Dealing with pain and depression after total knee replacement

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Hi everyone!

i was so happy to find this discussion group! I am 3 weeks post op after a total knee replacement on my right knee. The depression has finally hit me. Never feeling pain free, not sleeping well at night, being dependent on someone else to get me to PT or grocery shop has really gotten me down. I'm not one to cry, but today the tears came pretty easy. I too have the burning that everyone here talks about. My physical therapist said that's the nerves that are healing. After doing my exercises I find it easier to walk with less of a limp, however it doesn't take long and my knee stiffens right up again. The hospital sent me home with this great ice machine so I'm not having to use ice packs like others have talked about. I just put 4 bottles of frozen water in this machine and then fill it with water up to the water line. Put the top back on and plug it in. It has tubing that runs from the machine to the pad that you strap to your leg with attached Velcro. The pad is shaped to form to your thigh right above the knee and the start of the calf right below the knee. This machine has been a blessing! Once the bottles thaw out, I exchange them with 4 frozen bottles from the freezer so I'm never without ice. The machine circulates that cold water constantly so you have and even amount going to your whole surgical area. Icing is great but sometimes I feel stiffer than if I don't use it at all. I'm taking Percocet for the pain and it helps to some degree but doesn't take all the pain away. I can't take codine, Vicodin or morphine because they make me so sick. But I'm wondering how all of you are dealing with the depression that comes along with all the pain? I'm a very independent person and not having any family that live close by makes me rely on one other person to run errands or take me to PT. I'm so tired of always sitting with my legs up or sleeping with a pillow between my knees so I can lay on my side at night. The lack of sleeping for more than an hour at night before the pain wakes me up and I get myself in another position to sleep is wearing on me. Can someone more than 3 weeks out of post op show me that there is light at the end of the tunnel?? So many people that I've talked to that had this done years ago say it's the best thing they've ever done. I'm certainly not feeling that way right now. If you asked me today if I'd do this again my answer would be absolutely not!!! But I'm sure weeks from now I'll feel totally different. Someone please tell me that I won't always regret doing this. I knew it was going to be a tough recovery, but I didn't realize that 3 weeks after surgery I'd still be feeling like this. I know I'm improving because I see the changes when I'm doing my exercises at home. Something that was so difficult a week and a half ago is much easier to do now. I guess I just want someone who's surgery is maybe 6 weeks out to say "it does get better, this is how it is fir me now". Something, anything positive. I'm happy I found this site and I pray I get a response to my posting. Good luck to all of you! I know we'll all make it through this tough process.

Sue (from Wisconsin)

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  • Posted

    Hi Sue yes it will get better stick with it .I know exactly how you feel I was where you are and having all the same feelings . I have had both knees done 6 months apart  sept 15 and jan 16 . I went through a period thinking it would never get better it does . As you can see it's a year and nearly a year for second knee you will get there give yourself time don't try to do to much to quickly . Good luck and it will get better I promise .

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      You're such a trooper for having both knees done. I honestly don't think I ever want to go through this again. Thank you and good luck to you!

    • Posted

      Hi. I have a question. I had my knees done 4 months apart.  I walk better seems every day.  April 6 16 and aug 24 16. I still have some bad days. My real issue is the first knee bothers me now more than the aug knee. Some time it hurts to turn over in bed and gets that weird feeling at night as if I am lying on something under my knee. I don't know if u call it numbness.  Also like something heavy in my knee. The newer one feels more as if it is part of me. I no longer go to pt and these feelings were not as bad when my Dr released me.  May be it is because of compensating for the new knee.  It's mostly on the outside of my knee. I am overweight and 64. 

  • Posted

    I cried and cried. From pain, depression, loneliness, isolation, feeling sorry for myself. I just couldn't help it. Each day I seemed to cry a little less though. Its a horrible operation. You don't realize how being fairly immobilized ruins your life! I felt better when I was trying to do everyday tasks. Such as bathing, getting dressed. Straightening up my couch area, putting on my makeup on a good day. Some of it is due to lack of sleep too. Nap often. I suffer from bipolar anyway and when I get depressed it's really bad. I had Xanax. That helped! I watched shopping channels a bought new stuff. Shoes of all things! And Sue when you can give yourself a pedicure that will lift your spirits! A milestone. Resign yourself to the fact you'll be pretty laid up during the holidays. Can your helper put up some decorations? That will make you happy. God bless and know everyone goes through this. You may want to reach out to your Primary doctor for some Xanax. It does help you stop crying and you'll just get tired and take a nap.

    • Posted

      Thanks Renee, and I wish you the best of luck. I'm hoping this passes soon, today just happened to be a really bad day. I've been nauseous for 3 days now, don't know why that's happening but that's made everything worse. Take care!


  • Posted

    This will help...

    ...especially the Post Op Depression Section.  It's all normal which is to say "it sucks".  Very tough recovery but doable if you focus on healing and not the pain.  Stay strong; do the work.  It pays off...

    • Posted

      HI CHico. I had both my knees done within 4 months of each other. First one done in April. My first knee started bothering me about a month after the last. I thought it was because of compensating, but now it has been 7 months on the first an it still bothers me at tomes. The new knee is better. In the evening I get the tight band feeling on the outside of the knees but the more recent is not as bad the weird feeling when touching the sheets. Plus the older pops, and depending how I turn it when lying down, it sometimes feels a little detached although I know better. My new one feels as though it's almost a part of me and normal. The rom is still good in both knees. Maybe it's because I am 64 and over weight with arthritis pain in my back and I shouldn't try to go so much.   sorry to bother you again. By the way my ortho didn't set a new apt last visit and said call if I need him. Thanks. Sandy

    • Posted

      "the weird feeling when touching the sheets..."

      Just nerve sensitivity.  Try wrapping it loosely in a ACE bandage or get a knee compression sleeve at the store.  Works great for sheets and against clothing.

      I'm 69.  My daughter put me on something called "slim"...lost 57 pounds.  The less weight, the less pressure on the knees.

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      Wow Chico.  Good for you.  I'm not overweight, but the feeling is the same.

  • Posted

    Yes Sue it does get better, i tried to sit outside as much as possible to get some fresh air. Also do some reading that helps too, the depression is normal, i had a total and going in for a revision in 4 days so i will be in the same boat as you, maybe we can keep each other sane.  Hugs and speedy recovery
    • Posted

      Good morning April and Happy Thanksgiving!

      i wish you the very best when you go back in for your revision. I'm not really sure what that is (are they replacing joints?) but I'll be here waiting to see how you're doing. I'm hoping today will be a better day, that the nausea won't get to me again and have me back in bed. It's not that I'm taking pain pills without eating, I always make sure I eat first. But they did cause me to not be able to go to the bathroom and when I finally did, well then my IBS flared up. I spent two days in the bathroom. You get to where you don't want to eat because you can't handle going to the bathroom one more time. So now I'm having problems eating and the acid in my stomach is horrible. If I can just get past this I'm sure I can deal with the pain again. I'll be thinking of you with your surgery, let me know when it is. Keep in touch and thank you for responding.


    • Posted

      Happy Thanksgiving to you too, on a revision they go in and take out the old implant and clean up the area and put a new one in and anchor it with rods in femor and tibia, and praying they i do not have any bone loss.  I wll keep you in my prayers and keep you posted.
    • Posted

      Oh oh my gosh, that's the same as the original replacement. How to you keep a positive attitude knowing this time what's in store for you? You are one positive person and for that I truly look up to you. I don't know you at all but I'll keep you in my prayers.

  • Posted

    Hi Sue!

    Happy Thanksgiving!💕

    Happy "Done with surgery and into recovery!"

    My therapist had that machine you speak of, and it REALLY HELPED the swelling I experienced early on! Does yours also COMPRESS the area then loosen periodically? That was helpful for me.

    The healing process with TKR is NOT a steady, linear event as we all are used to in healing. It is very sporadic and can drive one CRAZY! A good day is often followed by several " Oh my goodness" days where resting, or TRYING to rest is about all you can manage.😰

    Take heart!

    It DOES get better!🙌😁😊🙌

    You are still very early in the process.

    Around nine weeks I managed to sleep on my side. That helped. Around 12 weeks I slept four hours IN A ROW! It gets better. It just gets better S-L-O-W-L-Y!!!!

    Keep going with PT.

    REST when you can. NAPS throughout the day were what got me through!

    Eat well. Keep hydrated. Don't overdo it on exercising, but stretch throughout the day. Walk around in the house. Walking in bare feet helps you feel the surface easier and helps you get a better gait.

    Sending prayers of calm and strength and love to you today!💟

    Left TKR June 2015

    Right TKR October 2015

    Welcome to our KNEE CLUB!😊

    • Posted

      Happy Thanksgiving to you too Cheryl 😊

      I was doing ok just dealing with the pain right up until I started feeling sick. It started with not being able to go to the bathroom (pain meds), and then it turned into a bad flare up of IBS. When that gets really bad the last thing you want to do is eat because you can't handle even one more trip to the bathroom. So because I've barely been able to eat the stomach acid is making me feel sick to my stomach almost constantly. If I could just get beyond this I'm sure I'd be feeling a lot better. I've been sleeping on my side for over a week now, but only with a pillow between my legs. I just can't sleep on my back. It's still not a restful sleep, I may sleep for an hour and then I'm finding a new position. The lack of sleep gets one down very easy, but I think it's just sitting here day in and day out that's the hardest for me. I will get through this I know, but it's people like you that just make it a little bit easier. Thank you and enjoy the holiday.


    • Posted

      Hi Sue!

      Old fashioned oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar and some milk helped my stomach. It also provides good fiber to help with any bowel issues. Yogurt has been my biggest help for years. It especially helps after a colonoscopy or diahrrrea.

      Sleep remains challenging for many of us! I've always been a light sleeper, and pain and/or stiffness from arthritis wakes me often, too. Keep reminding yourself that your body has been through A LOT! Healing takes a year or more even though the body begins to heal right away. There are so many tissues involved with this surgery!

      I found that moving around the house every hour really helped. Sitting was challenging due to the difficulty getting up and down. My shoulders ached for MONTHS aftery knee surgeries --probably due to all the pressure I put on them getting up and down from chairs. Even leaning on a walker or cane can cause your shoulders to hurt!

      Try to distract yourself. I would clean a drawer or a shelf. I would read or get working on my family tree. ANYTHING to get the focus AWAY from the aches and pains, stiffness, and feeling down that knee surgery can deliver.

      Keep us up on your progress, ok?

    • Posted

      Thank you for your advice! I've been eating a lot of yogurt the last couple of days. Actually yesterday (Thanksgiving) was the first day I've had in almost 3 days where I honestly felt pretty good. Thank you again and I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving smile

    • Posted

      Hi Sue!

      Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better! Glad that you are noticing the positive effects of yogurt! Bless those little active cultures!😁

      We had a GREAT Thanksgiving! Our 14 month old granddaughter was just cracking us up all day! We were all watching our youngest son's wedding pictures on our flat screen TV, and Arya would stop in front of the TV when there were people posed and smiling. She'd smile, too! Then she'd look BEHIND the TV to try to find the people!

      When she sees me with my phone, she wants up so we can do SELFIES. She likes to push the screen to take the photos! BIG FUN!

      TAKE CARE!

      Eat more yogurt!

      Keep in touch!😊

    • Posted

      Hi there, I’m Day 31 of my left TKR. Your words were comforting, Cheryl. I’ll have some decent days and others where all I want to do is sleep. I’m getting my right one done in another month. Trying to keep my chin up. I definitely have many days where I am stir crazy and want to crawl out of my own skin. 

      Thank you for the encouragement and reminder that this is not a linear process. 

    • Posted

      Hi Nora!

      So happy to hear that I could be of help! 😄 I've had two C-sections and a Myomectomy and several periodontal surgeries. NONE of these were the rollercoaster that the total knee replacements were, BUT when you consider how invasive the knee replacement surgeries ARE, it just stands to reason that the body is going to say, " Hey, WAIT! Be patient with me! I have gone through A LOT, you know!!!"😬😵?😖🙄😄

      We humans are REALLY IMPATIENT BEINGS! We want to be done. We want to move on with things. Then KNEE REPLACEMENTS remind us that our body has its OWN time schedule! Oh, YES!

      I kept a journal and wrote down every feeling, every thought, every bit of progress every day no matter how small. It really helped me. I would read previous entries weeks later and be amazed at how much more I could do just given more TIME to heal.

      The ups and downs ARE frustrating. The good news is that EVENTUALLY there ARE more and more UPS!!!😁

      Take care!

      Keep in touch!

      Be strong, and above all be PATIENT with yourself!

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