Constant forced belching, feeling of air stuck in chest/throat (Acid Reflux/GERD diagnosed).

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Hi All,

This is my first time doing this so I want to try to be as detailed as possible, as I have gone through several doctors and am simply not satisfied with my current situation and honestly don't know what else to do.

It all started about one year ago when I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I couldn't breathe. I went to the ER after about 2 days I was having a hard time breathing, always feeling like I was short of breathe. He gave me a inhaler which did not help, then after a few days my symptoms went away and I had this feeling of air trapped in my chest/throat and I was constantly forcing myself to burp in order to relieve these symptoms. He referred me to a gastroenterologist, with whom essentially determined and diagnosed me with some gastritis and GERD/Acid reflux.

Tests I have done:

- upper endoscopy (showed some gastritis/inflammation and acid reflux)

- 2 stool tests to check for h. pylori and other bacterium (both negative)

- esphogeal manometry and (2) 24hour pH tests (one without nexium and second time after maxed on nexium, twice a day. showed I was swallowing a lot of air and had acid reflux)

- swallow test? forgot what it's called but I drank liquids and they saw how it went down through xray.

Nothing has helped. I was prescribed prilosec, nexium, etc with no relief. I still take 1 nexium a day now as when I stopped, the forced belching would bring acid up and burn my chest/throat.

My doctors are now trying to prescribe me Zoloft in order to "suppress" my brain and feeling these symptoms, but I am hesitant as I assume this would only mask the problem, even if it worked.

I just CANT GET THIS FEELING TO GO AWAY. I am constantly belching, my chest is extremely tight, etc. Is it anxiety? I don't feel anxious.



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    Hello, I am 23 years old female, had hiatal hernia and GERD, had toupet fundoplication and it has been two months after the surgery, I was constantly burping before the surgery and getting food out of my system by doing it, was a constant torture couldn't eat anything, and after surgery I am exactly in your situation, I feel like air is stuck in my chest and I am constantly trying to pull it out and it is worse after I eat, I only eat blended food and one time my surgeon told me to eat it without blending and I got even worse and almost threw up, but ended up throwing up a lot of air. I was taking nexium then zantac but it does not seem to help, when I take it I am unable to burp and my stomach and lungs fill up with air and I feel like blowing up and finally after torture of two or three hours it gets out but burping doesn't go away. My surgeon also prescribed me Zolaft, but as I read amongst many side effects there is chest pain and I think it will make things worse, moreover like you I think that it is a physical problem and pills will only mask it. Please help if anything changed for you, I need advice I am going mad.

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      Hi Tatiatook. For me, it all started (or went downhill) last week when I ate a really spicy chicken panang curry. I couldn't burp that night and started freaking out. I finally burped but from then on I couldn't stop. Then I started feeling like my chest was burning so I went to the doctor and she told me I could have Acid Reflux. She prescribed some meds to stop the acid reflux which has helped a bit but I still burp excessively.  It's gotten to the point where I developed some anxiety due to it and sometimes I can't burp.  I went to a gastroenterologist and now I have an appt to do an endoscopy for a possible ulcer.  I realized that it's a mental thing about the not being able to burp thing because when I relax, I let out a big one and feel much better. But I'm burping ALL DAY!! It's exhausting. My doc prescribed Xanax for anxiety but I'm afraid of taking them.  My advice to you is to relax.  I know it sounds silly but the tenser I get the worse I get. So I'm slowly taking my life back and just relaxing my thoughts, relaxing my mind and letting the burps come naturally as they should. It's not easy.  It's a mind over matter thing but ultimately you should be able to conquer it completely as I'm slowly doing.  Meanwhile, do not take so many medications as these will only mask the pain.  I've researched breathing techniques and even have an appt with a psychologist to teach me to control my anxiety, not the other way around. Eating healthier for the Acid Reflux, exercising for the stress and anxiety, and much-needed sleep will all help and most likely remove the excess gas buildup and all of the other symptoms that we're having! I'm trying so hard to conquer negative thoughts with positive ones.  This all helps!! Sorry if I sound like a self help guru lol 

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      Hello Lucy, thank you for your reply, and don't be sorry about a thing, you totally don't sound like a nosy self help guru, I think that your approach is totally healthy and I am glad you are seeing improvements, I on the other hand myself am trying to be somewhat of a self help guru to myself and have been researching all over the place, I have been left with gastroparesis like symptoms and I am not able to relieve myself without douching or taking medication which sadly does not lead to a normal bowel movement and I end up with diarrhea. I had toupet fundoplication and I am still struggling with aerophagia with no improvement after the surgery, my diaphragm is under a lot of pressure and my esophagus is in spasms most of the time, I have to walk and belch for hours after I eat food, which I eat in blended form. The thing is that I am taking Nexium and IBS meds and whenever I try to lower the dose the belching becomes worse and worse, and I had 10 instances when I threw up gulps of air, at other times it is unbearable, because I am suffocating. My doctor told me to try antidepressants to lower the hypersensitivity of my esophagus hoping that I won't be bothered with the air stuck in fundus of my stomach and be able to swallow less air. I don't swallow air unintentionally, I do it because I am bothered with air that is stuck right at the diaphragm and I am struggling to get it out. Even when I drink something I start belching, this is horror show. It has been 4 months since the surgery and I am trying to remain calm and positive and meditating for that, but its really hard because the reality of it all is numbing. 

    • Posted

      Hi Tatia, sorry to hear that you are going through so much pain! I found this message board when searching for relief of intense pressure in my stomach and the need to burp. I’ve also been having a lot of digestive issues over the past 2 months after my mom passed away. Doctors said anxiety (and maybe there was some) but I’m also going through perimenopause and I have some thyroid issues. Both can throw your digestion off. So, I’m currently focusing on balancing my hormones. In the meantime, I’m struggling...a couple good days here and there, but a lot are bad. I was perscribed Xanax which does help with pain, but they can become addictive. I tried not to take. I was also perscribed Protonix a PPI, but had a adverse reaction. I’ve stopped all that and trying a more natural approach...acupuncture and walking. Plus, I’m taking DGL before meals (which coats your digestive tract) and I just got CBD (cannabis) drops today for the pain. Maybe research these ideas.

      Hope this helps! are not alone! Take care!

    • Posted

      Hi Cynthia,

      Your story sounds a lot like mine. Can I ask what reaction you had to the protonix? I was taking protonix for a week a developed a allergic rash and had to come off of it. How are you feeling now?

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      I have this exact symptom and suffocation . Lately my foid gets stuck at the too of my throat and i have to try hard to get it to go down and i have constant air trapoed there and have to firce burp constantly or ill siffocate .its so scary . I contracted h ptliri 2 years ago and that cauaed me all my problems

    • Posted

      Hi Mistelle,

        When I read your post and Tonys too it is exactly what I am going through.  Anxiety - especially severe anxiety - can change the way you breathe and how you digest, both of which can lead to belching and burping.Those that suffer from anxiety are prone to what's known as hyperventilation, or "over-breathing." It can occur in a variety of different ways, including:

      Breathing too fast during an anxiety attack.

      Breathing too much oxygen because you feel you're not getting a deep breath.

      Poor, shallow breathing as a result of bad anxiety habits.

      Interestingly, hyperventilation makes people feel as though they aren't getting enough air, when in truth they're actually getting too much. It tends to trigger a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, chest pains, and shortness of breath, that often trigger further anxiety and further hyperventilation Because your body is receiving more air than it needs, the healthy gas ratios are thrown off, and your body ends up needing to expel a great deal of that gas. That is what causes you to feel like belching repeatedlyIt's also not uncommon for belching to be an unusual stress relief tool, almost like a tic. Often this occurs in those with hyperventilation as well, but some people create this need to let out small burps as a way of coping with their stress. That is my main feeling like its a facial tick I need to perform with my forced burping.   I have been given the following to do to ease this as correct the issue:

      Learn New Breathing HabitsYour first step is going to be to learn new breathing habits. You can start by taking about 20 to 30 minutes every day taking slower breaths. Breathe in through your nose for several seconds, hold for a few seconds, and breathe out through pursed lips for several seconds. During an anxiety attack, this exercise is known as deep breathing and may have calming qualities.

      Eat Healthier Foods Healthy foods are not necessarily related to hyperventilation, but the healthier you eat the easier it will be for your body to digest foods in the event that poor digestion is aiding your belching and burping habits.

      Drink WaterI nterestingly, the simple act of drinking water can have its own calming properties, so people are advised to drink water in small gulps when they're suffering from anxiety. It seems as though this may also have an effect on your belching, although the reason for these benefits is unclear.

      I hope your burping and pressure in your throat goes  away.   The lives we live now days are so hectic, rushed full of stress but are all considered the normal life right now but are anything but and you have had some real classic symptoms of anxiety attacks.  Those attacks could present to people in alot of different ways.  It could be that your body and breathing are trying to tell you something but you have just become accustomed to the feeling.  I really freaked out when I found out the the burping was me doing it, not all the other things I got tested for like you.  If you still have the burping, please see a breathing therapist or phycologist.  You need to relearn proper breathing as you have now become accustomed to the forced burp to relieve that bubble feeling of air in your throat, I know I have.  After you have done it for such a long time it feels almost unnatural to stop which is strange in itself.  The certainty I have seen in this being the same condition is that you don't burp in your sleep but starts again soon after being up in the morning.  I have read up on this condition and it is usually started after ongoing stress, an illness or even after stress testing which is stressful in itself.  You had mentioned that you used to work out, pushing yourself and your body could have possibly lead to your body beginning to take in to my air also and created the burping tic like movement in itself.  I lay down on the bed and breath in through my nose deeply and slowly and exhale through my mouth.  I focus on trying to lengthen the time in between of burps.  You could do that exercise with a small stop watch to relearn breathing,  I know this was winded LOL but I hope it helps someone else that develops the same debilitating burping.  It robs you of your quality of life if you don't recognize what is going on.  GOD BLESS

       I left Tony a very similar message.  

    • Posted

      So sorry to hear about your symptoms and what your dealing with. Do you think it could be achalasia? Sounds similar to what a friend is experiencing.
  • Posted

    Wow. Someone who is going through what I am too. I also am going mad. Constant feeling in my chest/throat sucks. I swear it was never like this before my endoscopy. Hopefully you get answers and can share! 
    • Posted

      Have you had any luck in getting over this? I am experiencing something very similar to this. Please let me know if you’ve found something that worked for you. 
  • Posted

    Healthy 23year old male and have a similar problem. It caused a lot of anxiety for a while because I feels like something is pushing on my chest/throat. I've tried antacids, ppis but the only thing that seems to work is eat smaller amounts and try to increase the acid in my stomach. Still an issue but not nearly as bad as it was by doing that

  • Posted

    Dear tonujyoo,

    I just found your post,pls tell me if any outcome you have... I had a same problem and more, something was pressing on my chest,reason was calcium supplement intake... i stopped and was treated by Enzoorazole for 1 month(i even checked my heart,did holter to be sure was not heart) 3 days ago i started Calcium and bone vitamins inteke again and i have the same,woke up at night with same burping-pressing felling. Tightness of throat. Waiting for your reply...

  • Posted

    Hi Tony,

    After reading your post and a lot of the replies, it's good to know I'm not alone. I'm a 25 year old and by the doctors terms "healthy male". I've been forcing myself to burp to try and relieve the "air" or "gas" or whatever it is that is causing the pressure in my chest, and the uneasy digestion of my stomach for a couple years now. I was prescribed 20mg of prilosec which I thought helped a little at first, but soon my body became resistant. Went back to the doctor a couple weeks ago and he prescribed be 40mg of prilosec which made it worse, and yesterday for the first time caused me to puke after just drinking grape juice...

    I've had a CAT scan and the doctors say everything looks normal, so my next step is to go to a gastrologist, but after reading this forum, it sounds like no one has has any benefit from doing so.

    At this point in my life, I'm scared to eat anything because almost everything I do causes my horrible symptoms, which in turn keeps me up at night, and has causes me to lose a lot of weight. Bowel movements are normal, it's just the food entering my stomach that is such a hassle. It feels like it gets stuck at the bottom of chest/upper stomach and won't fully enter my stomach.

    Please help if anyone has found a solution to what seems like a very similar situation we're all going through..

    • Posted

      you probably have esophageal stricture, its when the esophagus narrows and food can barely enter. i have the same issue man, and its honestly a struggle just praying to god i somehow fix it.  
    • Posted

      Hi mgmarkle1s,

      I have the same symptoms as you. Have you managed to find any relief? 

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