cured!!!! 100% real story/my story!!!

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This is my story. I am not completely sure how I got it or if I ever really had it. I did what some people might have also done, self diagnosed. If I could go back I would have definitely went to a dermatologist and demanded a skin scrape test, which would hopefully determine what exact skin condition I had. But I was convinced and still believe I had scabies.

It all started with a small patch of bumps that were on my right forearm. It was about 2 weeks before Christmas. I noticed the bumps after they started to itch a little, but didn’t think much of it. Then it seemed to appear on the other forearm. Not ever having something like this or even understanding the many possibilities, I just thought it was a simple rash. About 3 days later while sleeping, I woke up with a severe itchiness on the inside of both my thighs, then during the day it was like it disappeared. It happened the next day but seemed more severe, and the only thing that seemed to help was taking a hot bath and letting the water run over my thighs. Again in the morning it went away. After that night of basically no sleep and in the bath, I went on webMD and typed in all my symptoms and it came up with scabies as one of the possibilities, especially with the itching and scratching at night. At this point I was not sure what I should do. The next night was the same as the two previous nights but seeming to get more intense. But in the morning I woke up and noticed that it had spread all over my body. It was all over my arms, but not really on the hands. It was all over my back, on my chest and stomach, and all over my legs and on my feet. The weird thing about my lower legs like from the knee down, it that around each hair follicle it seem to have a red circle. At this point I went to a community urgent care. When I went they asked what I was there for, I told them a rash and that I thought I might be scabies. Of course me not knowing the nightmare of a condition it can be, I told them, and of course the treated me as if I had the plague or something. Knowing what I know now I can not really blame them. Needless to say they were very unhelpful, one of the nurses told me that simple lice shampoo would take care of the problem. So I took her advice and went to Rite Aid and bought some and put in all over my body. Of course as you all probably know, it takes a lot more than simple hair lice product to kill them. So after a couple days and a couple applications of Rid the head lice treatment with no results I decided to go to a real urgent care affiliated with a hospital. When I went in and told them what I thought I had, they didn’t treat much different from other patients in the waiting room. Even the doctor was pretty at ease with sitting in the room and talking with me, or at least it seemed as if he was. Anyway, he prescribed permitherin. I put it all over except my face. The next morning it actually seemed to help a lot. Also washed all my blankets pillows and all dirty clothes in hot water. And I grabbed my bike and went out for a ride, with scratch scars on my arms and legs, but I was cured. So I thought. It only took a couple days to realize that permitherin helped but did not kill or cure all. I found myself refilling my perscription 7 days later and reapplying it because even the package says it may need second dosage 7 days later. The second dose still didn’t kill or cure all.

I then found myself searching the web and reading and learning as much as I can about this. At this point I was convinced I had scabies because I even talked to a doctor and he told me if the scabicide worked even a little it only works on parasites and not skin conditions such as follicleitis and others that are commonly confused with scabies. As the saying goes IGNORANCE IS DEFINITELY BLISS! The more I read, the more I was horrified. Ever story of struggle with hardly and happy endings, was discouraging. I can not tell you how many posts and forum pages I read. I was determined to beat this.

This is what I bought;

I bought a plastic drop “cloth” from the dollar store to cover my mattress with. I would spray and wipe this down every morning with Lysol or some type of disinfectant spray because believe me Lysol gets very expensive after a little while. I believe I replaced this once a week or so, but only a dollar so not too bad.

I bought plastic pillow cover from Wal-Mart I think. Actually slept without pillow throughout most of this. I also sprayed and wiped down every morning.

I bought plastic gloves from dollar store that I wore almost all day. Probably was a riot to a lot of people while driving in the streets, but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t letting myself come into contact with any new ones that might be on objects in my car or in my house. I made sure that to throw these away every time I touched something I thought could possibly have been contaminated. So needless to say I went through a lot of plastic golves.

Always had plastic bags for my laundry, trash(mostly napkins and plastic gloves).

I tried to confine myself to my room so I ate out I would say 99.99% of this time. I would mostly go to McDonalds and get a cheeseburger and a dollar salad. And buy like two of three of these for the day.

This was my regimen for many many months;

I limited my clothes I wore to 3 sets, and washed clothes every 3 to 4 days. I also limited what I used as blankets at night, 1 sheet.

This is what remedies I have tried;

Permitherin about 5 or 6 times. I took 1 dose that seems to help a lot but not all the way. Went back a week later and did it one more time. After that didn’t work I believe I tried it 3 times in a row, which still did not kill all. I also read online somewhere that they are getting more and more resistant to permitherin. And if you think about it, it make sense that they are suvivors, they have been around for a long long time.

After permitherin didn’t work, I tried vinegar

After vinegar didn’t work I tried Neem. I used the Neem lotion from Henry’s , now Sprout’s.

After neem didn’t work, I ordered some pure neem oil from eBay, along with coconut and olive oil.

After that didn’t work I decided I was going to try Ivermectin.

Ivermectin worked for me.

Luckily I live close to Tijuana, Mexico so I was able to take a trip down there and purchase Ivermectin, or Ivermectina in Spanish. I bought enough to take 3 weeks in a row. I did this and was cured, it was not instant, I had a lot of bumps and residuals still poping up from time to time, but this time I knew something was different. It took a month or two to really stop seeing new bumps form, but I heard it could take a while for all the scabies that died due to ivermectin to come out of skin, and while they are there still they show symptoms of iratation, i.e. rash.

Even to this day I get small little bumps pop up, but I pretty sure by taking the permitherin and ivermectin I probably picked up a small case of dermatitis or follicleitis.

Please ask any questions, I will try to help as much as possible, Please hang in there and remember things can and will get better!

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145 Replies

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  • Posted

    Hi Anthony I'm going thrue the same think the itching all over my body is can't sleep I'm so stressed with this itching it gets me in a bad mood it's all they little bump be coming out in don't have medical insurance I really don't know what to do or buy.. can u please help me out...

    • Posted

      Hi Isabel,

      I'm really not sure how much more I could do other than let you know what worked for me. Did you read entire post? I know it's super long. If you didn't, basically Ivermectin finally worked for me.

  • Posted

    Hi everyone, and thank you Anthony for sharing your story.

    I first realized that I must have scabies after searching the internet for invisible bugs. I've been trained in the health field and so I knew how to look for bedbugs, etc. I think I caught it pretty early. I first noticed some intense itching while at work and then creepy crawly feelings as well. So I called the doctor and insisted on getting a script. I only got a few bites that looked like pimples, on my inner thighs, face, and one on an elbow. I've treated twice now with premethrin cream and once with ivermectin. I treated my dog the same day with advantage multi to get them off him, but I'm not sure when they will be completely off him, he's been itching more the past few days.

    So my big question for anyone here is, did you have biting sensation? That's the one reason why I am so sure I haven't gotten rid of them yet. The doctor said not to treat my face with the cream but I definitely felt them bite my scalp a few times today, so I think I will do that when I start the next treatment. I've read a lot about post scabies but I've heard nothing of biting sensations and I am just looking for people's input on that. Anyone sure they were cleared of scabies and still felt biting afterwards? I know I haven't been fighting this nearly as long as some people, but I was already depressed before and now I can't get rid of the suicidal thoughts. If I can't get rid of mites soon, I'm not sure how I'll keep living.

    • Posted

      I know the feeling well Anna. I've been trying to figure out if I have post scabies or not. 2 weeks ago I finished Ivermectrin and have tried chinese herbs topical and internal, neem oil lavender oil coconut oil in a spray topical. I've had these beasts 7 years ago and I know what they feel and look like. Dr said I had a mild case cause I caught it early. First time I had it for 8 months cause the Drs look at you like your crazy and they don't know a thing about scabies so they misdiagnosis. Anyway I've been extremely itchy with weird stinging sensations so I'm going to try Ivermectrin and premithren at the same time and see if I get any results. I hope nobody ever gets this stuff.

    • Posted

      Hi Anna,

      To be 100% honest, I'm not sure if I had the biting sensation post treatment, but I did have new bumps show up for a while afterward. Also, when I tried permitherin I did treat my face and tried to get it on my scalp and hair. The last doctor who prescribed permith told me he didn't see why the wouldn't be in there since they are basically invisible. Have you tried Ivermectin?

    • Posted

      I found out that a Lime Sulphur Dip cures the dogs. Both of my German Shepherds had it (I think that's where I originally got them). 1/4 cup of the dip + 1 gallon of water should do it. It took only one treatment for them. If you have a large dog, I would double or triple the dip and the water, accordingly. The dip can be bought at a feed store. It doesn't smell good, though. I've been told by my vet that  some dogs might lap some of it up, which is gross, but the vet told me it won't hurt them. I still didn't let mine drink it, though.

  • Posted

    What type of Ivermectin did you use? Was it paste for a horse?
    • Posted

      No, it was pill form. Fortunately, I live close to Tijuana so I went down there when no doctor would prescribe Ivermectin. I know you can order meds online from Canada, not sure about the legality of it, but if I didn't have the chance to buy some in Mexico, I would have definitely tried everything to get some. I'm not trying to promote anything frowned upon, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

  • Posted

    Wow, I am so glad I found this. I have been going thru this going on three years. Started w getting bumps that looked like zits. Individual onces along my neck. I was only itching the back bottom hairline duriing the day. I never had zit and gathered what I as finding on my neck could be adult acne!! Anyways then itching got worse and we have dogs that take over the bed. Also cats. One day I saw them all shaking their heads and they were all on flea meds and negativd for ear mites. I looked in their ears and saw what was a small red mite. A couple of them. Nothing like ear mites. I used ear solution and everything went haywire. My dogs were itching til they bled. They also got scales along the fur on their backs. Cats were getting scabs and a small form of skin flakes on their backs. Plus balding in small patches. Dogs would get small mites that made them itch til theyd bleed. Everyone was itching like crazy. I get tea tree oil and sulfur dip and nothing!!!!! I have no clue what the heck is going on. Vet says its allergies. No fleas, no mites, nothing. Right, I took them too late. I should have taken them when I first saw the symptoms. Now I wont know what it was. Mange?? Doubtful. I ended up having to put down three cats. It was dreadful to hear them cry from the itching. Especially since one was too big he couldnt scratch himself. The mites on his belly were small and red. They were even on his butt. The other had them so bad they were in their eyes, ears, crawling all over their face. Negative for lice, negative for mites again!!!! While sulfur dipping again I became infested with these things crawling up my arms and face. Only time I didnt wear gloves! Got the animals frontline plus iot calmes things down. I was dying!!!! I had them crawling in my ears, nose, legs, feet, back, face. It was horrible. My eyes wouldnt stop watering for dAys. I gained so much weight. If I took any meds i was suppose to take daily theyd end up all over where Id sit or lay. I became depressed and had to stop taking my adderall because when Id take it these things would itch me ten times worse. My eyes would burn and coninuously water green. I used 8 boxes of permethrin and 6 ivermectin the only relief was when permethrin stayed on where I was itching and the first time I took ivermectin. Id get bump like zits very painful on arms, back, face, scalp. I ended up havingn to shave my head because they were becoming infested on my scalp. Use head and shoulders it keeps you from getting greenish flakes. I had to get a microscope and saw what is called a scabies mite. My issue is the doctors dont see the bumps i popped and the dry skin on my face. It would end up going away for just so long and then come right back all over my face. Itd clear up once Id see a dr. Or if I had anything theyd say you need permethrin but wouldnt diagnose it. The deurmotologist was no good. He said its allergies and did the tests. I wasnt allergic to a thing. Didnt want to give me ivermectin. Gave me steroids that had me crawling out my skin!!!! Never did a skin scrape. Didnt listen to my symptoms. I skipped the animals. Didnt help, he was the only one my insurance let me see. Now two hrs away i have to hope the next person im going to see will take me seriously!!!

    • Posted

      Aw I feel for you. How are you now? You can order ivermectin for cattle or horses. Way cheaper and it is safe. I have not been able to kill them off my face and throat and I have been taking a lot of antiparastics. Have you figured out a way?
  • Posted

    Your so lucky! Ive been looked at ober and over and told no scabies wouldnt go there, its not scabies. My boyfriend doesnt itch so he thinks im dellusional. These things will crawl wherever they want. Face, scalp, feet, nose, ears, back, legs, stomache, shoulders, etc. no clue where I got them but I feel it was from someone infested that used our laundry unit. I came to find out only cold water was use at this complex i lived at. I was prescribed adderall all my life, well first i started itching in my ear, then my chin id get these cystic zits. Painful, i never grew up w those. Zits werent my enemies so i freaked. Theyll go on your lips too. Anyways the meds id take would dry up my system. So theyd crawl to anywhere that was most moist. Not dwn there, id use a pad and they went away. My eyes were their favorites. Causing them to tear me up w greenish mucus and Id feel them scatter after A while. Wake up with them stuck to my face where id drool, lol! Uggh! 10 times permethrin, twice ivermectin. yes your animals will get them. Yes they crawl to your scalp and face. Yes you can feel them biting u. Yes they are very tiny but the bites are
  • Posted

    I have had the same problem for about a year now. sometimes it gets better sometimes worse. I found that a bath in borax every day when itchy is intense of 2-3 when itching is less helps alot. also Raid Foggers seem to improve the bedroom which has a carpet and the bed. for some reason carpets and beds (unless covered in zippered bed bud and dust mite mattress protection) make me itch like crazy until i spray myself with DEET. It's like invisible spider are reproducing sooo fast and much that it's attacking me. i see alot of tiny lints with a  tail like extension but nothing moves.

  • Posted

    PLEASE HELP! I think I have scabies too! Exactly 7 days ago I developed a small cluster of 3 pumps on the top of my middle finger. I though it was a spider bite, it contained a clear liquid when I squeezed it. Later that day another small single bump developed on the same finger.. and by the next day I developed a cluster about the size of a quarter on my right inner forearm, 2 more single pumps on thumb on the other hand, 1 on the side of my breast, and what looked like a small patch under my eye. 2 days later a small cluster of 3 appeared on my stomach/side area. I went to the doctor on that day, by which point all single pumps on my hand had healed and all that was left was the patch on my arm and the smaller cluster that had developed on my stomach that morning. They didn't tell me much... only that they didn't believe it was scabies simply because of the locations. But I'm not buying that because I did have a couple bumps on my finger but not between the fingers. The doctor even ran his bare finger over the larger spot on my arm. But they never scraped off any skin to examine! I am now on day 7 and I feel like I just found 1 more single bump not far from the largest quarter sized spot on my arm. I'm reading that scabies is extremely itchy. I feel like I don't have itching unless I mess with the spot and irritate it... other than that i do not feel a burning desire to dig at it. However it does itch if I mess with it. I want to know how quickly do the bumps caused from scabies spread? Because I'm on day 7 from the first pump on my finger, but yet my body is by no means covered with bumps... it's still only the patch on my arm, the small cluster of 3 on my stomach area, and this newest single bump a few inches from the spot on my arm. If it is scabies, would my whole body be itching even if the bumps weren't visible? And would I be developing a lot of bumps day by day? I'm totally freaking out and I think it's scabies even though the doctor just looked at it and said he doesn't think so. Maybe my sypotoms just haven't gotten bad yet??? How long does it take for the symptoms to get worse? At what rate? Please any advice would help!! Thank you!

  • Posted

    Hey Anthony,

    A little curious astowhat the dosage of your ivermecton was at 3 times a week. How much did you take each time and was it one day dose per week or was it a two day in a row dose per week

    • Posted

      Ivermectin is to be taken once and repeated in 7-10 days. No more it's very bad for humans

    • Posted

      You can take ivermectin every day for a few months. It is often prescribed as such for very complicated strongyloids.

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