Convinced I'm dying of cancer. I just don't feel right.

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So it all started just over 3 weeks ago I had a shooting pain in my head followed by my whole body going weak and numb-like, I panicked!!! After that I haven't been right. I've had shooting pains all over my body, tingles mainly in the left hand, dizziness, smoky vision, flutters under the skin, scared that my limbs were ganna stop working so iv constantly been checking them, I now have pain on both sides of my abdomen under my ribs and I constantly and I mean constantly feel soooo sick! I've been to 4 diffo docs all of which say it's my anxiety! They've only checked my blood pressure and pulse felt my tummy etc how can they be so sure? 

Pic honestly feel sooo I'll im not getting out of bed I can't eat ... I think I'm on the verge of having a breakdown! Everyone around me has had enough but they don't understand how sick I feel! sad 

anyone ever very honestly felt like they were physically ill all day everyday from anxiety? Someone please reply !!! 

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137 Replies

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    Usually you will find when people reply they will 'project'!! as in what ever experiences they have had they assume you are having the same! (forgive me if I am wrong i have not read a lot of the replies) but here is what I think ... don't let anyone invalidate your feelings or experiences. you know what you are feeling better than anyone. doctors are great but they don't know everything, sometimes it takes a long time.e to diagnose you with something and until then you will probably be told you are anxious! which you may be but wether that is the cause of your symptoms?? no one knows! also if it is anxiety that is not always totally in your head, anxiety its self can bring on a multitude of different conditions 'real conditions!' it also causes different hormones to be secreted into your system which can cause real ' not imaginary effects. my advice would truly be this .... you probably have anxiety, I mean constantly trying to figure out whats wrong in its self will give you anxiety. I would 'if it were me ' first get an app where I can log down my symptoms. you may start to see patterns around what you eat, time of day, time of month how stressed you are that day ... just log it all down. the you have that for you and or the doctor. I would then totally clean up my lifestyle, there are so many studies done between things like cancer being cured and health fitness and nutrition . oh I'm a personal l trainer / gp referral and also deal with nutrition lol so I read studies. maybe take up yoga to calm your body and mind. I find what helps is really trying to live in the now, and appreciate things that I have in my life ... I know it sounds like I am hugging a tree right now but these things have been proven to work. oh I also watch or listen to at least 30 minutes of something really funny every day. was reading about this patient that laughed her cancer away. once your anxiety levels are down and you have logged all your symptoms . if you are still experiencing problems then you will be able to tell your doctor ' I am no longer anxious but still have symptoms! hope this helps xxx

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    I am having some of the same things. I have really bad chest pains and alot of trouble breathing and I throw up constantly. my dr. thinks I'm fine but I'm sick more days then I'm not. Both of my parents died of cancer mom brain tumors dad lung cancer. the Dr's missed both of there diagnosis and by the time they found it my mom lived 6 months my dad lived 3 weeks. I'm scared to death they are not looking at this seriously which creates my anxiety. I'm currently looking into at home cancer test kits. maybe it's something you should consider as well. I hope things get better for you.

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    Hey there, I'm currently experiencing the same thing. Around 4 nights ago a felt a weird pain in my left side, I got out of bed in a panic and instantly made myself believe it's lung cancer. I quit smoking the next day it's been 6 days I haven't smoked still have a stabbing pain once ever 10 min or so.. then my pain seems to be shifted to my back on left side. I'm so scared I'm in tears.

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    I have also been been having symptoms that keep changing. At first, I had chest pains, shortness of breath, chills, dizziness. i went to the ER, they ran blood work, chest xray, and an EKG. nothing. now i constantly feel like post nasal drip, still feel like i am not breathing normal, shoulder pain, lack of appetite, and headache. my father died from ALS, & i am CONVINCED that is what i have. I went to one doctor, & she didn't had good bedside manner or anything. She told me it was anxiety, put me on zoloft and it made me feel bad. when i told her i was having certain side effects from it she said "idk why youre having those symptoms" & never replied back. I just want to feel normal again. i have another appointment made, & am hoping he listens to me.

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    I cant express how grateful I am for finding this thread. I've been struggling for 4 years with all of these symptoms, plus extremely specific tooth pain, which two dentists said didn't make sense after taking xrays and cleanings. I've had an mri and mra of my brain done a year ago, x rays of my back, shoulder, knee, and hip, CT of sinuses, I have a mammogram coming up on Monday because I swear I feel a lump. I asked my obgyn to do a breast exam and he checked my underarms and said they felt fine. also have a CT of my head and neck on Tuesday because I feel like food isn't going down and I feel like someone is squeezing my throat. also when I swallow it feels like my esophagus is like catching on something, but goes away when I tilt my head. all of my issues are on my left side. my bloodwork is perfect, every time. I have a fantastic primary care, whom I love, and reassures me that it's anxiety and orders tests for me every time I go in. sometimes I feel like he's enabling me though. I take buspirone and Xanax. the Xanax helps a lot in times of panic, but doesn't take away the physical symptoms altogether. the buspirone makes me feel calm and less stressed, but I still have all of these physical problems. I've told my friends and family that after these next 2 scans I'm not going to any more doctors other than a chiropractor, but I just know I'll end up at an endocrinologist or a gi specialist. I've seen 3 ENTs, 2 neurologists, 3 obgyns, 2 primary care drs, and 3 counselors in the last 4 years. I do have gerd, and I do wonder if it's caused damage to my esophagus. I've had it for 20 years and only recently started on protonix, which hasn't helped me at all. my primary care dr wants me to do a sleep study, and I probably should. this anxiety has affected my quality of life so badly I'm afraid I'll never get over it. I'm strongly considering a psychiatric approach to it. I can't keep doing this. I'm so glad there are more people like me, and I'm so sorry you're going through this too.

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    hey guys I have been experiencing most of these symptoms for years. This is the first time ive heard someone mention the smoky vision. I thought that was just my imagination. I am suffering with extreme breathlessness after an anxiety attack 10 months ago. But it is hard to believe it was anxiety. I have had multiple tests done. I too feel like Im dying everyday,

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    it's my first time posting here but I've been dealing with health anxiety for many years. Right now I'm dealing with this dull pain on the left side of my temple, teeth/gum numbness on the upper left side, jaw is clicking when I open and close my mouth. I have a dull headache that comes and goes for few minutes it's almost everyday mostly on left side on top of my head, and on left temple. I could also feel pressure on my left eye and eye floaters, neck, face and scalp pain. I can't stop researching about brain C, brain tumor or aneurysm. The weird thing is, I don't feel it when I sleep and I feel fine when I wake up in the morning. But then I started thinking about it and the symptoms would come back again and it will get worse on night I've been feeling this for few months now and it's making me anxious, sad and stressful all the time.

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    Well you know I woke up one night in 2012 and my heart felt like someone was standing on a garden hose - so I drove myself to the emergency - they found nothing - so I left and then I went to my primary care doctor and he gave me a nuclear stress test and then sent me a letter saying everything was fine and they could conclude that my heart was fine . But low and behold being the panic disordered fellow that I am - I concluded a different conclusion and asked to see a cardiologist - and I brought my family history and my fears and that doctor agreed with me that they needed to go in with camera and take a look see - and that is how it came to be that three weeks later I was having a heart attack on the table as they ran the camera around - the quote from the doctor was I should already be dead - 98 percent blockage in LAD artery and 97 blockage in RCA artery. - Five stents later --- the original primary care doctor never even said he was sorry for almost killing me - and the person in charge of all the doctors couldn't do anything because hospitals need doctors to keep billing patients. So first and foremost never tell anyone to trust their doctor - because doctors are not all that - they are not brilliant and one size does not fit all. Okay now about the dying everyday thing - I guess this is true - we have to die a little bit each day - but in regards to the subject matter here - I went to the dentist three weeks ago and they said you have a nodule on your lymph node - then my new primary care doctor agreed and sent me out into the community for a cat scan - which said ya I got some stuff on my lymph but its not lymph node but its not cancer - and they they did some ultra sounds and I got 50 to 69 percent blockage of cortoroid artery in neck -- which is not unusual for people with crappy hearts and arteries = the neck arteries just take longer to gather plaque than the heart arteries - so this killed my grand father and my aunt and mother - and that is just how that goes - they all died in seconds - like standing up and then dead before they hit the floor from massive stroke - should I complain about that ? -- no - but this feeling like death each day is not much fun is it - its lonely to die slowly - and when you have panic disorder its even more lonely because like so many have mentioned about their kids - you get scared thinking they will be left without you -- I have a dog - if I die without a support system like I don't have - he will starve to death -- I called all over town looking for someone to offer a support system like calling to make sure your alive at least once a week and there is nothing like that --- I am thinking of putting my money into a place that does just that for the sake of pets - old people getting a call - once a week for like a welfare check - for the sake of their pets lives --- I am thinking it could run after start up by way of donations from those that sign up for it - okay - but that don't help the dying daily stuff - the bad stomach the bad heart and all I can say is eat right - learn to eat right - I lost 100 lbs after my heart attack - and you become an expert supplements - and the only med I am on is clonazapam - its rather amazing but one shrink I had didn't even read my charts and she made the decision to stop my psych meds - and I got by for three years until I showed up in the emergency room twice the second time because I was a day away from killing myself - and they always make you laugh - where did they go to school - first question - do you have a gun --- well no but I don't hate myself - that sound like a terrible way to go - we all know the robin williams way is the most peaceful -but when your going from panic attack to panic attack you get drained and you want out even if you don't want to die - your pretty much feeling like your already dead and all you really want is some quality to life - that is pretty much a normal desire - just to have a life where you smile and feel good for days at a time - and we live but where is the quality -- what do we find with society - not much help - so here we are the wounded and beaten trying to help others like ourselves - but by the grace of all things of universal good essence we find enough help just by way of knowing we are not alone - that we keep going - can you sing like a monk doing those gregorian chants -- it really helps if you can do that it stimulates the vagus or vargus nerve - and also your diet - really - keep healthy as much as you can - even when your stinking in a clinical depression - keep trying to do at least one task a day - try to enjoy things out the window and along your walks - and try not to over talk when someone shows you some kindness and actually listens to you -- now with this stuff going on with me now - stuff growing on my lymph nodes - and a the blockage - the doctor writes a letter and says - see you next year - lol - gee heres the reality - I am 65 - and if I die its because I am old enough that I am expected to die - and it don't matter if I say hey wait a minute I still have things to do -- but the truth is no -- I am pretty much done - I did it all - I did the best I could - what matters another 5 - 10 years - I go to the grave yards and sit and meditate with my dog - and some of those people there died young - and some of them made it past 100 but they all share a common theme - they are there . so I think buddha said die before you die --- in other words contemplate your death -- I use to say to people I sure hope I am not having a panic attack when I die -- but heres the thing = I had a near death experience and I was terrified but once you die it zips away gone - and so was all memory of this life and words and thoughts and conditions and I remember feeling as I was coming back - I felt a 1000 times better in that state than I ever had in this life - including sex -- which would be a 7 on the scale I am talking about = so there is that. be your own advocate - read up on your conditions - snowflakes - the medical system is made of human people who make mistakes = who go by the book - and they have a zillion things going on making their 165000 and more a year - learn to live with kindness and compassion for all the lost souls who never suffer but would stand on your shoulders if a flood came - forgive them - and remember you have the soulmate you seek right inside you. so writing this helped me stop feeling sick - like I do everyday - and you know the way the world is now - it don't seem fair does it that everyone is so messed up and here you are trying to just peacefully get on with it - accepting things that you suffer with - and then on top of that - all of this mess all around us -- somehow it makes us sicker -- especially if your an empath like most of us are - and I don't know that I will get back to this forum - but you are not alone - there is a big crowd of us and I would think that is a pretty big gob of love and compassion for mankind - so the universe can't be unhappy about that. oh ya when I did the near death thing when I came back and was laying back in the body I felt like nothing hurt and I thought well gee maybe god took everything away - and then I moved my leg --- and guess what -- nope - I was still in body of a thousand pains -- oh well for a micro second I wasn't --- so that is a comfort I can share with all of you. I love you all that suffer and wish there was no one reading this or writing this.

  • Posted

    I feel this way too. I'm too scared to go to the hospital to be checked out. I think this all started when I was about 10yrs old. My dad was diagnosed with brain cancer. He beat it but they always said it would come back eventually. About 22yrs later it did. Then the most unexpected phone call came I found out my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer. What they went through was awful. I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea that there was a disease out there that could take you out, when you've done nothing wrong. Now in my adult life I'm riddled with anxiety. I'm convinced that I have lung cancer. About 6 months ago it felt like something was stuck in my throat. It either went away or I just got used to it but now I have chest pains usually only at night and I'm constantly clearing my throat. (at night) I've done that because of anxiety in the past. I just can't tell the difference between regular pains and something horrible. I worry about my 15yr old son not having anyone if something happens to me. I don't want him to know what's going on. Now I'm here pouring my heart out. Please someone tell me that I'm not alone.

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    Hi! I'm on a 10 yr journey. I was originally diagnosed with Hashimoto's, epilepsy and Sjogren's and Celiac with RF factor.

    I was told for years and years that I shouldn't be in as much pain as I'm in. 😳

    fast forward to 8 mos ago. I felt like I couldn't keep going. was exercising less and less because I couldn't. so fatigued and in pain. Mind you... over the years I was also diagnosed with chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, somatic disorder and anxiety.

    It took a lot of advocating for myself. I started requesting scans. and mri of my spine showed spondylolisthesis, multilevel spondylosis, facet arthropathy, cervical instability and radiculopathy. But still they said that wasn't enough. however... once the pain was minimized from my spine (still there, but less), I could feel like my body was lacking oxygen. My PCP didn't believe me so I self referred to a cardiologist. Many test were performed. All were minimally failed. A heart angiography finally uncovered a 2 cm myocardial bridge of the LAD. I was also also hospitalized during this time and they discovered hyperinflated lungs. My pcp didn't believe me, so my cardiologist referred me to the Pulmonologist. I was just diagnosed with moderate persistent asthma, bronchiectasis, abnormal lung findings and common immunodeficiency disease.

    other diagnoses have been... Megaloblastic anemia, undifferentiated convective tissue disease, sacroillitis, adenomyosis, fibroids, complex ovarian cyst, osteopenia throughoutmy body.

    they think the anemia is from pernicious anemia, which is the guts inability to absorb nutrients. the GI doc want's to do a colonoscopy and endoscopy. But we have to wait till my heart and lungs are ok. same for the hysterectomy.

    I have blurry vision (like I'm underwater), spasms, tremors, extreme fatigue, cough, dripping nose but no allergies, stomach pain with cramping, chest pressure, feeling of fullness, joint pain, tinnitus, shortness of breath, severe constipation and neuropathy.

    I know there's more... it's just exhausting.

    make sure they run your igg with all 4 subclasses. Igm, Iga, Ige. Review all your old labs and piece the bloodwork together. my MCV is always high and I don't drink. that's how the anemia was discovered. however I am not responding to the b12 shots.

    I feel like I am dying. I do have a lot going on in my chest... but my body is breaking down and I feel like it's cancer.

    this is all I have energy for now and I hope this helped.


  • Posted

    I feel exactly the same

    my god its unbearable I feel I've checked out

    tink my life is done

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    I'm feeling the exact same way. A few days ago felt a pain on one side of throat when swallowing. Shortly after the other side was affected. My anxiety starting increasing thinking of throat cancer since I have GERD. Now, I feel as if I have swollen lymph nodes and random intermittent sharp pains all over my body. I contacted my PCP who didn't seem concerned and said if the symptoms persist to schedule an appointment. I also contacted my GI doctor who suggested seeing an ENT doctor. My concern is scheduling these appointments that historically take several weeks to months to get in. If its the "C word", I feel like time is not on your side. And I do have a family history of it (Grandfather). I do have anxiety so I'm sure this is just fueling the fire. It is slightly comforting others feel the same way.

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    i am living in fear too. So, 3 mths ago I started with sinus symptoms which turned out to be related to a tooth that has a crack in it. An xray confirmed that the root was very close to the sinus so need to see a specialist. I have an appointment for Nov. Long story short, i get tingles in the cheek and head on the same side as the bad tooth! The tingles in the cheek have subsided but the head tingles are there a lot. Last night I woke up sweating and the tingles were the worst ever! I have convinced myself that I have a brain tumor and that this amount of tingling cannot possibly be from a bad tooth. I am terrified!

  • Posted

    Hi. i know its been many years since this thread was active but i just want to share a little of my story so that in the rare case that someone sees it we can find solidarity and understanding.

    im a 19 year female who started having throat problems at age 15. it started with the nagging feeling that there was something stuck in my throat that i couldnt cough up. what started as a very subtle annoying problem has now become all consuming and is tearing my young life apart. you see ive been so worried that its throat cancer because it never really goes away, i can hear the air whistling around it in my throat when i take a deep enough breath, and my nose is partly blocked. but i survived this far with no other ill effects. or have I? Last November was tbe worst, i started feeling physically sick as well as having throat problems. then i got temporarily better. up until a few weeks ago i started getting massive panic attacks with the main symptom being i felt sick unto death. naturally i believed that these werent panic attacks, they were cancer kiiling me. and now its crazy cause my throat problems are dissapearing, they really are, but i still have spells of feeling sick unto death. my anxiety is almost unbearable but ive been prescribed several anti anxiety meds. what i really want is an x ray because i cant get rid of this unbearable thought that i must die of what i think has been untreayed cancer all this time.

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