CT Scan following chest x ray
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I had a lasting cough that was not going away. I went for a chest x ray and was told straight away that I needed to go back for a CAT scan as there was something viewed that needed further examination in more detail. The radiographer said that it was the doctor that advised this. She said not to worry and tried to reassure me it might simply be an infection. I'm a life long smoker and I am not stupid that this could be lung cancer. Surely they wouldn't get me back for a ct scan if they simply thought to was an infection.
I am now waiting on appt. they said it would be within a couple of weeks and I am really worried now the more I think. Would they just get me back in for a ct scan to determine an infection or something other than lung cancer?
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So hang on in there,we might be seen eventually...I'm 68,so I don't expect they will rush over me,getting too old I suppose...(sigh)
I am rather concerned though,as I have many symptoms,that should be looked into quickly imo...
Take care,hope all will be sorted for you soon...
poppysocks, Did you know they can op on the lung now. Cut out the bad. I have bowel cancer, quite advanced, which if detected earlier wouldn't be. People although younger than me have really bveen thru the mill with ops. on liver and lungs, but they are alive. So too, younger people are also waiting for appnts. I'm 70 now, consider myself a young 70, but hope and you must have hope.
Best wishes to both of you
I am not thinking lung cancer,I am thinking maybe the start of COPD,I am a smoker (roll ups) have smoked since I was 15,so that is 53 years in all (hanging head shamefully)
Had scan done early Jan,have not been sent appointment yet to see chest resp consultant,so if they are not worried,I am not going to worry if it is a cancer or not,I think I would have been seen again by now if they thought it might be a lung cancer wouldn't you ?
Hospital said there is a waiting list,a long one,so waiting I am.
Thank you for your post.
Take care of yourself.
Didn't mean to alarm you. I thought you were worried about being seen because of your age (over 65). I wouldn't know if it were cancer.
Do you have the full support of your GP and if so what do they say about the delayed appnt?
Plenty of hope, but a little push push in the right dirtection, doesn't hurt.
You are not the only one who smokes. I think they would do us all a favour if they took them off the market.
I eat very healthily I can say and am thinking now of going veg. I don't really know what to substitute for protein.
You take care
I am concerned about the length of time waiting to be seen,and the long waiting list I was told of from a telephone call I made to the hospital enquiring about how long before I got an appointment.
I have just last week changed my doctor to a new one,as the old doctor and I clashed so much on different things etc..
I am hoping the new one will also be more updated on Fibromyaligia,which is another condition I suffer with plus Osteoarthritis...
I eat veggies,(I do not like meat)..I like fish, I eat plenty of that with spinach and broccoli,and Brown bread,have cut down on sugar,cakes/biscuits...carbs,too many (not good),so have cut down on potatoes and processed foods...
You take care also,thanks for your post...
I'm concerned about anyone over the 65 who hasw to wait. I've known a few people dying while they are still waiting. Dont mean to alarm you, no one shoul;d suffer unnec.
Some 12 yrs ago I had a trapped nerve in my back. The pain in the legs got so bad even two crutched wouldn't help and I finally gave up work and went to bed and stayed there. I caqlled the hosp to enquire about why I had to wait. I was in such pain and no pills would help. I couldn't turn in bed, to stop bed soars, without it. Well I was told by the hosp there is a long waiting list for the MRI. After 4 mos. i8n bed, the GP finally accepted I wasn't faking it, got my MRI. It was after the op the Drs said I was in a bad way.
I have just changed my GP surgery too. But am not sure now if I did the right thing. I've been in this one 2 1/2 yrs. and long enough for the cancer to advance to a bad stage. My problem is will I get as good treatment as those under 65. (Macmillan statement few weeks ago).
I have other problems too. Essential Tremor/Mild Dystonia, thank god for this comp. Can't write my grandkids though. My new GP was too concerned/adament about my cholesteral to listen to my complaints in the cancer area and sent me to vascular. On a MRI the hosp. tell me your back is in a terrible state. Not that I have problems with it, just arthritis and I can handle that if careful. The first op wasn't done well.
All these other things amount to 'not worth saving' as someone said. Too many other problems.
I have gone off meat since my diagnoses, not that I ate much before. I enjoy fish though.
I have one allotment now. Gave up 2. Grew all my own fruit and veg and would never buy anything I had a bad crop of. But all was organic. Now I'm not even sure the organic in the shops is organic.
Beautiful day today and I was up the lot getting some leeks and spuds I have in the shed. Think I might have over done it a bit with the broken rib, but I will sleep good tonight.
I'm off to be now. Hosp for blood test tomor. and chemo again Tues.
Incidentally, what is Fibromyaligia.
Godbless, Daffs
Had a letter this morning saying when I reach the top of the waiting list they will send me an appointment !!
How long will that be I wonder.!!
I phoned the appointments dept,and they said they will let me know six weeks in advance before my appointment is due..!!
Gosh,I had the scan 29th of Nov last !!! Could not believe what I was hearing.!
Have not even been diagnosed with anything yet,only had a CT scan done that showed a lung disease...which disease I wonder...It could be anything,yet they leave one worrying for all these weeks...Unbelievable imo.
Unbelievable !
Take care
I phoned them up,as no way was I going to travel that far,when there is a very large hospital just over the road from me, literally honestly !!
In the end after much pleading from me, they changed the appointment from next week to the 28th of March for the hospital over the road from me.
I have waited this long,so I will wait a further four weeks. Can't make that much difference,I wouldn't think.
Hope things are ok with you,thanks for posting/and caring,take care,sending you (((hugs))
I will keep you posted.
In all honesty at the London hosp. I used to go to for ET there were people who came down by train from way up north and stayed over night in London for their 1hr appnt. just because they felt treatment was better. A friend of a friend with young children had to take them to school, get the train (think about 30 miles) for her radiotherapy appnt. 5 days pr wk, 5 wks., drag herself home and pick the kids up from school. Hubby offered no help as he had depression, more of a burden. She could have gone to a large cancer hosp. closer to her.
I know this is not your sit. as this was their choice, but can be done.
I have finished the chemo now (last wk) and had a CT scan yest. whole body which will show if any spread. Very happy they did do it properly and my Onc. appnt for results and what they intend doing next, is next wk.
Wish you the best, Daffs (I get lousy 'Cancer Care Plan' from my GP too)
I'll come back on here when I know what sort of lung disease it is,and message you,till then take care,stay safe...
faith48824 poppysocks1
hayleyleela thomas65043
faith48824 thomas65043
keleee faith48824
I asked for cancer by being a smoker for 20 years. I have quit for many years but after 20 years you can definately get lung cancer from the damage done. One thing you are wrong about is you have to cough up blood. Some do not cough up anything. It depends on the stage they catch it at, what type it is, etc. I cough up blood now but not in the beginning, just a dry run of the mill cough and only once in a while. The biggest sign for me was being tired and short of breath which I blamed on my COPD. I frankly think anyone with COPD from smoking should get a chest x-ray yearly and know the warning signs. If they catch it early your chances are much better for a full recovery.
faith48824 keleee
Faith x
keleee faith48824
It means a lot that you will keep me in your prayers. I will keep you in my prayers also. Try and stay upbeat and in the day if you can because the tests take forever. At least they seem to. It sounds positive that they have not said anything about cancer. It may be nothing. I hope so. I don't have any family to help and my parents have passed. Having Fibro and chronic fatigue has put a damper on my social life and I live alone with my dog. My best friend recently died from a heart attack. My son calls me a lot but is not close by. You are blessed to have such a wonderful husband and inlaws. We definately should keep in touch for moral support.
faith48824 keleee
Faith x
keleee faith48824
How are you doing? It has been a while and I got through the chemo and radiation well. I was found to be cancer free and they set up a catscan for August. I came down with what I thought was a sinus infection a couple weeks ago. I had a headache 24/7 and mucous and a cough. After being treated with Doxycycline it went away but was back within a few days. I went back to the doctor and he did a chest x-ray to rule out pnemonia and found my tumor was back and larger then before. I was really taken by suprise because they said I was cancer free but obviously I still had cancer cells left. I go in for a catscan Tuesday and meet with my Oncologist on Wednesday. I have been a bit sad but trying to stay busy. I really hope you are doing well. Please let me know if you can. Take care, Kelly