Desperate: Anal fissure- BOTOX treatment
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Good Afternoon everyone,
I know there are a few posts about this topic already and believe me, I have read all of them. Most dating from 2010. Anyways, a little about me. The week my daughter was born, I had a large BM (I was taking blood pressure meds and Percocet from a c-section), both very constipating. I had no idea that I was supposed to take stool softeners after delivering or anything. Anyways I ripped really bad. I have had some terrible experiences. A few times I went for a jog and my rectum spasmed and I reopened. Another time I decided to only eat soup, there was corn kernels in it- I ripped tremendously from the corn kernels!! If I don't poop liquid, I reopen. Anyways, Insurance was giving me a very tough time until I finally got to see a colorectal surgeon after six months of extremely bad rectal pain! I scheduled my BOTOX injection as soon as I could, which was today. I am in extreme pain! Most of the posts from this forum people say they were pain free?!
Please please tell me about your experiences. Any information about Botox or LIS or self healed would be extremely appreciated.
Thank You!
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So updates: It has been ten days since my BOTOX procedure. Lately I have felt like the pain to be very very deep and like my coccyx bone feels sore? I suppose that is the best way to describe it. I am feeling very hopeful though, perhaps not for this procedure, but perhaps the LIS.
As I mentioned in my first post (prior to the BOTOX), I have accidentally reopened my fissure. But usually I take my laxatives and give it two days and the bleeding stops and the healing process starts again and I heal a little bit until I jog or eat corn or something and my fissure rips again. ANYWAYS, the reason I bring this up again is because at this moment, I have very sharp pain from the procedure. It could be because my Surgeon burned the fissure to prevent it from ripping. The original post-surgery swelling and crazy bleeding stopped. But I am still experiencing this really bad pain. I was trying to figure it out and the only thing is because my surgeon burned the area and that’s what I am feeling? The pain lasts throughout the day and is probably about a 5-6 on a painscale of 10. So not tooooo bad, but definitely can feel it. It is still extremely painful to have a bowel movement. It still feels like glass, but I am not having any bleeding. So therefore I know it is not the fissure opening, again, why I think it is possibly the burn.
My bowel movements has been very soft and great consistency. I have been walking every day and started juicing (I don’t want too much fiber and I need the nutrients). I am still taking my sitz baths and rubbing the cream.
Two days ago, out of nowhere I developed a very painful skin tag right outside the opening of the anus. I have skintags from pregnancy on my upper thigh, but it has absolutely no feeling. But the one that I developed two days ago on my anus is very hard and verrrrry painful, unfortunately it happens to be in a very bad spot.
Well, these are just a few updates from the Botox if someone in the future is curious as to what to expect.
For those of you who had the LIS, I always hear about “immediate relief” from the surgery, I am just curious, how immediate? Like is there swelling and bleeding? How did the surgery go? What to expect?
mmarcus151910 lee65521
In my case, I wouldn't describe as immediate relief. However, you do notice the pain descrease significantly. A lot of the pain is due to the sphincter muscle spasming, and having it not spasm is what provides the relief as the pain associated with it spasming is gone.
Riri000 lee65521
Sorry to hear about the pain - I know it's so miserable and depressing
I had my Botox 8 days ago and so far I guess it's going well as the pain is nothing like it was ! During my surgery I also had a skin tag polyp removed from the inside which basically because the muscle was in spasm prevented the skin growing over the tear and that's why they grow as skin tags - it sounds like maybe maybe your Botox isnt relaxing your sphincter and maybe you need more units because with the Botox the only pain should be passing the stool because it scratches over the tear / I hope everything works out for you !!
lee65521 Riri000
Riri, I am happy to hear that you have some sort of relief from the botox. It didn't do anything for me but make things worse. I was bleeding soo bad and the pain was.. forget it. For your botox treatment did your Physician burn the fissure? My husband told me after the procedure, I had the fissure burnt to prevent it from spreading. Anyways that burn feeling was sooo excrutiating for about 12 days post Botox.
I saw my surgeon yesterday and I will be getting the LIS on Monday. I hope it goes well.
How is everyone doing?
Riri000 lee65521
Sorry to hear and I hope it goes well for you fingers crossed ! I'm 14 days out now and honestly I have no more pain ! This Botox has allowed my fissure to heal ! Even looking at it I can see it's healing it's only just so itchy hehe but I'm great ful!
only thing I'm scared for now is what it will be like when the Botox wears off 
lee65521 Riri000
Riri000 lee65521
Thankyou so much
I even can poo harder stools now so I'm almost back to normal hehe I'm not sure where u are located but I'm in Sydney Australia and tomorrow is Monday the day of your surgery !!! So good luck hoping you have a almost pain free recovery xx 
jodie39496 Riri000
Do u have an update on ur situation now? Did u need more botox? Im debating if i should go down that road
sarah71770 Riri000
lee65521 sarah71770
I am not sure about Riri, but when I had botox I had major pain until about three weeks out. Hopefully it will be less. I think I never healed that is why I was in so much pain, as opposed to someone like Riri, who maybe healed so wasn't in pain. The botox didn't do anything for me.
hayley77100 lee65521
Sorry to hear your in so much pain, I have been suffering with a chronic fissure for 18months now, bloody nightmare, first they thought it was piles so banded them but was will in pain after a bm, so last month I was booked in for Botox it was about 3 weeks ago now and I have noticed the pain is much better and doesn't last for as long, thank god! My days are no longer planned around me needing the loo... it hasn't stopped completely but I'm getting there...
i really feel everyones pain it's the worst feeling ever and it does make u depressed, I'm preying it heals, I'm due back next month for a check up so will see what happens next... what is LIS I thought I had read every option for fissures but not heard of this x
how are u feeling now Lee xxx
mmarcus151910 hayley77100
sarah71770 hayley77100
aimee10580 lee65521
I am in very bad pain tonight and was wondering if this is normal and how long does it last
I took some pain meds but they r not working..
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Sammy_12 aimee10580
lee65521 aimee10580
Hey Aimee, I am sorry to hear about your pain. Unfortunately my fissure pain after the Botox lasted at least two weeks. I guess when they put the probe/stretch the area, I don't know if that exacerbates the already torn skin or what, but I am sorry to tell you that for me, it was pain for a long time. I really hope you feel better.
lee65521 Sammy_12
Sammy, I am so sorry to hear about that pain you are feeling. I don't recall exactly but as I was telling Aimee, I think the way they stretch the skin during the procedure will make you feel a lot worse before you feel better (if you feel better at all) I never got any relief from the botox, honestly. But I read that plenty of people do.
jodie39496 aimee10580
How are u now? Pain gone? Any bad side effects? Just wsnt to know more about botox thanks
ken47595 Sammy_12
Hi, I had a total collectomy (large intestine removed) and internal pouch (j pouch), made from the end of the small intestine in 1993.
Since then I have had severe spasming from anal tightness.
I found B&O suppositories, and they have been a godsend. Although I do not have what everyone else has, the symptoms and pain are identical.
I do have constant fissures due to the tightness, and one side is painful, the other is not. Once I insert the suppository, I wait 20 minutes and the pain is gone.
My attacks were so severe they were treated with morphine. Now, I use these suppositories and they are amazing! If you can get your physician to prescribe them, they will reduce the pain.
I also use Metamucil, but I use it concentrated as a thickening agent, as I do not have the same “process” as everyone with a large intestine.
Sammy_12 lee65521
sarah71770 Sammy_12
lee65521 Sammy_12