Could this be thyroid issues
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Hi all
Will try and keep this very brief.
Stopped smoking 'permanently' in January & since mid January or end January I developed something of a constant discomfort in my throat area of my neck.
In January I had a cough, being a smoker my dr ordered a chest xray which was normal, but nothing has changed. Dr has also ordered Full bloods - normal (6 weeks ago)
Lyranoscopy - normal with irritation on Lyranx & Globus diagnosis (2 weeks ago)
My symptoms are
~ Heavy fullness feeling in the throat area (the area from the voicebox to the part where your collarbones meet)
~ Swallowing saliva is a discomfort on the right hand side only of the throat, like I have a deep paper cut
~ Eating solids & liquids makes it feel better to the extent of not feeling it at all
~ The felling of something trapping the back of my throat or applying constant pressure to the throat or a 'dangling' feeling at the back of the throat feeling like my windpipe is blocked.
~ No lumps or bumps present upon physical examination by ENT & GP
~ Exessive dry throat
~ Feeling of cold air sensation when breathing in shooting to the right part of my throat where this cutting feeling is.
~ Sleeping is not disturbed but when I wake it makes its horrid appearance once again, it starts of slowly then boom full on symptoms of blockage, discomfort & heaviness feeling
~ Constant swallowing
I have been put on antibiotics twice with no relief, lansoprazole & omperazole - no relief & do not believe I have GORD as no heartburn, I understand you can have LPR but again no relief even when being on PPI's for a month & Gavison & Rennies!
This is driving me literally insane, I know the likelihood of throat cancer is none as my scope has been done for that but now my mind is wondering to cancer of the oesophagus or thyroid.
I am 35 f with no history of being a drinker, smoked for 16 years (10 a day or so), overweight .
Can someone if you can shed any light on this 'disorder of mine'
My GP dismisses me to having anxiety & these are they symptoms for that she states but for me this is so REAL!
3 likes, 79 replies
carole56642 kay19801
i had a large lump in right thyroid with a cyst which gave me the feelings of heaviness and tightness in the throat, but no other symptoms, other than a swelling on my neck. Blood tests normal. They could not biopsy lumps and cyst kept filling up so I had right side of thyroid removed in Feb 15. Biopsy said not cancerous.
Now I have a bit of tightness and heaviness in throat again and ultrasound shows 2cm lump in left thyroid and other lumps and cysts. Consultant is not worried and said go away and live with it. I'm having a further US in 4 months to check it as was still a bit worried.
Your symptoms may be just your body getting used to not smoking. Hope you get some answers.
kay19801 carole56642
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me.
The ENT did a scope and I am assuming that the thyroid would have been passed to look at the back of the throat etc so maybe this is not thyroid. My mind is working in overdrive.
My throat stings and hurts on the right hand side when I swallow saliva only. Everytime my Dr says its reflux & anxiety grouped together but there is no relief from the PPI's she is prescribing, I wish they would just LISTEN to me.
I know that the ENT would have seen throat cancer & even with no lumps he would have had a biopsy if he suspected it so this is not my fear, my fear is now my esophagus what if there is a tumor there & the Dr will not listen to me so there is no way they will refer me to have a Upper GI endoscope, I just wish I could feel normal I really do!
My partner says that if I had cancer my bloods would have had some abnormality even if slight the Dr would have told me and maybe investigated then further, what do you think?
Thanks for your reply again
Anxietyasf kay19801
shellyC19 kay19801
My name is Shelly and I am a nurse in the USA. I have Hashimoto's thyroid disease since 1987.
There can be tissue in your throat that can block or cause it to be hard to swallow. Some people have tissue that is thicker in the throat because of smoking over the years. There can also be Polyps which are growths that can occur in some people. They can do a "CAT scan or Stereotactic Imaging" that can see if they are in your throat. These growths can be clear and jelly like and they can go down your throat and also can be found in sinuses and they can cause mucus to appear and block normal drainage. This will make you feel like the throat has to be cleared a lot. You may even get a headache & feel pressure in your throat.
I also recommend a sleep study, to see if you snore or have apnea which is small gaps in your breathing when you are asleep and can last for seconds to minutes. You may have that and not know it. It can cause you to wake up tired, feel dry in your throat and make your oxygen levels lower, which can make you feel awful when you are awake. You can also become a mouth breather.
Hypothyroid symptoms are, feeling cold, weight gain, bruising, brain foggy, tired or fatigued, dry skin and brittle nails, hair loss. There are more. Thyroid disease hits between ages 20 to 45 and many people have a family history of it.
They can do the TSH, T4 and T3 levels and that can tell if you have swelling of the thyroid by an ultrasound. This should be done to rule out a swelling or goiter of the thyroid gland.
Being overweight can place stress on many organs and can place stress on the thyroid, pancreas and adrenal glands. Try and do walking if able, I lost 32 pounds doing it.
Cancer of the esophagus is rare and you would have abnormal red blood cells and sodium levels in your blood. Also you would cough up blood at times. So I doubt that is happening.
Keep us posted on how you do,
Any questions just ask,
kay19801 shellyC19
Thank you so much for your email.
They have done the TSH, T4 & T3 tests but all normal, my mum had thyroid issues when she was my age but never really knew what it was as I havent spoken with her in nearly 18 years, however this is just really getting me so down everyday is a struggle for me as I am proding and poking my throat and the muscles & I guess cartledge feels bruised today as I think I have over done the poking somewhat to feel for lumps!
When I breathe in it feels like cold air too and shoots up to the right side of my throat it also feels like something dangling there at the back of my throat, the ENT dr said I have Globus and slight reflux but my throat is just paining all the time and I seem to get no relief with anything that I do except for when I go to sleep.
I am quite certain that cancer of the esophgus is not what is causing this issue but you know the thoughts enter my mind every day, cancer of this or that....I research & research but it does not help me.
My throat feels so dry and it feels like they are sticking together like when you run and get that dry throat feeling this is what I have every day but drinking water does not help it just continues to happen.
I have such health anxiety too which I know can exacerbate the issues I am having.
Today, my throat feels tense when I do the motion to pull the throat apart and I think from the exessive proding as said above it feels bruised in certain areas when I touch it.
shellyC19 kay19801
Try drinking warm to HOT fluids, (Tea or just HOT water), and see if that helps relax the tissue in your throat. Please do not push on your throat as you can upset tender tissue and tendons.
I think you are feeling some GERD effects (Gastro Esophaus Reflux Disorder), that feeling is an acid like feeling when you burp, heartburn, pain in the esophagus, burning, hoarseness feeling and cotton mouth (dry mouth). Throat Lozeneges help also, you can buy them in a store.
Omeperazole (Prilosec) takes a bit of time to work. It can take several days and you must take it daily. Do not miss a dose.
You can have a thickened tissue in your throat and may need proper imaging to see it as I said above CAT SCAN or Stereotatic Imaging. Another thing is any damaged tissue in your esophagus will heal in time and old tissue will slough off and you can sometimes feel that.
They do have anti anxiety pills called Xanax which if needed will help you relax. Speak to your doctor.
Check out natural relaxants by seeing a Naturopath if you can. They have more info on preparations availble in your area.
Any questions just ask,
kay19801 shellyC19
Thanks for the info i have researched so much i am so tired.
I try hot water, honey and all sorts. Ice cold sparking water as my ENT dr advised but that feeling just comes back again. I know i have nothing sinister in my throat as the scope would have seen something but im really freaking out to be honest.
I had a symptom of burning skin in my back years ago for something like 3 months and we found no cause for it however i was awaiting results on my skin mole as it looked abnormal, luckily everything was normal but since then i fear cancer all the time!
I stopped smoking and coughed went to the dr and this is where it all started, first i thought i had lung cancer and then my cough went, throat still felt scratchy and i researched throat cancer, then my throat started with all these issues and now its onto esophageal cancer thoughts.
Everytime i go to the dr all she says is anxiety makes your throat dry, stick together and causes acid! I keep saying i have this discomfort when i swallow in one side and it gets ignored. I asked the ENT if his scope looked at the area on the right i was concerned about and he said yes he went as far as the entrance if my esophogas and it looks normal.
I wad put in lansaprozole for 2 weeks that did nothing, the omperazole for 2 months. I am within my 3rd week now and no change, surely it must work by now?
I will go back to the DR but i will get fobbed off sadly.
shellyC19 kay19801
My late Father who smoked since WWII died of Lung Cancer in 2005. Let me explain, Cancer is QUIET and he had NO Symptoms until he was stage 4. Then her had Red Blood cells that went low, sodium was off, he felt COLD, would not eat, later he coughed up blood, could not breathe, etc... I know another person who had lung cancer and he also had no symptoms at all, until it was in stage 3 and going into stage 4.
They would be able to see via blood any abnormal RBC's and Sodium, and other markers for cancer. Also Xray of the chest would pick up shaded areas also.
Yes, smoking is bad and I never was into it. Glad you stopped and keep away from cigarettes as it will damage your lungs. Congrat's on giving it up!
Yes, GERD should calm down and make sure you watch your diet also, no spicy items please for now. Just to help you out and see how you do.
Some of ot can be anxiety and they have meds for it. You may want to find a Naturopath that can offer you a natural remedey for anxiety.
Yes, they would have seen growths on an ENT scope, but you can have a thicker throat tissue also from smoking. If you feel it is cutting your airway you can get an inhaler made for asthma that can help stop that feeling. It is worth a try. Your doctor can order that.
Some names of inhalers are Albuterol or Proventil. They can stop the feeling of a tight throat. Of course if ever your airway is obstructed please see your Emergnecy room or A&E facility.
Any questions just ask,
kay19801 shellyC19
Just sat bed upright, burped and felt liquid come up plus i had pizza tonight folleed by a beer
My throat feels like its does when you have a cold, the rough, raw feeling since January, driving me mad. So many things it could be acid being one but i have stopped the PPI as they arent helping me as my throat remains the same
Hernia is a possibility.
So tired of having a sore, tight throat and wheezing with dryness and sharp inhaling shooting up my throat
Sorry i am so negative just cant see where this can end well except for something very serious!
Thanks for your replies.
shellyC19 kay19801
Please take the Omeperazole as it does help. The throat can get sore from powerful stomach acid and it can be very uncomfortable.
Also remain sitting up for 1 hour after a meal. Buy a wedge pillow for your bed available in stores that have bedding supplies, or elevate the head of the bed by placing old books under the feet on the bed.
GERD is painful and you may have to have a pyloric valve repair (From stomach to esophagus, if it gets worse.
So again please take the Omeperazole and it will reduce the amount of acid in you.
I know how you feel as I have mild GERD also. I take zantac (Raiatadine) it is not long acting as Omeperazole but it works for me.
Any questions just ask,
kay19801 shellyC19
Thank you for the advice its so kind of you.
I will start the omperazole again but im going back to the Dr on Tues for a "what shall we do now".
Ill persevere
kay19801 shellyC19
Can I just ask, when you say
'They would be able to see via blood any abnormal RBC's and Sodium, and other markers for cancer'
Cancer marker blood tests are not run with normal bloods i.e. FBC etc. am I right?
Do you think I should request another set of bloods incase things have changed from 5 weeks ago?
Thanks in advance
shellyC19 kay19801
The blood tests such as sodium, Red blood cell count, are 2 tests that can be run. It would be in a complete blood count and a mineral panel. A mineral pnael includes, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, Iron, ferritin. A complete blood count, is White blood cells, Red bloood cells, Hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet count.
Markers for cancer are, Platelet count, Sodium levels, Red Blood cells and Erthrocyte Sedimentation rate which can pcik up elevated inflammation in the body and certain cancers do make the body inside inflammed.
All tests are ordered separately by the doctor.
Yes, if it will give you peace of mind, ask for the tests above, if any of them are abnormal it will show up there.
Hope this helps,
shellyC19 kay19801
The tissue inside a person's throat is very sensitive and can be upset from spicy food or too hot in temperature of food, stomach acid coming back up into the throat a virus like a cold, bacterial infections also, etc.....
Tissue can be burned and tissue can get thick and inside the throat it hurts. When you hold the throat it supports it and the pressure of you holding it may ease the tendons that support your neck giving you a better feeling.
GERD is known to cause very bad sore throats as it causes acid that is very strong in your stomach to come up and that causes a burn on the tissue. Over time it can cause a lot of damage to the esophagus and make it difficult to swallow food, since there is like a chemical burn there.
Taking Omeperazole (Prilosec) helps lessen the acid which allows the throat to heal. Healing can take weeks.
So take the Omeperazole and swallow gently and drink water after eating slowly and sit up for 1 hour after food.
Any questions just ask,
selena70677 kay19801
Hello Kay, seen your post and wondered if you ever got the issue resolved. I'm having the same issue. Never smoked, dont drink alcohol ect. It all came on after I got a bad head cold last December due to flu season. Its never gotten better. I feel the same icy cold air sensation on the left side of my throat when I breath in and it feels like it goes right into the left side of my chest. It gives me such anxiety and I cant seem to get rid of it. I also get the same feeling of dry throat as you explained the feeling of you having ran a long race. You actually explained the entire sitiation and feeling well. The only time I dont feel it is when I'm sleeping. I've been to so many doctors. MD's ENT's, had blood work, been on 3 rounds of antibiotics which haven't helped. They don't think its cancer but you can clearly see th he right side of my throat is irritated badly. I also had inflamed sinuses so they just recently gave me flonase with steroid which has helped my sinues feel less inflamed but the left sinus still feels uncomfortable. I had alot of sinus drip since the cold. Throat hasn't gotten any better and the cold air feeling is a constant feeling each day. I am going to ask for an MRI to see if anything else is going on that cannot be seen by the naked eye. I was wondering if you found out what was causing yours and if it's gotton any better today. Would love to hear from you. Thanks
kay19801 selena70677
Hey there
Sorry to read you are also struggling with this, guess what? Its been two years actually 2.5 years and I am still the same! Same as you blood work, chest xray's, lung function tests, no MRI yet but my specialist says its cat allergies, I cough from morning to night..... I smoke and drink, its not the smoking it obviously contributes towards my coughing but I have even quit smoking in the last two years and still had it! The icy sensation, yup, still have it!
I get very asthmatic sounding some days, I take the ventolin inhaler and then it goes (just the wheeze upon inhalation), the Dr says it must be asthma as an inhaler would not work if it wasnt......I really dont know what more to suggest with this horrible issue! What I can tell you is that anxiety makes it 100% worse and that is a fact!
I am currently on anxiety tablets and whilst the sensation has not gone its bearable....not saying anxiety is your issue but its worth a try, I know its very scary when you breathe in and its that horrible ice feeling straight through your throat into your chest......horrible!
What have you tried to relieve the sensations? Chewing gum helps me and sucking some hard boiled sweets.
Let me know
selena70677 kay19801
I'm so glad you responded. How kind of you. I'm so sorry your dealing with this issue after 2 1/2 years. Today is a hard day for me. My throat (left side) feels so raw and the air I breathe in still feels icy cold from my left nostril right into my left lung. Yay for me! Not!! It gives me so much anxiety. I'm on meds for anxiety, I've had anxiety my entire life. I take a small dose of xanax, but very sparingly. I just take a half of pil before going to bed so I can sleep or my mind will race and I'll think about my ailments. Thank you for responding, I'd like to keep in touch. If I find any answers through anyone, I will let you know. 😊
kay19801 selena70677
I was wheezing this morning but think its smoking..hopefully, my Dr said its being going on for so long if it was what I fear it is then I would have been dead by now. ie lung cancer....that scares the hell out of me but I smoke....I know its a double edged sword...
I hope you feeling better x
Ha ha ha You're funny. I've always suffered from anxiety. Thats why I could relate to the movie "What About Bob " so well. I laughed so hard watching it because I could so relate to him. LOL Do you have a Facebook? We should connect. Look for me Selena Bone
kay19801 selena70677
How are you feeling? Sorry for the delayed message, yes I have facebook - I will add you as a friend, if you want?
Let me know how you are doing?
Anxietyasf selena70677
hey selena, do you mind telling me your outcome? how are you?