Convinced I'm dying of cancer. I just don't feel right.

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So it all started just over 3 weeks ago I had a shooting pain in my head followed by my whole body going weak and numb-like, I panicked!!! After that I haven't been right. I've had shooting pains all over my body, tingles mainly in the left hand, dizziness, smoky vision, flutters under the skin, scared that my limbs were ganna stop working so iv constantly been checking them, I now have pain on both sides of my abdomen under my ribs and I constantly and I mean constantly feel soooo sick! I've been to 4 diffo docs all of which say it's my anxiety! They've only checked my blood pressure and pulse felt my tummy etc how can they be so sure? 

Pic honestly feel sooo I'll im not getting out of bed I can't eat ... I think I'm on the verge of having a breakdown! Everyone around me has had enough but they don't understand how sick I feel! sad 

anyone ever very honestly felt like they were physically ill all day everyday from anxiety? Someone please reply !!! 

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137 Replies

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    Hey girl. Just saw your post from not too long ago. We have a lot in common. Do you want to chat? I'm going through the exact same thing right now.

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    I'm new to this site. I also think I have cancer...specifically Leukemia. Nobody understands that I have physical symptoms. Joint aches, tired, weakness. I had blood tests in July for a physical. I'm going back to the Dr. this week. I also get bruising on my skin. Nobody believes my symptoms they think it's all in my head. I do suffer from very bad anxiety. I just feel something is not right. I'm extremely exhausted.

  • Posted

    Oh no! The classic cancer phobia, haha I've suffered with this to an insane extent, I was convinced I was dieing of lung cancer after smoking cigarettes for 4 years (I'm 20 now) I even would lay in bed all day and had all my loved ones come over to my house to say there goodbyes lol! But it is amazing how sure you can be that you have some form of cancer, I also thought I had blood cancer for a long time haha at the time I was very scared but now that my new obsession is my heart it's almost funny

    I think you're letting the anxiety is getting the best of you and you're body is very tense even if you feel it's not

    Go for a long hike on your day off and don't google everything while you are walking just enjoy the world

    Maybe find a back massage? That could help with the tense back muscles pushing into your torso, and I found out the hard way without insurance is tha you're always gonna think there's another test that is gonna find something but the truth of the matter is.. It's more than likely not gonna find anything

    Especially with your symptoms there classic panic and anxiety symptoms

    I don't think you should get on medication but let it pass even if it takes months

    You're too tense!

    Again sorry to hear about you're suffering as I would not wish anxiety or panic on anybody but it always gets better! Eventually

  • Posted

    Rhianna I feel the same I am waking up in hot sweats weakness numbness in my right arm and leg so many symptoms also pain I. My pelvis and feels like it's in all of my abdomen now get a sore throat coming and going really bad head aches I suffer from really bad anxiety sick of googling these symptoms Nd them telling me I have every cancer or some nerve problem and then going to the doctor and

    Them making me feel like the anxiety is putting it in my head I know myself something isn't right I've also had twitches in my eye I feel like this has come on all off a sudden and the pain in my abdomen really hurts when I cough I feel like my body is shutting down I'm convinced I'm


    To die surely anxiety cannot cause all of

    This !!!!!

  • Posted

    I know this is old but I was looking for something and found this. I just want anyone looking for help to know that anxiety can affect every part of your body. Physically and mentally, it can be debilitating. That is why it is a disability. It isn't because someone wants to whine and cry. Please, everyone, find a doctor that knows this and isn't afraid to "scare the girl with anxiety" by taking a blood test. It took me 15 years to find a doctor to make me feel better about how terrible I felt. Just by acknowledging that I felt that bad made a difference before he explained how the nervous system is out of balance (hence symptoms extreme and all over the place and why it's SO important to eat right and feed it). So you really do feel that bad. You do. But there is just nothing that wrong with you to the point of concern. A good doctor with acknowledge that you have an anxiety/depressive disorder without blaming everything that you are on it. A good doctor will also run any extra tests if you still feel anxiety because its your body and your mind and your pocket when necessary. Mine did. and he did find minor things that contributed to my constant fatigue that we're easily treated with the right vitamins. There is nothing wrong, in any way, to say you deal with a lot of anxiety and you need to see something that you'll understand. Such as a blood test or referral to ease the anxiety that's causing so much physical pain rather than listening to sounds you cannot hear and touching organs you aren't the one feeling. You need one PCP that will take care of you, including helping and assisting in the managing of your anxiety (that I wish I could tell you how to stop) that you'll more than likely have to discover how to manage in order stop it's disruptions - or lessen them - to live your life happily. I'm sorry you've been so sick with anxiety. I'm sure after a year though you're making strides.

    **If you have anxiety, please find a support group. It's a lot for someone who doesn't have anxiety/depression to understand in the depths you need them to. And frankly, I've learned it's a lot to expect from someone who hasn't suffered to understand. It's like trying to get someone to understand how air hurts you. You can't and it's no ones fault. But there are people all over that want to help you that do understand.

  • Posted

    I feel crappy all the time too..or most of the time.i also suffer from severe anxiety,and I feel no one else understands..I vomit all the time when stress comes sucks..I hope your feeling better
  • Posted

    Hiya rhianna I know exactly what you're going through as I'm the same I've been getting stomach pains to which I thinks cancer ,lately I've been getting dizzy spells with feeling nausea and chronic headaches all my bloods have come back fine I do suffer with anxiety to which my GP says is the problem here but I still think doctors get it wrong sometimes I can't get this out of my he'd everyday I think I'm gonna die it's destroying me as it is you it's easy for people to say get over it but it's hard so all I can say is keep your chin up and we'll both beat this, so keep in touch and hope you keep positive thoughts and feel better all the best mark..

  • Posted

    Struggled with anxiety symptons for years though varied from manageable to severely affecting my day to day life.

    Everyday life wake up Ito about how do I get through today then, constant fear of dying , if it's not my heart its cancer, or I'm going to have a stroke. I feel so Ill, hard to describe but my body feels weak, my head feels heavy, I have ridiculously fast heart especially when somewere out of my comfort zone like the doctors.

    I feel so selfish I've got a little boy who I should be cherishing being a baby he's nearly 2 in April it effects not just my life but his & puts a massive strain on my relationship, not wanting to go out, holidays etc.

    I've had numerous ecgs & having further tests e d of this month, but I dread actually going for them can feel the strain on my heart just the thought of visiting doctors/hospital & even if I get the all clear there's a 1000 other things il diagnose myself with. I've been referred for CBT & been given beta blockers which I managed somehow to come off so reluctant to go on them again.

    I never speak about this to family/friends but find it much easier to speak to strangers (couselling in the past)

  • Posted

    Omg!! We are both alike!!!! Everyone is getting so tired of hearing me complain. And that all I do is go to doctors for stuff. They don't get how sick I feel!! And I don't know why but I keep thinking it's cancer and I don't know why. But we got this girly! We can fight this! Much love and hope!

  • Posted

    I also feel like m going to die soon, but according to my point of view, we really have to face the death and i think our brain wants answer to this question.
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    Hello, I am compeled to reply to your post. I've suffered from panic disorder/anxiety my entire life. Even when I was a child and didn't know what it was, I had it. I can tell you with absolute certainty, that anxiety can cause physical illness symptons! I've had my hearing to go out for short periods of time! I've had body aches and even a few weird vision issues. However, when I go to doctors convinced I'm going blind, they tell me that nothing is wrong with my eyes. Same thing is true when my heart starts pounding and I'm conviced I'm having a heart attack and doctors tell me that my heart is completely healthy! I've broken out in rashes when having a panic attack. Once my entire body broke out with tiny bumps and I thought I had a skin disease. Turns out I was going through a stressful period at a job I hated, and when I quit that job, the rash disappeared immediately! I've been hospitalized twice for anxiety. The thing is this....Listen very carefully....When you have anxiety, you have a chemical imbalance in your brain! THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT! All the info I've read about this condition points to this conclusion and suggest that it's in your genes. There isn't much you can do to reverse it. But, there's a lot you can do to MANAGE IT! While at my psychiarist office, I'm told to stay active, excercise, don't drink a lot of coffee or smoke. Coffee and nicotine raises anxiety levels. I'm also told to stop looking for illnesses! Now, I know this is hard because people who have anxiety are always looking to be sick. We can't help it. But, if you change your daily habits, you will see a big difference. Find something you love to do and do it often. I find that gardening helps me a lot. I spend hours in my backyard planting flowers and all the rest. That way, I don't have time to thing about being sick. I also keep a clean house, so I'm always cleaning something. I also clean up around my neighborhood if start to feel anxiety creeping in. Staying active will change things. The worst thing you can do is to isolate yourself or start spending a lot of time indoors and especially in bed. DON'T DO THAT. IT WILL ONLY MAKE THINGS MUCH WORSE! Get up and do something you enjoy! Also, when you do find yourself at the doctor's office, try and take someone with you for support. I understand that it's very difficult for people with anxiety to go to the doctor. So, take a friend or a relative with a sensitive nature with you. Also, only talk and deal with people who make you feel better. Surround yourself with positive energy. Remember, anxiety can and will cause physical illness symptons and understand that you ARE NOT ALONE! 

  • Posted

    Hi Rhianna,

    first thing, if this has been going on for months, get on some anti depressants to see if it helps.

    if it doesn't, you have to demand the tests you want doctors because doctors these days are very quick to put everything down to anxiety if there's no immediate cause.

    if you can manage to go in the doctors more calmly, but you still seem ill, and tell them the symptoms, they'll be more likely to listen. Trouble is they can't differentiate between which symptoms are anxiety and which arent.

    think about the tests you want. I was diasgnosed with anxiety for months because i appeared so worried, but i demanded a gastroscopy and I had an ulcer and h pylori gastritis.

    its unlikely you got anything life threatening, but you may have something underlying that they are missing because you are are worked up.

    hope this helps you. smile

  • Posted

    I'm very late to the party lol but I have the same anxiety's. A few weeks ago I was convinced I had breast cancer, I swore I felt lumps and was going to die. Now after reading everything about cancer on Dr Google I'm terrified I have melanoma. All my moles are suspicious to me. There's one on my back that has me freaking out. My husband always tells me I'm just paranoid and I need to calm down cause I'm literally scared of and over think everything...I mean literally everything.

    I take my kids to the dr I'm convinced the dr thinks I'm a horrible mother and going to call cps on me.

    Any little pain I have I'm convinced I'm dying. Then Dr Google also said anxiety and stress can actually make you sick and have an illness so now I'm scared of being scared.

  • Posted

    Same here.. I'm really sorry you're going thru this

    It's happening to me and I'm hating myself for it. Tge paranoia is killing me.

    2 months ago I started having a really sore neck, headaches that would come and go...and what I think was a few episodes of quick blurry vision ( I'm a graphic designer and I sit too many hours in front of the PC my eyes always get sore from looking too much at the screen so that might have been it). I didn't think much about it then, but I wasn't getting better. During the first week of having a stiff neck I resorted to our friend GOOGLE, I was convinced I had meningitis and was dying. Doctors laughed at me and I was sent home. But the pains persisted. It's been a month and a half. About a week ago I woke up again with a very stiff neck. I placed my hand on my neck and noticed a lump on it. I immediately went to the E.R, on my way there I had noticed another small lump behind my neck. The doctor said It was common for lymphs to grow - I told him about my pains he said it was probably an infection, That I needn't worry. On the way home, I kept touching the area and found yet another lump! This time on my head, right at the bottom of where the hairline starts. It almost feels like a bone. I have an appointment in 2 days with yet another doctor. I've been going mad for the past week.

    Monday, I was convinced I had lymphoma. Tuesday, I was sure it was a brain tumor. Wednesday, I got nauseous and was unable to sleep and google suggested I had Stomach C. I think the nausea was from all the overthinking.

    Thursday I felt some pain behind my back, i kept thinking that had already spread to my organs.

    Friday I kept feeling this faint pain on my left breast and breast C popped up. Seeing as we have in our family.

    Friday, I remembered I had a skin wart on my back 3 weeks ago that had turned black so it had to be melanoma.

    The lymph nodes are driving me crazy. I can't keep living like this. I'm 28. I don't drink or smoke. I have a bit of a stressful career but that's about it. I can't help feel like I'm dying. And I'm scared of being told I have it. Chemo and radiation freak me out because I've heard of how painful it can be.

    I'm seeing the doctor again in 2 days and that's freaking me out. I want to live a normal life where I'm not constantly paranoid about these symptoms. I don't know what's gottten into me. I used to be so happy and active. And now I have trouble sleeping and anxiety and panic attacks.

    I will not google anymore. That just makes my symptoms worse. I feel a little better knowing I'm not alone in this.

  • Posted

    I have a very similar problem. I feel like have a tumor in my head for the past few months. My head feels foggy and i get this irritating annoying feeling in my head. I desperately want to get an mri to make sure. I have panic attacks because of this strange feeling. I dont know what to do i feel not right.

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