cured!!!! 100% real story/my story!!!

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This is my story. I am not completely sure how I got it or if I ever really had it. I did what some people might have also done, self diagnosed. If I could go back I would have definitely went to a dermatologist and demanded a skin scrape test, which would hopefully determine what exact skin condition I had. But I was convinced and still believe I had scabies.

It all started with a small patch of bumps that were on my right forearm. It was about 2 weeks before Christmas. I noticed the bumps after they started to itch a little, but didn’t think much of it. Then it seemed to appear on the other forearm. Not ever having something like this or even understanding the many possibilities, I just thought it was a simple rash. About 3 days later while sleeping, I woke up with a severe itchiness on the inside of both my thighs, then during the day it was like it disappeared. It happened the next day but seemed more severe, and the only thing that seemed to help was taking a hot bath and letting the water run over my thighs. Again in the morning it went away. After that night of basically no sleep and in the bath, I went on webMD and typed in all my symptoms and it came up with scabies as one of the possibilities, especially with the itching and scratching at night. At this point I was not sure what I should do. The next night was the same as the two previous nights but seeming to get more intense. But in the morning I woke up and noticed that it had spread all over my body. It was all over my arms, but not really on the hands. It was all over my back, on my chest and stomach, and all over my legs and on my feet. The weird thing about my lower legs like from the knee down, it that around each hair follicle it seem to have a red circle. At this point I went to a community urgent care. When I went they asked what I was there for, I told them a rash and that I thought I might be scabies. Of course me not knowing the nightmare of a condition it can be, I told them, and of course the treated me as if I had the plague or something. Knowing what I know now I can not really blame them. Needless to say they were very unhelpful, one of the nurses told me that simple lice shampoo would take care of the problem. So I took her advice and went to Rite Aid and bought some and put in all over my body. Of course as you all probably know, it takes a lot more than simple hair lice product to kill them. So after a couple days and a couple applications of Rid the head lice treatment with no results I decided to go to a real urgent care affiliated with a hospital. When I went in and told them what I thought I had, they didn’t treat much different from other patients in the waiting room. Even the doctor was pretty at ease with sitting in the room and talking with me, or at least it seemed as if he was. Anyway, he prescribed permitherin. I put it all over except my face. The next morning it actually seemed to help a lot. Also washed all my blankets pillows and all dirty clothes in hot water. And I grabbed my bike and went out for a ride, with scratch scars on my arms and legs, but I was cured. So I thought. It only took a couple days to realize that permitherin helped but did not kill or cure all. I found myself refilling my perscription 7 days later and reapplying it because even the package says it may need second dosage 7 days later. The second dose still didn’t kill or cure all.

I then found myself searching the web and reading and learning as much as I can about this. At this point I was convinced I had scabies because I even talked to a doctor and he told me if the scabicide worked even a little it only works on parasites and not skin conditions such as follicleitis and others that are commonly confused with scabies. As the saying goes IGNORANCE IS DEFINITELY BLISS! The more I read, the more I was horrified. Ever story of struggle with hardly and happy endings, was discouraging. I can not tell you how many posts and forum pages I read. I was determined to beat this.

This is what I bought;

I bought a plastic drop “cloth” from the dollar store to cover my mattress with. I would spray and wipe this down every morning with Lysol or some type of disinfectant spray because believe me Lysol gets very expensive after a little while. I believe I replaced this once a week or so, but only a dollar so not too bad.

I bought plastic pillow cover from Wal-Mart I think. Actually slept without pillow throughout most of this. I also sprayed and wiped down every morning.

I bought plastic gloves from dollar store that I wore almost all day. Probably was a riot to a lot of people while driving in the streets, but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t letting myself come into contact with any new ones that might be on objects in my car or in my house. I made sure that to throw these away every time I touched something I thought could possibly have been contaminated. So needless to say I went through a lot of plastic golves.

Always had plastic bags for my laundry, trash(mostly napkins and plastic gloves).

I tried to confine myself to my room so I ate out I would say 99.99% of this time. I would mostly go to McDonalds and get a cheeseburger and a dollar salad. And buy like two of three of these for the day.

This was my regimen for many many months;

I limited my clothes I wore to 3 sets, and washed clothes every 3 to 4 days. I also limited what I used as blankets at night, 1 sheet.

This is what remedies I have tried;

Permitherin about 5 or 6 times. I took 1 dose that seems to help a lot but not all the way. Went back a week later and did it one more time. After that didn’t work I believe I tried it 3 times in a row, which still did not kill all. I also read online somewhere that they are getting more and more resistant to permitherin. And if you think about it, it make sense that they are suvivors, they have been around for a long long time.

After permitherin didn’t work, I tried vinegar

After vinegar didn’t work I tried Neem. I used the Neem lotion from Henry’s , now Sprout’s.

After neem didn’t work, I ordered some pure neem oil from eBay, along with coconut and olive oil.

After that didn’t work I decided I was going to try Ivermectin.

Ivermectin worked for me.

Luckily I live close to Tijuana, Mexico so I was able to take a trip down there and purchase Ivermectin, or Ivermectina in Spanish. I bought enough to take 3 weeks in a row. I did this and was cured, it was not instant, I had a lot of bumps and residuals still poping up from time to time, but this time I knew something was different. It took a month or two to really stop seeing new bumps form, but I heard it could take a while for all the scabies that died due to ivermectin to come out of skin, and while they are there still they show symptoms of iratation, i.e. rash.

Even to this day I get small little bumps pop up, but I pretty sure by taking the permitherin and ivermectin I probably picked up a small case of dermatitis or follicleitis.

Please ask any questions, I will try to help as much as possible, Please hang in there and remember things can and will get better!

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145 Replies

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  • Posted

    thanks for your story.  It looks like it was over a year ago so I don't know if this post will show up for general discussion.

    I think I have scabies. But like you mentioned I just don't know!  I've had symptoms for over 2 years. At the time I was working in a hotel and shared a chair with other employees as we all took turns filling in on switchboard. Several employees complained he was always stinky and didn't wash or clean his uniform. who knows if that's how I got this.

    I've been to doctors but I've gone back and forth about what I think it is.  Its mostly on my genital area, between legs and on my thighs, front and back, it varies.  Driving me crazy.  The itching is bad at night which is definitely a scabies symptom. But, I've been to a gynecologist, got a very painful biopsy done (its very sensitive in that area!) with no results. She thought I might have lichen schlerosus, a genital disease women (or men sometimes) get. Biopsy was negative. She gave me a cortisol cream and prescription anti histamine.  The cream helped. Went back for follow up and things had been better. It does seem to come and go some, never gone but seems to get better. I threw away the anti histamine because it made me sleepy 24/7.  She recommended Zyrtec so I've been taking that some times.  I took one tonight.  Last night was one of the worst nights ever!

    I also got a referral to see a dermatologist. He was an idiot. He didnt "see" any rashes. He didn't really want to look at my genitals but looked aat the back of my legs. "Nothing there," he said, "you'll have to come back when you have the rash."  Really?!!  His nurse did a patch test which was uncomfortable for a few days... but showed only that I'm allergic to nickel.

    I've tried coconut oil during times when I have "attacks."  (meaning it wakes me from a sound sleep)  I feel the itching and crawling randomly during the day too.  But its always worse at night. I've tried other things. Tea tree oil. Tonight I'm trying an olive oil mixture with tea tree and lavender.  Hopefully, that and the Zyrtec, I will sleep. Many days I have to come home and nap in a chair to get any rest.

    I thoroughly clean my bedroom, sheets, chairs I sit in.  And of course I launder my clothing frequently.

    I should probably make an appointment with my primary care dr and get the ivermectic and permethrin. Its very embarassing due to the location of the itching and suspected scabies. I just want it to be over.

    • Posted

      I cannot wrap my head around scabies for 2 years. Scabies was in my family and is gone now. It does not come and go. It gets worse and worse. My grand daughter had it untreated 2 months and it formed crusts. Do not use the treatments unless u know you have them. It works but is so hard on the skin!
    • Posted

      Hi Jamie,

      I was told by doctor that a scabacide like permitherin will only work on scabies. Although I had significant improvement with permitherin, the only thing that really worked was Ivermectin. Not sure if that is considered a scabacide or not but it did the trick for me. But I think it's 50% treatment and 50% preventative (cleaning, washing, etc...)

    • Posted

      Sounds like bird mites. They seem to get better when the adults die off but then the eggs hatch. They live and make eggs under the skin. I am on albendezole (for cattle), piperazine (for dogs) ivermectin and antibiotics. Good luck. Mesage me if you need to. 
  • Posted

    Taking iver also for mites, if i don't take 1 dose every day, crawly feeling starts back up. If i have to take it for 2 months i will, bites are all over and infected. Did you take everyday or once a week?
    • Posted

      I believe I took them once a week for 3 weeks. I'm pretty sure I added that in my initial post. If not, I apologize. I basically just followed what was advised by previous posters, you can search it, it's some type of mg/lb ratio you follow. The only thing I think I did differently was did them for 3 weeks instead of 2.

  • Posted

    Hi anthony, your story made me feel like I should share mine.

    Scabies is the worst thing that I've ever faced in my life, period. It was 3 months of PURE HELL when I suffered from scabies. It started in my fershman year in College. I was the patient zero (I still don't know how I got it) and from me it spread in a major portion of our dorm.

    Being extremely lethargic, did not go to see a doctor initially. I wasn't even aware that it was scabies, I thought its an allergy for a long time and hoped my immune system will take care of it and they'll fade away slowly. But weeks turned into a month and the same symptoms started developing in my roommate and a few close friends, who must've sitten on our bed.

    It was my roommate who went to see his dertmatologist and confirmed it was scabies. He started the course of treatment immediately. Meanwhile, I, who didn't hae any medical insurance planned to sit it out and man what a pathetic idea it was.

    Thankfully, they were in places that were all covered by clothes because this diesease can turn a bit nasty. The blisters appear majorly near genitals, hands, back and below the neck. The constant uncontrollable itch that worsened exponentially with time. There were only a few moments in the entire 24 hours in which I was not in a state of constant pain.

    The unthinkable happend in the third month when I felt a slight relief in my itch and in a matter of next 7-8 days it vanished completly along with the blisters and rash. Only the blood clots remained where the rashes were excessive. To this date I do not know what cured me as I took no medication whatsoever. Its possible im unable to recall if I had tried my roomates lotion once, but it was a week's course. I like to think my body developed antibodies against the mite.

    Whatever may be the reason, I learned a few helpful things from this dreadful experience. I became extra aware and extra careful of my personal hygiene and of the surroundings. I stopped taking small allergies for granted and became vigilant of my actions.

    This dieases renders you helpless like a dandelion, it was a deplorable situation. I wish a speedy recovery to all the patients of scabies, and really wish that no human being should and go through what I've gone through in scabies.

    • Posted

      I'm glad that you shared your story. I knew that if I was ever cured I would have to at least tell my story.

    • Posted

      I would like to say Thank You to anthony02031 and all the other posters that have contributed information for treating scabies. I cannot belive how many have suffered this horrible flesh attack of scabies. What a terrible and disgusting nuisance this little monster is. I do not wish scabies on anyone. Scabies of from the devil. My bout with this monster started 7days ago. I thought I had chiggers. I am a runner and next morning after a long run in Texas heat I woke with a few itchy red bumps around my elbow. By that evening I had a few more burning bumps. By the 4th day my forearms were covered with raised red bumps, itching burning and piercing my skin. Believe it or not I would not scratch the itchy burn. Instead I wouls rub it. On the 5th day, Friday June23 2017, I went to the doctor. She took one look and said Scabies. I almost fell over! I am a clean person! Obsessive Clean Person! She prescribed Permethrin and Hydroxyzine 25mg. for itching. The Hydroxyzine is excellent for itching and for taking a nap! Goodness do not take this medication if you are going to be away from your bed. This stuff is strong. Anyway, I used permethrin on friday night and woke up with every red spot on my body BURNING BURNING BURNING and itching soooo bad. I almost cried but I didn't! (You havent won Scabie!) I dealt with the burning itch all day yesterday. Took 2 hot showers before i went to bed last night. That hot water seemed to soothe my skin and calm the jumping beasts I guess. This morning, I have been confined to my room. I searched the internet and found your post anthony02031. I saw Ivermectin and sent my daughter to the FEED STORE to pick up a tube. I hesitated to take the medicine since it is for HORSES (and it's Apple Flavored) but I went for it. I DO NOT WANT to deal with this anymore! 

      I can't aford to be down and out, itchy scratchy or contagious! I have grandchildren to hug on and a Church to go to! I can't afford to be confined to my room and let these varmints have charge over my life! No way! I'm Praying these pests off of me and I feel better already! 

      I took the Ivermectin about 45 minutes ago. Still paying attention for side effects (this stuff is for horses!) The hospital is up the road from my house in case I gotta go!! But so far so good! Thank You Lord! 

      Hot Showers worked for me. The Hydroxyzine works for itching. I am using one sheet on my bed and one thin blanket. I am washing those everyday. I am not in contact with people right now so I am mindful of how contagious this is. Again, I do not wish this on anyone! I cannot imagine a child having to deal with this kind of pestilence. The burning sensation is quite unbearable. This is a form of suffering. I pray you all have the relief you need right away. anthony02031 Thank you for the advice. I have a follow up with my doctor tomorrow.

      Matilda in Texas.

    • Posted

      Matilda, did you ever find complete relief and cure from the Ivermectin? If so, how often did you take it? 
  • Posted

    My partner and I were both diagnosed w this 2 yrs ago. He doesn't itch but gets the bites. These also get on our dogs! The bites turn into painful blister zit looking boils. 1 or 2 not far each other. I havent seen a single black speck.

    Nor have I seen any skin rashes or grey or red burroeing lines. I itch on my shoulders, scalp, right below my bum, my legs, stomache, chest, neck. I get these bites on my ears, face, shoulders, arms, chest, scalp. Im constanting having green mucus tearing out my eyes, i have to use a needle to pop these things, because its tooo painful to wait for it open on it own. These facial ones dont itch. Ive used neem, permethrin 5 and 10 percent, ivernectin but I should have been given more, colloidal and coconut oil, apple cider, bleach, wood cider, allergy shots, dips!!!! I need to take a trip to mexico and get ivermectin!!!!!!!! I feel like jumping off a bridge! I cant keep putting with this. Doctors dont care! They even say that they dont go on scalp and face! Wtf dude then do a skin test dont try to tell me what I HAVE WITHOUT DOING ANY TESTS! Sorry you can block me. This stuff has ruined my life. Im just ready to give up

    • Posted

      Omg exactly!! After reading this now I definitely think I have scabies!!! Doctor told me it's not scabies because I said a single spot developed on my face! Also I'm getting the very same small single pimple like thing with clear liquid in it. But not much itching like u said your bf didn't have either!! Omg I'm freaking out now!! How quickly did bumps spread? Where did they spread?

    • Posted

      In the past, when I would "pop" a scabie, blood comes out. That's all they do is drink your blood (and lay eggs in rows that can be seen). Nothing clear, just blood. I still have them, but they're really tiny. You can read my post way below - "Val1254".

    • Posted

      Yes you are right. They look they black heads or zits but when you pop them (which is more painful that usual zits) only blood comes out and no white or black head or the stuff that usually comes out of zits

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