I took your advice. Went from 20-15, 15-12.5, and now at 10 and feel great. I will recover, then go to maybe 7.5mg and take it slow. Hope you are well. Thanks again for everything
lisa79412 katecogs
HI kay,
would you be able to send me the link for the book please.
katecogs dubry7605074
Hey dubry. Am so pleased you've managed to lower your meds and still feel good - yes it really pays to go slow. Yes I'm very well thanks xx.
katecogs lisa79412
Hi Lisa. Will do.
Fearheartproble katecogs
Hi dear... How r u. I hope u will get well soon. Best wishes for your health. I want some advise from you.
I hv heart condition from last five years. I write many posts. People helps me and also some said me joker and actor etc. So i dont want to discuss all of that. Dr and some people said i have anxiety and i need proper and complete treatment of this. So short story is this physycrist give me citaprolam 20 mg 2 times a day. So 40 mg per day. But i took it already from previous psychr advise. So now psychrist said i need complete treatment and i hv to take this minimum two month. I start is 10 mg . i mean 20 mg per day. But very bad effects. All time sleepy. Slow brain. Brain fog. Not active brain and thought. Pain in brain veins. Feels brain is blasting.
So i think it is eat and creaping my brain. And if i took 40 mg per day it will make me totally fail.
Please guide me do i need to continue it. I m just on day 5. Do i need to increase 10 to 20.
Dear i already tired to visit and admitted in hospital emergency many time due to heart. I have heart sinking and droping problem. Dr said it anxiety. So please advise me what i do.
lyndawal katecogs
I have just come across this Forum and it is so interesting.
I can relate on so many levels - I too have been on Cipramil for over 10 years.
Originally 10mg which sorted my anxiety out in a few months but carried on taking. I then had a relapse about 6 months ago totally out of the blue (after 9.5 years!), and Doctor upped my dose to 20mg.
I went through the worsening phase for a couple of months and though things eased off a little, it did not work completely so Doctor upped me again to 30mg - 20 in the morning 10 in the evening.
This was about 2 months ago but I an still suffering the nausea - mainly every morning.
I have been given Cyclizine - an ant-sickness and take this to combat the sickness and it does work but sometimes flares up again later in the day.
I have been told that upping dosage makes the anxiety worse and have felt like just stopping the tablets all together but that's probably not a good idea - especially as I am going away to America for hols next week - I am probably anxious about felling anxious with the stress of the airport, etc!
Hoping when I finally get there I can chill and come back a new person!
I too would love to get hold of this book that is being mentioned - could some-one send me the link too?
gemma77546 katecogs
Hi Katecogs, I hope you dont mind me messaging you but you helped me so much last year along with Lois. I've been on 30mg of citalopram for a good seven months now and I mostly have good days, but for the first time in four months I'm having a tricky few days with it. Is this normal, I suppose I just feel frustrated that its back again. I hope its just a blip and I soon feel ok again. x
victoria68136 katecogs
read all your helpful txts on here
but i am hoping you will find this from me
i will try to cut this short
badically last july out of the blue i woke up with severe panic
i was on cit 40mg for around 5 years it was a miracle that my panic and anxiety ended but as said last july i just woke up with this crippling panic and doom
i went to my doc and she said maybe there arnt working anymore and swiched me to sertraline
i have been on these since
started at 25 then up to 100 then i felt bad again so they told me to go down which i did
i was on 50 mg
i was on them altogether 10 months
and i wasnt getting any relief
now i eventually saw a psy and she said go back on cit at 10mg its been 13 days on them and i feel so unbalanced dizzy just horrible
waking up crack of dawn in fear
i am taking diaz now 2mg a day but this unbalance feeling scares me
also my periods are all over the place
just dont know what to do
i am wondering if its the menopause on way or its the switching and changing meds
plz could you help
Hi Lisa
Sorry for the delay - I can't message you as you need to enable this function on your account. If you do that I'll send you the link.
K x
Ignore that Lisa - just found the link for you.
katecogs Fearheartproble
Hi Fearheartproble
40mg is a very high dose for your first introduction to these meds and you won't know if this dose would suit you until you've tried a smaller dose., so you're right to start on just 20mg. Just don't be in a hurry to increase the dose for a very long time.
Yes these meds will give you some unpleasant side effects at first - its quite normal to have brain fog, feeling sleepy, slow brain etc., it will wear off in time.
Taking a higher dose will not make you better any quicker - you cannot hurry your recovery at all. Generally its best to let the dose settle for a good 4 weeks before increasing, but you really do not want to go to 40mg yet.
Do you take medicine for any heart problems?
Fearheartproble katecogs
Thank you very much for your answer. Yes i m taking beta lok zol 100 mg for heart. My main problem is heart issue. I feel my heart is going down. I m 38/year old. But when i walk or do any work and then take rest my heart going to sinking. Cardiologist took my tests and mostly tests r normal. They did my CT Angio and it result is unobstructive arteries study. Now i m in great trouble from last 4 month. I m in hospital emergency in every second day. Doctors say i have anxiety but i dont believe. I visit psychologist and he give me citalopram. He said you must have take this medicine for two month and dont eat other medicine. But i have to take them because of heart sinking. Dont know what i do. My life is ruined.
katecogs lyndawal
Hi lyndawal
Sorry, by the time you read this you're probably already on your hols in America. Hope it's a great holiday - such a beautiful country to visit!
When you had your relapse, were you going through any stressful events at the time or leading up to it? Anxiety is a result of stress, and though the meds will help you recover from anxiety, you also need to listen to your body. If you overwork your body (burning the candle at both ends), have a stressful event or even trauma etc then this can produce anxiety again because this is a normal response. However ... once you feel anxiety you can panic about it and this will start the process off again.
The medicine you take should play its part and the anxiety should be short lived, but because your doctor has increased your meds this will increase anxiety initially - as you found. But you need to give the meds much longer, because often you'll feel better then worse, then better etc.
Now your doctor has increased your meds again you'll be going through the same process. A bigger dose doesn't necessarily help, but instead you need to let the current dose settle for a long time.
Personally I wouldn't be in a hurry to increase meds too quick as each dose needs a looooooong time to settle. I've seen many people increase meds quick, their body can't cope with the side effects, they decrease which gives them withdrawal effect (that mixed with the increase side effects) and people then find themselves in a mess.
I'll send you the book link. It explains all about the anxiety cycle, why it starts and how we get stuck in it and how to get out of it. It's simple, but it's not easy. But it works.
katecogs gemma77546
Hi Gemma
Glad things have been going well - and yes it can be a blip. I had them after I’d recovered, though they didn’t come with such force by then. But sometimes when a blip crops up we automatically start fearing it and worry and frustration keeps it lingering just a little longer.
Best thing to do is to just let the feeling be there, however bad or annoying it feels. Don’t question it, don’t mull it over in your head, just accept its a blip. Don’t try and get rid of the feeling either.
Instead take life at a gentle pace - everything. Get to bed early, don’t overuse any screens, try and take a walk daily …… by not ‘watching’ it or worrying about it, then it will pass. This always works.
I’m sure its a blip.
K x,
katecogs victoria68136
Hi Victoria
Often when panic strikes, even when we’re on meds, then is usually because something stressful has been happening in your life. Overworking, a stressful event or even trauma.
Sometimes people find their brand of medicine has changed and some do react to this.
40mg is the maximum meds you can take on Citalopram (Celexa) and some people don’t tolerate this high dose (though you were fine on it for 5 years).
When you switched meds, was it done slowly, because doing it too quick can cause side effects, anxiety, withdrawal etc etc.
So you’re back on Citalopram again. Yes restarting / changing meds can make you feel quite sickly, dizzy etc but these side effect do wear off. I’d say stick with the new meds and take things very slowly. Don’t rush up through different doses - let your body take time to adjust. You can recover on 10mg or 40mg - its all about what suits your body.
It could be the menopause - our bodies go through big changes when hormones begin to fluctuate and eventually dwindle, so it could be initially that and of course now a mix with the meds change.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
i have read all of your post .from my understanding you have severe anxiety .anxiety mimics lots of heart issues .if your doctors havent found anything after all those test you have done then it is certainly severe anxiety.anxiety comes in all different shapes and forms.i for one thought i was having a heart attack and after lots of blood work n all kind of test all it was .was anxiety.the celexa will work but like kate says stay on 20.this medicine works real slow .but it will work trust me .best regards
Fearheartproble lois95799
Thanks lois. Did you have same problem like me or you experienced like me. Many cardiologist check me and my cardiologist is well qualified. Same thing and advice many people gave me like you. But i think i have heart problem because ii often in normal mood eat health and my heart start sinking. Its feel heart is so weak and its going to fail.
20 mint ago i took bath and after bath i have same problem. I feel my heart is not bearing any stress of work and exercise so it feels i have towards heart attack. Do you still think i have anxiety. Please give me any useful suggestion. Thanks.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
you have sever anxiety your nervous system is sending signals to your heart and thats why you keep thinking your heart is failing .its been five years with your drama and you aint decease yet.
katecogs Fearheartproble
Agree with Lois - you have anxiety. Anxiety makes you think fearfully and it is making you believe you have a heart problem, but it is just anxiety you have. You said your heart tests have come back normal, so thats good.
Anxiety will give you palpitations, but palpitations are quite harmless even though they feel very unpleasant.
Anxiety causes you to overthink, to constantly think negatively and fearfully and this fear will then i turn cause you more anxiety, so you get stuck in a cycle of anxiety / fear / anxiety. Anxiety is a fear of anxiety and it will make you think obsessively.
If the professionals have said there is nothing wrong with your heart and all tests have been cleared, then trust in them.
The feeling of weakness is just anxiety, and your fear is causing more anxiety.
K x
Fearheartproble katecogs
I agree with you and all people said me same. But i have doubt about my doctors. Even they are top and well qualified. I have this problem from five year. Three times in five year my ecg became abnormal. But doctors dont care about it. Two time they took my CT Angio. Five year ago it result was normal arteries study. And now its result is unobstructive arteries study. I said to my cardiologists that result is different they said unobstructive mean is normal. Cardiologist give me betalok zol 100 mg per day. If i dont have a heart problem why he gave me this medicine.
I cannot walk and bath. Because after this my heart to sinking.
Please you tell me is it all anxiety. I m alone. I mean nobody is with me to fight with it. I have fear. Tonight i cannot sleep. So please guide me how i over come this disease. Thanks for encouragement.
Lolita40 Fearheartproble
You seem like going throw a lot of anxiety. Like Katecogs said, its all a cycle! You dont believe your doctors because you feel bad, so anxiety rise and you are really scared about your health.
First of all, if you feel that you are not well and you dont understand the different diagnosis and why the prescription for you heart, then I think you should make an appointment with a different specialist to have another point of view. Or even go to a different clinic/hospital. Maybe you can be reassure!
But IF you have that med, It can also be for prevention. The best thing you can do for your heart and health, is having a super clean life hygiene... eating fruits/vegetables, no sugar or process food, avoid cafeine, lots of water, etc. Vitamines like vitamin d, magnesium....for that, you can ask a naturopath at a natural food store for advise. And of course, meditation, nature, walking....all things To decrease your high anxiety. cause anxiety mimics heart problems.
Hope you find relief soon.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
which medicines are you taking.please name them.
fearheart .are you male or female.?
Fearheartproble lois95799
I am male i m taking Metoprolol succinate 100 mg once a day and citalopram 20 mg once a day.
Fearheartproble Lolita40
First of all I am thankful to you for your answer. I also consult different cardiologist when they see my previous papers and test reports they said i also have anxiety.
As for you ask for healthy life style i try to live and eat healthy. But i live in Pakistan and you may know in third world countries food is not much ...
Here milk is not pure. The second problem is this nobody is with meme who take care of my food. My mom is 70 year old. I did not marry. So you know with health issues i become more lazy and all time i have fear about health. Psychologist said you dont take betaloc zok. You have no need for it. But my cardiologist said you need this heart medicine. Both doctors are well qualified. So can you tell me the food name or fruits and vegetable name that i eat. And how much i daily eat.
Is any time table is available please tell me. I am again very thankful to you for your encouragement and advise. May u have a healthy life.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
ok first of all metroprolol in the usa is a highblood pressure can treat heart conditions .but is still a high blood pressure med.i say have your doctor switch your metroprolol to propronolol.the propronolol is also a beta blocker high blood pressure med .the propronolol also takes care of wont hurt to try to ask your doctor.also stick with your twenty of the celexa .i know when i was taking blood pressure medicine my anxiety was extremly severe.and my palpitations became worst from the blood pressure long have you been on 20m.of celexa?
lois95799 Fearheartproble
is your heart rate normal /fast/slow?because beta blockers slow down heart rate.and that sometimes creates fatigue.
Fearheartproble lois95799
In rest position my heart rate is slow. Its between 51 to 59.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
how about not resting .what is your blood pressure numbers.
Fearheartproble lois95799
Inderal (Propronolol ) i have been taken last 3 year. Now my cardiologist put me on metroprolol. Two month ago i goes to hospital emergency for my bad heart condition. There was not specialist doctors. My ecg became abnormal. So i go to my specialist cardiologist who is about two drive from my home. He took my ecg in his clinic that became normal. I show him that abnormal ecg he said yes that is abnormal. He suggest me angio graphy to confirm have i anxiety or heart issue. Then i went to my regular cardiologist and tell him all story and show him abnormal ecg. He said no neef for angio graphy we do your CT Angio. So i took. They report or result of CT Angio is " unobstructive arteries study" . my cardiologist said its a normal report. But i want to tell you when five ago i took CT Angio that's report was " normal arteries study". I asked more than one cardiologists about difference between unobstructive and normal arteries study. They all said its normal dont need to worry. They said unobstructive mean is normal. But i always has double about on unobstructive.
I asked its mean by one doctor who is neru surgen who has 50 experienced about this. He said unobstructive mean not normal. And there is some problem. So doctor has to take your angio graphy. But Pakistani doctors said its normal. I am so much confused about this.
I m not taking celexa. I sm taking citaprolam 20 mg from about one month. But before this doctors gave me citaprolam by different mediicine nsme from ,3 year.
So this is all story and i m confused between anixety and heart problem.
Fearheartproble lois95799
When i m not resting it is about 60 - 100. And blood presure is different but near to normal. Now i m laying on bed. My bp is now 108/69 and heart beat is 60.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
keep taking the 20 have severe anxiety .so when they do test you are very anxious and that gives sketchy readings. you have to control your anxiety first with the citalopram which is going to take many many months to work.once anxiety is under control go again and take test.anxiety will give you those ecg readings .dont eat any greasy food .you may have a little plaque in your arteries.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
your blood pressure seems pretty normal .remember beta blockers come with side effects been very tired and not able to take a bath is a side effect of the beta blocker combine with the cit.will make you feel weak.
Fearheartproble lois95799
Lois you said may i have little plaque in my arteries. But why not pAkistani cardiologist understand this. Why not they giving me any medicine that clean my arteries. Which foods are greasy foods. You write about plaque. Do i have to serious about it. Do i meed angio graphy.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
stayaway from anything fried in oil .oil horrible for plaque build up.yes go get angio graphy that will tell if you have any plaque in your the meam time keep taking cit.the cit is also a mild blood thinner which is good for your vascular system.
katecogs Fearheartproble
You should throw away all the BP monitors, stop recording everything, stop watching out for every little dip, peak, movement, tweak and squeak. Instead of listening for your heart heat, instead listen to the radio, instead of reading your BP monitor read a book instead. You will not get well if you keep indulging yourself in what you fear.
The heart is a strong organ and has evolved over Centuries to carry us forward through life. It will beat fast when we run, it will flip when we’re in love, and it will slow when we rest. Sometimes an ECG will show inconcistencies at times but that does not mean you have a heart issue - some people’s hearts will have a normal irregularity.
Anxiety is feeding your fear of heart issues, and this fear is feeding your anxiety. To break this cycle throw away everything about your heart, stop reading things about it and go and live your life. It will feel uncomfortable, but let the worry be there, take the anxiety with you and go out and grab life.
I’ve had strange heart flips for years and recently got myself checked out with my Doctor and had an ECG. All is fine. I continue to have daily heart flips (odd pangs that sometimes make me momentarily feel weak, though its a strange pleasant feeling) ……. and I trust my Doctor and the ECG and I don’t keep watching myself. If I drop down dead tomorrow (though I know I won’t) then so be it, but at least I’ll have lived my life to the full instead of sitting at home worrying about every little tweak.
Anxiety is feeding this fear and anxiety will make you think the worst. It foxes you. Trust me - I know it does.
Agree with Lolita - eat fruit and vegetable. All fruit and veg are good for you - there are no particular ones that are better and no particular amount. Just eat fresh food and as much as you want. Don’t smoke either, and take a walk every day. Our hearts need exercise as cardio is good for them.
Fearheartproble lois95799
Here in our country every food cooked in oil. So how i get away from it. And please advise me if my cardiologist dont suggest me angio graphy do i need to take it on my behalf.
Fearheartproble katecogs
I am really thankful to you by my heart that you give me so long Anwer. Kate i dont know where from you but i guess you are from developed country. I need your personal help but first read this ( Two month ago i goes to hospital emergency for my bad heart condition. There was not specialist doctors. My ecg became abnormal. So i go to my specialist cardiologist who is about two drive from my home. He took my ecg in his clinic that became normal. I show him that abnormal ecg he said yes that is abnormal. He suggest me angio graphy to confirm have i anxiety or heart issue. Then i went to my regular cardiologist and tell him all story and show him abnormal ecg. He said no neef for angio graphy we do your CT Angio. So i took. They report or result of CT Angio is " unobstructive arteries study" . my cardiologist said its a normal report. But i want to tell you when five ago i took CT Angio that's report was " normal arteries study". I asked more than one cardiologists about difference between unobstructive and normal arteries study. They all said its normal dont need to worry. They said unobstructive mean is normal. )
But i always has doubt about it that unobstructive is not normal. I m fear about it.
Kate please can you asked from any qualified person of your country that unobstructive arteries mean any plaque in arteries. I have fear about it.
Kate went i try to walk its feel my heart is going down. Please sueggest me how i over come these feelings or its really heart problem. I feel heart disrub so i dont believe on doctors because i m still in bad condition.
Thank you again kate for your time.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
if you and a bad heart condition you would be dead by now.
Lolita40 Fearheartproble
I know you are anxious and WAY TOO MUCH increasing it by overthinking your condition.
Having that much anxiety and overthinking your problem over and over is definitly making you WEAK and it just DOUBLE your side effects.
I saw that you wrote your story of having differents diagnosis for your heart a LOT of times to several person.
And you get the same answers...
you have severe anxiety
you need to continue with citalopram
est good fresh food, no oil....GOOGLE HEALTHY FOOD FOR HEART AND HEALTH..... You will have your answer.
You have to re-work your health....take small walks every day. After a while, increase the time of walks.
STOP ASKING everyone the same thing. I know its hard but you are not helping yourself. And we are not doctors. And we CANT ask specialist for you.
if you feel too bad with managing you seve e anxiety and condition, ask to be hospitalise for mental health. Its okay to do so. They Will help you and check on you.
Stop thinking about your heart!!!!!! Its been months and years that you do it and nothing happenned. You are WEAK because you are soo anxious and probably depresse that your body is sooo tired of all that.
And last, read again the answers people gave you.....Instead of asking over and over the same questions.
Good luck!
katecogs Fearheartproble
Please trust the professionals who say everything is normal. They know what they’re saying or they wouldn’t be in their job. You are not a cardiologist. They are, and if they say all is normal, then there is nothing wrong.
Unobstructive means it is NOT obstructed, meaning its clear. Its normal.
Where is your heart going if you say its going down? If its becoming slower when you walk then you’d fall over and die.
This forum is for anxiety not heart conditions - so nobody can advise, or would want to on heart issues. I strongly suspect though that you do have anxiety and a healthy heart.
There is however a heart forum on this Patient site you could ask questions on re heart issues if you want to continue with that.
Fearheartproble Lolita40
Lolita thanks alot. I m agree with you. As you know i m from third world country. Here government not much help. I m jobless. I have to treatment on my own behalf. I already spend about 800000 on my treatment like fare of traveling to dr. Dr fees and medicial test. I also want to admit in mental hospital. I discuss this with my heart psychologist but he suggest here mental hospitals are not good. You will become more mad or patient or increase your anxiety.
I want to ask you where from you. Are you male. And advise me when i feel difficulty in walk then what i say to my mind? How i encourage myself to fight for my life.
Fearheartproble katecogs
Kate i feel exact this you write " If its becoming slower when you walk then you’d fall over and die."
When i put pressure on my heart like work or walk i feel heart has difficulty to pump blood and has difficulty to provide oxygen blood to all through body. There fore i cannot walk and feels heart is not taking proper oxygen and going down.
Kate do you think its anxiety or my heart has problem. How i can check this.
Lolita40 Fearheartproble
Im sorry but I dont think we can help you.
Its only a mental health forum and there is too much going on for you.
The best way to go would be To relate on medical expertises ( psychiatry, health or heart doctor??)
You sure need to address you intense and severe anxiety.
I know you live in a poor country and I dont know the expertise there. maybe try to go somewhere if you can or research for go doctors/hospital.
But sorry, I cant do more.
We are also patients and trying to recover.
Good luck
Fearheartproble Lolita40
As for expertise or doctors question in my country yes they r well qualified and well know in my country. But the medical facilities in europe and usa are advanced.
Fearheartproble Lolita40
Now as for my case concern that i have anxiety or real heart problem. Dr or people said i hv anxiety so i feel heart is ill. But i think my heart is ill because i cannot walk can notnot pick weight.
As for going abroad matter u know i cannot afford it. But i m really thankful to you that you are with me and encouraging me.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
once the cit kicks in you are not going to have those issues you keep asking the end you will be laughing .
Fearheartproble lois95799
I can not understand what r u saying. Please explain it.
Fearheartproble lois95799
I can not understand what r u saying. Please explain it.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
if you where having severe heart issues you would not be typing on this forum!!it is anxiety.i also thought i had heart issues.after thousands of dollars with was simply ANXIETY!!!!!!!!
once your antidepressent starts working you will be laughing at all of this drama you are going thru.
Lolita40 lois95799
You have only been on antidepressant citalopram for a month. Maybe check with your doctor for an increased or wait a bit. full effect can take between 6 to 8 weeks.
You say you have good doctors where you live. maybe not advance like America or Europe but still... So toi have NO control over that and you have To do with it.
Just relax, do breathing and meditation.
You are really obsessing and beeing paranoid with your heart. Stop it or you will really get a disease. By asking continualy, It feels like you want us or a doctor To tell you that you have a heart problem. You are tired, your mind is tired but all the stress you are casing it and you need to let go.
that reply was for Fearheart........
Lolita40 Fearheartproble
lYou have only been on antidepressant citalopram for a month. Maybe check with your doctor for an increased or wait a bit. full effect can take between 6 to 8 weeks.
You say you have good doctors where you live. maybe not advance like America or Europe but still... So toi have NO control over that and you have To do with it.
Just relax, do breathing and meditation.
You are really obsessing and beeing paranoid with your heart. Stop it or you will really get a disease. By asking continualy, It feels like you want us or a doctor To tell you that you have a heart problem. You are tired, your mind is tired but all the stress you are casing it and you need to let go.
Fearheartproble lois95799
Lois thanks. Which anxiety medicine works for you. I m on citalopram 20mg daily. Doctor said take 40 mg per day. How much time it take to work. Can i know where from u and your age.
Fearheartproble Lolita40
You r right . alot of respect for you. Yeah i m tired from five year. Dont know what i do. I dont know i got now real heart disease or i m still save.
Actually i m worry about my symptoms. Its heart disease related and make me worry. But you people told me in anxiety same symptom occures. But when my condition bad like high blood presure i become panic and again my mind said you have heart problem.
And one question is this that what is anxiety. Is anxiety attacks with out any tension and worry.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
anxiety creates high blood pressure.i take citalopram .10ml.iam from usa.see if your doctor can prescribe you alprazolam it is a fast working anti anxiety you can get relief quick n fast.wont hurt to ask your doctor.
Fearheartproble lois95799
Here is 5 23 am. I cannot sleep all through night. Its feeling my heart will blast. I cannot walk. I want to go in park that is 2 mint distance from me. But i cannot standup and go.
My psychologist gave me 20 mg citalopram.
4 days ago i go to my cardiologist he gave me also citalopram with different medicine name and prothedian
25 mg and ativan 2 mg and beta
Lok zol 100. Now i m confused which doctor's preciption i take. My chest is tight. So much uncomfortable.
Lolita40 Fearheartproble
First of all, It would be good that you always refer to the same doctor instead of going around .
Always refer to the same doctor for your medication. Cause nos, you just go see everyone and get different prescription.
What do you EXACTLY take daily for medication?????
lois95799 Fearheartproble
take your ativan.for quick relieve
Fearheartproble Lolita40
I m taking betalok zol 100 mg and citalopram 20 once daily.
My cardioligist add prothedian 25 and ativan also. Now i m distrub wich preciption i take.
Fearheartproble lois95799
Is ativan really works. I never took.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
it works real fast.for anxiety
Fearheartproble lois95799
Lois here is 3 pm . took still one cup of tea and two pieces of bread. My heart still feel down. I cannot eat any thing and cannot walk two steps. I m on bread. I ask my sister to go to cardiologist. She said last thursday we went. Doctors makes joke with u. So i m not going with you. I m laying on bed. I know what you all said me. I remember your advises and suggestions but my heart is sinking. How i walk. What i do.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
relax .and take a ativan.your eating problem is a side effect of the citralopam.
Fearheartproble lois95799
Thanks lois. I m really thankful to you. You Anwer me. Now 5 28pm . i eat half plate of rice.
I have to ask one question. How we can cook with out oil. Every thing is cooked in oil. So how i cook vegetable without oil. Healthy food is no processed. But how we can cook with out process. Please tell me.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
boil everything .including meats and vegetables you dont need oil for the old days there was no oil.and you can put all your spices in the water boild chicken with your exotic spices is delicious.
Fearheartproble lois95799
Can i put black pepper on it. Becsuse boiled things are taste less. How i can make them tasty.
Fearheartproble lois95799
Can i put black pepper on it. Because boiled things are taste less. How i can make them tasty.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
you can put any spice black pepper onion powder salt etc.
Fearheartproble lois95799
My bp became high. I cannot eat salt. Sir what is your age.
lois95799 Fearheartproble
then dont eat salt .eat everything else all spice in your country lovely
katecogs victoria68136
Hi Victoria
Anxiety comes from stress and often we don't just get anxiety overnight but instead stress has built up without us realising it. The meds don't actually stop working, because they will still be hanging onto your Seretonin in the synapses gap between each nerve ending, so they're still doing the job they're designed to do, so I do think it's stress that's built up.
When anxiety rears its ugly head again we automatically start fearing it, and that fear then causes more anxiety - and then we can caught up once more in this cycle. The feeling of doom is just memory from past suffering, so as anxiety crops up we remember what it was like before and therefore start feeling the old feelings again too.
Usually if you just allow the feelings to be there, not to question it, not try and fix it and just get on with life taking those feelings with you, then they will subside and go away. However we automatically panic and try and run from it which is the worst thing to do.
Changing meds can help some people but then you'll start getting withdrawal effects from one meds and start up effects from the new one making you dip for a while. Changing meds is as lo lengthy as we have to wait for the meds to kick in which can be months. So no, they aren't a quick fix for relief.
Feeling dizzy is probably due to meds side effects.
All feelings ie dizziness, fear, thoughts, feeling detached, racing heart, etc etc are only present because of anxiety. If you didn't have anxiety then you would t have these feelings.
Problem is people tend to get frightened of the side effects which then causes more anxiety - but the side effects are only present because of anxiety, so you end up feeding it the anxiety and keeping it there.
It could have been the menopause that kick started the panic too of course - during this time our hormones are all over the place.
I'd stick with the Citalopram and don't rush up through the doses. Give each dose about 4-6 weeks to settle before increasing - and remember, a bigger dose won't make you better any quicker and will do just the same job as a lower dose.
Take your time with everything - don't rush through life, slow yourself down. Stress is your body's alarm system telling you it wants to slow down and rest, and anxiety is the final result.
Anxiety / panic always shock when it first hits you, but it's just a feeling. Let it be there, slow down / relax, carry on with Citalopram and it will all work out for you. Promise x.
lois95799 katecogs
kate you are always on point.xo
katecogs lois95799
xxxx Lois
lisa50131 katecogs
Hi Kate, my name is Lisa and I have never ever signed up to a forum in my life but I have today as I wanted to let you know that you have been the one person on the net that has helped me get though my darkest days. I have got complex PTSD and now terrible anxiety and depression. I was in such a dark place last year and I would spend my days reading stories about how people have come though to the other side and have healed. I was prescribed Lexapro which I had an allergic reaction to, then Prozac which made me so ill for three months and now I am on Citlopram and I have finally found something that works for me. I am only on 10mg as I am still so sick with nausea but I am having these moments slip in when I feel calm and I actually notice how beautiful the day is. I have successfully made it to day 24 on Citlopram and that is a big deal for me. I wanted to say that you have given me such hope that I can beat this. You words at times have been the only thing I have been able to hold onto when I thought I could not make it through another day and finally I am starting to realise that the dark cloud is slowly lifting. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a stranger out there in the web somewhere who has been the ray of light I needed in my darkest hours.
katecogs lisa50131
Hi Lisa
Wow thanks so much for your lovely words - and I’m so glad that you’ve found my posts helpful.
I was the same when I was ill and in a very dark place - I found some books that were the only thing that made sense to me and it gave me hope.
I’ve seen your private message to me to so I’ll chat further on there.
K x
Sway lois95799
He is just looking for attention. you will go around d in a circle with him. he post in every forum. A lot of us members have called him out. He used to use different usernames all the time. He also contradicts himself. Check out his post in upper chest pain. you'll see. It's not worth the time.
lois95799 Sway
perhaps his allah will help regards
chris58372 Sway
He/She is 100% taking the p**s.
dave24356 anna78365
hi Anna.i hope you can help.i am suffering anxiety and detachment and have tried a few antidepressants but am now relying on ashwaganda a herb.however the anxiety is starting to cripple me and i am tempted ti go back on antidepressants.they are suggesting citalopram.just fed up with being detached and anxious.any advice would be welcome.thanks dave
amanda21726 katecogs
hi katecogs
wonderful words of wisdom from you, so conforting, thank you Please may i have the name/link of the book you talk about? anything that can help would be so much appreciated thanks very much
katecogs amanda21726
Hi Amanda
Thanks xx.
I’ll private message you re the book as if posted here the Moderator will delete it, especially links.
K x
wendy35107 katecogs
Hi, so sorry to bother you Kate. Any chance I could get the link too?
Thank you so much, your posts fill me with hope xxx
P-NP katecogs
Hello Katecogs,
I too want to thank you for the helpful, encouraging words.
After several years of taking Celexa, I tried tapering off. After having a difficult time with side effects of, I decided to go back up to 5mg.
No major s/e at 5mg; however, increased to what slightly via a pill cutter to 6mg-feeling more anxious and very nauseous.
Definitely in need of some support. When you have moment, can you please send me the name of the book?
Thanks again for sharing,
katecogs wendy35107
Hi Wendy - I'll message you.
katecogs P-NP
Hi Paulina
I'll message you too.
K x
kyle33787 katecogs
Hi Katecogs,
I've read almost all of your posts in this thread and I just want to say you seem like such a wonderful & compassionate person and I'm so glad you have shared so much wisdom with everyone. I started 20 mg of Citalopram 3 months ago which seemed to cut out 80% of my anxiety, but I would still start the morning off with anxiety and I wasn't able to kick it. So, I decided to up my dosage to 30 mg 3 days ago. So, I know I'm only on day 3 on 30 mg but I just feel so nervous & scared. I'm able to go to work but I have this deep sense of fear that I just can't seem to kick. I'm hoping it is just a side effect of starting the 30 mg, because on 20 mg I was pretty calm and relaxed except in the morning. I also was freaking out because I got a sinus infection around the same time and I was worried that my lack of energy was depression, but I'm pretty sure it was just my illness because I'm normally a very happy guy. I may have been able to stick with 20 mg after rethinking it, but I don't really want to turn back now. Do you think these are normal symptoms? Also, could you private message me the popular book that everyone else is asking about?
Thank you,
katecogs kyle33787
Hi Kyle
3 months on Citalopram isn’t long enough and its normal to still get early morning anxiety at the moment. As I recovered, even though I started feeling well I still woke every day with crippling anxiety. That eased throughout each day.
Increasing your dose will not stop the anxiety - yet. The bigger the dose doesn’t mean you’ll get better any quicker or alleviate the symptoms you’re having a the moment. Whatever dose you’re on, you will still go through the same symptoms - you can’t avoid them. Its all about being patient and giving the meds as much time as they need.
Anxiety is actually a fear of anxiety - its such an awful feeling to have and so begin to dread it which causes more anxiety. The side effects (racing and intrusive thoughts, physical symptoms) frighten the sufferer too which also cause anxiety. Its this fear of anxiety that keeps us in a constant cycle.
However, the medication will help you immensely, but you do have to give it time. No you won’t feel anything working at the moment, but it is silently in the background. You really have to be patient and give these meds lots of time - it took me 6 months to recover, some people take longer and some quicker. Again its all personal.
When we’re anxious we only think anxious thoughts, and everything to us makes us frightened. Thats perfectly normal.
The medication will also make you feel worse to start with as it actually heightens anxiety, but do hang on in there because this will pass. Also every increase in meds will give you side effects again, so you may be feeling the effects of the increase at the moment - again this will ease off.
Yes 20mg may be better, but you should discuss that with your Doctor. 3 days on the increased dose isn’t long and if you do decide to go back to 20mg then its not too late.
Yes I’ll message you too re the book and a little more info too.
All that you’re going through is absolutely normal with anxiety.
Chat via messaging.
K x
Guest kyle33787
Hi Kyle, just wondered how you are and why you decided to increase your dose? I've been on 10mg citalopram just over 6 weeks mainly for intrusive thoughts due to withdrawal from zopiclone. I do sound bit like broken record but not noticing lot difference yet, lot people seem to say 3 months seems to be when improvement starts. I have ordered the book Katecogs recommended, she does seem very knowledgable so hoping it works. Just get very despondent when not lot change. I felt awful anxiety through the roof first week or so so imagine the change of dose could be causing that. Have had the odd day when I'm not quite so bad, do seem very up and down from one day to the next so hoping sign things are changing! I get very bad sinus which seems to have intensified bit on citalopram but read it can dry out your mouth a bit so maybe that!
lois95799 Guest
everthing you mention will subside .it just takes time lots of will settle.six weeks is nothing .it took me 8 months for all my drama to subside.
Guest lois95799
Thank you this site gives me hope! Think it was you said zopiclone used for anxiety, think mine partly PTSD, also got a very difficult unsupportive mother , so maybe zopiclone was enabling me to deal with all that, now like Pandora's box has opened. Did manage to drive with my husband in car last couple days which haven't done for couple months so maybe citalopram starting to kick in. Book Katiecogs recommended just arrived so I'll start reading. I just get despondent when don't seem be making progress but will try and stay on lower dose I think as obviously need to give it bit more time, especially as these symptoms slowly got worse over last 18 months!.
lois95799 Guest
it will happen gradually .if you werent having positive moments like driving with your husband or not having any type of improvement and lets say you been taking it for three months then i say talk talk to your doctor but thats not the case here.have a review at 12 weeks with your doctor.saying a prayer for you. once the cit kicks in your mother wont be such a bother.wink wink
Guest lois95799
Thanks lois. Think because the intrusive thoughts still there get bit depondent, but the depression definitely lifting, and not bursting into tears anymore. Being around other people sets them off so end up having to go with my husband to lot things but do seem be dealing with them better when they come and I do want to go out more now.. The book seems quite helpful I'm trying to stop finding a "cure" and go with the flow more! Mother told my husband on wedding day wouldn't blame him if our marriage didn't work. Been married 43 years !!!
lois95799 Guest
lol for the mother are doing well according to your post.stay the course.
Guest lois95799
Thanks I'll try no doubt chip in again when getting a bad day. Yep really got lovely mother! Think the intrusive thoughts probably be last things to go I am very up and down but going away for weekend in couple weeks so hoping I'll make it. Thanks for the support.
amanda21726 katecogs
i have now been on 30mg citalopram for theee months having increased from 20mg . for the last week i have had the worst symptoms i have had the whole time dreadful anxiety, depression and tinitus . i saw the doctor about three weeks ago ( not quite so bad then) and she said it took a time to work on me when i fiirst started the medication in 2013 and to stick with it ,however the symptoms are so dreadful it is difficult to bear. has anyone else suffered like this? is there anything one can do or take to alleviate things whilst waiting, hopefully, for pills to work . it is unbearable
katecogs amanda21726
Hi Amanda
You’ve been on 30mg for 3 months - how long have you been on meds in total, from the start? You mentioned 2013 - have you been on it since then or had a break and just restarted?
Maybe 30mg isn’t for you? Sometimes the dose can be too high and adjusting to a lower dose often remedy’s this. I’ve seen many on here who’ve found that.
If you’ve retstarted and been on it a short while then yes, restarting can take longer second time round.
Some people have other meds temporarily to help take the edge off whilst waiting.
lois95799 amanda21726
take a benzo for all your start ups from will relieve you Immensely
meant to say ask your doctor for a short term regards
amanda21726 katecogs
i started meds in 2013 when out of blue depression started. gradually went from 10 to 20 to 30mg . so was on 30 successfully for some years then thought i was ok and decided to come off about a year /18 months ago. reduced VERY gradually, fine until down to 10mg, then it all came back with a vengence, so went up to 20 where i was until three months ago, when doc said to increase to 30 as symptoms had returned. So 30mg was ok for some while. can one become ammune to them after a while?
amanda21726 lois95799
thanks Lois, what is Benzo?
lois95799 amanda21726
is a quick acting anti anxiety to patients for start ups of ssri.or panic attacks.can be addictive so small doses are recommended.and short term.
Grounded amanda21726
A benzo is a benzodiazepine aka xanax, kolonopin, valium, ativan. They are a fast acting anti anxiety medication. They do work wonders on helping with severe anxiety short term because they can be addictive. I've taken kolonopin in the past and it helped a lot get through start ups or really rough patches.
amanda21726 Grounded
Ahh thanks. Yes, the doctor gave me some diazepam, which i havent yet taken as apprehensive about what it might so and getting 'hooked' . Obviously no need for these feelings. Many thanks for your input, all so very helpful .
amanda21726 lois95799
Thanks Lois. The doc gave me some diazepam which i didnt realise is also called Benzo. was a bit nervous about taking it, but will think again. Many thanks
katecogs amanda21726
That can happen when you've reduced or withdrawn completely - anxiety can show its ugly head again and we naturally respond to it as before and get anxious about being anxious which brings all the overthinking and intrusive thoughts back too.
No you can't become immune to the meds. I suspect you're now feeling the symptoms of increasing meds which is heightened anxiety and its associated side effects.
Yes agree with the others - use the benzio's as prescribed to help you through until the SSRI meds start to settle. When I restarted meds many years ago I had a different experience to the first time - but give it time and the meds will work for you again.
K x
amanda21726 katecogs
Thanks, you are always so reassuring.
Do you have any views about whether to take the citalopram at night or in the morning? The doc said in the morning but as the meds take so long to work, weeks or months, surely when you take them wouldnt make any difference as the effect is not immediate?
katecogs amanda21726
It makes no difference what time of day you take them, but your Doc may have suggested the morning because the meds can affect sleep (to start with) so taking it early may be better than just before bed.
Its a personal choice though and some people prefer to take them in the morning and others at night.
I took mine in the mornings.
They work the same whenever you take them.
K x
amanda21726 katecogs
Thanks Kate, just hope they start to work rather than cause problems! After three months I had hoped things would improve, I hope to goodness its not that I need a higher dose of 40mg. Have you ever been on 40mg? XX
katecogs amanda21726
They can take longer second time around - when I restarted many years ago I just kept reminding myself that they worked before and they would again - even when I felt rubbish. Just let them do their thing and wait for them. They'll work again.
No I've never been on anything more than 20mg.
amanda21726 katecogs
Thanks so much. Are you still on them?
katecogs amanda21726
No I came off meds sometime ago.
amanda21726 katecogs
How wonderful! i am so happy for you, I wish I could. Just to be normal again . Did you have side effects coming off the meds?
How very kind of you to keep supporting us the way you do . Thank you . xx
Guest amanda21726
Hi Amanda, just wondered how you are doing, I'm nearly 8 weeks on 10mg citalopram like you feel pretty rubbish. Felt almost like been going backwards last week.. Everyone seem to say at 3 months should be seeing a bit of improvement so interested to hear how you are. I had short course diazapam when husband had a heart attack, it's OK short term just need to be bit careful as can be addictive. I take citalopram at night, was really interrupting my sleep but switching to night seemed to improve it, bizarre I know!
amanda21726 Guest
Hi Lemanna well i am afraid i am not doing too well. Not what you want to hear! Infact today, for some unknown reason has been HORRENDOUS. overwhelming feelings of displacement, dreadful depression, anxiety, tinnitus, etc It is now three months I have been taking 30mg and i just dont know what to think. Not sure if its a reaction to the extra 10mg and body is adjusting, or they are not working, or I am going mad! All very distressing. I hope you do better, I renember when I started they did take months to fully work but I had to increase from 10mg
Guest amanda21726
Sorry you are still suffering Amanda, I know the feeling that you are going mad! Does seem can take longer second time round, I'm just getting despondent not seeing any progress yet. Friend's son had his meds drastically increased also on a benzo, and has taken months to stabilize, does seem to take time. He's now seeing psychologist who is helping a lot. Maybe go back to your doctor see if you can be referred for some sort of therapy as well? Mine caused by horrendous zopiclone withdrawal so want to try stay on 10 mg avoid more withdrawal problems in future. Hope you improve soon I know it's very hard to be patient though I'm struggling too! Take care.
Guest amanda21726
Amanda, can you remember if improvement was a gradual thing first time round? Sure the meds will work again if they did for you in the past, just takes time, my hair now seems to be getting very thin as well just to add to the mix. Try going back to doctor see what he thinks about the dosage ?
amanda21726 Guest
Thanks Lemanna . I had talking therapies first time round which was very helpful but now the waiting list is horrendously long. I worry whether my symptoms is as a result of med increase, or the condition and the meds have not worked. As you say just have to be patient. I cant really remember how it went first time round, wish i had written it all down! I also find I am forgetting things and muddling things which I hope is another symptom and not dementia.
sheila92428 amanda21726
FYI I did not go down the road of NHS Talking therapies but found by recommendation a private qualified counsellor to talk to face to face & working with her has helped me enourmously. I know this type of therapy is sadly not available on NHS £££ . IF you can afford it find a good therapist by recommendation even maybe ask your medical centre & go for this IF you can.
Again good luck. I think some of hte NHS 'talking therapies' are over the phone by appointment for several weeks & whilst they may well help some folk it was to be for me.
gill2581 amanda21726
Hi Amanda.
I was exactly like this this time last year I thought I was losing the plot completely! Waiting and waiting for the medication to work. Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, fatigue, no appetite pain everywhere, brain fog and no memory. I'm 45 turns out I'm perimenopausal. I had a hormones blood test and I basically functioning on very little. Hormone replacement has made a huge difference. I don't know if you're in the age bracket but how you discribe how you feel I can definitely relate. I thought I had dementia or a brain tumour last year I couldn't remember the rules of the road!!!! !!
Hope thís helps
Gill x
katecogs amanda21726
I've been off meds twice. First time I halved my pills from 20 to 10, and again halved that. Spent 6 months coming off but it was too quick and too big a jump so yes, that time I had withdrawal effects ie nausea, headache, dizziness, brain zaps ........ Second time I came off I reduced by 5mg each time and even went to 2.5 and 1.25, spent a year doing it this way - no withdrawal at all.
laura37392 katecogs
could I have the link as well.. I'm on day 25 of citalopram 10mg and feel the anxiety returning along with intrusive thoughts they scare me so much..thank u
amanda21726 gill2581
Thanks Gill, so conforting to know someone else has suffered the same . This morning I asked mu husband who won the world cup. Yet I watched the Semis last weekend abd was watching the match this morning for third place. Very worrying. Just praying every day things take a turn for the better. Sometimes i have one or two good days and I think yes! its gone, then the next morning I wake up feeling awful.
Shadow19422 amanda21726
I noticed you posted this a few weeks ago.
I would be interested to know how you are now.
I am having good days and bad days, but I also feel the low mood has lifted some what, but I still cant get over interested in things, when I have had a good day I feel happy and myself again maybe two days like this and the next day not so interested in anything.
Are you better now?
gill2581 amanda21726
Hi Amanda... Sorry only getting back now. I didn't see your reply.... I went through all this last year it was horrendous 😒the cipramil kinda helped but in May this year tge doctor tested mymy hormones.... I had very low oestrogen she says that explains the anxiety and depression!!! I started taking hrt the anxiety and depression have gone! Took affew months though..... I still taking cipramil 20mg going to try and come off it after xmas..... Hope you re doing OK
Gill x
amanda21726 Shadow19422
Still struggling i am afraid. Went to doc who said after four months i should see a difference, so she has said to come back down to 20 and see if the increased dose is cause of symptoms. Also said if she changes meds, I would have to decrease anyway. She is also talking to psychiatrist re some new meds which are meant to be good although she has not prescribed them yet. Terrifed of changing and new not working and feeling awful with no hope . When its bad its REALLY bad. Hey ho! trying to teach my brain new patterns of thinking!
amanda21726 gill2581
Also, asked doc about HRT she said would give me if i wanted but didnt think it would make a difference Too old!
amy65274 katecogs
Week 8 on 10 and 4 weeks on 15 and feel horrible. Still too early?
amanda21726 gill2581
hi Gill, i dont want ro be nosey but are you less or more than 60. if less i think they are happier to prescribe hrt x
katecogs amy65274
Yes that's quite early. It can take many months to even begin to feel any tiny little sign. It took me 6 months to feel completely well and still recovered more after that. It was about 3 months before I noticed anything.
This isn't the same for everyone - some people get better quicker, some longer. There's no 'one shoe fits all'.
K x
cecy81228 katecogs
hello kate! could you please send me the link and the book to.. i am also suffering right now.. been almost 4 weeks on antidepressant and had two beautiful weeks.. but yesterday again the anxiety 😦 i dint know what else to do
fiona57473 katecogs
Hi Katecogs, not sure if you still post on here. Hope you are doing well.
I'm new on this forum and have seen all the comments about books you have recommended and was wondering if you could let me know what they are?
I'm back on the citalopram journey after 15 years. Forgot how tough it is, just upped my dose to 20mg from 10mg this week, so going back through the side effects and increased anxiety!
holding tight and hoping things will improve. Just trying to remember its an endurance marathon not a sprint. X
Garrr fiona57473
Hi there,
I also would be grateful for info on the book. Like others on here struggling with anxiety, but this thread has given me real hope. Thanks.
Aimee87 fiona57473
Hi! i am going through the same at the moment. Having always been a little bit of a 'worrier' i experienced my first real case of anxiety after the birth of my first child. i was prescribed 10mg cit and this helped and after a year or so i stopped taking it. fast forward 6 years and i have been fine! then in november i was diagnosed with a cyst on my ovary and had to have a blood test for cancer markers. I am 32 and have two young children and this had a very negative affect on me. the cyst was fine, it has gone away on its own but the anxiety it has left me with it horrendous. i started 10mg cit 8 weeks ago and have increased to 20mg this week as it hasnt improved things. now the anxiety is even worse, waking up in the night when normally sleep well, waking up panicking and heaving in the bathroom every morning. i am over thinking everything! i know these worse symptoms are due to the increase in my dose but it doesnt make it any easier!!
katecogs Garrr
Hi Garr
I've messaged you.
K x
Gerrymoo katecogs
Katecogs, think we should get royalties on that book, sales.must have surged 😉
katecogs Gerrymoo
Hi Gerrymoo xxx ❤️
Haha I always think the same too 🤣
vicster123 katecogs
although it is 2 years old this post has helped me more than you will know. knowledge is power tha
nk you!
katecogs vicster123
Hi vicster123
Glad the post has helped you lots. Yes, knowledge certainly is power as it stops you floundering around in the dark, tying up loose ends and enabling you to follow one path to recovery. Just make sure its the right knowledge and don't go picking up tonnes of useless conflicting information from the internet because it'll just confuse you.
K x
lois95799 katecogs
yes too many hands in the soup spoils the
katecogs lois95799
Good description 🙃 xxxx
cecy81228 katecogs
hi kate!! im in the same road, could you please send me the link of the book and sites that helped you.. im so anxious rihht now.. been 9 weeks on treatment and had only two weeks fine and again bam full anxiety 😦
deborah01458 katecogs
I would love to see that post from Gerrmoo. It's been two weeks on the Meds and was wondering If I will feel like myself again. the morning anxiety is kinda horrible and I know it will take time for the meds to work. just need reassurring. It made me feel some hope reading your post.
Thank you.
Guest katecogs
not sure if this is still active, but may i also have the link to the above book you were talking about? thank you also for your posts-extremely encouraging!
sara10577 katecogs
please send me the book and website link as well please! and thank you for posting here! it helps!
kym69169 katecogs
Could i have the link to the book please @katecogs
Many thanks x
kelsea0815 katecogs
@katecogs could you send me the link to this book please? Thank you!
babsyboo katecogs
Hi katecogs
questions not to this discussion sorry
I'm on week 22 and been having bad all day long headaches for the last 3 days 😡😢 I tried Tylenol but they did not work at all 😢 they were so bad that they made the anxiety higher that I had in a long time . Could that be that does headaches were blips ??? Also can that be after 22 weeks on Celexa still happen if u think they are blips ? I thank u ahead of time for all your help to me and so many other people . Hope this finds u well stay safe babsyboo
be waiting on your response back please , I am scared don't know what to think
katecogs babsyboo
I’ve just been reading your other thread on this, and you said that your side effects had gone for some time? Really? You felt well? Symptom free? Blimey, that is good!
Why on earth would your hubby say its time to come off because the symptoms are back? This is the time NOT to come off. Yes blips can happen at 22 weeks, they can happen even after a good spell. They can happen after a year, 2 years ....... (not often mind).
You aren’t there yet - there’s so much more these meds will give.
When you don’t have any blips at all, when they stop completely and you feel well all the time - that’s when you’ve recovered.
And even then - why come off when you’ve reached recovery, knowing your history? I stayed on meds for 16 years before I came off, and I'd said I was never coming off meds.
Why rock the boat?
Headaches - mmmm could be a blip, though could have been you being tense? You also said you’ve had days of crying - well that in itself causes headaches. Lack of sleep (or too much of it) can cause headaches, colds, allergies ……. even hunger. All sorts of things cause a headache, and there's usually nothing sinister happening.
Maybe its a migraine. They're usually more painful and prolonged.
You’ve been on and off meds for a long time and I’d imagine that 22 weeks may be a long time for some people, but remember that meds seem to take longer second time round - and so I imagine its going to take you longer.
Remember what I’ve said before about relaxing into the blip - they’re going to happen whatever you do, whatever dose you take - they’re part of recovery. When a blip happens you just need to let it come, know it temporary, know it will go. Fighting it is useless because it’ll happen anyway, and fighting it just makes things worse.
I expect you became very tense about having a headache which probably brought anxiety on.
Which do you find the worst - a headache or anxiety?
Try and practice relaxing your body, let go of tension - this will help headaches and anxiety.
K 😉
Gerrymoo deborah01458
Hi Deborah01, its Gerrymoo here ! I've just seen this, can I help in any way ?
babsyboo katecogs
Hi and thank u for ur fast reply back to me
no not coming of the meds Celexa yet but hubby thinks if it does not go away with time and days it may be a sigh of not needing to be on it any longer and I don't know if I let u know I'm on a very small amount because I'm so sencetive to any medicine 😡
so yes it scared me badly having bad headache for 2 full on days with not even getting help from tylonal to feel better it was bad lots of crying . Now worried because u don't think it could have come from a blip . I don't get migraines ever but it was very painful to go though . Today I fill like full in my head like drunk or headcold and sins so weird don't know what to make of all this 😡 so scared to stay like this and never get to feel like me again it's been so long and all the stuff I went though when is it done or enough ? How are u doing ? Do u still take Celexa ? Yes u are right I have had good days here and there like 5 or so and then bam they are not 😡 so why is that when I'm so far along on 5 MG Celexa ? Still have the daily anxiety, low ,sad , scary thoughts and crying just don't get it this far along . I thank u so much for all u do and ur help to everyone ☺ I could not do it without the help of u and the plot . Thank u so much hope to hear back from u soon and ur thoughts on what u think is going on with me and what u think I should do . Why not coming of the meds if they continue to give u this roller-coaster of few good days and then back to feeling bad and anxiety up don't understand that , why ???
Thank u babsyboo, please get back with me it helps me so much and calms me and my mind down
katecogs babsyboo
If the symptoms don’t go away it is absolutely NOT a sign to come off meds. It means the opposite - stay on them as you haven’t fully recovered yet. If you had a broken leg and were taking meds for the pain, you wouldn’t stop the meds before the pain stopped and it had healed??
You may have never have had a migraine but there’s nothing to stop you developing one, and it does sound like migraine. I wouldn’t worry I said probably not a blip - it’s a headache, and not as if your head is about to fall of lolol 😉 I get migraines from time to time, and more pointedly tunnel vision where I can’t see very well.
Migraines are painful, and yes could be if you feel a bit heady. Also get your ears checked out as blocked ears can make you feel drunk as again this is something I regular get which leads to vertigo. You may not even know your ears are blocked.
But you know, there’s always a simple answer to whatever ailment you have.
But do see your doctor and mention migraine if it persists as there are special meds that can help.
I’m very well thanks, and no I don’t take Celexa any more - I don’t take any medicine at all now, not for anything. Oh, I do have Vitamins but they’re for aches and pains.
I have explained before that having these roller coaster days ie 5 days good then bam you feel anxious again is a blip, and yes you can get them any time, whenever, and sometimes after you’ve recovered, though generally you don’t. It is all to do with how you react to a blip that matters, and the more you fight, run, try to suppress or avoid them then the harder you’ll fall.
I’ve said many a time that the less you react to the feelings, thoughts, blips and any side effects then the anxiety will calm down. If you stop fighting it and step out of the way then your body will heal itself.
The anxiety condition is a self perpetuating cycle.
babsyboo katecogs
Thank u
yes understand until I'm recovered I will get a few blips 😡😢
how long can they last as I am on day 8 😡 it got better headache wise but not back to my better days . U right I had almost 8 days of good days and then bam I got hit with blips 😢 now on day 8 with this . Thank u hope to hear back from u soon ☺
donna60361 sara10577
hi would i also be able to have the link to the book and website please x
babsyboo katecogs
u still on here if so u still answer questions
if so I'm starting third week into 7 month on Celexa
have not changed a thing
is it normal on ur bad days to get sinus headache like u can't believe ?
They hurt so much that tylonal is nothing to it or ur anxiety meds because they went up do to the sinus pain
please get with me on what u think
thank u so much for all ur help in the past and to everyone else
lu78951 donna60361
Could I have the link too please? If someone could send it to me that would be great, have been struggling a few weeks. Reading posts here is helping calm me down, would like to try the book etc too. X
sarah50812 katecogs
Hello, im totally new to this! Id love to find out which book everyone is talking about, recommended by Kate Cogs?!! Thanks so much!xxx
katecogs sarah50812
Hi Sarah
I'll message you.
aggievv katecogs
Can I ask also for the link to the book please? Being 3 years on Citalopram 10mg (recovered on 15mg and then reduced to 10mg ), but month and a half ago after speaking to my doctor I wanted to come off and reduced the dosage (cut off 1/8 of the tablet) and the same evening got a huge anxiety attack. Back on 10mg for 10 days and then increased to 15mg, which is 4 weeks I am on and see some improvement, but I am not there yet. Need any help to recover I can get. This forum keeps me going and giving me hope.
katecogs aggievv
Hi aggievv
Yes I’ll pm you. I spent a year coming off Citalopram but whilst on meds (16 years) I armed myself with lots of knowledge about anxiety, slowly came off meds over a year, used over-the-counter meds for a while then applied what I’d learnt then went completely meds free.
It could have been your subconscious tricking you into thinking you’ll not cope without meds and so having this in mind it’ll play on your mind and you sort of talk yourself into feeling anxious when you start coming off meds and also if you tense up. The mind is a clever little thing.
I’ve 2 books I’d recommend - one is how the anxiety habit works and how we fall into it which then keeps you in the loop, and the second book explains how our head chatter (intrusive thoughts) also keep you locked in the continuous loop - all of which keeps the anxiety alive. So in effect we do this to ourselves.
We all look for an outside cause, and yes there usually is something that has helped caused this - often stress. Also we all go on the hunt for a cure, continually researching, reading everything we can, avoiding things, running away, fighting it - all of which makes it worse and will keep you ill.
Many will find it hard to understand when reading the books because anxiety will make you think otherwise - whatever you’re frightened of feels so real, and often that fear overrides ‘sense’. In other words ‘its hard to see the wood for the trees’.
Also applying the book method you won’t feel relief or see results for a while (just as you wouldn’t with the meds for a while), so it feels like you practice ‘blind’. However - repeated practice will bring about the relief we all so crave.
Again as with the meds, there will be ups and downs (blips) but working with the method, seeing it work, seeing how you bring yourself out of the blips time after time builds confidence so eventually you’ll stop fearing going into the blips - because you know your way out so well you no longer fear going into them. You are in control.
Anxiety becomes a habit and as with all habits - they can be broken.
Its a simple method, but not always easy.
nate2021 katecogs
Hi Katecogs. Thank you so much for your replies. So helpful. I have been on citalopram for two months now. It took about 4 weeks to get used to. By week 5 I felt 100%. No more anxiety. No more jitters. No racing thoughts. I was calm and back to normal energy levels. I felt myself!! Around week 8, I started getting anxiety and jitters. Started experiencing difficulty concentrating and just didn’t feel 100% anymore. My energy levels decreased. At one point I felt like an anxiety attack was coming on. I am on 20mg a day. Not sure if I should increase it or not. I did introduce a daily multivitamin a few weeks ago. Otherwise, everything has been the same in my life. But the comments give me hope that things will go back to normal again since it was working before.
Any advice? Also, I saw that you mentioned some book that helped you. I would appreciate if you wouldn’t mind sharing it with me.
Thanks so much!
nelle84672 katecogs
katecogs are you still on here?
katecogs nelle84672
Hi Nelle - yes I'm on here - I'll pm you.
garyflinn katecogs
Hi K, hope you are keeping well, can I ask what the link is you mentioned please?
Gary x
katecogs garyflinn
Hi Gary
I'll pm you as can't post links on the forum or the post will get deleted.
emma28353 katecogs
Hi Kate - I have been reading your posts, which I know were a long time ago but i just wondered if I could please trouble you for the book & link you talk about.
Many thanks
katecogs emma28353
Hi Emma
I normally send the books and link via private messaging but unfortunately the forum site has temporarily taken down private messaging so I can't send anything at the moment.
The site doesn't allow links to be posted here on the forum and I'm also not allowed to mention the book titles or authors either, so there's no way I can mention them at all. I can keep your post notification and send these when the private messaging service is back running again,
ian94653 katecogs
Hi there
i have upped from 20mg of Citalipram to 30mg . After 3 weeks, i suddenly felt so much better for a week or so . I met a friend and had a few drinks (3pints). Next day i felt as if i had had 5 times that amount. I have since been waking up with bad headaches and have had aches and pains and am feeling wiped out. You mentioned the recovery is slow but can it also happen as described above with periods of noticeable peaks and troughs? Any help is much appreciated. Many thanks, Ian
katecogs ian94653
Hi Ian
Yes this is how recovery usually works - lots of peaks and troughs (called setbacks / blips). Absolutely normal.
Some people do feel better after a few weeks of taking meds or increasing, and often this is short lived because a setback usually follows. This does not mean you’ve relapsed but this is the way recovery works (whether you’re taking meds or doing it naturally).
Also be careful with alcohol, especially in the early days / weeks of taking meds. It affects different people in different ways.
But yes - setbacks will happen all through recovery, getting easier and less intense as you get better.
ian94653 katecogs
Thank you so much for replying to me it is very much appreciated
Cairns64512 katecogs
Hey Kate,
Sorry to jump in,
I left 2 messages for you, so difficult to keep up with messaging since they took private messaging away. Hopefully, itll come back soon
Good to see your still here
deb31216 Cairns64512
Sorry to jump in too. is Self help for your nerves Dr C weeks the book you refer to?
deb31216 katecogs
Sorry to jump in too. is Self help for your nerves Dr C weeks the book you refer to? @Katecogs
katecogs deb31216
Hi Deb
Yes, one of the books is that one though there is another author who follows on from her with a super book and website. Strange you can mention this book and author as when I do my post gets deleted (obviously they flag up certain words for certain people) 🤣
But yes this is a super book and as said there is a male author who I thoroughly recommend.
Tinky100 katecogs
Hi Katecoggs
if there any chance you could send me the link to the book please. ive been on cit for 18 days i can see some improvements in my anxiety but then sometimes i feel like im going backwards. my anxiety has affected my hearing, my gut, my throat, my eating! its awful!
The advice and support you have provided on this post have been amazing.
thank you
katecogs Tinky100
Hi Tinky
I can't post the link here on the forum - usually I send it by private messaging but that's been temporarily disabled at the moment. I can send it when its back. Look at the 2 posts above to deb31216 as I mentioned the author - you may be able to find him online.
Anxiety affects our body in many ways and often our stomach is the first thing it affects (appetite, indigestion etc). When we're anxious our body is on high alert and we become super sensitive to all our feelings and thoughts - even hearing can seem amplified. Try not to be alarmed by it, nothing bad can happen by these strange sensations. Its just the same as when flu affects our appetite, energy etc too.
18 days is really early on the meds - there will be many ups and downs as you recover, and those early days the more difficult. Keep going as it does get easier.
Tinky100 katecogs
Hi Kate
ive just figured out how to log back in
ive been reading the posts you are an absolute diamond! thank you for taking the time to help me and so many others.
i started suffering with anxiety 6 months after the birth of my second daughter. shes 6 now and ive had 2 major set backs where ive needed medication. i had my second daughter via ivf and seemed to cope ok but i think it just caught up on me.
This second bought is due to the pandemic. My husband is a police officer and we have stuck to the rules to the letter. he had covid and so did my 6 yesr old daughter. The pressure of sticking to the rules when others havnt sent my stress levels up. My Dads a porter too, i seemed to take on everyones stress when they wernt bothered. 梁
So 3 weeks in im focusing on whats better
Its been hard to push through it and still is as I know your aware. Hopefully these are signs that things are on the way up. Actually reading that list has made me feel better xx
ive ordered the book, Ive already got the one by the lady.
Hopefully your enjoying this beautiful weather, Im in the garden messaging now
Many thanks
katecogs Tinky100
Hi Tinky
Anxiety is usually the result of stress or trauma - having a baby can be a stressful time for some and of course our body is undergoing major physical changes. Then there’s the birth - and though a magial time its quite a trauma physically and emotionally, followed by the tiredness of looking after a little one. Maybe thats how the anxiety could have started. It seems though that no matter how our anxiety started, we all seem to go down the same path and end up at the same place, and once anxiety starts its the same route back for us all (albeit we all have different fears, thoughts, emotions and background).
Its made lots of people angry watching those who flout the rules of Covid. Some do it deliberately of course but there are those who are just not clued up and that’s just how their brain works I guess.
That’s good you can see the changes - they’re often hard to see as they’re often so slight.
Love the idea of camping in the back garden - I love camping and always feels so cosy inside the tent snuggled up. An adventure!!
I hope the book ame - it really is a great read, and that one and the lady author really do explain how to help yourself with acceptance. Took me a long time to understand that.
The weather has been great (a little too hot for me though) and today the rain came which is actually quite a relief - still warm but love the smell of rain.
Tinky100 katecogs
Hi Katecoggs
Thank you so much for your reply.
Im on week 5 i think, the anxiety is settling. I still have some physical symptoms but when i hear/feel them. In my head i say " its anxiety, it wont hurt me, accept it. Still early days but i think im breaking the cycle. my stomach doesnt immediately churn when i feel a symptom so thats an improvement.
Ive started running again and i managed 5k in 36 minutes today. i feel so good after. ive also started back at the charity shop where i volunteer. when Im busy I dont notice any of the symptoms. This past week has been better so much better. Sleeping is so much better, averaging 6 hours a night . Ive been doing the school run, taking the girls to school and been meeting up with friends.
Ive also found a guy who talks and offers advice on tinnatus. Again its all about letting go, accepting it and living with it for a while. Its stress and anxiety that keeps the cycle going. He has got an app to which is fantastic.
I look back and i found that i was constantly googling and talking about my anxiety as a habit ( not because I needed someone to talk to). Continually doing this was feeding the cycle.
Ive stopped doing this.
Ive got the lady book and the man book, when i do feel a bit wobbly. I refer back to them and they really do help.
yes fresh rain, its raining now although warm is lovely! hope you have a great weekend! Oh come on England!
Thank you so much for support.
Best wishes
katecogs Tinky100
Hi Tinky
That’s so good you can see changes - it will gradually get better as you continue on the meds and adopt the new attitude of ‘not caring’.
Yes this is what everyone does - googles and talks about how they feel (I did too, though not internet as it didn’t exist when I was ill) - and this is because we don’t understand it and constantly look for a cure, an instant cure. But yes, this is exactly what keeps the anxiety running all the time.
This is why reading those books you first learn about anxiety so it answers lots of questions and unravels the mystery of anxiety, and it also points you in the right direction of recovery. It also stops you searching and ending up with countless causes, cures, so called quick fixes, potions and whatever else.
Running is so good for anxiety (though any exercise is), and just getting on with life as you would do if you didn’t have anxiety.
Its good when sleep gets better as it helps to refresh our body.
Tinnitus can result from anxiety or even the meds too - thats good you’ve found someone who’s helping you with that, and would never have thought using the same method of accepting.
Those books are great and are definitely the way forward. We can all recover from this - medicine, understanding and acceptance. Reading them over and over I always found something new to read.
Yes ….. eek England vs Scotland tonight 😄
sarah57142 katecogs
please could you send me the link to the book your all on about please i have been in citalopram a year but rather stupidly stopped taking cold turkey stupid i know that was over a month ago now and have been put back on them am on 20mg at the moment with the plan to increase to 30mg tomorrow so would love to know what book your all talking about as would really like to read it thanks
Tinky100 katecogs
Hi there
With the tinnatus , providing its not being caused by a medical problem, its stress or the meds ( as you say). I had my ears checked by a private ear nose and throat specialist. He said they were beautifully heathy!
I did have the tinnatus when the anxiety started bit its bizzare that i dont notice it when im busy, just when im quiet. i hear it when in dropping off to sleep but again i just talk to myself and say its anxiety. Again as theres nothing physically wrong with my ears i know at some point it will ease.
This man also suggests body work, massages, physical activity etc. So im having thrm
monthly xx
Im sticking with the 20mg dose as Ive seen so many improvements with better things to come. Today i felt my mind was wondering a bit so i went for an hours walk and it helped do much. Im learning to act quicker now !
The books are a fantastic reference , they really brings you back down.
I hope youve had a lovely weekend.
Thanks again xxx
katecogs Tinky100
I’m sure it is the meds or the anxiety that’s causing the tinnitus as have heard of others who get this whilst on SSRI meds too.
No you will only be aware of the tinnitus when you’re quiet as that’s when you can hear more clearly. I’ve had it a few times and I’ve even got up to investigate the soft ‘tumble dryer’ type noise in the kitchen, when its just my ears. Since last year I’ve had bouts of vertigo which is awful - when it started I couldn’t stand up and the room spun round. I still get the occasional weird sensation which lasts seconds and feels like I’m tipping over. Its annoying as its caught me out a few times (have to be careful at yoga now) 😕 but this should go in time too.
Yes I’m sure you’ll find the next month or so the anxiety will lessen up even more and finally disappear. When I recovered it seemed as each month passed it got a little less each time.
The books are great - it really explains whats happening and what to do / not do.
Thanks, had a great weekend though the weather has gone a bit cooler (mind you I was grumbling about the hot weather only a week ago, so its more comfortable being cooler) 😄
K x
megan59571 katecogs
Hi Kate,
i feel as though the last couple of days ive been much better when ive been distracted but whenever i have time to think i can hype myself up quite quickly. it feels like its anxiety about having the anxiety and that can bring it on. Then i get feelings of being stuck in my head and then i cant go anywhere which is scary. sometimes these feelings are worse after a nap for some reason? im going to buy the book you suggested. im trying hard to do what you said about relaxing into it, which does work to a certain extent! thanks
megan xx
angela39244 katecogs
hi Kate could you send me the details of the book you recommend ? thank you
katecogs megan59571
Hi Megan - Both my replies have been deleted because I mentioned something. Ridiculous.
Distraction isn’t really the answer - though its good to be busy we have to learn to allow those feelings to come and to not get entangled with them, however bad they feel. The book will explain this more, and even about being stuck in your head. Again with this its about understanding and letting it be - all these symptoms are caused by one thing, anxiety. You don’t need to fix anything as they’ll all ease off as the anxiety calms. They’re only there because of anxiety.
katecogs sarah57142
Hi Sarah
This site has temporarily disabled the messaging system so I can’t send the book details to you at the moment, and I’m not allowed to post anything about it here either on the public forum.
Yes its not good to stop these type of meds suddenly as they can make you feel quite ill - but that’s good your doctor has put you back onto them again. They should help you feel better again though it could be a little time before the full benefit is felt.
But sorry I can’t mention the book - or I’ll be ‘drummed out of the Brownies’ here 😮
katecogs angela39244
Hi Angela
Sorry I’m not able to send the book details as this site have temporarily disabled the messaging system, and they don’t allow any sort of ‘advertising’ on this main forum. So for now I can't help with this book 😦
denise1306 katecogs
Hi can anyone advise me how to contact "Katecogs" on here please. I'm new to the forum. Thank you
katecogs denise1306
Hi Denise - katecogs here ........
denise1306 katecogs
Hi Kate, thank you for replying. Just looking for some reassurance. I've been on 10mg Citalopram for 12 weeks, as much as I'm better than I was and have had a few good days even though not 100% it's a start. The last days I've had low mood which starts my anxiety off!! I'm wondering if I may need to increase my dose ( although reluctantly due to side effects) I had 5 weeks on Sertraline which was horrendous hence the change to Citalopram. I'm scared this is never going to get better and I'll be like this forever. I'm in my head checking in how I feel all day, on the good days this doesn't happen. I love your posts and reassurance, I've seen you mention books and websites, any advice would be really appreciated xx
katecogs denise1306
Hi Denise
Low mood and fluctuating anxiety is normal whilst you’re recovering and you’ll get this whatever dose you take. You might need a bigger dose though if it were me I’d stick with the 10mg a couple of more months before discussing with your doctor about an slight increase.
It is a long slow process and 12 weeks is a good way in, though there’s still lots of room for improvement.
Everyone has the same fear of never recovering from this - I did too. Anxiety isn’t a lifelong condition and with the right treatment you can recover.
Negative thinking is part of the anxiety condition, and as you’ve found on good days you don’t have this. As anxiety fluctuates as you recover, so too will the thoughts which match the anxiety days.
When we’re anxious we will have anxious thoughts, just the same as when we’re happy we’ll have happy thoughts, angry / angry thoughts, sad / sad thoughts etc. Our thoughts reflect our mood. Often our negative thoughts make us feel worse, so its best to try not to analyse your anxiety ie all the “what if’s, why’s and the classic I’ll never get better” etc etc and try and accept that your thoughts will be all over the place for now and try and just let them come and go without getting into a debate with yourself about them.
When you have flu or a cut you wouldn’t keep wondering why you have this, how long it’ll last etc etc and so try and treat the anxiety the same. I know these thoughts will creep in but just leave them be, let them be present but try not head chat with them.
Its hard not to head check how you feel because we’re so aware of our feelings 24/7, so try and go with those feelings and try not to head chatter about them.
There’s no quick fix for anxiety (just the same as there's no quick fix for a broken leg) but it will improve in time.
Yes there’s a fabulous website and book that explains about anxiety, how it often starts, the mistakes we all make and how recovery works. I’m unable to post the links of these though and can only do by private messaging which this site has disbanded at the moment.
But keep going, and talk to your doctor about an increase but do give it much more time.
K 😃
denise1306 katecogs
Hi Kate, thank you for your reply, it's so nice to speak to someone who has been there and knows the journey so well!! But like you say it's so hard to carry on with your day when you're feeling so yucky. Ive just had 12 days of feeling good and thought I had cracked it, that's why I thought a small increase of maybe 5mg would do the trick, I know you were on 20mg all the time. Regarding the books, am I right in thinking this could be an Australian lady and an English gentleman? Thank you again D x
denise1306 katecogs
Hi Kate, my normal GP is on holiday, I've spoke to another one who has suggested I take 10mg one day and 20mg the next day for a month?? Not sure about this, I'm afraid of the side effects. When I mentioned maybe increase by 5mg per day she said that's not a proper dose!! I'm really confused now ( which at the moment doesn't take much lol) thinking should I or should I not or just ride it out at 10mg. The more popular dose seems to 20mg. The fear at the minute is unreal 😪 Any advice, sorry to keep asking xx
katecogs denise1306
Hi Denise
Yes it is good to connect with people who’ve been through this - and of course, who are still going through it.
It is very hard getting on with life when you’re having a bad time, but this is the exact time to try and practice acceptance of all the feelings. Anxiety is the very thing that will help you recover, because without it you can’t practice it.
This is how recover works - you’ll have days feeling better and you’ll think you’ve turned a corner, only to find the symptoms will return. This ‘is’ recovery itself.
Increasing meds will not give you the instant relief we all crave - yes you will recover in time, but any dose will take time. This is why you need to give yourself lots and lots of time because the dose you’re on might be the one.
Having had 12 days of feeling good then feeling bad is how recovery works. That good feeling will come back - just give it time.
I’m not a doctor or anyone medically trained so can’t advise on what dose is best to take - we all need different doses depending on our body. I can only go on what I took (back in the day). Yes I took 20mg for some years and eventually reduced to 10mg and finally 5mg. All those doses worked for me.
Is 5mg a proper dose? Well the tablets are manufactured in 5mg as well as 10mg and 20mg, so 5mg is a dose and it suits some people. When I withdrew from medication I reduced by 5mg each time which stopped me getting withdrawal symptoms - and I guess it would work with increasing too. The idea doing it slow is to gradually introduce it into your body with minimal effect, and yes, the body does recognise 5mg. After many weeks then another 5mg is introduced.
So 5mg is a dose, yes.
Yes you can take 10mg / 20mg on alternating days just the same as when withdrawing - it suits some people. For me, when I was on 20mg I couldn’t miss a few hours, because if I forgot to take my meds, within a few hours I’d start feeling sick and heady. When I withdrew I cut my 20mg into 1/4’s making each piece 5mg and reduced that way. I don’t suggest you do that of course as you should always work with your doctor with what dose to take. We’re all different and I guess some people would feel side effects with 10 / 20 and other wouldn’t.
Haha yes the books are an Australian lady (CW) and an English gentleman (PD) - great explanation!! But do read them if you can - the man’s book follows on from the lady’s and is a lot more detailed. Its very true what they write - many people have recovered from the books alone. Acceptance does work.
K 😃
denise1306 katecogs
Hi Kate, this blip has hung around for nearly 2 weeks not just a couple of days, which is why I'm thinking have I plateaued on 10mg? It's not the physical symptoms it's just feeling flat and sad, which I then worry that this is more depression, surely anxiety can't make you feel like this? This in turn makes me anxious and so the cycle begins. If my mood changed slightly this would give me a lift, hence why I thought an increase is needed!! I've read the books already which all make sense but hard to implement when you just want to hide. I really appreciate your replies, thank you 🙂
nathan29183 denise1306
hi Denise, this is exactly how i feel at the moment i kept having blips and getting over them and each time they got less intense and shorter, ive just had covid and now suffering a big blip having just gotten over one maybe my biggest yet. maybe covid was a trigger or like you i dont know if the 20mg fluoxetine has just stopped and i need an increase. also my branding changed duno if thats got something to do with it.
denise1306 nathan29183
Hi Nathan, sorry to hear you've not been well. I'm on 10mg Citalopram and have been for 12 weeks and seemed to be doing ok, better than I was. I had about 12 good days in a row and thought I had cracked it, then the blip started and it's not shifting it's 2 weeks. How long did yours last?
nathan29183 denise1306
thanks hopefully just a blip again and im sure your will pass 12 weeks is still very early so you most probably are doing well tbh and my first came around that time and that too lasted around 2 weeks but it did go. but again they will come and go so think you should stick on that dose. ive never suffered from this before until i was ill will i viral infection. may i ask if youve ever had this before and what triggered it ?
denise1306 nathan29183
Accumulation of stress I think has done it. I'm just taking it hard because I didn't realise a blip would happen!! I've not been on these meds before so it's a learning curve, I never knew they could take so long to work you say 12weeks is still early?
katecogs denise1306
Hi Denise
Yes blips can last days, weeks or months - there’s no set time for how long they hang around for. Its often our attitude towards it all that matters (easier said than done I know). But this is where the acceptance from the books works, with all symptoms.
I also had a long flat period the second time I was on meds. I’ve read this is called the Let Down Effect - emotions and low mood are a symptom of the anxiety itself.
Whilst struggling with anxiety its completely normal to experience constant or frequent periods of sadness and feeling flat. When we’re anxious our body is pumping lots of stress hormones through the body 24/7 - our body becomes sensitised or hyperstimulated. When you start recovering the body starts to decrease the amount of stress hormones and we then experience this ‘let down’ feeling where we feel exhausted, sad, flat because we’re now not receiving these powerful stress stimulants as we were.
Your body just needs time to readjust and get used to the changes, and in time you will start feeling normal levels of energy again.
When we’re not well with any ailment, our body recovers better when we rest - so as we recover from anxiety our body tells us we need to rest so it can repair itself. So its natural to feel this a being flat.
Don’t view this flatness as a bad thing but think of it as your body is recovering.
Also don’t separate different symptoms as individual things - they’re all part of the anxiety condition so they should all be treated the same. Accept them, leave them be, don’t question or analyse them, don’t ‘what if’ them ….. let them be there. It will pass.
When I recovered my symptoms didn’t all go at once, but instead they gradually eased off one by one, with the early morning anxiety the last to go for me. During this time all the symptoms would fluctuate (come back from time to time, known as blips). I started having the ‘normal’ periods at 3 months and it was 6 months before I felt completely well. This timescale is different for all.
nathan29183 denise1306
hi, ive also bever experienced this before and was a little flat when finding out these blips happen hard to take i know but they do pass and yess 12 weeks is early im just into my 6th month and still having blips but had more good than bad they are horrible when they happen though.
denise1306 katecogs
Hi Kate, thank you for your reply. I've never heard of Let Down effect, but it makes sense. My GP gave me Propanalol to take to help calm down my anxiety. If I take one, within an hour I feel better, so to me this proves it's anxiety causing me to feel flat, would you agree? All this scares me so much, I appreciate your reassuring words. I've decided to stick at 10mg for a bit longer as you and others have suggested and hope this all blips off lol x
denise1306 nathan29183
Hi Nathan, its horrible isn't it and so hard to try and stay positive. I can't wait for the day when I feel like my old self again. I've decided to stick with my dose of 10mg for a bit longer and hopefully ride it out. I'm feeling a bit more positive now knowing this is a "normal " part of recovery. Hopefully we'll all look back at this in time and see how far we've come. Keep talking, asking questions and stay strong, we're all here for each other.
Hi Kate,
My dose has been increased to 20mg from 10mg. I've took extra 5mgs for about 10 days. I've had a couple of days where I've felt better as the day goes on, but other days I feel awful, low mood heart racing and feeling shaky. I've had to take a Propanalol on these days. I'm frightened to go up to 20mgs, do you think these are side effects or the dose is too high?? I'm really struggling and again just feeling this is never going to end. Its 14 weeks since I started taking 10mg, had a couple of good weeks then came crashing down, hence the increase, not sure whether to decrease back to 10 or increase to 20mgs or wean off them altogether. My mood swings seem worse than when I started. I suffer with a cancer phobia due to losing both parents with it and thought I had cancer at the beginning of the year, fortunately I didnt, but couldn't pick myself up from it, hence the AD's. Because I'm not back to myself yet my health anxiety is playing havoc with me, the GP haven't a clue about these meds!! I know I'm looking for reassurance, but this is so scary, I feel I'm going crazy. Sorry for the long post D x
Hi Kate,
I thought I had sent you another post, however it looks like I've just posted it on the general discussion forum. Could you have a look please and send me a reply when you can. Thank you ever so much D x
nathan29183 katecogs
hi kate, still in this blip but is slowly feeling like its lifting hopefully, got over covid but has left me feeling very tired and fatigued which defo will not of helped. im gona carry on a bit longer on my current dose as i dont want to quite increase yet and give it more time, just be coming up to 6 months so will give it a little while longer hopefully not to many more blips although this has felt the worst. i have spoke with the dont and i suggest cbt therapist so i will give that a go some say its just as good as medication. hope your well.
Dart2016 katecogs
could i also get the name of the book!
katecogs Dart2016
Hi Dart2016
Sorry I'm unable to post the name of the book or author here as this site doesn't allow it (I guess deemed as advertising)? This will be deleted if I mention it. I used to send it via private messaging but the site has disabled that too.
katecogs denise1306
Hi Denise
Yes I hadn’t heard of the Let Down Effect either until only this year, and I also thought how it made perfect sense.
Yes it is the anxiety thats making you feel flat - I know it feels scary but its not a permanent thing. Many symptoms and feelings crop up with the anxiety condition, and we feel these intensely because anxiety makes us over feel and over think everything at the moment. Your body is very sensitive, and as you get better you’ll return to normal and won’t over react to things.
When you recover all symptoms will come and go in waves, and some days will feel worse than others. This is quite normal and are side effects of anxiety. Yes the meds can heighten these feelings but it will settle again.
It will end …… when we’re in the middle of all this it does feel never ending and you won’t be able to see a future without these feelings, that’s because you’re thinking with an anxious mind.
It is our thoughts that often drive anxiety:
Anxiety is often caused by stress, and its a natural feeling. Its our body telling us we’ve overdone things. Anxiety feels frightening and we automatically start to overthink about everything, and these thoughts cause anxiety to spike, adding to the pot.
Whatever you feel or think try not to add on anymore analysis to it all - leave those feelings alone and leave any intrusive thoughts alone too. Resist the tempation to revisit it. Understand that these feelings and thoughts will go away in time - lots of time. For now try letting them be, take them with you throughout your day and don’t try getting rid of them - because you can’t. Try to stop analysing it all because I can guess your thoughts are constantly about how you feel. I did the same. When you have a cold you don’t constantly think about it - so anxiety is no different. Leave alone, let the feelings and thoughts play out without adding on anymore secondary thinking.
We all have some fear that drives our anxiety, each of us having different things, but whatever it is it will feel as horrendous as the next person’s fear. I didn’t have health anxiety, but was plagued with intrusive thoughts.
Again, whatever your fear, try letting those fears, anxiety, thoughts just come and go without adding on any analysis. You will take the awareness with you, but when you stop head chatting to yourself about it all it will start to diminish over time. Absolutely this works.
This is also how the meds work - they do the work for you by diminishing the feelings and with it you begin to stop head chatting. Finally it all calms and goes away.
You can start to break this cycle by stopping the head chatter - you won’t do it immediately and it will creep back in, but continued practice will work.
Head chatter by the way is not intrusive thoughts. Intrusive thoughts (primary thoughts) are created by the mind / body - head chatter (secondary thoughts) is created by us. We can control the head chatter but not the intrusive thoughts. The secondary thoughts drive the primary thoughts.
GP's are our first port of call and deal with numerous conditions and medicines so I guess its hard for them to know completely everything about all medicines. SSRI's also don't seem to work like other medicines ie take pills and over weeks you'll start to feel better. SSRI's first heighten anxiety symptoms so make us feel worse, and our thoughts and fears make anxiety worse too. People who've never taken these meds have no idea how they feel (or how anxiety feels) so don't often know how SSRI's work ie how long they actually take, the journey most of us go through on them. There are many GP's who understand them and its good when you find one who does.
I'll look out for your other post too.
katecogs nathan29183
Hi Nathan
Yes I knew the blip would lift - it’ll take its time so just leave it alone.
Covid does make you feel tired and fatigued - I guess the same as if you’d had a bad cold or flu. Takes it out of you.
Remember also mindset can also help a lot - try not over analysing how you feel or think - leave alone. Don’t head chat.
CBT helps a lot of people.
denise1306 katecogs
Hi Kate, thank you for your reply, you have answered both my posts now and I'm very grateful. I've felt a lot better these last 2 days, so hopefully the increase to 15mg is kicking in, fingers crossed. You're right, my thoughts and head chatter doesn't bother me so much when I'm feeling less anxious, but it's awful when you're in the middle of it all, I never knew anxiety worked like this. You're posts always gives me reassurance and positivity. The website you often mention is this the english gentleman PD or another one? D x
karen59751 katecogs
katecogs karen59751
Hi Karen
How long have you had anxiety? The mistake we all make is to try and rid ourselves of anxiety, trying everything, when we should be giving anxiety the space it needs and lots of time and patience. Anxiety is very uncomfortable and frightening and nobody wants to have this for even a day, but the more we fight it, the more it clings.
Many people struggle on 40mg Citalopram and find it makes them worse - its not about the higher the meds the better they work - but its about what dose suits your particular body.
So it could be your dose is too high - some even find 30mg too high. It is often a juggle with meds to find the right dose for you.
I recovered on 20mg which seems to be a dose many settle with, though some find 30mg suits them and others 10mg. You do need to speak to your doctor thoough to discuss this.
Whatever dose you take though you will still go through the same symptoms - you cannot get rid of anxiety in days or weeks. It takes many long months to recover and throughout this journey you will still feel anxiety and all other symptoms, coming and going in waves.
Yes certainly keep going on the meds but do talk to your doctor about your dose as often an adjustment helps sort it.
Search for me on Google as I can send you a link which I can’t do here.
katecogs Dart2016
Hi again Dart2016
You may be able to find me if you search my name on Google - I could then send the link 😃
MB3040 katecogs
Thank you for that post, its really helpful. I wonder if you could also send me the link you mentioned. It sounds interesting.
katecogs MB3040
Unfortunately I can't send any links on this as they've disbanded the messaging service, and can't post on this forum or they'll delete my post. You could try searching for me on Google and I can then mail info to you.
K 😃
mz03 katecogs
hi @katecogs
hoping you can help, earlier this year i tried coming off citalopram and didnt work. i went back 3 weeks later. silly me, i thought i would just start where i left off. but seemed like the anxiety restarted from the very beginning. i felt every symptom i felt when i first started dealing with anxiety. well its now going on 8 weeks back on cit. 5 of those on 20mg (i started on 10mg) im not sure if its taking longer to work this time around or if it wont work for me this time around (i was on it for 4yrs before i tried stopping it, and it worked okay then) ive seen a bit of progress this time but still having a lot of anxiety, my main thing is lightheadedness not sure if its still a withdraw symptom im dealing with or part of anxiety. the doctor asked me if i wanted to switch to escitalopram he mentioned i most likely wouldnt have side effects since its the same family of meds. but i dont know if i should stick with cit. a little longer? or make the switch. im just nervous of starting over with another medicine. and the what ifs.
mz03 anna78365
hi @anna78365
how are you doing on the cit now? ive been on mine for 8 weeks, 5 of those on 20mg. have seen a bit of improvement, but definitely not where i want to be. Did you up yours or stayed on the same?
katecogs mz03
Hi mz03
How long did you take trying to come off them?
These meds need a very long and slow withdrawl or you’ll get nasty withdrawal symptoms.
I would guess you’re feeling withdrawal symptoms mixed with start up symptoms.
Restarting meds does seem to take longer for lots of people, so I’d keep on with these meds. Having had 3 weeks off though I’d have thought it wouldn’t take months and months - but if you did come off the meds too quick then I guess its probably that effect you’re still feeling. You suddenly take away the meds then re-introduce them then your body won’t know if its coming or going.
Changing meds won’t give you instant relief and you’ll probably still have to go through the same start up effect. Escitalopram I’ve heard is easier for some people yes, but who knows.
If it were me I’d continue as is as they do need lots of time - and you know these meds worked for you before.
K x
Beckybex katecogs
hi everyone, can the book you're all talking about be shared with me please! Week 2 of citalopram and the morning adrenaline rush is awful
katecogs Beckybex
Hi Beckbex
Can’t post the book details or any links here on the forum as they don’t allow it. You may be able to find me by searching the internet and I can send details that way.
kat55568 katecogs
hi Katie! I'm in the exact same position as this person right now. could you send me the same link? need all the help i can get right now to cope with this.
katecogs kat55568
Hi Kat
I’ll message you with the link 😃
Hi Beckbex
The messaging system is back working again - if you go to your settings and 'allow messaging' then I can now send you the link.
Benny69 katecogs
Hi everyone ,
I'm new to this forum but have found it an immense source of comfort ! Especially the posts from Katiecogs .
thank you
Benny69 katecogs
Hi Katiecogs -
I'm new to this forum but have found your posts really comforting and helpful ! Thank you !
katecogs Benny69
Hi Benny
Glad my posts have help you ❤️ K x
anthony08367 katecogs
I'm new here. Found your guidance very comforting . Many thanks.
katecogs anthony08367
Hi Anthony
I'm pleased I've been able to help - I've loads of resources too that I can recommend, so if you need anything just pm me.
K 😃
jessica61048 katecogs
Hi Katycogs,
Thank you so much for this super helpful advice!
I am no newbie to citalopram and have been taking a 20mg for around 4 years now. However, since the pandemic my anxiety has worsened. I suspect as a result of less interaction with others, working from home and the general uncertainty we all face. I am considering going up to 30mg to see if this helps and have really appreciated your advice on this forum. I would love to know your thoughts and also if you could share the link to the book that has helped you so much.
I really feel as though I have still not mastered relaxing into the anxiety and would find this so helpful - at the moment I just feeling exhausted with it and the prospect of feeling this way forever
gemma1986 katecogs
hi katecogs, could you please message me the link to this book? thank you
gary53727 katecogs
katecogs , can you please forward the link to me also, i have been on cit for about 5 years and managed to rid myself of the anxiety, but about 7 months ago , change of job and coming out of lockdown the anxiety came back even though i was on 30 mg the doc upped me to 40....which worked for me before. the side effects have been quite bad, nausea. waking early and not able to go back to sleep, headache , loss of appetite and weight and clenching teeth.. I have reduced to 35 and slowly increasing to 37.5 with a splitter for a month now ..some ok days but some not..just thought that after being on cit previously it wouldnt take so long to settle, what are your thoughts please ?
thank you .
katecogs gemma1986
Hi Gemma - will do
katecogs gary53727
Hi Gary
Anxiety is usually caused by stress so I guess you’ve maybe been stressed from changing jobs etc and its very common to feel stressed with lockdown too.
Stress causes adrenaline / cortisol to increase in the body and this in turn causes anxiety to spike. When you feel anxiety your body will automatically try to stop it because its an uncomfortable, and even frightening, feeling. Trying to stop though it is the worst thing to do because it just makes it worse, and before you know it you’re sucked into the anxiety / fear / anxiety cycle again.
It is only normal to try to prevent anxiety, but if we actually left it alone, allowed it to surge through us and carry on with our day, then it will burn itself out. Anxiety is just adrenaline / cortisol looking for an escape route from the body, but fearing it, preventing it, causes more anxiety which then traps us in a cycle.
The book and video links I’ll send is about anxiety, all its symptoms, intrusive thoughts etc and the acceptance method and explains how we go about this.
Yes 40mg can be a bit brutal for some, so reducing it may lessen those side effects and then slowly increase back to the higher dose.
Restarting meds a second time does seem to take longer - it did with me. I guess returning to a previous dose could have the same effect too.
I’ll message you.
gary53727 katecogs
thank you x
mike30343 katecogs
hi Can you message me Kate regarding the book
simon33693 mike30343
Hi all,
I just come across this site after being prescribed an increase from 20mg to 30mg.
But I am tempted not to increase, my meds ran out and I borrowed some 10mg tabs for a week or so while I awaited a new 20mg prescription. I had a period where I went 20mg, 10mg, 20mg, nothing, 10mg, 10mg and 20mg, nothing, 20mg.
After 4 years of being pretty steady on 20mg, and doing very well I have slipped back. I had a rubbish christmas (whole family got covid), work stress, wetest Feb on record stopping my outdoor release (golf) and then my dog passed away. Now this would stretch anyone, but I wonder if playing with the meds to will of had an effect and I might not need to up the dose? yes daft I know.
I take the tablets for OCD, mostly catastrophising leading to panic and anxiety. I recognise the morning adrenaline that people describe hence wondering if the messing with the dosage is one of the reasons?
Also, is there a chance someone could share me a link tot eh book people talk about.
Thank you
gary53727 katecogs
hi Katecogs,
thank you for the reply, i have been on 40 mg now for 11 weeks, upped from 37.5. waking up early and morning anxiety are back but most times gone by the afternoon and evening's are mostly nearly normal. hoping this all sorts itself out soon as i have been struggling for the past 10 months now 路 there any chance you can send me the link etc about anxiety please as i didnt receive it .
thank you xxxx
K5678R katecogs
hello, could I also have the links please ? thanks.reading these threads gives me hope xxx
katecogs K5678R
Hi K5678R
I've just messaged you.
jojo30 Gerrymoo
Hi, are you willing to share the name of the book?
dlm1162 Gerrymoo
can you please forward the link for the book?
Thank you
carly05579 katecogs
hi please could you forward me the link?
chasidy44859 katecogs
hi katecogs, is there anyway you can privately message me? We have spoken before but i feel like i need to speak with you again for reassurance
Polly7491 katecogs
Hello Kate
I don't know if you're still posting here but I've found your responses so helpful You refer to various books that you found relevant and encouraging. I would be very grateful if you could tell me their names.
Very best,
katecogs Polly7491
I'll message you.
dave20877 katecogs
Can anyone who has them please send me the links to the anxiety book and resources mentioned throughout this thread.
angela13920 katecogs
hi katecogs
i have never wrote on any sites before this is my first
you seem to be really clued up i have noticed a lot of people ask you for advice
i was on 20mg citlapram was feeling great so i reduced it to 10mg then 1 day i thought i dont need this anymore so i just stopped it. within a couple weeks i felt like i had hit a brick wall i felt more anxious than i had before i ever started on citlapram.
My doctor put me back on 20mg and omg it took weeks (10-12) before i was starting to feel myself again that was about 6 months ago, now still on 20mg the last week i have been really anxious tension in the back of my head and shoulders big knot at top of my stomach and my left leg feels numb all the time i have no idea what has brought this on after feeling great i dont know if i should put it up to 30mg or stick with the 20mg and hopefully its just a wee blip any advise would be great
and what is the book you talk about people seem to have good things to say about it
Lockhart86 katecogs
Hello Katecogs,
I had a quick question in regards to your experience. I started Citalopram 10 years ago. Was on 40 but after awhile 20 was my dosage for 9 years. I was off of it for half the year this year. I was having anxiety at later part of that 6 month window (I don't normally get anxiety). Turns out I was having caffeine withdrawals (drank about 4-6 cups of coffee when I started working from home). During that period I got back on Citalopram (20mg) because at the time, I didn't know what was causing my anxiety. During that period sleeping a full day was on and off. After drinking coffee again (just 2 cups daily), I started feeling fine. Still had some of those anxious thoughts though for a bit while I was getting readjusted to Citalopram. I decided to just go to 40 again for the time being under the approval of my doctor. My mood is good again after 2 months of transitioning to 20 to 30 to 40. As of the date of this message, I am on 2.5 weeks of 40. The only problem is I have midnight awakenings and feel slightly tense waking up. My doctor put me on Trazadone for sleep, but I still wake up at around 3-4 am nightly on 200mg. While it doesn't keep me asleep I can fall back asleep. Going to sleep isn't an issue either. I am fine throughout the day, it's just my sleep wake cycle that's off. I suspect it's my body adjusting to the increased dose. Does that sound pretty standard in your opinion? (Sorry, wasn't as quick as I'd thought, but wanted to paint the whole picture)
nicola18232 Gerrymoo
i would love to get this book?
nikki39329 katecogs
can you message me he link for book please xxxx
Saltire nikki39329
If Kate got a £1 for every book link she would be tanning herself in the Med by now
Stay well folks and have a good December
katecogs Saltire
😎 ☀️ 🌴
katecogs Lockhart86
Not sure if I’ve already replied to you or not, so sorry if I repeat myself.
Glad you’ve found the right dose for you - and who’d have guessed caffeine was causing you such issues (or withdrawal from it anyway).
Is the caffeine causing you sleep issues maybe - try not having coffee in the evening. Also yes, the meds does cause insomnia initially, which also happens when you increase your dose. It should settle in time.
When I had sleep issues I took Melatonin which is our natural sleep hormone. I bought this over the counter, but it’s best to talk to your doctor about taking this.
I took one 30 mins before bed, and yes it got me through the night. I only took them when needed which was about 2 or 3 times a week, and once my sleep pattern sorted itself I didn’t need them. I did feel a bit groggy the next day, but that was a small price to pay.
How is the sleep issue now? Has Cit settled enough for your sleep pattern to return?
katecogs angela13920
Hi Angela
Apologies, I’m way behind with replying to people.
The medicine makes you feel calm, and that’s then makes all anxiety symptoms go away too. Once you come off the meds, if anxiety does return then you’ll slip back into the cycle again with head chatter, trying to fix yourself etc etc which makes you stick all the more in it. This is where the book is needed as it teaches you how to overcome anxiety naturally, without the need for meds, plus it prepares you to ‘go it alone’ once you stop the meds.
Also stopping the medicine abruptly as you did does your no favours at all. You absolutely need to come off the meds gradually to firstly avoid or minimise withdrawal syndrome and secondly so it’s not a shock to your body.
Stress causes anxiety - and yes, you can get it whilst on the meds, though unlikely as the meds help keep the anxiety at bay, but enough stress can cause a blip.
The answer is not always to increase the meds, but to just let the stress ride out and the anxiety will pass. Again this is where the book will come in handy as it’ll show you how to help yourself.
Learning the acceptance method is not a quick fix - it’ll take just as long as the meds do and it’s still a painful journey. But it’s an amazing theory that works, and actually makes complete sense.
I’ll message you with the book link.
lily06649 katecogs
Hi Kate,
Firstly I wanted to thank you for all the kind, reassuring messages you send everyone. you've been a huge help in the recovery process. I hope you don't mind if i leave a question here.
I've been taking Cit for 8 weeks now - first month was awful, but for the past couple of weeks I've felt almost back to normal (a few small wobbles here and there), it's been absolutely wonderful! Then out of nowhere after a bad nights sleep two days ago my brain decided to remind me of one of my previous worries, and I've been so hopeless since - been crying a lot and feel back to where I started. Is this normal? I'm scared that was just a brief moment of respite and now I'm back to the normal anxiety and it'll never stop.
katecogs lily06649
Hi Lily
Thanks so much for your thanks 💕
This is absolutely normal. You’ll probably have a few of these ‘backslides’ - they’re just setbacks and part of the recovery process. Having a blip doesn't mean you're ill again, doesn't mean the meds aren't working and doesn't mean you're back at the beginning. It actually means the meds ARE working and you just need to accept this is how it is and to just keep going whatever is thrown at you.
Recovery is never a gradual smooth upward journey, but instead it’s a trip with many dips in it. You can feel these at any stage along the way.
All symptoms you feel, whatever they are (and there are hundreds), are all down to one thing - anxiety. So whatever you feel or think, don’t separate each one thinking you have to fix that particular one or solve the riddle, as you’re only feeling it because you have anxiety. The worse anxiety is the more you’ll feel the symptoms. The meds work by hanging onto your serotonin which in time makes you feel calmer - this in turn makes all other symptoms lessen and eventually disappear.
When you're having a calm period you'll think positively and feel back to normal and when anxiety spikes, all those good feelings and thoughts go out the window and you'll think negatively and fearfully (its amazing the power of anxiety). So its just anxiety talking. It will pass.
Give it time - it can be 6 months (more or less) before your body stops having these little blips.
lily06649 katecogs
Thank you so much for your quick reply, I really appreciate it. It's reassuring to know blips are normal (though incredibly upsetting to go through at the same time!). I've seen you mention a book in your replies, would you mind sending me the title and author?
matt05488 katecogs
i would love to see the link you have, would you pass along please?
matt05488 katecogs
you are so spot on . would very much like to see the link you have on dealing with anxiety. im on week 8 at 20mg and im dealing with the same. i had that fear and need to run away from everything feeling as well. the blips are still coming but not nearly as bad as week 3. the good days are great! just looking on how to deal with the blips better
katecogs lily06649
Hi Lily
Blimey - is it 6 weeks since you posted this!! I'll message you with the info as can't post it here or will get deleted.
rhys78 katecogs
Hi Kate
Just about to start my 3rd attempt of Citalopram. Not looking forward to the side effects as thats why i stopped taking them the first 2 times. But i will be brave this time as i thought i was the only person in the world to have the side effects but clearly not!
Took some time to sit here and read your replies and helping others and its definitely made me less worried about starting them
Could you also send me the link to this book you have been recommending? I would love to read it!
anxiouspanda Saltire
Hello, could you please send me the link to the book?
katecogs rhys78
Hi Rhys
Just replied to your private message too.
I've read that the biggest reason for people to come off the medicine is because of the side effects. They can be tough, though they do eventually ease off and stop (takes a long time though).
I always say just try and persevere through the side effects, head down, keep on and it does get better.
katecogs matt05488
Hi Matt
I’ll message you.
Oh yes, know that feeling only too well of wanting to run away from it all. Trouble is you take it with you wherever you go. When I was ill I took my anxiety on holiday with me (so its seen lots of different countries), its been exercising with me, accompanied me at work, home and just about everywhere it decided to muscle in on 😦
The link explains about anxiety and of acceptance which is the way forward. Its very tough, but it works.
SubEkAll katecogs
Hi Kate.
Sorry for the trouble but could you message me the link as well?
Thank you for your tireless kindness which stretches over years on this forum!
anxiouspanda katecogs
Hello, sorry to bother you but please could you send me the link too. Thank you for your help. I found this thread comforting.
katecogs anxiouspanda
I've messaged you too 😃
nicnicnicx3 katecogs
Please could you tell me the book that you found helpful. I have been on citilopram for severe anxiety and panic for 10 weeks. 20 mg for 5 weeks and 25mg for 5 weeks but its very slow progress. I wonder if I should change drugs or up to 30mg.
Doctors seem to like to increase meds very quickly but i don't really think thats a good idea. i have propranerol aswell but don't find it that great.
katecogs nicnicnicx3
I messaged you
nataliya.k katecogs
Hi Kate
could you please private msg me the name of the book you are talking about?
Thank you
katecogs nataliya.k
Hi Nataliya
I did send you the book links when we first spoke via pm 😉 I'll send them again.
K 😃
f25660 katecogs
@katecogs. Hiya Kate, I hate to burden you with my struggles as you already do so much on this forum. But ive sent you a message. And would really appreciate a reply. holding on in life is becoming more difficult.
katecogs f25660
Yes just seen your messages. Will reply.
carolyn38308 matthew28493
Could someone send me the title of the book, i really need extra help! Thank You!
carolyn38308 katecogs
When your having anxiety how do you know think about it, what do you think about?
katecogs carolyn38308
Hi Carolyn
Good question - how do you not think about anxiety.
So - thoughts and thinking are 2 different things.
Everybody’s mind creates THOUGHTS - we’re not in control of those.
THINKING about those THOUGHTS is something we produce and is something we can control.
Example - a simple thought about shopping might pop up, and we’ll start thinking about shopping, what to buy, when to go, what shop to go to. This is thinking about a thought.
This is what happens with anxiety and any of its symptoms, including intrusive thoughts. Anxiety and symptoms are on our mind 24/7 and we make the mistake of constantly think think think about it with all the what if’s, why’s, which keeps the anxiety fresh and cycling round and round in a loop. This is head chatter.
I’ll message you re how to deal with this with acceptance.
sue64505 katecogs
Hi Kate,
I wonder could you kindly send me the book links please.
Thank you
katecogs sue64505
I've just replied to you 🤗
collette45290 katecogs
Good Morning
I have done nothing but scroll the Internet and Facebook pages for any help. I have read your pages too. They are really encouraging. I have had anxiety disorder since I was 16 I am now 37. Been on citalopram for as long as I can remember. I have increased and decreased over the years. This time I increased 4 weeks ago but they changed my omprezole to something different. I have increased to 25mg and no improvement. I am not sure if I need to increase or change meds. I am crying constantly. I feel like this time is is very overwhelming and struggling. Any help would be amazing.
katecogs collette45290
Hi Collette
I'll message you
j71315 katecogs
Hi Kate,
Could you please send me the link to the book too? I've just started 20mg again after 3 years and it seems to have made my anxiety worse even after 3 days. Is this normal?
Thanks a lot x
katecogs j71315
Hi j71315
Yes its quite normal when starting meds - they highlight your anxiety and all symptoms for a while before they start helping you feel calmer. It can take many months, and you won't feel any progress for a while yet. Just keep on taking them however you feel.
I'll message you with the book info too.
jammers katecogs
I would also love the details of the book and the website if that is ok?
katecogs jammers
Hi jammers
I'll message you.
laura53487 katecogs
hello katecogs
it was suggested to me that i messaged you but im new to this forum so not sure how so im replying to this old post.
ive been on citalopram for about 3 months at 20mg and have been on 30mg for almost 2 weeks. i started taking citalopram for anxiety after experiencing 3 panic attacks and constant anxiety. since starting citalopram i find i have a real foggy head after a nap and i feel like everyone is behind glass and that i cant connect to anyone. i am really frightened by this feeling and it last usually for 6hrs. Im also having terrifying nightmares most nights. i also have really bad morning anxiety. my question is do you think the foggy feeling and nightmares are caused by anxiety or by the citalopram. has anyone had these feelings then had them get better over time. Im feeling so scared and trapped, I cant stand the panic attacks, but in someways if this is caused by the citalopram i think this is almost as bad as the panic its meant to be helping. Any advice please i know if i go to my doctor she will just want to up the dosage even more. has anyone ever got better from anxiety and panic without medication. thank you Laura
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katecogs laura53487
Hi Laura, I'll message you.
zachary53023 katecogs
Hi there Katie, just messaging as im really struggling and looking for some advice. I was on 20mg citalopram for like 2 years than weened my way off it. I was 2 years without a tablet then I suddenly had a really bad crash and hit an all time low so went back on it and slowly recovered. After being well for a few more years, I had another big crash in August of 2023 and so increased to 30mg. I gradually improved for a couple months and was able to maintain a normal life despite low energy, headaches and the odd hiccup.
Then, Monday of this week I had another huge crash and I now feel as bad as I've ever felt. Getting through every moment of the day is just so hard and I don't know what to do. I rung the mental health care practitioner and she wasn't very helpful other than giving me the 2 options of upping it to 40mg or switching to sertraline. I'm just so scared and lost as to what to do. Has citalopram run its course? Will it help me anymore? Will sertraline make much of a difference? I'd appreciate any advice. Sorry to dump my life story on you.
katecogs zachary53023
Hi Zachary
There can be a number of reasons why people crash - stress, tiredness, a different brand of medicine and other things.
Often when people come off medicine you can find yourself slipping back into the anxiety condition, even after a period of being quite well.
I’m sorry to hear your mental health practioner wasn’t too helpful. I'll message you.
We all have a difficult time with anxiety, and I've been through exactly what you've suffered with too.
shelly85064 katecogs
I have the same as Laura. would love to know what your response to this was. Thank you.
charlotte86974 katecogs
Hi kate,
I've been reading a lot of this thread, and your messages have been so helpful.
I started back on citalopram 3 weeks ago after a year's break, as my generalised anxiety and OCD flare ups increased. What has hit me hardest this time with side affects is how very very low and dark I've been (alongside the expected increase in anxiety). I've felt a bit better over the last couple of days and really hoping things will get easier.
I'm sorry to ask this as I see you've been doing this for years now. But if you would be able to send the link to the book you've been recommending, I'd be very grateful.
Thank you
steggveggn charlotte86974
Hi i have been taking Citalopram for 12 weeks initially on 10mg for 6 weeks and then 20mg for the past 6 weeks. When i have taken it for anxiety in the past i have found 10mg has worked. However this time my anxiety has persisted and even after 6 weeks on 20mg I'm not really feeling any better. I am also having NHS CBT. Apart from a week during Christmas I havent slept properly since November so have been taking over the counter sleeping tablets but i wonder whether these are stopping the Citalopram from working. My GP has precribed Zopilclone to help me sleep but after taking these for 2 nights i have felt really low all day. Im trying to stop taking sleeping tablets but am woken by my anxiety. I really dont want to go through another set of side effects by increasing dose or changing meds but dont feel im improving. Should i tough it out for a longer period on 20mg of Citalopram