Coming off citalopram. :(
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I've been on 20mg citalopram now for just over a year. I decided to come off about 3 weeks ago as I had
started to feel so much better, which I put down to a combination of counselling and the drug which really did do wonders for my depression. I actually hadn't realised quite how bad it was till I started taking citalopram and I felt normal!
I've come off it properly, one every 2 days, then half every 2, then quarter every 2/3 days. The whole process took about 3/4 months. Now I'm on nothing. The physical withdrawl hasn't been too bad. I've been dizzy and kinda sick for the first week or so and that's starting to go now. However I've been feeling awful emotionally. I feel just as bad as I did before I started the medication, worse even! I feel incompetent at my job and I've even started wondering if it's right for me, I'm a teacher and I've always loved my job. I'm becoming paranoid about my relationship and tearful at the slightest thing.
I feel very depressed and unstable if that makes sense. I almost feel suicidal. Is this normal?? I really need some reassurance that I won't need to be on this for the rest of my life.
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wow, that's great! I was only on 10mg but the side effects have been fairly bad (at first anxiety and dizziness, and now, 3 weeks in, headaches, tiredness, pain, sleeping lots).
All - does anyone know how soon the side-effects from sudden withdrawal usually kick in? Can it really takes weeks for it to get really bad? I came off another drug at the same time (Amitriptiline - any know anything about withdrawal from that??)
Thanks and best wishes
My cousin was, also, on Zispin (think that was the one) and to come off it she had to be put on Pozac. She found it horrendous and would get buzzing in her head.
I have a friend with M.E. and she is taking Amitrip. Just read into it and what about starting a new post on the subject, if there isn't already one started?
i found it very useful. i was taking this as well as citalopram (which i was taking because of knee pain caused by the CRPS and was so depressed as i couldn't stand never mind walk) the citalopram really helped my mood during that period. my mother however who suffered from bipolar disorder was taking amitriptline (300mg or so - quite a high dose) for depression. this worked for her but unfortunately she had a heart attack and could no longer use amitrip.
hope this helps in some way
Thanks for your post. Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms from either of those two (those are the 2 drugs i've just stopped taking) - and did you withdraw from them gradually? Yes they are useful for pain and I'm hoping that i won't be in pain because of not taking them as i don't want to live on them forever
Hope you find this of interest.
why did you stop them both at the same time ?
Yes, you're right not to take the risk.. my reasons for ceasing both simultaneously are very silly - i simply forgot to take the CItalopram for a few days over Christmas, and, because I didn't even realise it, I thought that maybe the 10mg was having no effect and as so far there were no side-effects, I assumed there wouldn't be any at all. Then I ran out of Amitriptiline a few days later, again right over Christmas, and instead of making a doctor's appointment, I decided to try and come off that one as well (again on 10mg). But the pain has been awful and the fatigue just as bad. I guess I'm trying to get back to zero drugs and see where i'm at with the CFS (which is chronic fatigue syndrome - similar to Fibromyalgia - which isn't strictly the same thing in some doctors' opinions but the doctors treating me haven't determined which condition it is as they produce such similar fatigue and pain symptoms). I am really hoping that, once my body gets used to taking no drugs at all, the pain may reduce and i'm hoping that changes to my diet and lifestyle may help as I want to try more natural approaches and just feel 'alive' again, if that's possible!!