D mannose..Not Working.... and more..
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I have been suffering for a year now with UTI's....my bladder always feels like I have a UTI even when I come up negative...I take DMannose EVERY DAY and YES my infection is always Ecoli...the only antibiotic that seems to work is Levaquin...Cipro did nothing even though the strain was sensitive to it...same thing with macrobid...I also take Fem Dolpholis every day and oil of oregano pills...and calcium and magnesium....NOTHING seems to work..I wash and my husband does before and after sex...wipe front to back...all the usual I drink 50 oz of water a day..I have NO CAFFINE, NO SODA...nothing but water or seltzer water...
Any suggestions???
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lena33303 nnj925
jackie02994 nnj925
I just got over it after being on antibiotics and got it again this time I bought d mannose capsules and for two days took two 500 mg in the morning and every three hrs took just one capsules did this and before going to bed took two capsules I drank 2qts water per day
Then the rest of the week I took one capsules every three hours even thru the night today I gave up and went to urgent care they prescribed antibiotics again but I feel it's better to take them then risking this uti damaging my kidneys or worse hopefully this will be the last uti as I plan on taking g 1200 mg or
Two 500 mg capsules every ery day to prevent any more uti also taking cranberry capsules also asking Lord's blessings over all my medication
wendy62425 jackie02994
Hi Jackie
I see you posted 26 days ago. I hope this finds you UTI free. I too have been having recurrent UTI's. I am concerned that I have been taking too much CIPRO. I had UTI April 2 and have another one now and on CIPRO again until culture comes back.....and have been on it many other times hopefully not resistant. Have apt with urologist May 9. I did research on Natural remedies and came across the D-mannose. I see that you tried it....maybe you need to be on it longer for it to work?? I plan to order some and start taking it, I also read that taking a women probiotic is important. I too will ask for the Lords guidance and for healing.
Please let us all know how you are doing.
thank you
crystal11574 wendy62425
Hi Wendy,
I was having recurrant UTI I thought but out of 3 cultures only one had bacteria. Taking antibiotics for the twice that there was no bacteria was for nothing. My doctor changes my meds every other time from CIPRO to "Nitrofurantoin 100mg" brand name is "Macrobid" when there is bacteria. I have been taking a "Women's Multi Probiotic by Natural Factors", 12 billion active cells. I take it daily with yogurt, told the yogurt helped the probiotics work better. I have found that tylenol#3 and buscopan ( it's an antspasmodic) is the only thing that makes the pain and spasms go away for me. If it isn't a bacterial infection this is all I need. I don't know why it works but it does. My Uroligist has given me a standing order for a urin culture tobe done at the lab to make sure there is bacteria before I start taking an antibiotic. I was told by my new uroligist that a product called
"Prelief" is a over the counter med that can reduce the acid in food and will lessen the affect on the bladder pain. Again this is not found in Canada so I have to have someone bring me some this summer. Not sure if any of this will be helpful to you. I am grateful to know there are others who suffer this and can sympathize with the pain this causes. Some of us have family that think this pain we have is just in our heads and so it makes it worse that we are not believed.
I hope you find something that works for you and that your doctors are helpful although most uroligists are men and really have no idea what we go through.
roxann15550 nnj925
Hello All,
I guess misery loves company as I am here for all the same reasons you are, cronic uti's. Mine are strictly related to when I have intercourse. It doesn't matter how clean I am, if I pee before and after I get a uti everytime. I am 45 and have had them for about 5 years now. My dr has given me countless rounds of Macrobid which in term has messed with my ph and caused yeast infections, digestion issues, candida which I had never had before. I have spent thousands of dollars on suppliments including things like D Mannose , Cranberry, Silver, Probiotics and have yet to come up with anything other then Macrobid that will keep the infections at bay. I have ordered the Hiprex and will try that next. Any pointers or feedback I truly appreciate. I have been to infection control Dr's and Urologist and they can't find any abnormalities. I have altered my diet to take out all dairy and gluten but truly am at a loss what more I can do.
MegT roxann15550
roxann15550 MegT
crystal11574 roxann15550
Hi Roxann15550.
Do you have IC, Intersiistal cystitis?
I think I do and am seeing my second uroligist now, the last one was an ass. No Idea of a womans pain with this. I have been to an allergist to see what I might be sensitive to and cranberry I know isn't a help for me. I have all the pain of an ITU but no bactreia so antibiotics don't help. I am going to try "Butterfly pads for bowel leakage" I know I'm keeping my self clean but this is still a problem so maybe this can help.
I have found that all the days activities, walking lifting causes pain by the end of the day. I take a pain, muscle relaxant combination if it's not too bad and if I think it's going to be I take a tylenol #3 and a buscopan, after about 45 mins I'm back to my best normal. Not all gone but better. I'm doing elimination of foods to see what might set things off. No chocolate, citrus, caffine, soda because of the bubbles, crandberries are a killer for me. I've been told the d mamnose could help so I'll try that next. It would be nice if the cost of these things were covered or at least not so expensive, especially when they don't always work and we're stuck with them. In my area I an thinking of starting a support group where others like me can get together for support and maybe share information and the drugs that help or don't help. This way we are helping each other.
Check out the IC web site it might help you, if you haven't checked it out already.
Good luck, we all need some!
nichole74458 nnj925
I know this post is a bit old, but I had visited it a while ago with similar symptoms and wanted to share what I learned.
Do you and your husband use condoms during sex?
I ask because if not, it may not be a constant infection. I learned with my boyfriend that the tiny hairs on his shaft and up to his pubic region were literally leaving micro cuts on my urethra, causing lots of inflamation. Sometimes it would just be the inflamation that caused the constant symptoms or sometimes the inflamation caused bacteria to get trapped and it was an infection.
I used D-Mannose, camomile, slippery elm, marshmallow root, cranactin... You name it. What ended up helping was two fold:
1. My boyfriend began waxing his shaft and his pubic hair, anything that came in contact with my skin. And when it begins to grow back we use a boxers and condom combo until it can be waxed again (usually just a few days of the boxers/condoms).
2. I got a big time filter for my shower and bathtub getting rid of the chlorine in the water. This helped almost immediately.
I still urinate immediately after intercourse, and if I hold my bladder longer than I should I know a UTI is looming. But for the constant, day to day misery that I felt - it's gone. I take 1,000 mg of D-Mannose every now and then but sometimes I forget and still all is well.
Hope this helps. It really helped me. If your spouse is opposed to waxing, they make numbing cream and you don't feel a thing. But having a non abrasive penis and pelvic area is what changed the game for me.
esther43900 nnj925
Thanks for all the info. A couple of summers ago I had uti most of the
summer and got various types of antibiotics until eventually the last one
I am 66 yr old and have had lots of uti's over the course of life.
Last week I felt one coming on again and because I am trying desperately to
Remain free of antibiotics, I did my own research. After a week I feel almost
Back to normal. I increased water intake, used freshly squeezed lemon slices
In 28oz water at least 2 or 3 x a day.. crushed garlic (2-3cloves with a bit of
honey) took that 3x day.
Yes you can smell me.!
I also had 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar with honey in hot water every evening.
I also drank a glass of water with half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda
once ever day. I also was aware of everything I ate. I eliminated all processed
sugar. I discovered that lemon which is acidic turns to alkaline when
processed by the body. I am taking olive leaf capsule and another that has
hibiscus extract, cranberry and D mannose, twice daily. It has taken a week
with all these combinations, and I see a vast improvement. I will continue my
regiment for another week and see what happens.
wendy62425 esther43900
I hope this finds you well with no UTI!
crystal11574 nnj925
Hi There,
From what you have said, I hope you have been to a uroligist for a proper diagnosis ( sorry no spell check here for me)
I have "interstitial cystitis" and so might you.
This is a non curable bladder disorder mostly affecting women.
I have all the feelings of an UTI but when a urine specimen is sent to the lab there is no bacteria so antibiotics do not work.
I have not used the med you have just mentioned.
When I feel a session coming on I take a tylonol 3, a buscopan and hope that that will settle the feelings. most times for me it does unless it is an infection and then an antbiotic is what's needed, as well as something for pain until it does.
If you google this you might find what you are needing to help yourself.
It's a very painful condition for sure.
I haven't tried d-mamnose yet but I'm looking at it.
I hope you find something that helps as we are all different and what works for one might not for the next person.
ashlyn_40039 nnj925
I'm so sorry for your misery. Maybe you have interstitial cystitis. The treatment is instilling DMSO. It could also be a urethritis that is making you susceptible to the e coli. Urethritis is caused by atypical bacteria such as mycoplasma hominis or ureaplasma urealiticum. The treatment is 10 days of doxycycline.
- - a nurse practitioner
crystal11574 ashlyn_40039
I will look up the information you have given me, as I am willing to try most things if they are affordable or speak to my doctor if it's a treatment through them. Thank you for the info.
cy73083 nnj925