Convinced I'm dying of cancer. I just don't feel right.

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So it all started just over 3 weeks ago I had a shooting pain in my head followed by my whole body going weak and numb-like, I panicked!!! After that I haven't been right. I've had shooting pains all over my body, tingles mainly in the left hand, dizziness, smoky vision, flutters under the skin, scared that my limbs were ganna stop working so iv constantly been checking them, I now have pain on both sides of my abdomen under my ribs and I constantly and I mean constantly feel soooo sick! I've been to 4 diffo docs all of which say it's my anxiety! They've only checked my blood pressure and pulse felt my tummy etc how can they be so sure? 

Pic honestly feel sooo I'll im not getting out of bed I can't eat ... I think I'm on the verge of having a breakdown! Everyone around me has had enough but they don't understand how sick I feel! sad 

anyone ever very honestly felt like they were physically ill all day everyday from anxiety? Someone please reply !!! 

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    Honestly.. everything you've just said up there.. is what I've had since January.. I got a burning like feeling in my left arm.. convinced myself I was having a heart attack!! The next day at work.. I had the biggest panic and started with pains in my chest and now.. they are everywhere in my body!

    The vision I had real bad at first but that's eased off!

    I still can't believe that anxiety can cause such thing, but I have the thoughts of 'what if' and 'I'm convinced I have cancer'

    We need to control our minds!

    Try relaxing, breathing, hot baths, and easier said than done because I'm terrible, but try to not think and give the pains your attention!

    Hope you feel better soon! Let's get this under our control 💪🏻

  • Posted

    i know exactly how you feel rhianna i feel like it allthe time and im only 15!

    i have been to the doctors and the reason they would only check your puls and ur stomah is because they see hundreds of thousands of ill people and they know excatly what the symptomsare and what to look out for to know if a person is ill. i thought that the doctor was wrong and that i was dying of an ilness that they cant see but i thougt about it. im so healthy physicaly not mentely but i have really good moments which proves your not il because if you were ill you would never have good moments and like everyone we have are really bad moments and all my family get fed u because they just think im a hypercondriact but really they dont understand the wasy anxiety makes you feel. when i feel illi always think im dying but really im not! i thnk a headace is cancer but a headace is a sympom over over 5000 thnigs including anxiety so that will calm my nerves down. if you need to talk i can give you my number xxx

    • Posted

      Omg it's so crazy listening to you and everyone on here it's my life I cry all the time and no one understands I'm even scared to take the meds they give me for anxiety I am in a living nightmare I'm scared to death and idk what to do 

    • Posted

       Nicole, I have gone through it all in last 20 years..I was in ER 3 weeks ago cause I thought I was gonna die..nothing wrong..I am off Xanax now because I may have found something that finally works!!! A great friend of mine suggested essential oils..I got to say it is working..there are different blends for various ailments..
    • Posted

      Hi Nikki, I doubt essential oils will help to much, cuz then we'll just end up googling the side effects of inhaling pineapple cinnamon extract or something.... The best way I've found in 20 years is accepting the fact I'm going to freak out about every little thing, and that's okay.... Then you just try and attack your mind with little things throughout the day to break the focus on dying. Like yesterday I felt a lump on my thigh, and boom, right to the phone to see what I had. Yesterday I learned about sarcoma.... Lol. So I said Joe, if its sarcoma it'll get worse and you can go to the doc... But you don't need to go today, instead lets chill with the phone and make it a taco Thursday and watch like some harry potter... Now its 6am I woke up and the bump is gone, so unfortunately I have to go back to work. Most of the time I deal with stuff like that now, and say if the bump was there in a week then I save my good anxiety for that and hit the docs.

      Take baby steps to alleviate your mind.

      Take your bp, I doubt its bad, take your temp, its prolly normal. Try and workout at home everyday to wake up with a healthy soreness it not only helps physically but more mentally

      If you start to freak out, try and think of something you want for yourself, even if its as simple as like a half gallon of ice cream and go get it, if its really bad I try and say to myself, I am going to die, I'm freaking out, then I try and focus on a story or someone I know that's passed and say to myself how much would they have given to trade olaces with me right now. The answer for someone already diagnosed or passed would always be the same. Everything. So try and relax a little bit 😉

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      Thx for the reply I'm just lost everyday is worse and worse I can't even go to work anymore I live in constant fear and pain

  • Posted

    I know how you feel. They need to do more, their doctors. It could be diabete and when you loose weight it is hard to get rid of. And can kill ya. You need an expert. Don't go to no original doctor. Right now I am in alot of pain. I don't like the food people put out there, cause sugar kills. I lost lots of weight. I used to be obsese but food kills. Because food kills it caused me to start loosing weight by forcing me to throw up and now from 280 i am 235. Hopefully I will get to 140. I hate the way people make food so cancerous. I can feel the pain in my chest, my heart suffering and my body aching all the time. But I know God is real so.

  • Posted

    Omg i feel just like you right now. Yesterday at evening i started to feel nauseous, o freakes out inmediately and rushed to the bathroom, on the way i noticed i was dizzy too, felt like i could faint anytime, and right now i have stomachache even though i already eat and i don't know i'm just syper scared because i googled my symptoms and i think that was thw worst idea now i'm soo scared because it could be stomach cancer?? I'm so scared to visot the doctor, what if he tells me i'm actually dying? I can't stop crying of fear! I'm so anxious and hypochondriac, also i'm very healthy and i have a healthy life as well. I'm sure this is just my mind tricking me but i can't stop myself from feeling so scared about this.

  • Posted

    Iv had most of the symptoms uv been describing I know how u feel but I can assure u it’s all anxiety it can do so much to the body it amazing 
  • Posted

    I came across this thread because my mother has been going to the same doctor for years and always asks him to check for cancer, he tells her not to worry and tells her she needs antidepressants and send her home with pills, I'm here to tell you she was rushed to the hospital literally 2 days after seeing the doctor with sepsis, pneumonia, and once they opened her up they found cancer, they did a cat scan and she is in 4th stage cancer that has spread throughout her body, I believe if you know there is something wrong do not let the doctor tell you any different get the tests you need to be certain, most cancers are curable these days if caught in the early stages, if you do not like what your doctor is saying, find another one that takes you seriously. I think everyone should be screened for cancer during check ups , my mother is going to die and this could have been prevented if her doctor listened. 

  • Posted

    Not sure if anyone is still on this site, but I'm sure Rhianna will check back!  But I just wanted to say that you should DEMAND a test if you want it to ease your mind!   First of all 2 years ago my arm kept getting a deep ache in it and of course I thought, BONE CANCER!!  I was consumed by that worry until I finally went to the walk in clinic here and told them about it.  They just asked some questions looked at my arm and said, "it's not cancer"  Well I wasn't happy with that and I told them I wanted x-rays!  (that only means more MONEY for them so they will generally agree!)  They complied of course, took x-rays of my arm, wrist, shoulder and neck and then said, "You have very good bones!  No cancer"  I was happy with that.  That evening the pain was gone and that was that...  Another time I had pressure pains in my stomach every day for 13 months, I thought I had cancer, a tumor what have you, so I finally got up the courage to go to a gastroenterologist and I did get an endoscopy - when I was told, "You stomach lining is very healthy, your esophagus is healthy and pink, nothing is wrong" those pains went away THAT day and never came back.  A lot of that is pure worry and you are concentrating on it, bringing the physical symptoms on yourself.   Of course that will help now, but down the road you'll get some other symptom, start concentrating on it and do the same thing to yourself  (I KNOW, I've "been there" for 40 years!)  However I have now learned to live with it.  If something happens suddenly and stays the same I know it can't be anything.  And that is generally how it works.  And the only site I will go on now is Mayo Clinic.  That's it.  I used to go on every site there was until I found something - I already thought I had Pilomotor Seizure Disorder because I was getting chills on my head (21 people in the WORLD have it, I was convinced I was number 22!) I didn't go to a doctor about it because I KNEW it was stupid and I felt stupid...  yet I had the underlying worry that's what I had!   It's hard Rhianna, but you will get through this.

    I recently lost my husband and I had been getting those pains under both sides of my ribs like you were talking about! (were they shooting pains?)  My mom convinced me it was stress and anxiety, that has since stopped so she was right.  Do you have anyone to talk to?  It's hard when anyone you talk to will laugh at you or tell you you are crazy.  You need someone who understands!  If you have no family member who will listen, maybe a therapist? Just someone who will listen, not judge and that will UNDERSTAND.

  • Posted

    Hi I’m Katie and I’m going through the same thing I had my child in 2010 then that’s when my anxiety began it’s seem to of settled a bit with Meds but now I’m back to square one but a million times worse I have a nurse now that helps me but I feel like I’m on the verge of a break down every minute of every day I feel anxious and scared I’m scared all the time just feel like I’m never Guna get better I can’t emagine life with out liven like this I go to the doctors twice a week I’m convinced that I’m going to dye I’m always at doctors asking for tests and that just to see if I can feel better I’m starting therapy soon soo hopefully it will help I hope it does coz nothing else is so I do understand what you are going through 
  • Posted

    Omg yes for me it has been 4 months they tell me the same thing anxiety that's all the know how to say I am in constant pain and distress there are days when I can't walk can't think or function this whatever it is has ruined my life 

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