cold turkey mirtazipine

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Dear All

I thought my thread may be of interest to those few individuals who have been advised by medical professionals to abruptly stop mirtazipine without tapering. (Cold turkey) last night I did not take any mirt and was expecting some horrible WD symptoms today. I spent time stressing 'when is it going to hit me'! Corresponded several times today with Si (forum member). Who is further through WD cold turkey, to get reassurance and information on what to expect. (Big thank you to Si)

Day 1. Apart from a little tired I feel completely normal. Hooray! I understand it can take a few days before WD kick in. my plan is to do a spring clean, just in case I have a few days down. Interestingly I have had no tears or rages today. (Something I have been getting over the past two weeks)

I know my thread will be of little interest to most, but trying to aim my thread to those individuals who are asked to quit abruptly for medical reasons. Will try and update throughout my WD to hopefully help and reassure others. In turn this also helps me on my journey.

I can honestly say i loved mirt for bringing back me! It feels like a sad but necessary parting of the ways!

Wishing health and joy in abundance to you all ♥♥

God bless x

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  • Posted

    Day 3

    Dear all

    3 missed doses of mirtazipine and feeling so well!

    Ooh la la! I hope this keeps up!

    How are you all today? Honestly!

    Much love ♥

  • Posted

    Day 3

    Dear all

    3 missed doses of mirtazipine and feeling so well!

    Ooh la la! I hope this keeps up!

    How are you all today? Honestly!

    Much love ♥

    • Posted

      Thank you evergreen ♥ I'm not convinced this will last too much longer! But for now, it's wonderful.

      Have your withdrawal symptoms subsided? Really hope so xx

    • Posted

      Yes, I only had one bad day. I am not even sure that was due to withdrawal as there were other factors at play. I prefer not to put symptoms down to withdrawal if I can because I find this keeps me more positive and optimist and gives strength to press on. I'm going down to 1.875mg (or as close to that as cutting up pills can make it) tonight. xx
    • Posted

      Fantastic! You are nearly there! ♥

      You are quite right positivity is key, although hard ton hang on to sometimes!

      You and the others on this thread have given me not just positivity but amazing support! truly grateful

      God bless xx

  • Posted

    My day got better. Thank you. It's just the mornings that are hell and I'm wondering if the reason is I don't have a set routine now. Before I worked for myself I had to be up at 5am everyday. I went to sign on the sick today. That was a new experience. Never been in a job centre before. 

    Stay positive everyone and we can all kick this drug. 

    • Posted

      Good evening Ladies & Gents.

      The anx' is due to cortisol hormones Si.

      Normally, cortisol levels rise during the early morning hours and are highest about 7 a.m. They drop very low in the evening and during the early phase of sleep. But if you sleep during the day and are up at night, this pattern may be reversed.  Some say its best to exercise to burn it off in the mornings.  I don't think it is to do with your change in lifestyle, it's the stress of WD.

      I hope your next drop goes well for you Evergreen, this discussion thread sure is one of great interest, we can all learn from this. Onlyahill uptaking Mirt,  2 CT's, one medium speed drop from Evergreen, 2 slow coaches Betsy & myself.  So all hang on in there, keep posting and let us know how it goes; I promise to let you know how the slow road goes too.  I don't think I've read of any real slow drops on this forum funnily enough, just the advice to do it slow.

      Best wishes everyone x

    • Posted

      I agree calmer ♥

      Couldn't ask or didn't expect such a great learning tree on this thread. Such nice contributors at varying stages of health. Really informative. ..fab! ♥

    • Posted

      Hi si.

      I think all would agree mornings are definitely the worst. I think sometimes it set's us up to believe the whole day will be just as bad! Then we can get pleasantly surprised when we get a good couple of hours!

      It was a learning curve for me too going to job centre! But once you sign as sick you don'tneed to keep attending. I found it straight forward as they will visit you at home if you are too poorly to attend.

      Hoping your evening is going much better than this morning♥

      Xx god bless

    • Posted

      Hi Lorraine

      How are you today, sleep well?  Hope you have a better day x

    • Posted

      I'm just about to go in for my second session with my shrink but when I get home I will look up cortisol and learn more about it. Been up since 4am today. So very tired but determined not to cat nap. Thank you as ever calmer.
    • Posted

      I won't have access to the internet for several days so just want to wish you all in your journey over the next week my very best wishes. Will be thinking of you all
    • Posted

      Day 4

      Having difficult day. Stomach been really bad and very tearful. Feel overall run down and laying in bed! Not sure if this withdrawal or delayed reaction to do with my granddaughter. Taken Diazepam, but tears still rolling! Hope you are having a better day ♥

    • Posted

      Make sure you come back to us si! Keep plugging will get there soon xx
    • Posted

      You're ever so welcome Si.  

      4 am, I remember that awful goddam hour when I first started with insomnia (the reason I went on Mirt) ... it's an awful time.  You know if say you were suffering with a pain in your shoulder and couldn't sleep, you might get up, take a pain killer, walk around a bit, let the pain killer kick in then go back to bed... now you're going to think I've lost the plot!! What if, when you wake in the early hours, you get up, walk around - convince yourself you have a pain and that's why you can't sleep, take 2 paracetamol, wait for say 15 minutes and get back into bed, see if it does anything for you.  I know it's the last thing anyone would really dream of doing, but it might help to stop worrying that you won't be able to sleep - which just revs up the adrenalin & therefore makes us angst ... no pc's or bright lights, just dim ones.  We're doing a kind of moving meditation here smile

      I hope your meeting with the p.doc went ok, enjoy the one to one, it's all yours, 

      You know, that nap in the afternoon, some time between 1 & 3 preferably, never after 4, may well just take the edge off, kind of help you to sleep in the evening Si; it's not a sleep problem you're trying to alter really, it's the WD waking you up and not to be confused between the two.

      Sleeping late afternoon or in the evening before bed will interrupt your night time sleep though.  Been reading all sorts re sleep problems, sorry for the lecture !!!


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