Convinced I'm dying of cancer. I just don't feel right.

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So it all started just over 3 weeks ago I had a shooting pain in my head followed by my whole body going weak and numb-like, I panicked!!! After that I haven't been right. I've had shooting pains all over my body, tingles mainly in the left hand, dizziness, smoky vision, flutters under the skin, scared that my limbs were ganna stop working so iv constantly been checking them, I now have pain on both sides of my abdomen under my ribs and I constantly and I mean constantly feel soooo sick! I've been to 4 diffo docs all of which say it's my anxiety! They've only checked my blood pressure and pulse felt my tummy etc how can they be so sure? 

Pic honestly feel sooo I'll im not getting out of bed I can't eat ... I think I'm on the verge of having a breakdown! Everyone around me has had enough but they don't understand how sick I feel! sad 

anyone ever very honestly felt like they were physically ill all day everyday from anxiety? Someone please reply !!! 

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    I joined this site just to reply to this discussion. I am a 28 year old male and like all of you here i also have very bad anxiety, and get pretty much all the symptoms everyone else gets, such as pain in chest, sharp head pains, pain down both sides of body, dizzyness (feeling like i am going to faint, especially in supermarkets or shopping malls where there are lots of people) ringing in ears, floaters in eyes, palpatations, etc.

    I have been taking anti-depressants for about 10 years now, i am currently on mertazapine. I feel the medication is not working at all. I may as well not be taking it. I do think that all my symptoms are due to anxiety, and i am sure if i were to see a doctor about these issues he would confirm this, but i do have occassions where i doubt this and start panicking thinking i have major health issues, and i find myself constantly worrying about having a heart attack or brain aneurysm. It's a terrible feeling, and i really do feel for everyone on here worried about themselves, i most certainly feel your pain!

    My question to you all is, has there been anything at all that you have previously tried with success or that you are currently doing/using that is taking away these anxiety issues? I am willing to try absolutely anything to help myself, as like everyone here, i am well and truly sick of feeling this way and it is ruining my quality of life. I am 28 years old, turning 29 very soon and missing out on my prime years in life due to my massive anxiety issues and i desperately need to find a way to stop my anxiety, and to be able to live my life like i deserve to without having these stupid anxiety issues holding me back. I appreciate any feedback, and if you wish to private message me you are most welcome to.


    • Posted

      Hey there, I get all the same symptoms! Im 32yo female and have suffered anxiety disorder (health anxiety) for about 20years.

      However, I have found some wonderful treatments and also know quite a lot of things that you need to cut out of your diet to help recovery.

      I believe we can all recover. I am relapsing at the moment (after a rough break up and moving interstate), but I'm getting myself back on track.

      Feel free to PM me if you would like, I can give you some tips and pointers ??

    • Posted

      Are you still on this forum? If so... reply and we will chat xx
    • Posted

      Are you still on this forum? If so... reply and we will chat xx
    • Posted

      Hi Rihanna I've just joined as I'm going through similar experience and wondered if we could talk about it

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      Yeah sure. smile what's your symptoms then? I have had a bad day.

      Can you believe that I wrote in all my symptoms I have now and it came up with a post that I started reading and I was like 'wow this person sounds so like me' and guess what? It was this post and it was me who bloody wrote it haha but over a year ago. Things don't change.

    • Posted

      Hi 😁 I have been to the dr at least. 3 times this week. Currently I have a lump in my throat where I think it's automatically a tumour but I've been told it's either anxiety or acid reflux. I'm on setraline and have lost my appetite and get stomach ache. I've been in them about a week.

  • Posted

    Ri I do feel bad for you but I must be honest it's good to know there are other people like me around. Maybe we are mad, maybe not. I'm pretty sure I have cancer even though it hasn't been picked up yet. I can feel it spreading organ to organ over time. I don't know what advice to give you though. Why don't you look into astral projection. Leave your body for while. You may even realize you are not your body, or your thoughts. And if we are dying, still, what a privilege. We got to live! What were the odds :-)

    Good luck Ri.

    • Posted

      Hello all. I just registered for this exact thread. It has helped me for the time being. I know it won't last I've convinced myself I was fine a few times but it never lasts. Its like I always think I'm dying. I have lived that last moment of life that everyone thinks they'll have before they die several times over again...and it's never any easier.

      I basically joined to share my story in hopes it can help someone... And hopefully I can reflect on it and bring back some of the peace I'm feeling at the moment, after reading y'alls stories.

      Ok for staryera, I am a 29 year old male with no apparent major health problems. I have always suffered from social anxiety and a general fear of death but have always managed to cope with it. No meds or major episodes until the past year.

      So one night I was playing on the computer... It had been a no better or worse day for my sociall daily stress, when out of no where I got a sharp pain in my upper left arm, my vision got blurry, I began having head rushes, tingles in my hands and feet, felt dissociated, my chest was hurting, and I began shaking badly. Very short of breath and light headed. I went outside and couldn't even walk, I fell down several times in the yard.

      I thought it was a heart attack, or stroke or aneurism, although panic attack crossed my mind. I looked up panic attacks. It said they very rarely last more than an hour. So in an hour and 20 minutes I thought I would surely die.

      I had my wife rush me to the e.r. I felt like I would never make it in time. I did make it. they checked my blood pressure. It was nearly 200/125ish. They hooked me to an ekg and I had not had a heart attack. Then they told me to wait.

      Within another hour I calmed down quite a bit although I still felt bad. I was still seated in the waiting room so I assured myself it was a rare longer than 1 hour panic attack and left.

      I was terrified to go to sleep that night. I felt like I would never wake up. I finally fell asleep. I did wake up. However I was short of breath all day, thought I would pass out all day, had a sharp pain down my left arm all day, had high blood pressure all day. Thought I was dying all day.

      Once again at bed time I went into panic. Thought I was dying. Terrified of falling asleep. Thinking it was my laat day on earth. With my family. Nothing I could do about it. I was certain. Once again I woke up the next morning.

      This went on for a week. I couldn't breath... I finally broke down and wemt to the doctor again. But this time a regular doctor. My bp was high. The doctor looked me over. Decided to draw blood. Then told me I needed to relax and asked me why I worry so much. Said I had anxiety. (I knew this much but certain I'm dying also)

      So several bad days went by. Chest pains every night. Scared to sleep. Thought I would pass out all day everyday. Then I was at workand got a phone call from the doctors office... My boodwork came back. There actually was a problem. They said I had hyperthyroidism. Crazy I i looked it up... It causes anxiety, panic attacks etc. It explained alot. Then the anxiety explained the rest. I had instant relief. I felt like a new person. A breakthrough.

      Few days later my shoulder began to hurt. Then it started to move into my chestand shooting pains then my hands began to tingle... I looked into it and decided it was reference pains I had a bad organ likely a heart problem. Blood pressure shoota up again. Full fledged panic at bed time scared to sleep again. Woke up the next day again.

      Anyhow since then I've had many break throughs where I felt better for short periods of time... However I always relapse into thinking i will die in my sleep. I'm so scared of dying now. More than ever. Today is my latest breakthrough. It wont last long.

      Im due for a follow up appointment for bp pills and more trying to figureout if I'm dying... And i guess to learn more about hyper thyroidism. I can only wonder what the next symptom will be that sends my mind and body into chaos. I am here to tell you anxiety is a bad thing. I hope I can overcome this some day however I feel hopeless.

    • Posted

      Didn't your doc treat your hyperthyrodism? I hope he/she did! Let me know if you are being treated and if the treatments helped.

  • Posted

    Hi guys thanks for all your stories. I've been convinced I've been dying of cancer of many types over the last three years and it's almost ruined my life. But I do know the doctors make their assessments based on all their knowledge and experience and don't just "make it up". Trust your doc. Seek a second opinion of you must, but remember "it's better to die in your feet than live on your knees". I wish you peace, love those around you and be thankful for the precious time you have with them no matter how long or short that time may be. Take care

  • Posted

    Anxiety attacks are NOT a pre cursor to cancer. The ocd needs to be addressed. The pains and fears are real but its driven from your thoughts and oatterns not ailments. This is a hard journey. 
  • Posted

    I can understand every word everyone has put on here? Mine started 5 yrs ago after my brother died of pancreatic cancer in October of 2011? Seeing him suffer for only 8 months start to finish and losing 12 stone in weight and passing away aged 40,leaving 2 children aged 5 and 8 I've never been the same since? Then a year later on November 5th 2012 my father passed away of kidney failure, with all worries of illness filling my brain daily, I ended up in December 2012 going to the doctors with a permanent lump in my throat to have a camera put into my nostril and into my throat to reveal silent reflux? I just broke down and cried as it was what my brother had 4yrs before he got cancer, so as I reflux in my mind, I might as well say I've got pancreatic cancer , I've had camera into my stomach, revealing nothing all clear, councilling a CT scan on my throat as I was convinced I had throat cancer again all clear.... I since then think any pain is serious and worry worry worry, I go to hospital sit there for 4-5 hrs to see a doctor just to get reassurance, then I'm fine for a couple of days and start to feel low again.

    In June this year 2016 have found out my mum has got terminal cancer of the lung and spine, I just have not had any time to pick myself up before something else kicks me down. I am so low my body aches I have a pain in my lower stomach which the hospital by just a blood pressure test and a feel of my stomach say there's nothing wrong, 2 doctors have said this, they said it's stress, it's a burning aching that sometimes makes me feel sick but I think nobody wants to know as they probably have looked at my previous visits and feel I'm a idiot so they tell me what I want to hear to get rid of me 😢 I feel so sorry for my wife and kids I feel so low that I can't live my life without worrying about cancer cancer cancer! I feel that depression and anxiety is running my life but maybe I am ill but nobody wants to know......i feel so alone and scared as the minute I open my eyes the first thing on my mind is my health, it's so depressing 😔

    • Posted

      Hi There,

      i really can understand how is your feeling sad i have the same was started 2 yr ago when my best friend died after 1 year diagnose breast cancer, saw her dying is like a nightmare for me. after that my mind full of worry that i will ended the same way, after that my life never be the same again...everytime i have pain i always think it is seriously ill..i don't what to do...i always became a strong person until last 2 year. so you are not alone ...we r here to get our life back smile

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