Could this be thyroid issues
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Hi all
Will try and keep this very brief.
Stopped smoking 'permanently' in January & since mid January or end January I developed something of a constant discomfort in my throat area of my neck.
In January I had a cough, being a smoker my dr ordered a chest xray which was normal, but nothing has changed. Dr has also ordered Full bloods - normal (6 weeks ago)
Lyranoscopy - normal with irritation on Lyranx & Globus diagnosis (2 weeks ago)
My symptoms are
~ Heavy fullness feeling in the throat area (the area from the voicebox to the part where your collarbones meet)
~ Swallowing saliva is a discomfort on the right hand side only of the throat, like I have a deep paper cut
~ Eating solids & liquids makes it feel better to the extent of not feeling it at all
~ The felling of something trapping the back of my throat or applying constant pressure to the throat or a 'dangling' feeling at the back of the throat feeling like my windpipe is blocked.
~ No lumps or bumps present upon physical examination by ENT & GP
~ Exessive dry throat
~ Feeling of cold air sensation when breathing in shooting to the right part of my throat where this cutting feeling is.
~ Sleeping is not disturbed but when I wake it makes its horrid appearance once again, it starts of slowly then boom full on symptoms of blockage, discomfort & heaviness feeling
~ Constant swallowing
I have been put on antibiotics twice with no relief, lansoprazole & omperazole - no relief & do not believe I have GORD as no heartburn, I understand you can have LPR but again no relief even when being on PPI's for a month & Gavison & Rennies!
This is driving me literally insane, I know the likelihood of throat cancer is none as my scope has been done for that but now my mind is wondering to cancer of the oesophagus or thyroid.
I am 35 f with no history of being a drinker, smoked for 16 years (10 a day or so), overweight .
Can someone if you can shed any light on this 'disorder of mine'
My GP dismisses me to having anxiety & these are they symptoms for that she states but for me this is so REAL!
3 likes, 79 replies
anne66136 kay19801
I am sorry that I cannot answer your question at this time, but if I do find anything out I promise to get back to you.
What I do know is that anxiety can cause all sorts of problems like the feeling of "a lump in your throat", but I have never heard of the dangly bit you referred to.
I also know what acid reflux feels like and it can be very alarming at times.
I do hope that you get some answers from your doctor soon, and just wanted you to know that we are listening to you, and can at least sympathise with you.
kay19801 anne66136
Thank you for your message
The dangly bit thing comes and goes its all very strange!
I hope I get some answers too, I have had three of the same diagnosis from two doctors & 1 ENT professor whom is the best in my county and they all say anxiety & reflux, maybe I should accept the diagnosis but I just fear the C word and always fearing it has been overlooked!
yvette97601 kay19801
kay19801 yvette97601
I have to go back as this feeling is only one sided and driving me crackers!!! The GP says reflux, ENT says Globus BUT my question is, i had a scope down my nose, would they have seen a nodule on my thyroid with that scope?
Thanks all
The dangly thing is hideous drives me insane! Feels like my throat is being pressured from the front to the back and i have to pull them apart also all the time
yvette97601 kay19801
kay19801 yvette97601
This is intersting as ive always said its thyroid! When i swallow i feel like a sharp scrap on the right hand side where my wind pipe starts if that makes sense? I wheeze every now and then also and the immense pressure that i feel on my throat is silly! Im forever trying to pull my throat apart!
Could u feel your nodule when u felt your throat? I cant feel anything BUT last week i touched my throat and it felt bruised right where the sharp swallowing sensation is! When i bend down i feel pressure on that side in my throat too. I know i have relux though as i taste the acid but i cant have reflux everynight to warrant this feeling surely?!
Also when i breathe in its like a sharp wind to the right side too!
Im going back Wed and if she prescribes anymore blinking ant-acids i will go mad!
My mum had thryroid issues when she was my age and ive told the dr but she says i have anxiety! When i chew chewing gum it feels so good as my throat isint dry and sticking together, as i type this my trying to pull my throat apart from each other 😓
Did u have your nodule removed?
yvette97601 kay19801
kay19801 yvette97601
Was your throat dry?
yvette97601 kay19801
kay19801 yvette97601
I just swallow all day about 1000 times. It feels like thick skin im swallowing and i also seem to rub my throat. The dryness and constant trying to pull the throat apart is the worst for me but ny dryness see to be higher than the thyroid its more by my voicebox but behind if that makes sense.
Do you eat and drink ok? As i do the feeling actually goes when i chew.
I have a cancer phobia big time, do you?
Its nice to talk to you too. Are you in the UK?
yvette97601 kay19801
Anxietyasf yvette97601