Convinced I'm dying of cancer. I just don't feel right.

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So it all started just over 3 weeks ago I had a shooting pain in my head followed by my whole body going weak and numb-like, I panicked!!! After that I haven't been right. I've had shooting pains all over my body, tingles mainly in the left hand, dizziness, smoky vision, flutters under the skin, scared that my limbs were ganna stop working so iv constantly been checking them, I now have pain on both sides of my abdomen under my ribs and I constantly and I mean constantly feel soooo sick! I've been to 4 diffo docs all of which say it's my anxiety! They've only checked my blood pressure and pulse felt my tummy etc how can they be so sure? 

Pic honestly feel sooo I'll im not getting out of bed I can't eat ... I think I'm on the verge of having a breakdown! Everyone around me has had enough but they don't understand how sick I feel! sad 

anyone ever very honestly felt like they were physically ill all day everyday from anxiety? Someone please reply !!! 

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    I’ve been having nausea for 3 months, no other symptoms apart from loose and sticky stools everyone and again, the nausea would come and go at the beginning, now it’s constant. Been to my GP about 6 or 7 times, seen 3 different Drs there, had bloods done, urine, stool checked all fine. Had a panic attack one night where I thought I was dying, some days feel lightheaded and generally unwell. My appetite is fine, weight fine, but going downhill, I’m having ultrasound in 3 weeks, but the Drs says it not cancer. More like anxiety/stress. I don’t believe what they say. I’m positive it’s cancer.
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    im suffering from anxietty....too much dizines everyday all day my heart kips racing that puts me to panic....
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    I've been suffering with some kind of "bug" for the past 7 weeks.

    It isn't the flu because that test came back negative, it isn't mono/gf either, and it certainly isn't strep. 

    My blood work also shows no abnormalities, but I still feel like poop! Almost convinced I've got the C word because I'm getting night sweats (minor ones) on most nights, feel weak, fatigued, even walking like I'm drunk at times too. Can feel lymph nodes as well. 

  • Posted

    Hello everybody. As you can see..... IM BACK!!! Every year I swear I write into google ‘I am convinced I’m dying’ and low and behold...... MY POST POPS UP!!! So it’s been about a year and a half/2 years and a little update. So I MANAGED to get through a pregnancy without having a breakdown 😂 baring in mind I was convinced I was going to die the whole bloody time through child birth... but I survived child birth haha and now my little boy is 4 months old and he is so precious but unfortunately my anxiety has come back with a vengeance. I have been a big drinker the past 7 years (gave it up easily when I found out I was pregnant) but before that however used alcohol to cope with anxiety... anyone else? I used to drink nightly. Now I have a little one to look after I AM CONVINCED I’m suffering from alcoholic liver disease! sad and that I won’t live to see my baby grow up. Doesn’t help that I am seriously exhausted and I mean... EXHAUSTED... and that’s not even because I have a baby because lucky for me he sleeps through the night!!!!! With my sleep issues I’m so glad he’s a good boy at night Cos I think I woulda had a mental break down by now as one of my other fears which I’ve had my whole life is worrying I won’t sleep!! So I’m fortunate there!!! My question is now... how are you all? If you want a chat I do have a Facebook account if anyone’s interested!! I also want to ask... any other people depended on alcohol to get them through tough times? And anyone else feel so exhausted they feel like they are going to collapse at any second like ALL OVER BODY drowsiness which is debilitating? I also have a pain near my liver! Tbh I don’t know what’s real and what’s not anymore. The best time I ever felt was when I was pregnant. I just want this all to go away now because I want to enjoy my little bouncing bubba! Xxx

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      Hey rhianna , glad to see that you are ok...

      i have the exact simptoms like you ....sometimes i cry all day...i am sure that i am going to’s a nightmare...panic atacks.. the pain...on my ribs...under my ribs...chest... i cant stand anymore...sometimes i feel my body shutting down...literally...i cant sleep...i drink a lot of insane...

      i am Cosmin from Romania , by the way...37 years.

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    What u Facebook name we can talk about it a work with people with aniexty 
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      it will be cool to have a FB group chat just for us...
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    Hi guys I’ve just found this and it has reassured me a bit. I suffer from health anxiety I google stuff day in day out I’m 27 got 4 kids married 2 about a month 2 months ago I convinced my self I have a brain tumour worrying everyday now I’ve had overwhelming feeling of fear go down my back and feel really uncomfortable I had to stretch or feel like ripping my hair out scared I’m going to die I’m always looking for resurance like now I feel a lot better after I found this site it don’t last though I’m sure I’ll have another frozen fear tomorrow I just can’t get my head around it I have shooting pains in my head back of my head tingling headaches i just a mess I want to be normal again I’d do anything I’ve got to the point where I think wen my gonna die 😞😔

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    I really bad anxiety and panic attacks and have had it for years now but in the last year or so it's gotten worse i feel like my breathing isn't normal all the time i have all kinds of diffrent symptoms I've been to the er more than i know and they have every test on and they send me home with anxiety I've seen a dr and therapist n the past and was meds but i didn't want to depend on it for the rest of my life but it help me alot i just don't to be on meds but I'm also convinced that there is something wrong with me besides anxiety i just want to feel normal again i live every day feeling this way i want it to leave my body...

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    Hi, i just came across this thread. I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and panic disorder when i was 11, it controlled my life for 2 years, i didn't go to school, i couldn't do anything. My therapist put me on sertraline and i was on that for around 8/9 years. i came off the medication over a year ago as i was having really bad heart palpitations and really bad night sweats, plus i didn't want to rely on medication, i know that its not good to be on anti- depressants for too long. i am 21 and i have always been anxious about my health (the only health issue that i know i have is scoliosis). i was on the birth control injection and i was getting really bad side affects (my breasts were super sore). i then stopped the injection ans from then on i have convinved myself that i have every type of cancer, heart disease, you name it i think i've had it. the past few months it got really bad, it is taking over my life! i had to go to hospital recently to get a very small procedure done and because i was taken through A&E, i had to stay in over night until they could do the procedure (which only took 5 mins and i was awake for) ever since then i have been so scared of ending back up in hospital, i keep thinking maybe the procedure has gone wrong or maybe they put the IV in me wrong and now it's given me heart failure. i can't sleep at night, i convince myself everyday i am dying. whilst at the hospital they did a full blood test and everything came back normal but within 10 hours of being out of hospital im convinced that something isn't right with my heart. i have suffered from anxiety for many years so i know my breathing is the first thing to always go. i can't even put in to words how terrible i feel, the anxiety is crippling and its causing me to get all sorts of symptoms, that i am convinced are real. i feel so angry with myself that ive let it get this bad, i am on the waiting list for therapy but i just want to know that i am not alone. i google symptoms and then 5 minutes later i've got them. i am constantly focusing on my breathing and heart rate. its driving me crazy!! Please tell me i'm not the only one

  • Posted

    Hi there

    So sorry to hear that you have been feeling so unwell. I want to reassure you that as a fellow anxiety sufferer all these symptoms that you are describing sound exactly like how my anxiety manifests when I am having a really bad time. I know its difficult to reassure yourself when you do feel like this but if you have been checked out properly by a doctor try and take some reassurance from that....which I know is not easy. The brain is clever and will try and trick you at every opportunity. What you are feeling are REAL symptoms but it is because you r body is coursing with adrenaline and is in flight or fight mode. Take it easy and be kind to yourself. This is not an easy thing to be going through and well done for coming on her to talk to us.

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    Had a pain in my groin and lower belly for a week and getting worse, i am convinced its something bad , but think it might be my anxiety xx

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    Usually you will find when people reply they will 'project'!! as in what ever experiences they have had they assume you are having the same! (forgive me if I am wrong i have not read a lot of the replies) but here is what I think ... don't let anyone invalidate your feelings or experiences. you know what you are feeling better than anyone. doctors are great but they don't know everything, sometimes it takes a long time.e to diagnose you with something and until then you will probably be told you are anxious! which you may be but wether that is the cause of your symptoms?? no one knows! also if it is anxiety that is not always totally in your head, anxiety its self can bring on a multitude of different conditions 'real conditions!' it also causes different hormones to be secreted into your system which can cause real ' not imaginary effects. my advice would truly be this .... you probably have anxiety, I mean constantly trying to figure out whats wrong in its self will give you anxiety. I would 'if it were me ' first get an app where I can log down my symptoms. you may start to see patterns around what you eat, time of day, time of month how stressed you are that day ... just log it all down. the you have that for you and or the doctor. I would then totally clean up my lifestyle, there are so many studies done between things like cancer being cured and health fitness and nutrition . oh I'm a personal l trainer / gp referral and also deal with nutrition lol so I read studies. maybe take up yoga to calm your body and mind. I find what helps is really trying to live in the now, and appreciate things that I have in my life ... I know it sounds like I am hugging a tree right now but these things have been proven to work. oh I also watch or listen to at least 30 minutes of something really funny every day. was reading about this patient that laughed her cancer away. once your anxiety levels are down and you have logged all your symptoms . if you are still experiencing problems then you will be able to tell your doctor ' I am no longer anxious but still have symptoms! hope this helps xxx

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